242 research outputs found

    ADVICE, Allocation Dynamique des Voies de Circulation : Analyse système et choix technologique, livrable final de la Tache 2

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    Lutter efficacement contre la congestion routière, améliorer durablement la sécurité des automobilistes sont deux des objectifs majeurs des gestionnaires d'infrastructures routières. En milieu urbain, la congestion du trafic a un impact direct sur la qualité des transports collectifs (TC) de surface. Au-delà de leur extension, l'optimisation des infrastructures existantes et le déploiement de Systèmes de Transport Intelligent (STI), qui rendent possible la gestion dynamique du trafic, sont une solution. Le projet ADViCe, issu d'un travail collaboratif d'un Think Tank du LUTB « Systèmes de transport », propose d'évaluer la pertinence de la mise en place d'une stratégie d'allocation dynamique des voies de circulation. L'objectif étant d'améliorer l'efficacité des transports prioritaires (bus, pompiers, etc.) sans limiter sensiblement l'espace disponible pour les autres véhicules. Les objectifs du projet Advices sont : " Définir une méthodologie pour la mise en place d'une solution innovante de gestion du trafic " Développer les technologies adaptées et les mettre en oeuvre " Expérimenter les stratégies ADViCe " Evaluer et optimiser les scénarios de régulation Ce livrable représente le livrable final de la tache 2. Dans ce rapport nous identifierons les fonctions nécessaires à la gestion du trafic et nous décrirons les technologies permettant de les réaliser


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    Abstract. Mobile Mapping Systems (MMS) are multi-sensor technologies based on SLAM procedure, which provides accurate 3D measurement and mapping of the environment as also trajectory estimation for autonomous navigation. The major limits of these algorithms are the navigation and mapping inconsistence over the time and the georeferencing of the products. These issues are particularly relevant for pose estimation regardless the environment like in seamless navigation. This paper is a preliminary analysis on a proposed multi-sensor platform integrated for indoor/outdoor seamless positioning system. In particular the work is devoted to analyze the performances of the MMS in term of positioning accuracy and to evaluate its improvement with the integration of GNSS and UWB technology. The results show that, if the GNSS and UWB signal are not degraded, using the correct weight to their observations in the Stencil estimation algorithm, is possible to obtain an improvement in the accuracy of the MMS navigation solution as also in the global consistency of the final point cloud. This improvement is measured in about 7 cm for planimetric coordinate and 34 cm along the elevation with respect to the use of the Stencil system alone

    Characterization of a mobile mapping system for seamless navigation

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    4noMobile Mapping Systems (MMS) are multi-sensor technologies based on SLAM procedure, which provides accurate 3D measurement and mapping of the environment as also trajectory estimation for autonomous navigation. The major limits of these algorithms are the navigation and mapping inconsistence over the time and the georeferencing of the products. These issues are particularly relevant for pose estimation regardless the environment like in seamless navigation. This paper is a preliminary analysis on a proposed multi-sensor platform integrated for indoor/outdoor seamless positioning system. In particular the work is devoted to analyze the performances of the MMS in term of positioning accuracy and to evaluate its improvement with the integration of GNSS and UWB technology. The results show that, if the GNSS and UWB signal are not degraded, using the correct weight to their observations in the Stencil estimation algorithm, is possible to obtain an improvement in the accuracy of the MMS navigation solution as also in the global consistency of the final point cloud. This improvement is measured in about 7 cm for planimetric coordinate and 34 cm along the elevation with respect to the use of the Stencil system alone.openopenDI Pietra V.; Grasso N.; Piras M.; Dabove P.DI Pietra, V.; Grasso, N.; Piras, M.; Dabove, P

    Technology Implications of UWB on Wireless Sensor Network-A detailed Survey

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    In today’s high tech “SMART” world sensor based networks are widely used. The main challenge with wireless-based sensor networks is the underneath physical layer. In this survey, we have identified core obstacles of wireless sensor network when UWB is used at PHY layer. This research was done using a systematic approach to assess UWB’s effectiveness (for WSN) based on information taken from various research papers, books, technical surveys and articles. Our aim is to measure the UWB’s effectiveness for WSN and analyze the different obstacles allied with its implementation. Starting from existing solutions to proposed theories. Here we have focused only on the core concerns, e.g. spectrum, interference, synchronization etc.Our research concludes that despite all the bottlenecks and challenges, UWB’s efficient capabilities makes it an attractive PHY layer scheme for the WSN, provided we can control interference and energy problems. This survey gives a fresh start to the researchers and prototype designers to understand the technological concerns associated with UWB’s implementatio

    IR-UWB Cognitive Radio System Based on the M-OAM Modulations

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    Communication systems plays decisive role in the evolution of the transport field, and during the last years, requests to have the safest and most efficient transport modes has been expressed by users. The use of the ultra-wideband (UWB) technique can satisfy such a need. UWB offers numerous advantages such as: the large offered bandwidth, the signal flexibility, the quality of service, the transmission power and the limited cost. In this paper, a new system dedicated to the domain of transport, based on UWB technology is presented. The implementation of the new modulation M-OAM (Orthogonal Amplitude Modulation) which is based on the use of original mathematical tools called Modified Gegenbauer functions (MGF), derived from orthogonal polynomials, increases the data rate flow and enhances the robustness ensured by UWB communication for multimedia and transport applications. With the purpose of improving the functioning of the communication system and ensuring the very high data rate, this work consists in combination of UWB and cognitive radio technologies in order to develop an adapted and efficient universal receiver. This receiver is able to detect the signal arrival and identify the coding parameters used in the transmission so as to be adapted to them automatically. The receiver requires intelligent capacities of observation, learning and decision, therefore, our conception is based on the concept of the cognitive radio which is characterized with the ability to detect the presence of the signal. In this paper, we present the principle of the modulation M-OAM, the waveforms used in our system, and the method which allows the receiver to identify the type of the used modulation

