4,674 research outputs found

    An intelligent tutoring system for space shuttle diagnosis

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    An Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) transcends conventional computer-based instruction. An ITS is capable of monitoring and understanding student performance thereby providing feedback, explanation, and remediation. This is accomplished by including models of the student, the instructor, and the expert technician or operator in the domain of interest. The space shuttle fuel cell is the technical domain for the project described below. One system, Microcomputer Intelligence for Technical Training (MITT), demonstrates that ITS's can be developed and delivered, with a reasonable amount of effort and in a short period of time, on a microcomputer. The MITT system capitalizes on the diagnostic training approach called Framework for Aiding the Understanding of Logical Troubleshooting (FAULT) (Johnson, 1987). The system's embedded procedural expert was developed with NASA's C-Language Integrated Production (CLIP) expert system shell (Cubert, 1987)

    Designing web-based adaptive learning environment : distils as an example

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    In this study, two components are developed for the Web-based adaptive learning: an online Intelligent Tutoring Tool (ITT) and an Adaptive Lecture Guidance (ALG). The ITT provides students timely problem-solving help in a dynamic Web environment. The ALG prevents students from being disoriented when a new domain is presented using Web technology. A prototype, Distributed Intelligent Learning System (DISTILS), has been implemented in a general chemistry laboratory domain. In DISTILS, students interact with the ITT through a Web browser. When a student selects a problem, the problem is formatted and displayed in the user interface for the student to solve. On the other side, the ITT begins to solve the problem simultaneously. The student can then request help from the ITT through the interface. The ITT interacts with the student, verifying those solution activities in an ascending order of the student knowledge status. In DISTILS, a Web page is associated with a HTML Learning Model (HLM) to describe its knowledge content. The ALG extracts the HLM, collects the status of students\u27 knowledge in HLM, and presents a knowledge map illustrating where the student is, how much proficiency he/she already has and where he/she is encouraged to explore. In this way, the ALG helps students to navigate the Web-based course material, protecting them from being disoriented and giving them guidance in need. Both the ITT and ALG components are developed under a generic Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)-driven framework. Under this framework, knowledge objects model domain expertise, a student modeler assesses student\u27s knowledge progress, an instruction engine includes two tutoring components, such as the ITT and the ALG, and the CORBA-compatible middleware serves as the communication infrastructure. The advantage of such a framework is that it promotes the development of modular and reusable intelligent educational objects. In DISTILS, a collection of knowledge objects were developed under CORBA to model general chemistry laboratory domain expertise. It was shown that these objects can be easily assembled in a plug-and-play manner to produce several exercises for different laboratory experiments. Given the platform independence of CORBA, tutoring objects developed under such a framework have the potential to be easily reused in different applications. Preliminary results showed that DISTILS effectively enhanced learning in Web environment. Three high school students and twenty-two NJIT students participated in the evaluation of DISTILS. In the final quiz of seven questions, the average correct answers of the students who studied in a Web environment with DISTILS (DISTILS Group) was 5.3, and the average correct answers of those who studied in the same Web environment without DISTILS (NoDISTILS Group) was 2.75. A t-test conducted on this small sample showed that the DISTILS group students significantly scored better than the NoDISTILS group students

    Comprendiendo el potencial y los desafíos del Big Data en las escuelas y la educación

