12 research outputs found

    Design of Cloud-based and IPTV Digital Signage System

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    The purpose of this research is to control, monitoring, and broadcast video, audio, text with digital signage system based on cloud and IPTV. It also provides multi content on one screen display included YouTube channel and RSS feed. Network connection transfer using internet protocol, the component of cloud-based and IPTV included with a content management system and a broadcast management system. Companies provide digital signage services are still using one of the ads in large size, this can alleviate the cost of advertising using digital signage. Therefore, the result is a designed from a display of how the content can be variatif when displayed on a digital signage as well through cloud-based and IPTV

    Adaptive Contents Distribution Based on Traffic Congestion on Digital Signage System

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    Current technological developments have been very rapid. One of them is the many choices of technology and media to deliver information to the public. Digital Signage is one of the most popular information delivery systems today, displays on digital or electronic media, and it can convey new details. The information usually showed in the form of advertising content in the format of images or videos. Ad content displayed is static, meaning that the ad content will be display in the order specified. This system usually placed next to a broad road. A place that is considered to have a broad audience and requires a significant amount of money to display ad content. However, this causes ad content owners who do not have enough costs not to be able to show the ad content in a particular place. Therefore, this research makes the content management system adaptive to road congestion situations which represented as audience quantities so that the costs can be adjusted. Data is obtained from the Google Maps API and analyzed the traffic congestion by conducting experiments. The compatibility between density and content after testing the results in 100% accuracy


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    The Heritage Palace is located in Surakarta City of Central Java which formerly was the sugar factory that is currently used as a tourist attraction. However, this place has the problem of lacking its informative and interactive signage, less by the branding of the tourist spots, and less proper in material selection. The data collection used were the literature study, observation, interviews and questionnaires, using comparison matrix as data analysis method. The concept of the design takes the modern and old heritage concept using a font that matches the clear language and adds pictogram. The purpose of this design is to provide informative and interactive information using signage ang interactive media that is useful to help visitors get information when they visit the tourist sit

    Car Dealers’ Perception Towards Digital Signage and Its’ Descriptors: An Evidence from National Car Showroom

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    Due to tough economic conditions, Malaysian car markets were experiencing a slowdown. Car makers, including national cars were facing huge sales fluctuations. This pressure car dealer to use various marketing methods, including digital signage to obtain sales. However, digital signage has been underutilized by car dealer despite of its potential to generate sales in other retail formats. Therefore, this paper aims to determine the perception of digital signage in car showrooms through car dealers perspectives. By means of semi-structured interviews which were conducted between June 2017 and August 2017, car dealers from North, Central and South Malaysia were interviewed to gain insight of their perceptions toward digital signage in their showrooms. The findings revealed that car dealers have mixed perceptions towards the functions of digital signage to automotive retails. However, digital signage has the potential to positively contribute to automotive sales with given conditions that four identified descriptors met suggested criteria. These findings shall be found useful to car dealers and digital signage suppliers in learning the issues, descriptors and potential of digital signage implementation in car showrooms. As a result, the research outcomes can be used in a wider context of improvements in determining whether digital signage contributes to sales by examining each descriptor from customers perspectives

    Engaging consumer through the storefront: evidences from integrating interactive technologies

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    Although previous studies identified the importance of storefront windows on consumer’s entry decision, there is still a lack of research on engaging consumers at the storefront through the integration with interactive technologies. The purpose of this study is to carry out an exploratory investigation into the consumers preference for a certain store based on the storefront windows (in terms of entry decision), with emphasis on the current most attractive interactive technologies. Thus, we examine the extent to which an exploratory sample of consumers is influenced by storefront interactive technologies. Emotional aspects emerge as the most influencing ones in the case of traditional storefronts, while both emotional and functional aspects emerge as the most influencing factors while considering the integration of interactive technologies. In particular, our results shed light on the way these elements can be managed for the design of future attractive storefront windows, by providing important insights for scholars and practitioners

    Engaging consumer through the storefront: evidences from integrating interactive technologies

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    Although previous studies identified the importance of storefront windows on consumer’s entry decision, there is still a lack of research on engaging consumers at the storefront through the integration with interactive technologies. The purpose of this study is to carry out an exploratory investigation into the consumers preference for a certain store based on the storefront windows (in terms of entry decision), with emphasis on the current most attractive interactive technologies. Thus, we examine the extent to which an exploratory sample of consumers is influenced by storefront interactive technologies. Emotional aspects emerge as the most influencing ones in the case of traditional storefronts, while both emotional and functional aspects emerge as the most influencing factors while considering the integration of interactive technologies. In particular, our results shed light on the way these elements can be managed for the design of future attractive storefront windows, by providing important insights for scholars and practitioners

