671 research outputs found

    Shape manipulation using physically based wire deformations

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    This paper develops an efficient, physically based shape manipulation technique. It defines a 3D model with profile curves, and uses spine curves generated from the profile curves to control the motion and global shape of 3D models. Profile and spine curves are changed into profile and spine wires by specifying proper material and geometric properties together with external forces. The underlying physics is introduced to deform profile and spine wires through the closed form solution to ordinary differential equations for axial and bending deformations. With the proposed approach, global shape changes are achieved through manipulating spine wires, and local surface details are created by deforming profile wires. A number of examples are presented to demonstrate the applications of our proposed approach in shape manipulation

    Adaptive Resolution for Topology Modifications in Physically-based Animation

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    This paper shows the interest of basing a mechanical mesh upon an efficient topological model in order to give any simulation the ability to refine this mesh locally and apply topological modifications such as cutting, tear and matter destruction.Refinement and modifications can indeed be combined in order to get a more precise result.The powerful combinatorial map model provides the mathematical background which ensures that the quasi-manifold property is guaranteed for the mesh after any topological modification.The obtained results offer the versatility and time efficiency that are expected in applications such as surgical simulation

    A 3D discrete model of the diaphragm and human trunk

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    In this paper, a 3D discrete model is presented to model the movements of the trunk during breathing. In this model, objects are represented by physical particles on their contours. A simple notion of force generated by a linear actuator allows the model to create forces on each particle by way of a geometrical attractor. Tissue elasticity and contractility are modeled by local shape memory and muscular fibers attractors. A specific dynamic MRI study was used to build a simple trunk model comprised of by three compartments: lungs, diaphragm and abdomen. This model was registered on the real geometry. Simulation results were compared qualitatively as well as quantitatively to the experimental data, in terms of volume and geometry. A good correlation was obtained between the model and the real data. Thanks to this model, pathology such as hemidiaphragm paralysis can also be simulated.Comment: published in: "Lung Modelling", France (2006

    Real-time content-aware texturing for deformable surfaces

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    Animation of models often introduces distortions to their parameterisation, as these are typically optimised for a single frame. The net effect is that under deformation, the mapped features, i.e. UV texture maps, bump maps or displacement maps, may appear to stretch or scale in an undesirable way. Ideally, what we would like is for the appearance of such features to remain feasible given any underlying deformation. In this paper we introduce a real-time technique that reduces such distortions based on a distortion control (rigidity) map. In two versions of our proposed technique, the parameter space is warped in either an axis or a non-axis aligned manner based on the minimisation of a non-linear distortion metric. This in turn is solved using a highly optimised hybrid CPU-GPU strategy. The result is real-time dynamic content-aware texturing that reduces distortions in a controlled way. The technique can be applied to reduce distortions in a variety of scenarios, including reusing a low geometric complexity animated sequence with a multitude of detail maps, dynamic procedurally defined features mapped on deformable geometry and animation authoring previews on texture-mapped models. © 2013 ACM

    A survey of real-time crowd rendering

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    In this survey we review, classify and compare existing approaches for real-time crowd rendering. We first overview character animation techniques, as they are highly tied to crowd rendering performance, and then we analyze the state of the art in crowd rendering. We discuss different representations for level-of-detail (LoD) rendering of animated characters, including polygon-based, point-based, and image-based techniques, and review different criteria for runtime LoD selection. Besides LoD approaches, we review classic acceleration schemes, such as frustum culling and occlusion culling, and describe how they can be adapted to handle crowds of animated characters. We also discuss specific acceleration techniques for crowd rendering, such as primitive pseudo-instancing, palette skinning, and dynamic key-pose caching, which benefit from current graphics hardware. We also address other factors affecting performance and realism of crowds such as lighting, shadowing, clothing and variability. Finally we provide an exhaustive comparison of the most relevant approaches in the field.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Dynamic Real-Time Deformations using Space and Time Adaptive Sampling

