22 research outputs found

    ”Varför tycker du man ska ha dödsstraff, dĂ„?” Ett sociologisk-didaktiskt verktyg för analys av klassrumsdebatter

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    Debates, as the discursive curriculum activities they are, are occasionally arranged in classrooms. Here, the aim is to offer a tool for analyses of such activities. By adopting a sociological‐didactical perspective, this article takes Basil Bernstein’s conceptual pair vertical and horizontal discourse as its starting point. The ‘vertical discourse’ is roughly speaking school‐oriented whereas the ‘horizontal discourse’ is more often played out in informal contexts. These two central concepts will be specified in particular relation to the classroom debate as curricular content. Two contrasting authentic classroom debates were intentionally selected in order to try out the analytical tool. Both the debates deal with the same topic, i.e. death penalty. The debates, however, also differ from each other; they are put into practice in remarkably different ways and in different contexts, although they are both collected from, in a sociological perspective, supposedly less advantaged areas. I argue that the tool offered is a needed and fruitful way of capturing what happens in classroom debates

    The Practice of Interaction Design

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    Brugerne er allerede mobile!

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    Smartphones have become an increasingly popular and indispensable personal device – also for medical doctors. Ten medical doctors were asked to look up five medical terms, and empirical data were collected during three tests, a thinkaloud-session and interviews. The purpose of the empirical survey was to analyze the characteristics of the mobile user situation. On the basis of the data it is argued that modern dictionary app development should be based on a calibration between the nature of the mobile user situation, the mobile user, the mobile access methods, the information task, the nature and limitations of the mobile data and the information need of the user

    Towards embodied perspective: exploring first-person, stereoscopic, 4K, wall-sized rendering of embodied sculpting

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    Treball realitzat a Kungliga Tekniska HögskolanDevelopment of a technology which allowed an unobtrusive, practical and effective embodied perspective to be experienced by users by the single use of a Kinect sensor and a stereoscopic screen. Applied to virtual sculpting

    Vision och praktik : en studie av hur e-arkiv inom offentlig förvaltning har anpassats för anvÀndning

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    This Master’s thesis investigates how public administrations in Sweden have developed e-archives and how these have been tailored according to the needs of use. The study takes off from within the context of what is called e-Government, which means that public administrations increase their use of IT in order to facilitate their operation and interaction with citizens. This development has been characterized by a distinct democratic perspective. It sets faith in the possibilities regarding efficiency and accessibility that IT brings, which ultimately will benefit the service for citizens. E-archives are essential for the development of e-Government, since mutual operating systems and common standards are expected to ease the collaborative work of public administration. We aimed to find out in which ways e-archives enable efficiency and accessibility, two highly valued words that frequently occur within the vision of e-Government. This was done using a case-study method. By interviewing primarily archivists representing the Swedish Tax Agency, Stockholm County Council and Stockholm City Archives have we researched how these authorities have developed technical solutions that meet the needs of their users. The theoretical framework we have applied consists of the activity theory. This theory seizes on human actions as social practices (activities), where the human being is looked upon as a goal-directed subject which is always dependent on the conditions and tools that are being offered within the activity. We applied this perspective on our empirical data by identifying different kinds of archival use as activities. With this research in mind were we able to point out that e-archives should be looked upon as a process consisting of different functions and areas of use; rather than only a system for digital preservation. We argue for a broader view of archival use and what the concept of usefulness could contain. We further argue that different sets of tools, technical as well as organizational and communicative, become important for the e-archives in their strive towards being useful in terms of efficiency and accessibility. Nonetheless is our study able to emphasize on the importance of an intimate collaboration between archivists and experts from other fields (such as IT). This collaboration becomes an essential factor in order to cater to the development of purposeful e-archives