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    In recent years, the world has experienced a huge revolution centered around the gathering and application of big data in various fields. This has affected many aspects of our daily life, including government, manufacturing, commerce, health, communication, entertainment, and many more. So far, education has benefited only a little from the big data revolution. In this article, we review the potential of big data in the context of education systems. Such data may include log files drawn from online learning environments, messages on online discussion forums, answers to open-ended questions, grades on various tasks, demographic and administrative information, speech, handwritten notes, illustrations, gestures and movements, neurophysiologic signals, eye movements, and many more. Analyzing this data, it is possible to calculate a wide range of measurements of the learning process and to support various educational stakeholders with informed decision-making. We offer a framework for better understanding of how big data can be used in education. The framework comprises several elements that need to be addressed in this context: defining the data; formulating data-collecting and storage apparatuses; data analysis and the application of analysis products. We further review some key opportunities and some important challenges of using big data in educationEn los últimos años, el mundo ha experimentado una gran revolución centrada en la recopilación y aplicación de big data en varios campos. Esto ha afectado muchos aspectos de nuestra vida diaria, incluidos el gobierno, la manufactura, el comercio, la salud, la comunicación, el entretenimiento y muchos más. Hasta ahora, la educación se ha beneficiado muy poco de la revolución del big data. En este artículo revisamos el potencial de los macrodatos en el contexto de los sistemas educativos. Dichos datos pueden incluir archivos de registro extraídos de entornos de aprendizaje en línea, mensajes en foros de discusión en línea, respuestas a preguntas abiertas, calificaciones en diversas tareas, información demográfica y administrativa, discurso, notas escritas a mano, ilustraciones, gestos y movimientos, señales neurofisiológicas, movimientos oculares y muchos más. Analizando estos datos es posible calcular una amplia gama de mediciones del proceso de aprendizaje y apoyar a diversos interesados educativos con una toma de decisiones informada. Ofrecemos un marco para una mejor comprensión de cómo se puede utilizar el big data en la educación. El marco comprende varios elementos que deben abordarse en este contexto: definición de los datos; formulación de aparatos de recolección y almacenamiento de datos; análisis de datos y aplicación de productos de análisis. Además, revisamos algunas oportunidades clave y algunos desafíos importantes del uso de big data en la educació

    Computer aided learning for entry level accountancy students

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    Available from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:DXN049783 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreSIGLEGBUnited Kingdo

    A course-oriented intelligent tutoring system with probability assessment

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    Most Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) in the past have concentrated on small domains and have been topic-oriented. They have tended to be non-extendable prototypes and have neglected the expertise of human teachers. It is argued here that a promising approach at this time is to design course-oriented ITS shells which are based on the human teacher. Courses using such shells could be used to take some of the load of first-time delivery and assessment from teachers and lecturers, and leave them more time for individual tutoring. [Continues.

    A generic architecture for interactive intelligent tutoring systems

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University, 07/06/2001.This research is focused on developing a generic intelligent architecture for an interactive tutoring system. A review of the literature in the areas of instructional theories, cognitive and social views of learning, intelligent tutoring systems development methodologies, and knowledge representation methods was conducted. As a result, a generic ITS development architecture (GeNisa) has been proposed, which combines the features of knowledge base systems (KBS) with object-oriented methodology. The GeNisa architecture consists of the following components: a tutorial events communication module, which encapsulates the interactive processes and other independent computations between different components; a software design toolkit; and an autonomous knowledge acquisition from a probabilistic knowledge base. A graphical application development environment includes tools to support application development, and learning environments and which use a case scenario as a basis for instruction. The generic architecture is designed to support client-side execution in a Web browser environment, and further testing will show that it can disseminate applications over the World Wide Web. Such an architecture can be adapted to different teaching styles and domains, and reusing instructional materials automatically can reduce the effort of the courseware developer (hence cost and time) in authoring new materials. GeNisa was implemented using Java scripts, and subsequently evaluated at various commercial and academic organisations. Parameters chosen for the evaluation include quality of courseware, relevancy of case scenarios, portability to other platforms, ease of use, content, user-friendliness, screen display, clarity, topic interest, and overall satisfaction with GeNisa. In general, the evaluation focused on the novel characteristics and performances of the GeNisa architecture in comparison with other ITS and the results obtained are discussed and analysed. On the basis of the experience gained during the literature research and GeNisa development and evaluation. a generic methodology for ITS development is proposed as well as the requirements for the further development of ITS tools. Finally, conclusions are drawn and areas for further research are identified

