260 research outputs found

    CAD methodologies for low power and reliable 3D ICs

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    The main objective of this dissertation is to explore and develop computer-aided-design (CAD) methodologies and optimization techniques for reliability, timing performance, and power consumption of through-silicon-via(TSV)-based and monolithic 3D IC designs. The 3D IC technology is a promising answer to the device scaling and interconnect problems that industry faces today. Yet, since multiple dies are stacked vertically in 3D ICs, new problems arise such as thermal, power delivery, and so on. New physical design methodologies and optimization techniques should be developed to address the problems and exploit the design freedom in 3D ICs. Towards the objective, this dissertation includes four research projects. The first project is on the co-optimization of traditional design metrics and reliability metrics for 3D ICs. It is well known that heat removal and power delivery are two major reliability concerns in 3D ICs. To alleviate thermal problem, two possible solutions have been proposed: thermal-through-silicon-vias (T-TSVs) and micro-fluidic-channel (MFC) based cooling. For power delivery, a complex power distribution network is required to deliver currents reliably to all parts of the 3D IC while suppressing the power supply noise to an acceptable level. However, these thermal and power networks pose major challenges in signal routability and congestion. In this project, a co-optimization methodology for signal, power, and thermal interconnects in 3D ICs is presented. The goal of the proposed approach is to improve signal, thermal, and power noise metrics and to provide fast and accurate design space explorations for early design stages. The second project is a study on 3D IC partition. For a 3D IC, the target circuit needs to be partitioned into multiple parts then mapped onto the dies. The partition style impacts design quality such as footprint, wirelength, timing, and so on. In this project, the design methodologies of 3D ICs with different partition styles are demonstrated. For the LEON3 multi-core microprocessor, three partitioning styles are compared: core-level, block-level, and gate-level. The design methodologies for such partitioning styles and their implications on the physical layout are discussed. Then, to perform timing optimizations for 3D ICs, two timing constraint generation methods are demonstrated that lead to different design quality. The third project is on the buffer insertion for timing optimization of 3D ICs. For high performance 3D ICs, it is crucial to perform thorough timing optimizations. Among timing optimization techniques, buffer insertion is known to be the most effective way. The TSVs have a large parasitic capacitance that increases the signal slew and the delay on the downstream. In this project, a slew-aware buffer insertion algorithm is developed that handles full 3D nets and considers TSV parasitics and slew effects on delay. Compared with the well-known van Ginneken algorithm and a commercial tool, the proposed algorithm finds buffering solutions with lower delay values and acceptable runtime overhead. The last project is on the ultra-high-density logic designs for monolithic 3D ICs. The nano-scale 3D interconnects available in monolithic 3D IC technology enable ultra-high-density device integration at the individual transistor-level. The benefits and challenges of monolithic 3D integration technology for logic designs are investigated. First, a 3D standard cell library for transistor-level monolithic 3D ICs is built and their timing and power behavior are characterized. Then, various interconnect options for monolithic 3D ICs that improve design quality are explored. Next, timing-closed, full-chip GDSII layouts are built and iso-performance power comparisons with 2D IC designs are performed. Important design metrics such as area, wirelength, timing, and power consumption are compared among transistor-level monolithic 3D, gate-level monolithic 3D, TSV-based 3D, and traditional 2D designs.PhDCommittee Chair: Lim, Sung Kyu; Committee Member: Bakir, Muhannad; Committee Member: Kim, Hyesoon; Committee Member: Lee, Hsien-Hsin; Committee Member: Mukhopadhyay, Saiba

    Interconnect delay modeling under exponential input

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    Interconnect has become the dominating factor in determining the performance of VLSI deep submicron designs. With the rapid shrinking of feature size and development in the process technologies, it has been observed that the resistance per unit length of the interconnect continues to increase, capacitance per unit length remains roughly constant, and transistor or gate delay continues to decrease. This had led to the increasing dominance of interconnect delay over logic delay, and this trend is expected to continue. With this being the main bottleneck in realizing high speed circuits, complete understanding of the interconnect delay and thereby efficient and accurate delay circulation has assumed a greater significance in physical design, optimization and fast verification. In this thesis, a interconnect delay model under exponential input is presented. Because of its simple closed form expression, fast computation speed, and fidelity with respect to simulation, Elmore delay model remains popular. More accurate delay computation methods are typically central processing unit intensive and/or difficult to implement. To bridge this gap between accuracy and efficiency/simplicity, a new RC delay metric for interconnects which is as efficient as the Elmore metric, but more accurate, is proposed. However, there is no interconnect delay model considering exponential input waveform existing in the literature. The proposed Exponential Delay Metric uses exponential waveform as input and captures resistive shielding effects by modeling the downstream by a [pi]-model. An application of the delay model to perform interconnect optimization using wire sizing is also presented. Experimental results show that the proposed delay model is significantly more accurate than the existing interconnect delay models