    Betona engagemang: anpassning till hybridmiljön genom ny interaktionsteknik

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    An increase in distributed workspaces are influencing the way people work and thereby how meetings and presentations are conducted, making hybrid settings the standard for many organizations. Previous research has shown that hybrid settings decrease engagement due to technical issues, lack of inclusiveness, changing social dynamics and difficulties in evaluating participant engagement. Due to the need to diminish the negative effect the hybrid setting has, this study aims to evaluate the effect Audience Engagement Platforms have on increasing and evaluating engagement. The study was conducted by interviewing 31 users and non-users of Audience Engagement Platforms (AEPs) on meeting and presentation engagement, with 6 of them focusing on the hybrid setting. Thereafter a survey was conducted with AEP users on functionalities and effect on social dynamics. The interviewees generally agreed that anonymity and the possibility of presentation interaction were important aspects of the platform. Most hosts traditionally used visual cues as methods of engagement evaluation, and a diverse set of AEP use cases were described for all meeting and presentation types. The survey showed that all evaluated functionalities had a positive impact on engagement, where Wordclouds, Rankings and Quizzes increased perceived engagement the most. Furthermore, voluntary Likes, Reactions, Comments and Q&A from the participants was both perceived to increase engagement and suitable for evaluating participant engagement. In conclusion, the platform was shown to increase engagement both due to its platform characteristics as well as its functionalities. Anonymity was an important characteristic for lowering the barriers to participation and democratizing each input. Also, sharing the same interaction medium between remote and co-located participants helped to create a shared sense of belonging. Highly scored engagement features in the survey, such as Wordclouds and Rankings, can be both moderately low-effort in terms of how active a participant must be to give input on, whilst still directly asking each participant to give their opinion on a subject or statement. The quiz function was rated highly, which some interviewees suggested was due to its competitive nature. During the interviews however, many interviewees put a large emphasis on asking questions on a subject to be an important engagement tool, which would mostly correlate to the open-ended question functionality. The evaluation of engagement was concluded to be mostly helped by the functionalities Likes, Comments and the Q&A, as they are signs of voluntary participation. However, as the actual engagement level may not be correctly interpreted through the usage of these functionalities, it may still be insufficient to do a  correct evaluation.En ökning av distribuerade arbetsplatser pÄverkar hur folk arbetar och har gjort den hybrida miljön till standard för mÄnga organisationer. Tidigare forskning har visat att hybrida möten har minskat engagemang pÄ grund av tekniska problem, bristande delaktighet, förÀndrad social dynamik och svÄrigheter att utvÀrdera deltagarnas engagemang. PÄ grund av behovet av att minska den negativa effekten den hybrida miljön har pÄ engagemang, syftar denna studie till att utvÀrdera effekten Publik Engagerande Plattformar (AEPs) har pÄ att öka och utvÀrdera engagemang. Studien genomfördes genom att intervjua 31 anvÀndare och icke-anvÀndare av AEPs om mötes-och presentationsengagemang, varav sex av dem fokuserade pÄ den hybrida aspekten. DÀrefter genomfördes en undersökning med AEP-anvÀndare om dess funktionaliteter och effekt pÄ social dynamik. Intervjupersonerna var generellt överens om att anonymitet och möjligheten till interaktion i presentationen var viktiga funktioner i plattformen. De flesta mötesledare anvÀnde visuella signaler som metod för utvÀrderin gav engagement, och anvÀndningsomrÄden för AEPs beskrevs för alla typer av möten och presentationer. Undersökningen visade att alla utvÀrderade funktionaliteter hade en positiv inverkan pÄ engagemanget, dÀr Wordclouds, quiz och rankningar ökade engagemanget mest. Vidare upplevdes frivilliga gillningar, reaktioner, kommentarer och Q&A frÄn deltagarna att bÄde öka engagemanget och vara lÀmpliga för att utvÀrdera engagemang. Sammanfattningsvis visades plattformen öka engagemanget bÄde pÄ grund av dess plattformsegenskaper sÄvÀl som dess funktionaliteter. Anonymitet var en viktig aspekt för att sÀnka barriÀren för deltagande och demokratisera input. Att dela samma interaktionsmedium mellan distansbelÀgna och samlokaliserade deltagare bidrog ocksÄ till att skapa en delad kÀnsla av tillhörighet. Högt rankade funktioner i undersökningen, sÄsom Wordcloud och Rankningar, kan ses ha bÄde relativt lÄgt krÀvd aktiv insats frÄn deltagare att besvara, samtidigt som man direkt ber varje deltagare att ge sina synpunkter pÄ ett Àmne. Quiz fick högt betyg, vilket nÄgra intervjupersoner menade berodde pÄ dess tÀvlingsaspekt. Under intervjuerna lade dock mÄnga intervjupersoner stor vikt vid att stÀlla frÄgor som ett viktigt verktyg för engagemang, vilket frÀmst skulle korrelera med funktionen Open-ended Questions. Resultaten visade ocksÄ att mötesledare fÄr hjÀlp av gilla-markeringar, kommentarer och Q&A, för att utvÀrdera engagemang. Men eftersom den faktiska engagemangsnivÄn troligtvis inte kan tolkas korrekt genom anvÀndningen av dessa funktioner, kan det fortfarande vara otillrÀckligt för att göra en rÀttvis utvÀrdering