    The Prosody of Uncertainty for Spoken Dialogue Intelligent Tutoring Systems

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    The speech medium is more than an audio conveyance of word strings. It contains meta information about the content of the speech. The prosody of speech, pauses and intonation, adds an extra dimension of diagnostic information about the quality of a speaker\u27s answers, suggesting an important avenue of research for spoken dialogue tutoring systems. Tutoring systems that are sensitive to such cues may employ different tutoring strategies based on detected student uncertainty, and they may be able to perform more precise assessment of the area of student difficulty. However, properly identifying the cues can be challenging, typically requiring thousands of hand labeled utterances for training in machine learning. This study proposes and explores means of exploiting alternate automatically generated information, utterance correctness and the amount of practice a student has had, as indicators of student uncertainty. It finds correlations with various prosodic features and these automatic indicators and compares the result with a small set of annotated utterances, and finally demonstrates a Bayesian classifier based on correctness scores as class labels

    Exploration of Student Online Learning Behavior and Academic Achievement

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    Students’ online persistence has typically been studied at the macro-level (e.g., completion of an online course, number of academic terms completed, etc.), and was investigated as a dependent variable with predicting variables such as motivation, engagement, economical support, etc. This study examines students’ persistence in an online adaptive learning environment called ALEKS, and the association between students’ academic achievement and persistence. With archived data that included students’ online math learning log and standardized tests scores, we first explored students’ learning behavior patterns with regard to how persistent they were while learning with ALEKS. Three variables indicating three levels of persistence were created and used for cluster analysis. Hierarchical clustering analysis identified three distinctive patterns of persistence-related learning behaviors: (1) High persistence and rare topic shifting; (2) Low persistence and frequent topic shifting; and (3) Moderate persistence and moderate topic shifting. We further explored the association between persistence and academic achievement. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) indicated no significant difference in academic achievement between students with different learning patterns. This result seems to suggest that “wheel-spinning” coexists with persistence and is not beneficial to learning. This finding also suggests that ALEKS, and other intelligent learning environments, would benefit from a mechanism that determines when a student fails that takes into account wheel-spinning behaviors. This would allow for a more appropriate intervention to be provided to learners in a timely manner

    DeepEval: An Integrated Framework for the Evaluation of Student Responses in Dialogue Based Intelligent Tutoring Systems

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    The automatic assessment of student answers is one of the critical components of an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) because accurate assessment of student input is needed in order to provide effective feedback that leads to learning. But this is a very challenging task because it requires natural language understanding capabilities. The process requires various components, concepts identification, co-reference resolution, ellipsis handling etc. As part of this thesis, we thoroughly analyzed a set of student responses obtained from an experiment with the intelligent tutoring system DeepTutor in which college students interacted with the tutor to solve conceptual physics problems, designed an automatic answer assessment framework (DeepEval), and evaluated the framework after implementing several important components. To evaluate our system, we annotated 618 responses from 41 students for correctness. Our system performs better as compared to the typical similarity calculation method. We also discuss various issues in automatic answer evaluation