    Design for manufactureability with regular fabrics in digital integrated circuits

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (p. 113-115).Integrated circuit design is limited by manufacturability. As devices scale down, sensitivity to process variation increases dramatically, making design for manufacturability a critical concern. Designers must identify the designs that generate the least systematic process variation, e.g., from pattern dependent effects, but must also build circuits that are robust to the remaining process or environmental random variations. This research addresses both ideas, by examining integrated circuit design styles and aspects that can help curb process variation and improve manufacturability and performance in future technology generations. One suggested method to reduce variation sensitivity in system designs has been the concept of design regularity. Long used in FPGAs, and SRAMs, the concept of repeatable blocks is examined in this work as a method of reducing circuit variation. Layout based variation is examined in three designs with different distinctions of regularity: a Via-Patterned Gate Array (VPGA) FPU, a Berkeley BEE-generated decoder, and a low power FPGA. The circuit level impact on variation is also considered, by examining several circuit architectures. This includes analysis of the novel Limited Switch Dynamic Logic (LSDL) style, which reduces design area and encourages regularity through minimum logic sizing.(cont.) Robustness to spatial variation and slanted plane effects is examined with a common-centroid based layout methodology for digital integrated circuits. Finally, a methodology is introduced in the form of the Monte Carlo Variation Analysis Engine whereby distributed process variables are fed into repeated simulation runs, output metrics are recorded, and regressions are measured to expose design sensitivities. The results for different layout and circuit design styles identify improvements that may be made to improve robustness to variation. We show that design regularity is a significant factor in mitigating sensitivity to process variation and is worthy of further examination.by Mehdi Gazor.S.M

    Interconnects for future technology generations - conventional CMOS with copper/low-k and beyond

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    The limitations of the conventional Cu/low-k interconnect technology for use in future ultra-scaled integrated circuits down to 7 nm in the year 2020 are investigated from the power/performance point of view. Compact models are used to demonstrate the impacts of various interconnect process parameters, for instance, the interconnect barrier/liner bilayer thickness and aspect ratio, on the design and optimization of a multilevel interconnect network. A framework to perform a sensitivity analysis for the circuit behavior to interconnect process parameters is created for future FinFET CMOS technology nodes. Multiple predictive cell libraries down to the 7‒nm technology node are constructed to enable early investigation of the electronic chip performance using commercial electronic design automation (EDA) tools with real chip information. Findings indicated new opportunities that arise for emerging novel interconnect technologies from the materials and process perspectives. These opportunities are evaluated based on potential benefits that are quantified with rigorous circuit-level simulations and requirements for key parameters are underlined. The impacts of various emerging interconnect technologies on the performances of emerging devices are analyzed to quantify the realistic circuit- and system-level benefits that these new switches can offer.Ph.D

