8 research outputs found

    Intelligent design and optimization of machining fixtures

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    U radu je predstavljen integralni sustav za projektiranje i optimizaciju konstrukcije naprava za strojnu obradu. Dio sustava za optimizaciju omogućuje, s jedne strane, određivanje optimalnih pozicija elemenata za baziranje i stezanje kako bi se postigla potrebna točnost i kvaliteta obrađene površine izratka, a s druge strane, generiranje konstrukcije naprava bez kolizija. Dio sustava za projektiranje osigurava izbor pojedinih elemenata naprava na osnovi prethodno definiranih produkcijskih pravila. Prilagođeni kriteriji izbora definirani su za elemente za baziranje, elemente za stezanje, elemente za vođenje alata, elemente za podešavanje položaja alata, elemente tijela naprava, elemente za povezivanje i nadogradne elemente. Sustav je baziran na geometrijskim karakteristikama i karakterističnim obilježjima djela, kao i dodatnim informacijama o obradi i informacijama iz tehnološkog procesa. Sustav je razvijan za operacije tokarenja, bušenja, glodanja i brušenja koje se izvode na rotacijskim i prizmatičnim radnim predmetima. U radu su djelomično prikazani izlazni rezultati razvijenog sustava. Na kraju rada dani su odgovarajući zaključci i istaknuti mogući pravci daljih istraživanja.This work presents an integral system for machining fixture layout design and optimization. The optimization module of this system allows determination of optimal positions of locating and clamping elements, which provides required accuracy and surface quality, while at the same time guarantees design of collision-free fixtures. The design module performs selection of required fixture elements based on a set of predefined production rules. Adequate criteria for the selection of fixture elements are defined for locating, clamping, tool guiding, and tool adjustment elements, as well as for fixture body elements, connecting elements and add-on elements. The system uses geometry and feature workpiece characteristics, as well as the additional machining, and process planning information. It has been developed to accommodate machining processes of turning, drilling, milling, and grinding of rotational and prismatic workpieces. A segment of output results is also shown. Finally, conclusions are presented with directions for future investigation


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    Fixture planning is a complex activity restricted by the extreme diversity of workpieces and constraints of design geometry, part accessibility, working force, and component deformation. This paper reviews major approaches to computer-aided fixture planning (CAFP). Geometry methods, kinematical analysis, force analysis, deformation analysis, case-base reasoning, fixture assembly planning, feature-based methods, rule-based methods and optimization methods are surveyed. The CAFP systems are summarized as CAD-based systems and Web-based systems. Some promising research areas are identified in respect of fixture design, assembly planning and virtual fixture planning

    An integrated computer-aided modular fixture design system for machining semi-circular parts

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    Productivity is one of the most important factors in manufacturing processes because of the high level of market competition. In this regard, modular fixtures (MFs) play an important role in practically improving productivity in flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs) due to this technology using highly productive computer numerical control (CNC) machines. MFs consist of devices called jigs and fixtures for accurately holding the workpiece during different machining operations. The design process is complex, and traditional methods of MF design were not sufficiently productive. Computer-aided design (CAD) software has rapidly improved as a result of the development of computer technology, and has provided huge opportunities for modular fixture designers to use its 3D modelling capabilities to develop more automated systems. Computer-aided fixture design (CAFD) systems have become automated by the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology. This study will investigate the further improvement of automated CAFD systems by using AI tools. In this research, an integrated CAFD is developed by considering four main requirements: · a 3D model of the workpiece, · an expert system, · assembly automation of MFs, · an efficient feature library. The 3D model is an important factor that can provide the appropriate specification of the workpiece; SolidWorks is used the CAD environment for undertaking the 3D modelling in this study. The expert system is applied as a tool to make right decisions about the CAFD planning process, including locating and clamping methods and their related element selection. This helps achieve a feasible fixture design layout. SolidWorks API and Visual Basic programming language are employed for the automating and simulation of the assembly process of MFs. A feature library of modular fixture elements is constructed as a means to simplify the fixture design process