    8. Issues in Intelligent Computer-Assisted Instruction: Eval uation and Measurement

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    In this chapter we plan to explore two issues in the field of intelligent computer assisted instruction (ICAI) that we feel offer opportunities to advance the state of the art. These issues are evaluation of ICAI systems and the use of the underlying technology in ICAI systems to develop tests. For each issue we will provide a theoretical context, discuss key constructs, provide a brief window to the appropriate literature, suggest methodological solutions and conclude with a concrete example of the feasibility of the solution from our own research. INTELLIGENT COMPUTER-ASSISTED INSTRUCTION (ICAI) ICAI is the application of artificial intelligence to computer-assisted instruction. Artificial intelligence, a branch of computer science, is making computers smart in order to (a) make them more useful and (b) understand intelligence (Winston, 1977). Topic areas in artificial intelligence have included natural language processing (Schank, 1980), vision (Winston, 1975), knowledge representation (Woods, 1983), spoken language (Lea, 1980), planning (Hayes-Roth, 1980), and expert systems (Buchanan, 1981). The field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has matured in both hardware and software. The most commonly used language in the field is LISP (List Processing). A major development in the hardware area is that personal LISP machines are now available at a relatively low cost (20-50K) with the power of prior mainframes. In the software area two advances stand out: (a) programming support environments such as LOOPS (Bobrow & Stefik, 1983) and (b) expert system tools. These latter tools are now running on powerful micros. The application of expert systems technology to a host of real-world problems has demonstrated the utility of artificial intelligence techniques in a very dramatic style. Expert system technology is the branch of artificial intelligence at this point most relevant to ICAI. Expert Systems Knowledge-based systems or expert systems are a collection of problem-solving computer programs containing both factual and experiential knowledge and data in a particular domain. When the knowledge embodied in the program is a result of a human expert elicitation, these systems are called expert systems. A typical expert system consists of a knowledge base, a reasoning mechanism popularly called an inference engine and a friendly user interface. The knowledge base consists of facts, concepts, and numerical data (declarative knowledge), procedures based on experience or rules of thumb (heuristics), and causal or conditional relationships (procedural knowledge). The inference engine searches or reasons with or about the knowledge base to arrive at intermediate conclusions or final results during the course of problem solving. It effectively decides when and what knowledge should be applied, applies the knowledge and determines when an acceptable solution has been found. The inference engine employs several problem-solving strategies in arriving at conclusions. Two of the popular schemes involve starting with a good description or desired solution and working backwards to the known facts or current situation (backward chaining), and starting with the current situation or known facts and working toward a goal or desired solution (forward chaining). The user interface may give the user choices (typically menu-driven) or allow the user to participate in the control of the process (mixed initiative). The interface allows the user: to describe a problem, input knowledge or data, browse through the knowledge base, pose question, review the reasoning process of the system, intervene as necessary, and control overall system operation. Successful expert systems have been developed in fields as diverse as mineral exploration (Duda & Gaschnig, 1981) and medical diagnosis (Clancy, 1981). ICAI Systems ICAI systems use approaches artificial intelligence and cognitive science to teach a range of subject matters. Representative types of subjects include: (a) collection of facts, for example, South American geography in SCHOLAR (Carbonell & Collins, 1973); (b) complete system models, for example, a ship propulsion system in STEAMER (Stevens & Steinberg, 1981) and a power supply in SOPHIE (Brown, Burton, & de Kleer, 1982); (c) completely described procedural rules, for example, strategy learning, WEST (Brown, Burton, & de Kleer, 1982), or arithmetic in BUGGY (Brown & Burton, 1978); (d) partly described procedural rules, for example, computer programming in PROUST (Johnson & Soloway, 1983); LISP Tutor (Anderson, Boyle, & Reiser, 1985); rules in ALGEBRA (McArthur, Stasz, & Hotta, 1987); diagnosis of infectious diseases in GUIDON (Clancey, 1979); and an imperfectly understood complex domain, causes of rainfall in WHY (Stevens, Collins, & Goldin, 1978). Excellent reviews by Barr and Feigenbaum (1982) and Wenger (1987) document many of these ICAI systems. Representative research in ICAI is described by O\u27Neil, Anderson, and Freeman (1986) and Wenger (1987). Although suggestive evidence has been provided by Anderson et al. (1985), few of these ICAI projects have been evaluated in any rigorous fashion. In a sense they have all been toy systems for research and demonstration. Yet, they have raised a good deal of excitement and enthusiasm about their likelihood of being effective instructional environments. With respect to cognitive science, progress has been made in the following areas: identification and analysis of misconceptions or bugs (Clement, Lockhead, & Soloway, 1980), the use of learning strategies (O\u27Neil & Spielberger, 1979; Weinstein & Mayer, 1986), expert versus novice distinction (Chi, Glaser, & Rees, 1982), the role of mental models in learning (Kieras & Bovair, 1983), and the role of self-explanations in problem solving (Chi, Bassok, Lewis, Reimann, & Glaser, 1987). The key components of an ICAI system consist of a knowledge base: that is, (a) what the student is to learn; (b) a student model, either where the student is now with respect to subject matter or how student characteristics interact with subject matters, and (c) a tutor, that is, instructional techniques for teaching the declarative or procedural knowledge. These components are described in more detail by Fletcher (1985)