212 research outputs found

    Multi-robot cooperation

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    Abstract. This bachelor’s thesis familiarizes with multi-robot cooperation. The main interest is in two robot manipulators. This thesis is a literature review. The operation of the robot and the phenomena that act on them while in operation are investigated from kinematics and command architecture point of view. This thesis is based on manuals from two KUKA robots from University of Oulu, so in the future the use and understanding of their cooperation would be easier. The results gave good understanding of robot software calculations for trajectories and geometrics and what other has to consider when controlling a multi-robot system. This is a good base for deeper theoretical research for robot system software and practical testing.Usean robotin yhteiskäyttö. Tiivistelmä. Tässä opinnäytetyössä perehdytään usean robotin yhteiskäyttöön, jossa mielenkiinnon kohteena on kahden robottikäden yhteistoiminta. Työ on kirjallisuuskatsaus. Robottien toimintaa ja niihin vaikuttavia asioita tarkastellaan niin kinematiikan, kuin ohjelmisto- ja käskyarkkitehtuurin kautta. Työn pohjana käytettiin yliopistolla olevien KUKA robottikäsien oppaita, jotta jatkossa niiden yhteiskäyttö olisi helpommin ymmärrettävissä. Työn tulokset avasivat sitä, miten robottien ohjelmisto ohjaa ja laskee tarvittavat liikeradat ja geometriat ja mitä kaikkea usean robotin ohjauksessa pitää ottaa huomioon. Tämä on hyvä pohja syvemmälle teoreettiselle robottiohjelmistolle tai käytännön testaamiselle

    Intelligent collision avoidance system for industrial manipulators

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    Mestrado de dupla diplomação com a UTFPR - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáThe new paradigm of Industry 4.0 demand the collaboration between robot and humans. They could help (human and robot) and collaborate each other without any additional security, unlike other conventional manipulators. For this, the robot should have the ability of acquire the environment and plan (or re-plan) on-the-fly the movement avoiding the obstacles and people. This work proposes a system that acquires the space of the environment, based on a Kinect sensor, verifies the free spaces generated by a Point Cloud and executes the trajectory of manipulators in these free spaces. The simulation system should perform the path planning of a UR5 manipulator for pick-and-place tasks, while avoiding the objects around it, based on the point cloud from Kinect. And due to the results obtained in the simulation, it was possible to apply this system in real situations. The basic structure of the system is the ROS software, which facilitates robotic applications with a powerful set of libraries and tools. The MoveIt! and Rviz are examples of these tools, with them it was possible to carry out simulations and obtain planning results. The results are reported through logs files, indicating whether the robot motion plain was successful and how many manipulator poses were needed to create the final movement. This last step, allows to validate the proposed system, through the use of the RRT and PRM algorithms. Which were chosen because they are most used in the field of robot path planning.Os novos paradigmas da Indústria 4.0 exigem a colaboração entre robôs e seres humanos. Estes podem ajudar e colaborar entre si sem qualquer segurança adicional, ao contrário de outros manipuladores convencionais. Para isto, o robô deve ter a capacidade de adquirir o meio ambiente e planear (ou re-planear) on-the-fly o movimento evitando obstáculos e pessoas. Este trabalho propõe um sistema que adquire o espaço do ambiente através do sensor Kinect. O sistema deve executar o planeamento do caminho de manipuladores que possuem movimentos de um ponto a outro (ponto inicial e final), evitando os objetos ao seu redor, com base na nuvem de pontos gerada pelo Kinect. E devido aos resultados obtidos na simulação, foi possível aplicar este sistema em situações reais. A estrutura base do sistema é o software ROS, que facilita aplicações robóticas com um poderoso conjunto de bibliotecas e ferramentas. O MoveIt! e Rviz são exemplos destas ferramentas, com elas foi possível realizar simulações e conseguir os resultados de planeamento livre de colisões. Os resultados são informados por meio de arquivos logs, indicando se o movimento do UR5 foi realizado com sucesso e quantas poses do manipulador foram necessárias criar para atingir o movimento final. Este último passo, permite validar o sistema proposto, através do uso dos algoritmos RRT e PRM. Que foram escolhidos por serem mais utilizados no ramo de planeamento de trajetória para robôs

    Robots learn to behave: improving human-robot collaboration in flexible manufacturing applications

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    This paper presents the modeling of a robot's navigation using ultrasonic sensors under uncertainty. The robot tries to avoid obstacles by using the fuzzy logic controller to process the data coming from three ultrasonic sensors. To assess the performance of fuzzy logic optimized robot navigation controller with ultrasonic sensors, which measure the distance by calculating the time spent on the object and its return, the obstacles are placed in front of, left, and right of the robot.  Mamdani fuzzy reasoning system is used for the designed controller for its intuitive properties and fewer setting parameters which reduces the amount of time spent on the programming of the controller. 25 rules are considered to cover a robot’s possible interactions with obstacles. For an easy understanding of navigation architecture and rapid algorithm implementation, in this paper, a MATLAB simulation framework is developed. MATLAB/Simulink is one of the best simulation tools required to design the architecture and verify algorithms with real-time constraints. Resultant models of the fuzzy optimized controller demonstrate the superior performance of the fuzzy logic controller with high adaptability to the environment while maintaining a sufficient level of accuracy. The designed fuzzy controller can be used in microprocessor/microcontroller-based robots owing to easiness in implementation and coding

