436 research outputs found

    A New Model-Free Method Combined with Neural Networks for MIMO Systems

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    In this brief, a model-free adaptive predictive control (MFAPC) is proposed. It outperforms the current model-free adaptive control (MFAC) for not only solving the time delay problem in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems but also relaxing the current rigorous assumptions for sake of a wider applicable range. The most attractive merit of the proposed controller is that the controller design, performance analysis and applications are easy for engineers to realize. Furthermore, the problem of how to choose the matrix {\lambda} is finished by analyzing the function of the closed-loop poles rather than the previous contraction mapping method. Additionally, in view of the nonlinear modeling capability and adaptability of neural networks (NNs), we combine these two classes of algorithms together. The feasibility and several interesting results of the proposed method are shown in simulations

    Research on intelligent controller design for MIMO spatially -Distributed systems with applications

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    Spatially dynamic distributed systems have been attracting increasing attention from researchers in the field of system modelling and control since their introduction as an alternative to simple systems to meet the ever-greater requirements to make industrial systems more precise and energy-efficient and to overcome process complexities. An approach whereby complex systems with multi-dimensional parameters, inputs or outputs are simply disregarded or simplified with the help of convenient mathematical models is no longer feasible. Therefore, the purpose of the present study is to contribute to the advancement of both theoretical and empirical knowledge in this field through the means of theoretical analysis, application simulations and case studies. From a theoretical perspective, this study focuses primarily on the design methodology of control systems. To this end, the first step is identification of requirements from the applications, followed by the implementation of an original approach underpinned by data prediction for type-2 T-S fuzzy control with the purpose of making the control system design more convenient. With this aim in mind, the study creates an interface/platform to link or anticipate spatially dynamic distributed system output from lumped system data by taking advantage of the threedimensional character of type-2 fuzzy sets. Moreover, on the basis of a decoupled spatially dynamic distributed system, this study applies Mamdani-type and interval type-2 T-S type fuzzy control, and extends a discussion about the results of simulation and analysis. With regard to application examination, the study contributes to primarily with system analysis and modelling. Along with the progress of physical analysis, a MIMO model is customized for the plant by expanding from the lumped physical character to a distributed system. Furthermore, the coupling feature of the object is addressed based on the decoupling approach and the pole placement approach, while the SISO approach is expanded to a universally acknowledged MIMO approach and Matlab is used to produce the simulation results.As a conclusion, in this research, firstly a state space model was established to expand the SISO system into a MIMO system and the interacted inputs and outputs have been decoupled using decoupling method; and then a Mamdani-type fuzzy control was designed for temperature control and an Interval Type-2 fuzzy control was designed for pressure control, using a simple state-space model instead of a fuzzy model, accordance with the practical plant in use, and very satisfied, very robust control performances were obtained

    Design, Manufacturing and Test of a High Lift Secondary Flight Control Surface with Shape Memory Alloy Post-Buckled Precompressed Actuators

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    The use of morphing components on aerospace structures can greatly increase the versatility of an aircraft. This paper presents the design, manufacturing and testing of a new kind of adaptive airfoil with actuation through Shape Memory Alloys (SMA). The developed adaptive flap system makes use of a novel actuator that employs SMA wires in an antagonistic arrangement with a Post-Buckled Precompressed (PBP) mechanism. SMA actuators are usually used in an antagonistic arrangement or are arranged to move structural components with linearly varying resistance levels similar to springs. Unfortunately, most of this strain energy is spent doing work on the passive structure rather than performing the task at hand, like moving a flight control surface or resisting air loads. A solution is the use of Post-Buckled Precompressed (PBP) actuators that are arranged so that the active elements do not waste energy fighting passive structural stiffnesses. One major problem with PBP actuators is that the low tensile strength of the piezoelectric elements can often result in tensile failure of the actuator on the convex face. A solution to this problem is the use of SMA as actuator material due to their tolerance of tensile stresses. The power consumption to hold deflections is reduced by approximately 20% with the Post-Buckled Precompressed mechanism. Conventional SMAs are essentially non-starters for many classes of aircraft due to the requirement of holding the flight control surfaces in a given position for extremely long times to trim the vehicle. For the reason that PBP actuators balance out air and structural loads, the steady-state load on the SMAs is essentially negligible, when properly designed. Simulations and experiments showed that the SMAPBP actuator shows tip rotations on the order of 45°, which is nearly triple the levels achieved by piezoelectric PBP actuators. The developed SMAPBP actuator was integrated in a NACA0012 airfoil with a flexible skin to carry out wind tunnel tests