    Sincronização em sistemas integrados a alta velocidade

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia ElectrotécnicaA distribui ção de um sinal relógio, com elevada precisão espacial (baixo skew) e temporal (baixo jitter ), em sistemas sí ncronos de alta velocidade tem-se revelado uma tarefa cada vez mais demorada e complexa devido ao escalonamento da tecnologia. Com a diminuição das dimensões dos dispositivos e a integração crescente de mais funcionalidades nos Circuitos Integrados (CIs), a precisão associada as transições do sinal de relógio tem sido cada vez mais afectada por varia ções de processo, tensão e temperatura. Esta tese aborda o problema da incerteza de rel ogio em CIs de alta velocidade, com o objetivo de determinar os limites do paradigma de desenho sí ncrono. Na prossecu ção deste objectivo principal, esta tese propõe quatro novos modelos de incerteza com âmbitos de aplicação diferentes. O primeiro modelo permite estimar a incerteza introduzida por um inversor est atico CMOS, com base em parâmetros simples e su cientemente gen éricos para que possa ser usado na previsão das limitações temporais de circuitos mais complexos, mesmo na fase inicial do projeto. O segundo modelo, permite estimar a incerteza em repetidores com liga ções RC e assim otimizar o dimensionamento da rede de distribui ção de relógio, com baixo esfor ço computacional. O terceiro modelo permite estimar a acumula ção de incerteza em cascatas de repetidores. Uma vez que este modelo tem em considera ção a correla ção entre fontes de ruí do, e especialmente util para promover t ecnicas de distribui ção de rel ogio e de alimentação que possam minimizar a acumulação de incerteza. O quarto modelo permite estimar a incerteza temporal em sistemas com m ultiplos dom ínios de sincronismo. Este modelo pode ser facilmente incorporado numa ferramenta autom atica para determinar a melhor topologia para uma determinada aplicação ou para avaliar a tolerância do sistema ao ru ído de alimentação. Finalmente, usando os modelos propostos, são discutidas as tendências da precisão de rel ogio. Conclui-se que os limites da precisão do rel ogio são, em ultima an alise, impostos por fontes de varia ção dinâmica que se preveem crescentes na actual l ogica de escalonamento dos dispositivos. Assim sendo, esta tese defende a procura de solu ções em outros ní veis de abstração, que não apenas o ní vel f sico, que possam contribuir para o aumento de desempenho dos CIs e que tenham um menor impacto nos pressupostos do paradigma de desenho sí ncrono.Distributing a the clock simultaneously everywhere (low skew) and periodically everywhere (low jitter) in high-performance Integrated Circuits (ICs) has become an increasingly di cult and time-consuming task, due to technology scaling. As transistor dimensions shrink and more functionality is packed into an IC, clock precision becomes increasingly a ected by Process, Voltage and Temperature (PVT) variations. This thesis addresses the problem of clock uncertainty in high-performance ICs, in order to determine the limits of the synchronous design paradigm. In pursuit of this main goal, this thesis proposes four new uncertainty models, with di erent underlying principles and scopes. The rst model targets uncertainty in static CMOS inverters. The main advantage of this model is that it depends only on parameters that can easily be obtained. Thus, it can provide information on upcoming constraints very early in the design stage. The second model addresses uncertainty in repeaters with RC interconnects, allowing the designer to optimise the repeater's size and spacing, for a given uncertainty budget, with low computational e ort. The third model, can be used to predict jitter accumulation in cascaded repeaters, like clock trees or delay lines. Because it takes into consideration correlations among variability sources, it can also be useful to promote oorplan-based power and clock distribution design in order to minimise jitter accumulation. A fourth model is proposed to analyse uncertainty in systems with multiple synchronous domains. It can be easily incorporated in an automatic tool to determine the best topology for a given application or to evaluate the system's tolerance to power-supply noise. Finally, using the proposed models, this thesis discusses clock precision trends. Results show that limits in clock precision are ultimately imposed by dynamic uncertainty, which is expected to continue increasing with technology scaling. Therefore, it advocates the search for solutions at other abstraction levels, and not only at the physical level, that may increase system performance with a smaller impact on the assumptions behind the synchronous design paradigm

    Optimization techniques for high-performance digital circuits

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    The relentless push for high performance in custom dig-ital circuits has led to renewed emphasis on circuit opti-mization or tuning. The parameters of the optimization are typically transistor and interconnect sizes. The de-sign metrics are not just delay, transition times, power and area, but also signal integrity and manufacturability. This tutorial paper discusses some of the recently pro-posed methods of circuit optimization, with an emphasis on practical application and methodology impact. Circuit optimization techniques fall into three broad categories. The rst is dynamic tuning, based on time-domain simulation of the underlying circuit, typically combined with adjoint sensitivity computation. These methods are accurate but require the specication of in-put signals, and are best applied to small data- ow cir-cuits and \cross-sections " of larger circuits. Ecient sensitivity computation renders feasible the tuning of cir-cuits with a few thousand transistors. Second, static tuners employ static timing analysis to evaluate the per-formance of the circuit. All paths through the logic are simultaneously tuned, and no input vectors are required. Large control macros are best tuned by these methods. However, in the context of deep submicron custom de-sign, the inaccuracy of the delay models employed by these methods often limits their utility. Aggressive dy-namic or static tuning can push a circuit into a precip-itous corner of the manufacturing process space, which is a problem addressed by the third class of circuit op-timization tools, statistical tuners. Statistical techniques are used to enhance manufacturability or maximize yield. In addition to surveying the above techniques, topics such as the use of state-of-the-art nonlinear optimization methods and special considerations for interconnect siz-ing, clock tree optimization and noise-aware tuning will be brie y considered.