    Digital Information System and Waifinding

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    Generally new students and new visitors in a building often experience difficulties when searching for a space, especially a building that has a lot of space. As well as having a complex space, both classrooms and staff workspaces. Usually visitors who have just entered the building's environment ask the security information parties or other visitors to provide information on classrooms or staff workspace sought. Another way for visitors to find information on conventional building space is available, but the alternative method requires a lot of time. For this reason, this study was made in the campus building, using NetBeans IDE software applying the closest path search algorithm based on the pixel index value on the map image. The system will display the closest landing map and information on the lecturer room staff room and lecture classrooms and search for lecturer data information. Likewise the search for staff and lecturers by writing their names in the search panel on the touch screen monitor. then pressing the "take me there" button, the system will show the direction to the workspace and provide staff information. To view announcement information, users simply select the announcement menu, then choose the announcement category. With this system, visitors are expected to have no difficulties in finding space and staff and campus information. The purpose of this study is to be able to provide a map of the direction of the building on campus from the position of the system to the classroom and the staff room and lecturer room. Besides that, it can also provide information about campus activities, announcements and even events to students and visitors, designed with an attractive interface that is easy to use. Keywords: Building Map, Waifinding, Digital Information, LCD screen, NetBeans IDEUmumnya mahasiswa baru dan pengunjung baru di sebuah gedung, sering mengalami kesulitan ketika pencarian sebuah ruang, terutama gedung yang memiliki banyak ruang. Serta memiliki ruang yang komplek, baik ruang kelas dan ruang kerja staff. Biasanya pengunjung yang baru masuk kedalam lingkungan gedung tersebut bertanya pada pihak informasi kemanan ataupun pengunjung lain untuk memberikan informasi ruang kelas atau ruang kerja staff yang dicari. Cara lain pengunjung mencari informasi ruangan konvensional gedung yang tersedia, akan tetapi cara alternatif  tersebut membutuhkan banyak membuang waktu. Untuk itu, pada penelitian ini dibuat di gedung kampus, dengan menggunakan software NetBeans IDE menerapkan algoritma pencarian jalur terdekat berdasarkan nilai indek pixel pada gambar peta. Sistem akan menampilkan peta arahan yang terdekat dan informasi ruang staff ruang dosen dan ruang kelas kuliah dan pencarian informasi data dosen. Begitu juga pencarian staff dan dosen dengan tulis namanya pada panel pencarian di monitor touch screen. lalu menekan tombol “take me thereâ€,, maka sistem akan menunjukan arah menuju ruang kerja dan memberikan informasi staff. Untuk melihat informasi pengumuman, pengguna cukup memilih menu pengumuman, lalu memilih kategori pengumuman. Dengan adanya sistem ini diharapkan pengunjung tidak kesulitan dalam pencarian ruang dan staff serta informasi kampus. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah, dapat memberikan peta arah gedung di kampus dari posisi pemasangan sistem menuju ruang kelas maupun ruang kerja staff dan ruang dosen. Selain itu juga dapat memberikan informasi seputar aktivitas kampus, pengumuman bahkan event kepada mahasiswa dan pengunjung, di rancang dengan antarmuka yang menarik  mudah digunakan. Kata kunci :  Peta Gedung, Waifinding, Digital Informasi, layar LCD, NetBeans ID

    Taxonomy of digital signage message execution and media placement considerations

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    Digital signage is a commercial promising field in marketing. Yet, it is a little researched topic, with an incomplete understanding of the factors to consider when planning digital signage message executions or media placements. There is no systematic, cohesive foundation to describe and study the features of this promising contemporary digital platform. This paper addresses an academic-practitioner divide by developing an orderly categorisation of digital signage message execution and media placement considerations and research. It offers a well-ordered conceptualisation of digital signage types and guidelines for selecting content types, formats, display quality and technical interactive designs. The resulting taxonomy is of relevance to retailers and marketers aiming to optimise utilitarian or hedonic value. Some guidance for prospect research is provided, particularly assessing the varies opportunities offered by different digital signage content types; designing experiments compare the effectiveness of digital display quality, sizes, placement and designs at different locations. The possible obstacles of interactive digital signage also deserve future research

