73 research outputs found

    The remote configuration of devices within home entertainment networks

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    This thesis examines home entertainment network remote configuration solutions. It does so by inspecting four home entertainment networking solution specifications - HAVi, Jini, AV/C and UPnP. Two of these (AV/C and UPnP) are implemented partially for a system allowing a TV to configure an AudioNideo Receiver (AV/R) remotely on the network (a process known as remote configuration). The two implementations are then more closely investigated and several implementation differences in the approach between the remote configuration method of device configuration and other methods of device configuration are discerned. These different approaches are then categorised into one of two theoretical models of communication for configuring devices on home entertainment networks - the Rendering model and the Programmed model. By classifying a particular method of device configuration into one of the two models, manufacturers can quickly determine the inherent strengths and weaknesses of that methodKMBT_363Adobe Acrobat 9.54 Paper Capture Plug-i

    Brain Computer Interfaces for inclusion

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    Improved eventing protocol for universal plug and play

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    UPnP is a widely-spread connectivity standard, which allows networked devices to cooperate in an autonomous fashion by using functionality found on the network. In this article we validate UPnP as a service-oriented architecture. We identify shortcomings of the standard and propose solutions. In our view, eventing is the weakest mechanism in UPnP technology. We propose extensions to the existing eventing protocol in UPnP, which allow overcoming identified problems. We compare our solution with standard UPnP with respect to performance

    Carbook: A Platform for Mobile Automotive Services

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    Wireless mobile technologies have triggered a rapid development of secondary network technologies. One such prominent field of technology is interoperability for consumer devices. This field is mostly based on XML and Web Services and it includes technologies such as Universal Plug-and-Play, open media container formats, open codecs and Rich Internet Application technologies for mobile devices. Automotive field has been relatively slow and conservative in embracing these new Internet technologies. This is about to change as European Union and other substantial players are pressing forward with the safety and environmental technologies in cars. These technologies depend heavily on wireless Internet connectivity. As part of this thesis work, I have played a central role in defining the core concept of a distributed framework for mobile automotive services, Carbook System. I have also outlined the first phase of a shared research environment, Carlab, for these kinds of services. Carlab is used to demonstrate different technologies in accordance to Elektrobit’s vision for the future automotive Internet services. Carbook System will be implemented incrementally jointly with the continuation of the Carlab implementation. In this master of science thesis I have mapped and evaluated the essential technologies and created a preliminary outline for Carbook System and a set of services. The first phase Carlab network topology and emulation of different domains in Carbook System are also drafted in this thesis work

    Opening the Home. A Web Service Approach to Domotics

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    Concepts for an intuitive user interface for DLNA using NFC technology

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    Consumption of digital media is dramatically increased by the development of conventional connectivity technologies and the advent of home entertainment appliances. The evolution of networking technology, hardware development and advanced services leads to an increased sophistication of device manipulation and long learning curves for average users. DLNA standardizes the interoperablity between media devices over a framework. With the help of personal handheld devices and smart phones, a ubiquitous media network is formed at home or on the road. NFC is a radio technology bridging physical and digital world, which is now widely deployed in a varied number of application scenarios to ease Human-Computer Interaction. This master thesis proposes a system architecture based on the confluence of DLNA architecture and NFC technology to facilitate simple, intuitive and impromptu interaction with media devices. This NFC-enabled DLNA Communication system architecture defines a communication model which delivers the vision of NFC as the enabler of DLNA control and communication, a network model, a set of diverse device functional components, a set of dedicated devices and baseline principles of system architecture. Based on the generic system architecture, a research is explored on A/V and image media sharing, UI retrieval, media uploading/downloading and print document application fields. Six use cases are proposed, they share the properties and principles defined in the system architecture and additionally they maintain their own use case specific features and their proprietary NFC data formats. Among them two use cases are explained in more detail. One use case, A/V Handover, delivers a consistent "tap and exchange" scenario. The other use case, Control Handover, grants users an instantaneous access to the control UI. A prototype implementation between smart devices or home appliances are presented showcasing an instantaneous, rapid and spontaneous media sharing and management application. Following the design paradigm presented in this thesis, more use cases in specific application fields are easily to be implemented