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    International audienceThis paper presents the first robust method for animating dynamic visco-elastic deformable objects that provides a guaranteed frame rate. The approach uses an automatic space and time adaptive level of detail technique, in combination with a large-displacement (Green) strain tensor formulation. The body is hierarchically partitioned into a number of tetrahedral regions and mass samples. The local resolution is determined by a quality condition that indicates where and when the resolution is too coarse. As the object moves and deforms, the sampling is refined to concentrate the computational load into the regions that deform the most. Our model consist of a continuous equation solved using a local explicit finite element method. We demonstrate that our adaptive Green strain tensor formulation virtually suppresses unwanted artifacts in the dynamic behavior, compared to adaptive mass-spring and other adaptive approaches. In particular, damped elastic vibration modes are shown to be nearly unchanged for several levels of refinement. Results are presented in the context of a virtual reality system. The user interacts in real-time with the dynamic object (such as a liver) through the control of a rigid tool, attached to a haptic device driven with forces derived from the method.Nous présentons une méthode robuste pour calculer les déformations dynamiques d'objets visco-élastiques, avec une garantie de temps-réel. L'idee maîtresse est d'utiliser une adaptation automatique, dans le temps et dans l'espace, du niveau de détail à laquelle la simulation est calculée, en combinaison avec un modèle élastique autorisant les grands déplacements (tenseur de Green). Le corps déformable est divisé en une hiérarchie de maillages tétrahédraux, du plus grossier aux plus fin. La résolution locale des calculs est déterminée par un critère de qualité qui nous dit quand et où raffiner ou déraffiner le modèle. Lors des déformations, la puissance de calcul se concentre ainsi tout naturellement sur les régions ou les déformations sont les plus grandes. Notre modèle repose sur une équation de l´elasticité des milieux continus, intégrée en utilisant une méthode d'éléments finis explicites. Nous avons montré expérimentalement que notre simulation adaptative basée sur le tenseur de Green supprime les artéfacts du comportement dynamique qui pouvaient être observés lorsque la même méthodologie était appliquée à d'autres modèles (masses-ressorts, tenseur de Cauchy, etc). En particulier, les modes de vibration du matériau semblent sensiblement les mêmes à tous les niveaux de résolution, ce qui s'est révélé indispensable pour faire fonctionner le modèle. Nous présentons nos résultats dans le contexte d'un système de réalité virtuelle ou l'utilisateur intéragit avec l'objet via un outil rigide, contrôlé par une interface à retour d'effort

    An Intestinal Surgery Simulator: Real-Time Collision Processing and Visualization

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    International audienceThis research work is aimed towards the development of a VR-based trainer for colon cancer removal. It enables the surgeons to interactively view and manipulate the concerned virtual organs as during a real surgery. First, we present a method for animating the small intestine and the mesentery (the tissue that connects it to the main vessels) in real-time, thus enabling user-interaction through virtual surgical tools during the simulation. We present a stochastic approach for fast collision detection in highly deformable, self-colliding objects. A simple and efficient response to collisions is also introduced in order to reduce the overall animation complexity. Secondly, we describe a new method based on generalized cylinders for fast rendering of the intestine. An efficient curvature detection method, along with an adaptive sampling algorithm is presented. This approach, while providing improved tessellation without the classical self-intersection problem, also allows for high-performance rendering, thanks to the new 3D skinning feature available in recent GPUs. The rendering algorithm is also designed to ensure a guaranteed frame rate. Finally, we present the quantitative results of the simulations and describe the qualitative feedback obtained from the surgeons

    A Multiresolution PDE-Based Deformable Surface for Medical Imaging Applications

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    We recently developed a multiresolution PDE-based deformable surface whose deformation behavior is governed by partial differential equations (PDEs) such as the weighted minimal surface flow. Comparing with the level-set approach, our new model has better control of the mesh quality and model resolution, and is much simpler to implement since all the computations are local. The new deformable model is very useful for a variety of medical imaging applications including boundary reconstruction, surface visualization, data segmentation, and topology discovery. In this paper, we demonstrate both the accuracy and robustness of our model on areas such as medical image segmentation through a number of experiments on both real (MRI/CT) and synthetic volumetric datasets