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    The manufacturing industries have been using flexible production technologies to meet the demand for customisation. As a part of production, fixtures have remained limited to dedicated technologies, even though numerous flexible fixtures have been studied and proposed by both academia and industry. The integration of flexible fixtures has shown that such efforts did not yield the anticipated performance and resulted in inefficiencies of cost and time. The fundamental formulation of this thesis addresses this issue and aims to increase the efficiency of flexible fixtures.To realise this aim, the research in this thesis poses three research questions. The first research question investigates the efficiency description of flexible fixtures in terms of the criteria. Relative to this, the second research question investigates the use of efficiency metrics to integrate efficiency criteria into a design procedure. Once the efficiency and design aspects have been established, the third research question investigates the active control of flexible fixtures to increase their efficiency. The results of this thesis derive from the outcome of seven studies investigating the automotive and aerospace industries. The results that answer the first research question use five criteria to establish the efficiency of flexible fixtures. These are: fundamental, flexibility, cost, time and quality. By incorporating design characteristics in respect of production system paradigms, each criterion is elaborated upon using relevant sub-criteria and metrics. Moreover, a comparative design procedure is presented for the second research question and comprising four stages (including mechanical, control and software aspects). Initially, the design procedure proposes conceptual design and verification stages to determine the most promising flexible fixture for a target production system. By executing detailed design and verification, the design procedure enables a fixture designer to finalise the flexible fixture and determine its efficiency. Furthermore, a novel parallel kinematics machine is presented to demonstrate the applicability of the design procedure’s analytical steps and illustrate how appropriate kinematic structures can facilitate the efficiency-orientated design of flexible fixtures.Based on the correlation established by the controller software’s design procedure, the active control of flexible fixtures directly affects the quality criterion of flexible fixture efficiency. This provides the answer to the third research question, on general control strategies for active control of flexible fixtures. The introduction of a system model and manipulator dynamics proposes force and position control strategies. It is shown that any flexible fixture using a kinematic class can be controlled, to regulate the force and position of a workpiece and ensure that process nominals are preserved. Moreover, using both direct and indirect force control strategies, a flexible fixture’s role in active control can be expanded into a system of actively controlled fixtures that are useful in various processes. Finally, a position controller is presented which has the capacity to regulate both periodic and non-periodic signals. This controller uses an additional feedforward scheme (based on the Hilbert transform) in parallel with a feedback mechanism. Thus, the position controller enables flexible fixtures to regulate the position of a workpiece in respect of any kind of disturbance

    Design of fixture elements from the aspect of fixture-workpiece inteface load capacity and compliance

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    U doktorskoj disertaciji je prikazana nova metodologija za projektovanje i optimizaciju konstrukcije elemenata pribora. Projektovani su i realizovani uređaji koji omogućavaju ispitivanje nosivosti i popustljivosti kontakta između elemenata pribora i radnog predmeta u statičkim i dinamičkim uslovima opterećenja. U istraživanjima je simuliran proces stezanja elementima sa specijalno projektovanim završetkom i praćena je nosivost i popustljivost spoja između elemenata pribora i radnog predmeta. Utvrđeno je da standardni elementi za stezanje sa ravnim čelom u odnosu na specijano projektovane elemente imaju značajno manju nosivost i popustljivost. Pozitivni efekti primene elemenata za stezanje sa specijalno projektovanim završetkom ogledaju se u povećanju pouzdanosti, tačnosti i produktivnosti mašinske obrade.Presented in this doctoral dissertation is a new methodology for the design and optimization of fixture elements. Special device is designed and manufactured to test load capacity and interface compliance between fixture elements and workpiece under static and dynamic loads during machining. The research process is simulated by specially designed clamping elements and monitored for load capacity and interface compliance between fixture elements and workpiece. It was found that the standard clamping elements with flat clamping surface have a significantly lower load capacity and interface compliance in comparison with the specially designed clamping elements. Application of the specially designed clamping elements results in increased reliability, accuracy and machining productivity

    Collaborative fixture design and analysis system with robustness for machining parts

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    Recursive pattern based hybrid training

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    An integrated system to design machine layouts for modular special purpose machines

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    This thesis introduces the development of an integrated system for the design of layouts for special purpose machines (SPMs). SPMs are capable of performing several machining operations (such as drilling, milling, and tapping) at the same time. They consist of elements that can be arranged in different layouts. Whilst this is a unique feature that makes SPMs modular, a high level of knowledge and experience is required to rearrange the SPM elements in different configurations, and also to select appropriate SPM elements when product demand changes and new layouts are required. In this research, an integrated system for SPM layout design was developed by considering the following components: an expert system tool, an assembly modelling approach for SPM layouts, an artificial intelligence tool, and a CAD design environment. SolidWorks was used as the 3D CAD environment. VisiRule was used as the expert system tool to make decisions about the selection of SPM elements. An assembly modelling approach was developed with an SPM database using a linked list structure and assembly relationships graph. A case-based reasoning (CBR) approach was developed and applied to automate the selection of SPM layouts. These components were integrated using application programing interface (API) features and Visual Basic programming language. The outcome of the application of the novel approach that was developed in this thesis is reducing the steps for the assembly process of the SPM elements and reducing the time for designing SPM layouts. As a result, only one step is required to assemble any two SPM elements and the time for the selection process of SPM layouts is reduced by approximately 75% compared to the traditional processes. The integrated system developed in this thesis will help engineers in design and manufacturing fields to design SPM layouts in a more time-effective manner