    UWB Radio Wireless Communication System Design for Railway Tunnels

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    Railway is an economical and comfortable mode of transportation for long distances. Safety, reliability and good quality of service are the main concern of railway industries which are maintained by railway management and communication system. There are several existing management systems like CCCS, ATCS, PTC and many more. With increasing population, demand for railway services also increases. To full fill these demands railway infrastructure has been developing continuously. By implementing latest technologies for railway communication we can make railway transportation safer, efficient, and more accessible. Ultra wideband radio communication system is amongst those very latest and rapidly growing technologies. This research work focuses on the study of UWB radio based wireless communication system for railway tunnels, whose main task is to maintain an uninterrupted data transmission between train driver to wayside controller

    Localisation pédestre : Synthèse bibliographique et illustration d'une approche par vision monoculaire embarquée

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    National audienceLocate our position is one of the tasks we naturally do with our view and our memory. However, ensuring this task in an artificial way is still a challenge for the whole community of computer vision. This paper presents a detailed literature review of pedestrian localization systems and their technologies. In the context of the visually impaired pedestrian navigation assistance, we also present an innovative solution based on the vision localization for both outdoor and indoor navigation. This new solution is established based on the independence of any collective equipment.Se localiser est une des tâches que nous faisons naturellement grâce à notre vue et notre mémoire. Cependant, l'assurer artificiellement demeure un défi pour toute la communauté de la vision par ordinateur. Cette communication présente une revue de la littérature détaillée des systèmes de localisation pédestre et de ses technologies. Dans le contexte de l'assistance à la navigation pédestre des déficients visuels, nous proposons aussi une solution innovante, pour un fonctionnement efficace aussi bien en extérieur qu'en intérieur, fondée sur l'indépendance vis-à-vis de l'équipement collectif

    Introducing autonomous aerial robots in industrial manufacturing

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    Although ground robots have been successfully used for many years in manufacturing, the capability of aerial robots to agilely navigate in the often sparse and static upper part of factories makes them suitable for performing tasks of interest in many industrial sectors. This paper presents the design, development, and validation of a fully autonomous aerial robotic system for manufacturing industries. It includes modules for accurate pose estimation without using a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), autonomous navigation, radio-based localization, and obstacle avoidance, among others, providing a fully onboard solution capable of autonomously performing complex tasks in dynamic indoor environments in which all necessary sensors, electronics, and processing are on the robot. It was developed to fulfill two use cases relevant in many industries: light object logistics and missing tool search. The presented robotic system, functionalities, and use cases have been extensively validated with Technology Readiness Level 7 (TRL-7) in the Centro Bahía de C´ adiz (CBC) Airbus D&S factory in fully working conditions.Comisión Europea 60884Horizonte 2020 (Unión Europea) 871479Plan Nacional de I+D+I DPI2017-8979-

    Modèles sémantiques, raisonnements réactifs et narratifs, pour la gestiondu contexte. : intelligence ambiante et robotique ubiquitaire

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    With the appearance of the paradigms of ubiquitous systems and ambient intelligence, a new domain of research is emerging with the aim of creating intelligent environments and ecosystems, that can provide multiple services that can improve quality of life, the physical and mental status and the social wellness of the users. In this thesis, weaddress the problem of semantic knowledge representation and reasoning, in the context of ambient intelligent systems and ubiquitous robots. We propose two semantic models that improve the cognitive functions of these systems, in terms of context recognition, and context adaptation. The first one is an ontology-based model, which is associatedwith a rule language to model reactive reasoning process on contextual knowledge. To take into account the dynamicity of context and insure coherent decision-making, this process guarantees two essential properties : decidability and non-monotonic reasoning. The second model is also an ontology-based model that completes the previous model interms of expressiveness for semantic representation of non-trivial contexts with temporal dimension It is based on n-ary relations and a narrative representation of events for inferring causalities between events, and therefore to build the chronological context of a situation as from past and current events. The proposed models have been implemented onthe ubiquitous experimental platform of LISSI, and validated through three scenarios for cognitive assistance and context recognition.Avec l’apparition des paradigmes des systèmes ubiquitaires ou omniprésents, et de l’intelligence ambiante, on assiste à l’émergence d’un nouveau domaine de recherche visant à créer des environnements ou écosystèmes intelligents pouvant offrir une multitude de services permettant d’améliorer la qualité de vie, l’état physique et mental, et lebien-être social des usagers. Dans cette thèse, nous nous focalisons sur la problématique de la représentation sémantique des connaissances et du raisonnement dans le cadre des systèmes à intelligence ambiante et des robots ubiquitaires. Nous proposons deux modèles sémantiques permettant d’améliorer les fonctions cognitives de ces systèmes en termes de gestion du contexte. Au premier modèle, de type ontologique, sont associés un langagede règles et un raisonnement réactif pour la sensibilité au contexte. Pour prendre en compte le caractère dynamique du contexte et assurer une prise de décision cohérente, le mode de raisonnement retenu garantit deux propriétés essentielles : la décidabilité et la non-monotonie. Le deuxième modèle, également de type ontologique, complète le modèle précédent en termes d’expressivité pour la représentation de contextes non-triviaux et/ou liés au temps. Il s’appuie sur des relations n-aires et une représentation narrative des événements pour inférer des causalités entre événements et reconnaître des contextes complexes non-observables à partir d’événements passés et courants. Les modèles proposés ont été mis en œuvre et validés sur la plateforme ubiquitaire d’expérimentation du LISSI àpartir de trois scenarii d’assistance cognitive et de reconnaissance de contexte