31 research outputs found

    D-FRI-Honeypot:A Secure Sting Operation for Hacking the Hackers Using Dynamic Fuzzy Rule Interpolation

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    As active network defence systems, honeypots are commonly used as a decoy to inspect attackers and their attack tactics in order to improve the cybersecurity infrastructure of an organisation. A honeypot may be successful provided that it disguises its identity. However, cyberattackers continuously endeavour to discover honeypots for evading any deception and bolstering their attacks. Active fingerprinting attack is one such technique that may be used to discover honeypots by sending specially designed traffic. Preventing a fingerprinting attack is possible but doing that may hinder the process of dealing with the attackers, counteracting the purpose of a honeypot. Instead, detecting an attempted fingerprinting attack in real-time can enhance a honeypot’s capability, uninterruptedly managing any immediate consequences and preventing the honeypot being identified. Nevertheless, it is difficult to detect and predict an attempted fingerprinting attack due to the challenge of isolating it from other similar attacks, particularly when imprecise observations are involved in the monitoring of the traffic. Dynamic fuzzy rule interpolation (D-FRI) enables an adaptive approach for effective reasoning with such situations by exploiting the best of both inference and interpolation. The dynamic rules produced by D-FRI facilitate approximate reasoning with perpetual changes that often occur in this type of application, where dynamic rules are required to cover new network conditions. This paper proposes a D-FRI-Honeypot, an enhanced honeypot running D-FRI framework in conjunction with Principal Component Analysis, to detect and predict an attempted fingerprinting attack on honeypots. This D-FRI-Honeypot works with a sparse rule base but is able to detect active fingerprinting attacks when it does not find any matching rules. Also, it learns from current network conditions and offers a dynamically enriched rule base to support more precise detection. This D-FRI-Honeypot is tested against five popular fingerprinting tools (namely, Nmap, Xprobe2, NetScanTools Pro, SinFP3 and Nessus), to demonstrate its successful applications

    A computational intelligence enabled honeypot for chasing ghosts in the wires

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    A honeypot is a concealed security system that functions as a decoy to entice cyberattackers to reveal their information. Therefore, it is essential to disguise its identity to ensure its successful operation. Nonetheless, cyberattackers frequently attempt to uncover these honeypots; one of the most effective techniques for revealing their identity is a fingerprinting attack. Once identified, a honeypot can be exploited as a zombie by an attacker to attack others. Several effective techniques are available to prevent a fingerprinting attack, however, that would be contrary to the purpose of a honeypot, which is designed to interact with attackers to attempt to discover information relating to them. A technique to discover any attempted fingerprinting attack is highly desirable, for honeypots, while interacting with cyberattackers. Unfortunately, no specific method is available to detect and predict an attempted fingerprinting attack in real-time due to the difficulty of isolating it from other attacks. This paper presents a computational intelligence enabled honeypot that is capable of discovering and predicting an attempted fingerprinting attack by using a Principal components analysis and Fuzzy inference system. This proposed system is successfully tested against the five popular fingerprinting tools Nmap, Xprobe2, NetScanTools Pro, SinFP3 and Nessus

    Embedded YARA rules:strengthening YARA rules utilising fuzzy hashing and fuzzy rules for malware analysis

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    The YARA rules technique is used in cybersecurity to scan for malware, often in its default form, where rules are created either manually or automatically. Creating YARA rules that enable analysts to label files as suspected malware is a highly technical skill, requiring expertise in cybersecurity. Therefore, in cases where rules are either created manually or automatically, it is desirable to improve both the performance and detection outcomes of the process. In this paper, two methods are proposed utilising the techniques of fuzzy hashing and fuzzy rules, to increase the effectiveness of YARA rules without escalating the complexity and overheads associated with YARA rules. The first proposed method utilises fuzzy hashing referred to as enhanced YARA rules in this paper, where if existing YARA rules fails to detect the inspected file as malware, then it is subjected to fuzzy hashing to assess whether this technique would identify it as malware. The second proposed technique called embedded YARA rules utilises fuzzy hashing and fuzzy rules to improve the outcomes further. Fuzzy rules countenance circumstances where data are imprecise or uncertain, generating a probabilistic outcome indicating the likelihood of whether a file is malware or not. The paper discusses the success of the proposed enhanced YARA rules and embedded YARA rules through several experiments on the collected malware and goodware corpus and their comparative evaluation against YARA rules

    Multi-aspect rule-based AI: Methods, taxonomy, challenges and directions towards automation, intelligence and transparent cybersecurity modeling for critical infrastructures