    Home Automation and Transparent Data Transmission Using Single-Medium Network Concept

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    Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena on esitellä uusi yleiskäyttöinen tietoliikenneverkko läpinäkyvää tiedonsiirtoa ja kotiautomaation ohjaussovelluksia varten. Tietoliikennealusta nimeltään Wiseriver on ubiikki (kaikkialla läsnä oleva) langallinen parikaapeliverkko, joka on suunniteltu vastaamaan kaikenlaisiin yksittäisiin tiedonsiirtotarpeisiin kodeissa ja rakennuksissa. Teknologia perustuu konfiguroitaviin protokollariippumattomiin tiedonvälitysresursseihin, joita kutsutaan käsitteellä virtual wire (virtuaalinen johto). Opinnäyte alkoi yleiskatsauksella vastaavanlaisiin jo markkinoilla oleviin teknologioihin, jonka jälkeen seurasi tarkempi perehtyminen Wiseriver-järjestelmän toiminnassa käytettäviin tiedonvälitysperiaatteisiin. Keskeisin osuus opinnäytteen tekemisessä oli näiden Wiseriver-toimintojen implementointi FPGA:lla. Implementaatio sisälsi RTL-koodausta, simulointia ja logiikkasynteesiä. Kaksi erillistä, mutta samankaltaista FPGA-toteutusta toimivat ohjaimina Wiseriverin isäntä- ja liitäntäsolmuyksiköiden prototyyppiversioissa. Kokonainen Wiseriverin järjestelmäprototyyppi puolestaan toimii perustana kehitettäessä järjestelmää edelleen pilottikohteeseen. Simulaatio- ja testaustyön lopputuloksena syntyi perustoteutus, joka kykenee välittämään läpinäkyvästi Ethernet-pohjaista liikennettä ja hallitsemaan yksinkertaista valo-ohjaussovellusta. Simulaatiotulokset ja ajoitusraportit osoittavat että toteutus toimii myös valmisteilla olevassa prototyyppilaitteistossa. Wiseriver-järjestelmän prototyyppivaihe sisältää useita eri tahtiin eteneviä osakokonaisuuksia sisältäen esimerkiksi piirilevy- ja ohjelmistosuunnittelua. Jatkokehitystä ajatellen on myös jo olemassa suunnitelmia järjestelmän laajentamiseksi edelleen.The purpose of this thesis is to present a new universal communication network for transparent data transmission and control applications used in home automation. The communication platform called Wiseriver is a ubiquitous wired twisted-pair network that is designed to meet all kind of individual data transmission needs in homes and buildings. The technology is based on configurable protocol-independent communication resources called virtual wires. The thesis was started by a general survey to related technologies already existing in the market and then followed by a more specific introduction to transmission principles used in the operation of Wiseriver system. The main contribution of this thesis was to implement these Wiseriver functions with FPGA. The implementation included RTL coding using VHDL, functional simulations and logic syntheses. Two different but similar FPGA designs are used as controllers in master and access node prototype components of Wiseriver. A whole Wiseriver system prototype in turn will be used as groundwork for developing a pilot system. The outcome of the simulation and debugging process was a base design that permits to transmit Ethernet based traffic transparently and handle a simple light control application. Simulation results and timing analyze reports indicate that the design works in completed prototype hardware. Other related developments such as PCB layout and software designs are ongoing during the prototype phase of the whole system. Also several follow-up developments have been already considered for improving the system

    Workshop on real-time for multimedia (RTMM), Catania, Italy, June 29, 2004

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    Workshop on real-time for multimedia (RTMM), Catania, Italy, June 29, 2004

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