8 research outputs found

    Interconnect performance estimation models for design planning

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    Floorplan-aware automated synthesis of bus-based communication architectures

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    Unified Incremental Physical-Level and High-Level Synthesis

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    Challenges and solutions for large-scale integration of emerging technologies

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    Title from PDF of title page viewed June 15, 2021Dissertation advisor: Mostafizur RahmanVitaIncludes bibliographical references (pages 67-88)Thesis (Ph.D.)--School of Computing and Engineering and Department of Physics and Astronomy. University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2021The semiconductor revolution so far has been primarily driven by the ability to shrink devices and interconnects proportionally (Moore's law) while achieving incremental benefits. In sub-10nm nodes, device scaling reaches its fundamental limits, and the interconnect bottleneck is dominating power and performance. As the traditional way of CMOS scaling comes to an end, it is essential to find an alternative to continue this progress. However, an alternative technology for general-purpose computing remains elusive; currently pursued research directions face adoption challenges in all aspects from materials, devices to architecture, thermal management, integration, and manufacturing. Crosstalk Computing, a novel emerging computing technique, addresses some of the challenges and proposes a new paradigm for circuit design, scaling, and security. However, like other emerging technologies, Crosstalk Computing also faces challenges like designing large-scale circuits using existing CAD tools, scalability, evaluation and benchmarking of large-scale designs, experimentation through commercial foundry processes to compete/co-exist with CMOS for digital logic implementations. This dissertation addresses these issues by providing a methodology for circuit synthesis customizing the existing EDA tool flow, evaluating and benchmarking against state-of-the-art CMOS for large-scale circuits designed at 7nm from MCNC benchmark suits. This research also presents a study on Crosstalk technology's scalability aspects and shows how the circuits' properties evolve from 180nm to 7nm technology nodes. Some significant results are for primitive Crosstalk gate, designed in 180nm, 65nm, 32nm, and 7nm technology nodes, the average reduction in power is 42.5%, and an average improvement in performance is 34.5% comparing to CMOS for all mentioned nodes. For benchmarking large-scale circuits designed at 7nm, there are 48%, 57%, and 10% improvements against CMOS designs in terms of density, power, and performance, respectively. An experimental demonstration of a proof-of-concept prototype chip for Crosstalk Computing at TSMC 65nm technology is also presented in this dissertation, showing the Crosstalk gates can be realized using the existing manufacturing process. Additionally, the dissertation also provides a fine-grained thermal management approach for emerging technologies like transistor-level 3-D integration (Monolithic 3-D, Skybridge, SN3D), which holds the most promise beyond 2-D CMOS technology. However, such 3-D architectures within small form factors increase hotspots and demand careful consideration of thermal management at all integration levels. This research proposes a new direction for fine-grained thermal management approach for transistor-level 3-D integrated circuits through the insertion of architected heat extraction features that can be part of circuit design, and an integrated methodology for thermal evaluation of 3-D circuits combining different simulation outcomes at advanced nodes, which can be integrated to traditional CAD flow. The results show that the proposed heat extraction features effectively reduce the temperature from a heated location. Thus, the dissertation provides a new perspective to overcome the challenges faced by emerging technologies where the device, circuit, connectivity, heat management, and manufacturing are addressed in an integrated manner.Introduction and motivation -- Cross talk computing overview -- Logic simplification approach for Crosstalk circuit design -- Crostalk computing scalability study: from 180 nm to 7 nm -- Designing large*scale circuits in Crosstalk at 7 nm -- Comparison and benchmarking -- Experimental demonstration of Crosstalk computing -- Thermal management challenges and mitigation techniques for transistor-level- 3D integratio

    B*tree representation based thermal and variability aware floorplanning frame work

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    Fast interconnect optimization

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    As the continuous trend of Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) circuits technology scaling and frequency increases, delay optimization techniques for interconnect are increasingly important for achieving timing closure of high performance designs. For the gigahertz microprocessor and multi-million gate ASIC designs it is crucial to have fast algorithms in the design automation tools for many classical problems in the field to shorten time to market of the VLSI chip. This research presents algorithmic techniques and constructive models for two such problems: (1) Fast buffer insertion for delay optimization, (2) Wire sizing for delay optimization and variation minimization on non-tree networks. For the buffer insertion problem, this dissertation proposes several innovative speedup techniques for different problem formulations and the realistic requirement. For the basic buffer insertion problem, an O(n log2 n) optimal algorithm that runs much faster than the previous classical van GinnekenÂs O(n2) algorithm is proposed, where n is the number of buffer positions. For modern design libraries that contain hundreds of buffers, this research also proposes an optimal algorithm in O(bn2) time for b buffer types, a significant improvement over the previous O(b2n2) algorithm by Lillis, Cheng and Lin. For nets with small numbers of sinks and large numbers of buffer positions, a simple O(mn) optimal algorithm is proposed, where m is the number of sinks. For the buffer insertion with minimum cost problem, the problem is first proved to be NP-complete. Then several optimal and approximation techniques are proposed to further speed up the buffer insertion algorithm with resource control for big industrial designs. For the wire sizing problem, we propose a systematic method to size the wires of general non-tree RC networks. The new method can be used for delay optimization and variation reduction