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    Critical infrastructure (CI) typically refers to the essential physical and virtual systems, assets, and services that are vital for the functioning and well-being of a society, economy, or nation. However, the rapid proliferation and dynamism of today\u27s cyber threats in digital environments may disrupt CI functionalities, which would have a debilitating impact on public safety, economic stability, and national security. This has led to much interest in effective cybersecurity solutions regarding automation and intelligent decision-making, where AI-based modeling is potentially significant. In this paper, we take into account “Rule-based AI” rather than other black-box solutions since model transparency, i.e., human interpretation, explainability, and trustworthiness in decision-making, is an essential factor, particularly in cybersecurity application areas. This article provides an in-depth study on multi-aspect rule based AI modeling considering human interpretable decisions as well as security automation and intelligence for CI. We also provide a taxonomy of rule generation methods by taking into account not only knowledge-driven approaches based on human expertise but also data-driven approaches, i.e., extracting insights or useful knowledge from data, and their hybridization. This understanding can help security analysts and professionals comprehend how systems work, identify potential threats and anomalies, and make better decisions in various real-world application areas. We also cover how these techniques can address diverse cybersecurity concerns such as threat detection, mitigation, prediction, diagnosis for root cause findings, and so on in different CI sectors, such as energy, defence, transport, health, water, agriculture, etc. We conclude this paper with a list of identified issues and opportunities for future research, as well as their potential solution directions for how researchers and professionals might tackle future generation cybersecurity modeling in this emerging area of study

    Modélisation formelle des systÚmes de détection d'intrusions

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    L’écosystĂšme de la cybersĂ©curitĂ© Ă©volue en permanence en termes du nombre, de la diversitĂ©, et de la complexitĂ© des attaques. De ce fait, les outils de dĂ©tection deviennent inefficaces face Ă  certaines attaques. On distingue gĂ©nĂ©ralement trois types de systĂšmes de dĂ©tection d’intrusions : dĂ©tection par anomalies, dĂ©tection par signatures et dĂ©tection hybride. La dĂ©tection par anomalies est fondĂ©e sur la caractĂ©risation du comportement habituel du systĂšme, typiquement de maniĂšre statistique. Elle permet de dĂ©tecter des attaques connues ou inconnues, mais gĂ©nĂšre aussi un trĂšs grand nombre de faux positifs. La dĂ©tection par signatures permet de dĂ©tecter des attaques connues en dĂ©finissant des rĂšgles qui dĂ©crivent le comportement connu d’un attaquant. Cela demande une bonne connaissance du comportement de l’attaquant. La dĂ©tection hybride repose sur plusieurs mĂ©thodes de dĂ©tection incluant celles sus-citĂ©es. Elle prĂ©sente l’avantage d’ĂȘtre plus prĂ©cise pendant la dĂ©tection. Des outils tels que Snort et Zeek offrent des langages de bas niveau pour l’expression de rĂšgles de reconnaissance d’attaques. Le nombre d’attaques potentielles Ă©tant trĂšs grand, ces bases de rĂšgles deviennent rapidement difficiles Ă  gĂ©rer et Ă  maintenir. De plus, l’expression de rĂšgles avec Ă©tat dit stateful est particuliĂšrement ardue pour reconnaĂźtre une sĂ©quence d’évĂ©nements. Dans cette thĂšse, nous proposons une approche stateful basĂ©e sur les diagrammes d’état-transition algĂ©briques (ASTDs) afin d’identifier des attaques complexes. Les ASTDs permettent de reprĂ©senter de façon graphique et modulaire une spĂ©cification, ce qui facilite la maintenance et la comprĂ©hension des rĂšgles. Nous Ă©tendons la notation ASTD avec de nouvelles fonctionnalitĂ©s pour reprĂ©senter des attaques complexes. Ensuite, nous spĂ©cifions plusieurs attaques avec la notation Ă©tendue et exĂ©cutons les spĂ©cifications obtenues sur des flots d’évĂ©nements Ă  l’aide d’un interprĂ©teur pour identifier des attaques. Nous Ă©valuons aussi les performances de l’interprĂ©teur avec des outils industriels tels que Snort et Zeek. Puis, nous rĂ©alisons un compilateur afin de gĂ©nĂ©rer du code exĂ©cutable Ă  partir d’une spĂ©cification ASTD, capable d’identifier de façon efficiente les sĂ©quences d’évĂ©nements.Abstract : The cybersecurity ecosystem continuously evolves with the number, the diversity, and the complexity of cyber attacks. Generally, we have three types of Intrusion Detection System (IDS) : anomaly-based detection, signature-based detection, and hybrid detection. Anomaly detection is based on the usual behavior description of the system, typically in a static manner. It enables detecting known or unknown attacks but also generating a large number of false positives. Signature based detection enables detecting known attacks by defining rules that describe known attacker’s behavior. It needs a good knowledge of attacker behavior. Hybrid detection relies on several detection methods including the previous ones. It has the advantage of being more precise during detection. Tools like Snort and Zeek offer low level languages to represent rules for detecting attacks. The number of potential attacks being large, these rule bases become quickly hard to manage and maintain. Moreover, the representation of stateful rules to recognize a sequence of events is particularly arduous. In this thesis, we propose a stateful approach based on algebraic state-transition diagrams (ASTDs) to identify complex attacks. ASTDs allow a graphical and modular representation of a specification, that facilitates maintenance and understanding of rules. We extend the ASTD notation with new features to represent complex attacks. Next, we specify several attacks with the extended notation and run the resulting specifications on event streams using an interpreter to identify attacks. We also evaluate the performance of the interpreter with industrial tools such as Snort and Zeek. Then, we build a compiler in order to generate executable code from an ASTD specification, able to efficiently identify sequences of events


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