21 research outputs found

    On the Construction and Cryptanalysis of Multi-Ciphers

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    In this compilational work, we combine various techniques from classical cryptography and steganography to construct ciphers that conceal multiple plaintexts in a single ciphertext. We name these multi-ciphers . Most notably, we construct and cryptanalyze a Four-In-One-Cipher: the first cipher which conceals four separate plaintexts in a single ciphertext. Following a brief overview of classical cryptography and steganography, we consider strategies that can be used to creatively combine these two fields to construct multi-ciphers. Finally, we cryptanalyze three multi-ciphers which were constructed using the techniques described in this paper. This cryptanalysis relies on both traditional algorithms that are used to decode classical ciphers and new algorithms which we use to extract the additional plaintexts concealed by the multi-ciphers. We implement these algorithms in Python, and provide code snippets. The primary goal of this work is to inform others who might be otherwise unfamiliar with the fields of classical cryptography and steganography from a new perspective which lies at the intersection of these two fields. The ideas presented in this paper could prove useful in teaching cryptography, statistics, mathematics, and computer science to future generations in a unique, interdisciplinary fashion. This work might also serve as a source of creative inspiration for other cipher-making, code-breaking enthusiasts

    Cryptology: A didactical transposition into grade 10 school Mathematics classroom

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    Philosophiae Doctor - PhDThis study in an extension of a Master's study, entitled Realistic Mathematics Education and the strategies grade 8 learners develop for the solution of two simultaneous linear equations. the current study investigates how new content could be introduced into a school mathematical curriculum. The new topic under discussion for this study is the topis of Cryptology. Two research cycles were carried out. For the first design research cycle there were three teaching experiments with teachers, grade 10 learners and students as participants. Seven activities weere developed from the second design research cycle which was worked through with gade 10 learners. All sessions for the second design research cycle were video taped. Important to the development of instrutional materials was the development of a hypothetical learning trajetory about the learning and teaching of each activity. the results of the study indicated that the way learners understood the content and the different ways in which they presented solutions augers well for the introduction of a specific new content strand, cryptology, into a new school mathematical curriculum. It is also important for developers of instructional material to have a strong mathematical content knowledge for the design of instructional materialsSouth Afric

    Web-based application for cryptographic protocols visualization

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    PrĂĄce se zabĂœvĂĄ vytvoƙenĂ­m interaktivnĂ­ webovĂ© aplikace pro substitučnĂ­ ĆĄifry a jejich interaktivnĂ­ kryptoanalĂœzu. V prĂĄci je implementovĂĄno ĆĄest ĆĄifer a zĂĄstupci monoalfabetickĂœch ĆĄifer jsou Caesarova ĆĄifra, AtbaĆĄ a substituce s klíčovĂœm slovem. DĂĄle zĂĄstupci polyalfabetickĂœch ĆĄifer jsou Vigenrova ĆĄifra, Kryptos a Vernamova ĆĄifra. Pro interaktivnĂ­ analĂœzu je pouĆŸita frekvenčnĂ­ analĂœza, index koincidence a n-gramovĂĄ statistika jako fitness funkce. VĂœsledek byl dosaĆŸen za pomoci HTML5, CSS a skriptovacĂ­ho jazyka ReactJS coĆŸ je JavaScriptovĂĄ knihovna s moĆŸnostĂ­ typovĂ© kontroly proměnnĂœch.The thesis deals with the creation of an interactive web application for substitution ciphers and their interactive cryptanalysis. Six ciphers are implemented in the work. Representatives of monoalphabetic ciphers are Caesar’s cipher, Atbash, and Keyword cipher and representatives of polyalphabetic ciphers are Vigenre cipher, Kryptos and Vernam cipher. Frequency analysis, index of coincidence and n-gram statistics as a fitness function are used for interactive cryptanalysis. The result is achieved by using HTML5, CSS and ReactJS scripting language which is a JavaScript library with the ability of variable type-check.


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    A Review of the Teaching and Learning on Power Electronics Course

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    —In this review, we describe various kinds of problem and solution related teaching and learning on power electronics course all around the world. The method was used the study of literature on journal articles and proceedings published by reputable international organizations. Thirtynine papers were obtained using Boolean operators, according to the specified criteria. The results of the problems generally established that student learning motivation was low, teaching approaches that are still teacher-centered, the scope of the curriculum extends, and the physical limitations of laboratory equipment. The solutions offered are very diverse ranging from models, strategies, methods and learning techniques supported by information and communication technology

    Efficient Elliptic Curve Cryptography Software Implementation on Embedded Platforms

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    Computer and data security: a comprehensive annotated bibliography.

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    Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Alfred P. Sloan School of Management. Thesis. 1973. M.S.MICROFICHE COPY ALSO AVAILABLE IN DEWEY LIBRARY.M.S

    Spatial palindromes/palindromic spaces: spatial devices in Vitruvius, Mallarmé, Polieri, Perec and Libeskind

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    This thesis explores non-linear geometric texts and narratives in literature and architecture and the experience of space that is facilitated by them. The research focuses on the palindrome because it is a non-linear mathematical/geometrical device that is found both in literature and architecture. In language, the palindrome is expressed in the geometrical arrangement of words, letters or concepts in the text or the narrative; and, in architecture, as mirrored symmetries or palindromic proportions, measurements and distributions of elements in drawings and buildings. The primary aim of the thesis is to explore the spatial qualities of palindromes, and the experience of those qualities not only in text but also in architecture. This dissertation thus consists of two parts: the first examines Spatial Palindromes in terms of the spatial structures of selected texts and considers their relation to architecture; and the second examines Palindromic Spaces in terms of the spatial experiences created by and through palindromes in text and architecture. The first part, Spatial Palindromes, constructs an original history of the spatial qualities of palindromes by looking at the theory guiding the use of non-linear devices in texts and architecture. This history moves from the use of palindromes in the work of classical figures and scholars (Orpheus, Pythagoras and Vitruvius), to the Medieval and Renaissance practice of mnemonics (Frances Yates, Mary Carruthers), to early twentieth-century structural linguistics (Ferdinand de Saussure) and the group OuLiPo (Raymond Queneau, Franyois Le Lionnais) and, finally, to late twentieth-century post-structural linguistics (Jean Baudrillard.) The thesis argues that palindromes create spatial experiences both in texts and architecture. For this reason the second part, Palindromic Spaces, studies the nature of spatial experience in the fictions and designs of Stephane Mallarme, Jacques Polieri, Georges Perec, and Daniel Libeskind. According to Baudrillard the poetic space, hidden or revealed by the anagram and palindrome, is where the solid structure of language is "exterminated." This act of extermination, or the poetic space that palindrome reveals in language, opens up perception, memory and recollection to a spatial experience "that incorporates the recession of outcomes ad infinitum;" a self-generated, self-consumed or self-reflective conception of history and space that this thesis aims to explore in architecture

    NASA RECON: Course Development, Administration, and Evaluation

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    The R and D activities addressing the development, administration, and evaluation of a set of transportable, college-level courses to educate science and engineering students in the effective use of automated scientific and technical information storage and retrieval systems, and, in particular, in the use of the NASA RECON system, are discussed. The long-range scope and objectives of these contracted activities are overviewed and the progress which has been made toward these objectives during FY 1983-1984 is highlighted. In addition, the results of a survey of 237 colleges and universities addressing course needs are presented