    Power Management for Deep Submicron Microprocessors

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    As VLSI technology scales, the enhanced performance of smaller transistors comes at the expense of increased power consumption. In addition to the dynamic power consumed by the circuits there is a tremendous increase in the leakage power consumption which is further exacerbated by the increasing operating temperatures. The total power consumption of modern processors is distributed between the processor core, memory and interconnects. In this research two novel power management techniques are presented targeting the functional units and the global interconnects. First, since most leakage control schemes for processor functional units are based on circuit level techniques, such schemes inherently lack information about the operational profile of higher-level components of the system. This is a barrier to the pivotal task of predicting standby time. Without this prediction, it is extremely difficult to assess the value of any leakage control scheme. Consequently, a methodology that can predict the standby time is highly beneficial in bridging the gap between the information available at the application level and the circuit implementations. In this work, a novel Dynamic Sleep Signal Generator (DSSG) is presented. It utilizes the usage traces extracted from cycle accurate simulations of benchmark programs to predict the long standby periods associated with the various functional units. The DSSG bases its decisions on the current and previous standby state of the functional units to accurately predict the length of the next standby period. The DSSG presents an alternative to Static Sleep Signal Generation (SSSG) based on static counters that trigger the generation of the sleep signal when the functional units idle for a prespecified number of cycles. The test results of the DSSG are obtained by the use of a modified RISC superscalar processor, implemented by SimpleScalar, the most widely accepted open source vehicle for architectural analysis. In addition, the results are further verified by a Simultaneous Multithreading simulator implemented by SMTSIM. Leakage saving results shows an increase of up to 146% in leakage savings using the DSSG versus the SSSG, with an accuracy of 60-80% for predicting long standby periods. Second, chip designers in their effort to achieve timing closure, have focused on achieving the lowest possible interconnect delay through buffer insertion and routing techniques. This approach, though, taxes the power budget of modern ICs, especially those intended for wireless applications. Also, in order to achieve more functionality, die sizes are constantly increasing. This trend is leading to an increase in the average global interconnect length which, in turn, requires more buffers to achieve timing closure. Unconstrained buffering is bound to adversely affect the overall chip performance, if the power consumption is added as a major performance metric. In fact, the number of global interconnect buffers is expected to reach hundreds of thousands to achieve an appropriate timing closure. To mitigate the impact of the power consumed by the interconnect buffers, a power-efficient multi-pin routing technique is proposed in this research. The problem is based on a graph representation of the routing possibilities, including buffer insertion and identifying the least power path between the interconnect source and set of sinks. The novel multi-pin routing technique is tested by applying it to the ISPD and IBM benchmarks to verify the accuracy, complexity, and solution quality. Results obtained indicate that an average power savings as high as 32% for the 130-nm technology is achieved with no impact on the maximum chip frequency

    A Multiple-objective ILP based Global Routing Approach for VLSI ASIC Design

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    A VLSI chip can today contain hundreds of millions transistors and is expected to contain more than 1 billion transistors in the next decade. In order to handle this rapid growth in integration technology, the design procedure is therefore divided into a sequence of design steps. Circuit layout is the design step in which a physical realization of a circuit is obtained from its functional description. Global routing is one of the key subproblems of the circuit layout which involves finding an approximate path for the wires connecting the elements of the circuit without violating resource constraints. The global routing problem is NP-hard, therefore, heuristics capable of producing high quality routes with little computational effort are required as we move into the Deep Sub-Micron (DSM) regime. In this thesis, different approaches for global routing problem are first reviewed. The advantages and disadvantages of these approaches are also summarized. According to this literature review, several mathematical programming based global routing models are fully investigated. Quality of solution obtained by these models are then compared with traditional Maze routing technique. The experimental results show that the proposed model can optimize several global routing objectives simultaneously and effectively. Also, it is easy to incorporate new objectives into the proposed global routing model. To speedup the computation time of the proposed ILP based global router, several hierarchical methods are combined with the flat ILP based global routing approach. The experimental results indicate that the bottom-up global routing method can reduce the computation time effectively with a slight increase of maximum routing density. In addition to wire area, routability, and vias, performance and low power are also important goals in global routing, especially in deep submicron designs. Previous efforts that focused on power optimization for global routing are hindered by excessively long run times or the routing of a subset of the nets. Accordingly, a power efficient multi-pin global routing technique (PIRT) is proposed in this thesis. This integer linear programming based techniques strives to find a power efficient global routing solution. The results indicate that an average power savings as high as 32\% for the 130-nm technology can be achieved with no impact on the maximum chip frequency