    Betona engagemang: anpassning till hybridmiljön genom ny interaktionsteknik

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    An increase in distributed workspaces are influencing the way people work and thereby how meetings and presentations are conducted, making hybrid settings the standard for many organizations. Previous research has shown that hybrid settings decrease engagement due to technical issues, lack of inclusiveness, changing social dynamics and difficulties in evaluating participant engagement. Due to the need to diminish the negative effect the hybrid setting has, this study aims to evaluate the effect Audience Engagement Platforms have on increasing and evaluating engagement. The study was conducted by interviewing 31 users and non-users of Audience Engagement Platforms (AEPs) on meeting and presentation engagement, with 6 of them focusing on the hybrid setting. Thereafter a survey was conducted with AEP users on functionalities and effect on social dynamics. The interviewees generally agreed that anonymity and the possibility of presentation interaction were important aspects of the platform. Most hosts traditionally used visual cues as methods of engagement evaluation, and a diverse set of AEP use cases were described for all meeting and presentation types. The survey showed that all evaluated functionalities had a positive impact on engagement, where Wordclouds, Rankings and Quizzes increased perceived engagement the most. Furthermore, voluntary Likes, Reactions, Comments and Q&A from the participants was both perceived to increase engagement and suitable for evaluating participant engagement. In conclusion, the platform was shown to increase engagement both due to its platform characteristics as well as its functionalities. Anonymity was an important characteristic for lowering the barriers to participation and democratizing each input. Also, sharing the same interaction medium between remote and co-located participants helped to create a shared sense of belonging. Highly scored engagement features in the survey, such as Wordclouds and Rankings, can be both moderately low-effort in terms of how active a participant must be to give input on, whilst still directly asking each participant to give their opinion on a subject or statement. The quiz function was rated highly, which some interviewees suggested was due to its competitive nature. During the interviews however, many interviewees put a large emphasis on asking questions on a subject to be an important engagement tool, which would mostly correlate to the open-ended question functionality. The evaluation of engagement was concluded to be mostly helped by the functionalities Likes, Comments and the Q&A, as they are signs of voluntary participation. However, as the actual engagement level may not be correctly interpreted through the usage of these functionalities, it may still be insufficient to do a  correct evaluation.En ökning av distribuerade arbetsplatser pÄverkar hur folk arbetar och har gjort den hybrida miljön till standard för mÄnga organisationer. Tidigare forskning har visat att hybrida möten har minskat engagemang pÄ grund av tekniska problem, bristande delaktighet, förÀndrad social dynamik och svÄrigheter att utvÀrdera deltagarnas engagemang. PÄ grund av behovet av att minska den negativa effekten den hybrida miljön har pÄ engagemang, syftar denna studie till att utvÀrdera effekten Publik Engagerande Plattformar (AEPs) har pÄ att öka och utvÀrdera engagemang. Studien genomfördes genom att intervjua 31 anvÀndare och icke-anvÀndare av AEPs om mötes-och presentationsengagemang, varav sex av dem fokuserade pÄ den hybrida aspekten. DÀrefter genomfördes en undersökning med AEP-anvÀndare om dess funktionaliteter och effekt pÄ social dynamik. Intervjupersonerna var generellt överens om att anonymitet och möjligheten till interaktion i presentationen var viktiga funktioner i plattformen. De flesta mötesledare anvÀnde visuella signaler som metod för utvÀrderin gav engagement, och anvÀndningsomrÄden för AEPs beskrevs för alla typer av möten och presentationer. Undersökningen visade att alla utvÀrderade funktionaliteter hade en positiv inverkan pÄ engagemanget, dÀr Wordclouds, quiz och rankningar ökade engagemanget mest. Vidare upplevdes frivilliga gillningar, reaktioner, kommentarer och Q&A frÄn deltagarna att bÄde öka engagemanget och vara lÀmpliga för att utvÀrdera engagemang. Sammanfattningsvis visades plattformen öka engagemanget bÄde pÄ grund av dess plattformsegenskaper sÄvÀl som dess funktionaliteter. Anonymitet var en viktig aspekt för att sÀnka barriÀren för deltagande och demokratisera input. Att dela samma interaktionsmedium mellan distansbelÀgna och samlokaliserade deltagare bidrog ocksÄ till att skapa en delad kÀnsla av tillhörighet. Högt rankade funktioner i undersökningen, sÄsom Wordcloud och Rankningar, kan ses ha bÄde relativt lÄgt krÀvd aktiv insats frÄn deltagare att besvara, samtidigt som man direkt ber varje deltagare att ge sina synpunkter pÄ ett Àmne. Quiz fick högt betyg, vilket nÄgra intervjupersoner menade berodde pÄ dess tÀvlingsaspekt. Under intervjuerna lade dock mÄnga intervjupersoner stor vikt vid att stÀlla frÄgor som ett viktigt verktyg för engagemang, vilket frÀmst skulle korrelera med funktionen Open-ended Questions. Resultaten visade ocksÄ att mötesledare fÄr hjÀlp av gilla-markeringar, kommentarer och Q&A, för att utvÀrdera engagemang. Men eftersom den faktiska engagemangsnivÄn troligtvis inte kan tolkas korrekt genom anvÀndningen av dessa funktioner, kan det fortfarande vara otillrÀckligt för att göra en rÀttvis utvÀrdering

    User needs and contextual requirements for choice of mobile interactive technology : A study of needs and users in Scania workshops

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    Mobil informationsteknik har pÄ senaste tiden fÄtt mer uppmÀrksamhet inom industriella applikationer, inte minst inom underhÄll och reparation dÀr teknisk dokumentation förekommer i stor utstrÀckning. Scania har tagit fram ett nytt koncept för interaktion med teknisk dokumentation i verkstaden dÀr en viktig del av konceptet Àr mobilitet. Scanias förhoppningar Àr att en ökad möjlighet till mobilitet ska kunna förbÀttra anvÀndarupplevelsen. I detta arbete har en observationsstudie genomförts för att identifiera anvÀndarnas behov av mobilitet vid reparation och underhÄllsarbete samt de kontextuella faktorer som pÄverkar val av mobil interaktionsteknik. Fyra olika behov av mobilitet kunde identifieras efter analysen och till dessa kunde olika krav knytas för att skapa ett underlag för bedömning av olika teknikers potential att uppfylla de aktuella behoven