5 research outputs found

    Multi-Criteria Decision Making in software development:a systematic literature review

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    Abstract. Multiple Criteria Decision Making is a formal approach to assist decision makers to select the best solutions among multiple alternatives by assessing criteria which are relatively precise but generally conflicting. The utilization of MCDM are quite popular and common in software development process. In this study, a systematic literature review which includes creating review protocol, selecting primary study, making classification schema, extracting data and other relevant steps was conducted. The objective of this study are making a summary about the state-of-the-art of MCDM in software development process and identifying the MCDM methods and MCDM problems in software development by systematically structuring and analyzing the literature on those issues. A total of 56 primary studies were identified after the review, and 33 types of MCDM methods were extracted from those primary studies. Among them, AHP was defined as the most frequent used MCDM methods in software development process by ranking the number of primary studies which applied it in their studies, and Pareto optimization was ranked in the second place. Meanwhile, 33 types of software development problems were identified. Components selection, design concepts selection and performance evaluation became the three most frequent occurred problems which need to be resolved by MCDM methods. Most of those MCDM problems were found in software design phase. There were many limitations to affect the quality of this study; however, the strictly-followed procedures of SLR and mass data from thousands of literature can still ensure the validity of this study, and this study is also able to provide the references when decision makers want to select the appropriate technique to cope with the MCDM problems

    Framework for evaluating and selecting mobile-learning applications using multi criteria decision making techniques

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    The use of mobile learning (m-learning) applications in education has increased dramatically in recent years. M-learning applications are installed by users through a variety of mobile device distribution platforms. For a wide audience to accept them, these applications must be stable and of high quality. The decision to purchase m-learning applications needs systematic guidelines so that the appropriate one can be selected to provide a viable and effective solution to educational organizations. Usability in m-learning applications has been studied as a non-functional problem in several previous studies. In reality, Saudi tertiary institutions still lack a systematic, efficient, and well-defined framework for evaluating and selecting m-learning applications due to the lack of reliable m-learning application selection methods. Therefore, this study addresses this gap by proposing a framework to support and improve m-learning applications evaluation and selection process named as Mobile-Learning Application Evaluation and Selection Framework (MLA-ESF). MLA-ESF supports evaluation and selection of m-learning applications and integration of functional and non-functional requirements as well as addresses mismatch problems. In addition, the MLA-ESF is developed to assist and guide developers and educational organizations in selecting the required m-learning application in a more systematic and repeatable manner. Moreover, the MLA-ESF framework provides a guideline for future theoretical research, as well as being a practical and usable tool in real contexts. The study is conducted in four main phases: a survey and interview of decision-makers and users to identify the evaluation criteria, development of the framework based on the Evaluation Theory, development of a new decision-making technique by integrating Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP), Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), and GAP Analysis (GA) to handle user requirements mismatches, and validation of the applicability and reliability of MLAESF using experts review, case study and yardstick validation. The study shows that the evaluated aspects of MLA-ESF namely, inputs, actions, outcomes, are feasible and demonstrate their potential and applicability to be applied in the real environment as 75% of the experts found it as useful, 66.7% find it easy to implement, and 75% find the techniques are adequate and sufficient


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    Commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) component selection is considered a critical task in effectively developing a component-based software system (CBSS). COTS vendor selection involves selecting the right vendors who can provide reliable COTS components at a suitable price and on time. However, COTS vendor selection is commonly a multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) issue” associated with many paradoxical criteria for which the decision maker’s knowledge may be uncertain and ambiguous. This paper attempts to present “Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets (IFS) combined with the technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution (TOPSIS) method” to appraise and choose the best COTS vendor under the environment of group decision-making while considering reliability, delivery time, compatibility, vendor support and functionality as benefit criteria. In contrast, price and maintenance are the cost criteria. The considered case study demonstrated the presented case effectively

    Characterization of trade-off preferences between non-functional properties

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    Efficient design and evolution of complex software intensive systems rely on the ability to make informed decisions as early as possible in the life cycle. Such informed decisions should take both the intended functional and non-functional properties into account. Especially regarding the latter, it is both necessary to be able to predict properties and to prioritize them according to well-defined criteria. In this paper we focus on the latter problem, that is to say how to make trade-offs between non-functional properties of software intensive systems. We provide an approach based on the elicitation of utility functions from stake-holders and subsequent checks for consistency among these functions. The approach is exploitable through an easy-to-use GUI, which is also presented. Moreover, we describe the setup and the outcome of our two-fold validation based on exploratory elicitations with students and practitioners

    Interactive decision support for multiobjective COTS selection

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    Neubauer T, Stummer C. Interactive decision support for multiobjective COTS selection. In: Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-40). IEEE Computer Society; 2007: 1-7