    Scheduling Content in Pervasive Display Systems

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    Digital displays are a ubiquitous feature of public spaces; London recently deployed a whole network of new displays in its Underground stations, and the screens on One Time Square (New York) allow for presentation of over 16,00016,000 square feet of digital media. However, despite decades of research into pervasive displays, the problem of scheduling content is under-served and there is little forward momentum in addressing the challenges brought with large-scale and open display networks. This paper presents the first comprehensive architectural model for scheduling in current and anticipated pervasive display systems. In contrast to prior work, our three-stage model separates out the process of high level goal setting from content filtering and selection. Our architecture is motivated by an extensive review of the literature and a detailed consideration of requirements. The architecture is realised with an implementation designed to serve the world's largest and longest-running research testbed of pervasive displays. A mixed-methods evaluation confirms the viability of the architecture from three angles: demonstrating capability to meet the articulated requirements, performance that comfortably fits within the demands of typical display deployments, and evidence of its ability to serve as the day-to-day scheduling platform for the previously described research testbed. Based on our evaluation and a reflection on paper as a whole, we identify ten implications that will shape future research and development in pervasive display scheduling

    A retrospective and contemporary analysis of service-dominant logic

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    Service-Dominant (SD) Logic hat sich als eine der führenden Ansätze in der aktuellen Literatur der Dienstleistungsforschung (engl.: Service Science) etabliert. Dieser Ansatz, erstmals im Jahr 2004 erwähnt, entstand nachdem sich das Feld der Dienstleistungswissenschaft bereits viele Jahre entwickelt hatte. Anstatt allein auf die Produktion und Vermarktung von Gütern zu fokussieren, unterstreicht dieser Denkansatz wie Organisationen, Märkte und die Gesellschaft auf Basis der Anwendung von Kompetenzen besser verstanden werden können. Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich zuerst einem Rückblick durch die Analyse der historischen Entwicklung der Dienstleistungswissenschaft von ihren Anfängen bis hin zur aktuell dominierenden SD Logic-Perspektive. Hierauf folgt eine detaillierte Literaturanalyse des Zeitraums 2004 bis 2011, in der über 100 veröffentliche wissenschaftliche Arbeiten zum Thema SD Logic in Betracht gezogen werden. Die wichtigsten Studien zum Thema SD Logic wurden mittels Recherche in den wichtigsten betriebswirtschaftlichen Datenbanken sowie durch Cross-Referencing-Methoden ermittelt. Diese Arbeiten wurden systematisch hinsichtlich ausgewählter Attribute analysiert, nämlich Autor, Zeitschrift und Erscheinungsjahr der Veröffentlichung, Forschungsfeld, verwendete Methode, Schlagwörter sowie Resultate der Veröffentlichungen. Die Ergebnisse präsentieren die wichtigsten Autoren im SD Logic Bereich, diskutieren die empirischen Erkenntnisse und zeigen auf, in welchem Ausmaß SD Logic in anderen Bereichen als Marketing behandelt werden. Man kann beobachten, dass diesem Thema vermehrt Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt wird und auch dass sich ein vermehrt interdisziplinärer Fokus in Richtung SD-basierter Forschung etabliert. Dies unterstreicht die Bedeutung der aktuell dominierenden Perspektive auf gegenseitigen Serviceaustausch und einer kollaborativen Wertschöpfung.Service-Dominant (SD) Logic has developed as a dominant perspective in contemporary Service Science literature. This mind-set, introduced in 2004, emerged after the Service Science field underwent several decades of development. Instead of focusing on simple production and marketing of goods, this way of thinking emphasises how the nature of organizations, markets and society can be better understood on the basis of employment of competences. This thesis first takes a retrospective view by analysing the historical development of this mind-set, starting with marketing dominated roots of Service Science, towards today’s dominant perspective based on SD Logic. Next, a detailed literature analysis for the period 2004 to 2011 is undertaken in order to list and review over 100 published studies dealing with SD Logic. The major business-economic scientific databases were researched, and cross-referencing techniques were used to extract key studies dealing with SD Logic. These findings are systematically analysed regarding author(s), journal and year of publication, research area, applied research methodologies, keywords and output. Findings present key players, discuss the share of empirical results and outline the extent of application in areas other than those of the marketing discipline. The analysis serves as powerful evidence confirming the increased ‘momentum’ of SD Logic. Increased attention as well as an increasingly interdisciplinary focus for SD grounded research efforts is observed, underlining the importance of a currently dominant view on mutual service exchange and value co-creation