    Conference on Intelligent Robotics in Field, Factory, Service, and Space (CIRFFSS 1994), volume 1

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    The AIAA/NASA Conference on Intelligent Robotics in Field, Factory, Service, and Space (CIRFFSS '94) was originally proposed because of the strong belief that America's problems of global economic competitiveness and job creation and preservation can partly be solved by the use of intelligent robotics, which are also required for human space exploration missions. Individual sessions addressed nuclear industry, agile manufacturing, security/building monitoring, on-orbit applications, vision and sensing technologies, situated control and low-level control, robotic systems architecture, environmental restoration and waste management, robotic remanufacturing, and healthcare applications

    Proceedings of the NASA Conference on Space Telerobotics, volume 1

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    The theme of the Conference was man-machine collaboration in space. Topics addressed include: redundant manipulators; man-machine systems; telerobot architecture; remote sensing and planning; navigation; neural networks; fundamental AI research; and reasoning under uncertainty

    Industrial Robotics

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    This book covers a wide range of topics relating to advanced industrial robotics, sensors and automation technologies. Although being highly technical and complex in nature, the papers presented in this book represent some of the latest cutting edge technologies and advancements in industrial robotics technology. This book covers topics such as networking, properties of manipulators, forward and inverse robot arm kinematics, motion path-planning, machine vision and many other practical topics too numerous to list here. The authors and editor of this book wish to inspire people, especially young ones, to get involved with robotic and mechatronic engineering technology and to develop new and exciting practical applications, perhaps using the ideas and concepts presented herein

    User Experience Enchanced Interface ad Controller Design for Human-Robot Interaction

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    The robotic technologies have been well developed recently in various fields, such as medical services, industrial manufacture and aerospace. Despite their rapid development, how to deal with the uncertain envi-ronment during human-robot interactions effectively still remains un-resolved. The current artificial intelligence (AI) technology does not support robots to fulfil complex tasks without human’s guidance. Thus, teleoperation, which means remotely controlling a robot by a human op-erator, is indispensable in many scenarios. It is an important and useful tool in research fields. This thesis focuses on the study of designing a user experience (UX) enhanced robot controller, and human-robot in-teraction interfaces that try providing human operators an immersion perception of teleoperation. Several works have been done to achieve the goal.First, to control a telerobot smoothly, a customised variable gain con-trol method is proposed where the stiffness of the telerobot varies with the muscle activation level extracted from signals collected by the surface electromyograph(sEMG) devices. Second, two main works are conducted to improve the user-friendliness of the interaction interfaces. One is that force feedback is incorporated into the framework providing operators with haptic feedback to remotely manipulate target objects. Given the high cost of force sensor, in this part of work, a haptic force estimation algorithm is proposed where force sensor is no longer needed. The other main work is developing a visual servo control system, where a stereo camera is mounted on the head of a dual arm robots offering operators real-time working situations. In order to compensate the internal and ex-ternal uncertainties and accurately track the stereo camera’s view angles along planned trajectories, a deterministic learning techniques is utilised, which enables reusing the learnt knowledge before current dynamics changes and thus features increasing the learning efficiency. Third, in-stead of sending commands to the telerobts by joy-sticks, keyboards or demonstrations, the telerobts are controlled directly by the upper limb motion of the human operator in this thesis. Algorithm that utilised the motion signals from inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensor to captures humans’ upper limb motion is designed. The skeleton of the operator is detected by Kinect V2 and then transformed and mapped into the joint positions of the controlled robot arm. In this way, the upper limb mo-tion signals from the operator is able to act as reference trajectories to the telerobts. A more superior neural networks (NN) based trajectory controller is also designed to track the generated reference trajectory. Fourth, to further enhance the human immersion perception of teleop-eration, the virtual reality (VR) technique is incorporated such that the operator can make interaction and adjustment of robots easier and more accurate from a robot’s perspective.Comparative experiments have been performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed design scheme. Tests with human subjects were also carried out for evaluating the interface design

    Becoming Human with Humanoid

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    Nowadays, our expectations of robots have been significantly increases. The robot, which was initially only doing simple jobs, is now expected to be smarter and more dynamic. People want a robot that resembles a human (humanoid) has and has emotional intelligence that can perform action-reaction interactions. This book consists of two sections. The first section focuses on emotional intelligence, while the second section discusses the control of robotics. The contents of the book reveal the outcomes of research conducted by scholars in robotics fields to accommodate needs of society and industry