    Design, Implementation and Testing of Advanced Control Laws for Fixed-wing UAVs

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    The present PhD thesis addresses the problem of the control of small fixed-wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). In the scientific community much research is dedicated to the study of suitable control laws for this category of aircraft. This interest is motivated by the several applications that these platforms can perform and by their peculiarities as dynamical systems. In fact, small UAVs are characterized by highly nonlinear behavior, strong coupling between longitudinal and latero-directional planes, and high sensitivity to external disturbances and to parametric uncertainties. Furthermore, the challenge is increased by the limited space and weight available for the onboard electronics. The aim of this PhD thesis is to provide a valid confrontation among three different control techniques and to introduce an innovative autopilot configuration suitable for the unmanned aircraft field. Three advanced controllers for fixed-wing unmanned aircraft vehicles are designed and implemented: PID with H1 robust approach, L1 adaptive controller and nonlinear backstepping controller. All of them are analyzed from the theoretical point of view and validated through numerical simulations with a mathematical UAV model. One is implemented on a microcontroller board, validated through hardware simulations and tested in flight. The PID with H1 robust approach is used for the definition of the gains of a commercial autopilot. The proposed technique combines traditional PID control with an H1 loop shaping method to assess the robustness characteristics achievable with simple PID gains. It is demonstrated that this hybrid approach provides a promising solution to the problem of tuning commercial autopilots for UAVs. Nevertheless, it is clear that a tradeoff between robustness and performance is necessary when dealing with this standard control technique. The robustness problem is effectively solved by the adoption of an L1 adaptive controller for complete aircraft control. In particular, the L1 logic here adopted is based on piecewise constant adaptive laws with an adaptation rate compatible with the sampling rate of an autopilot board CPU. The control scheme includes an L1 adaptive controller for the inner loop, while PID gains take care of the outer loop. The global controller is tuned on a linear decoupled aircraft model. It is demonstrated that the achieved configuration guarantees satisfying performance also when applied to a complete nonlinear model affected by uncertainties and parametric perturbations. The third controller implemented is based on an existing nonlinear backstepping technique. A scheme for longitudinal and latero-directional control based on the combination of PID for the outer loop and backstepping for the inner loop is proposed. Satisfying results are achieved also when the nonlinear aircraft model is perturbed by parametric uncertainties. A confrontation among the three controllers shows that L1 and backstepping are comparable in terms of nominal and robust performance, with an advantage for L1, while the PID is always inferior. The backstepping controller is chosen for being implemented and tested on a real fixed-wing RC aircraft. Hardware-in-the-loop simulations validate its real-time control capability on the complete nonlinear model of the aircraft adopted for the tests, inclusive of sensors noise. An innovative microcontroller technology is employed as core of the autopilot system, it interfaces with sensors and servos in order to handle input/output operations and it performs the control law computation. Preliminary ground tests validate the suitability of the autopilot configuration. A limited number of flight tests is performed. Promising results are obtained for the control of longitudinal states, while latero-directional control still needs major improvements

    Aeronautical engineering: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 211)

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    A continuing bibliography (NASA SP-7037) lists 519 reports, journal articles and other documents originally announced in February 1987 in Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports (STAR) or in the International Aerospace Abstracts (IAA). The coverage includes documents on the engineering and theoretical aspect of design, construction, evaluation, testing, operation, and performance of aircraft (including aircraft engines) and associated components, equipment, and systems. It also includes research and development in aerodynamics, aeronautics, and ground support equipment for aeronautical vehicles. Each entry in the bibliography consists of a standard bibliographic citation accompanied in most cases by an abstract. The listing of the entries is arranged by the first nine STAR specific categories and the remaining STAR major categories. The arrangement offers the user the most advantageous breakdown for individual objectives. The citations include the original accession numbers from the respective announcement journals. The IAA items will precede the STAR items within each category. Seven indexes entitled subject, personal author, corporate source, foreign technology, contract number, report number, and accession number are included

    Application of an Integrated Methodology for Propulsion and Airframe Control Design to a STOVL Aircraft

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    An advanced methodology for integrated flight propulsion control (IFPC) design for future aircraft, which will use propulsion system generated forces and moments for enhanced maneuver capabilities, is briefly described. This methodology has the potential to address in a systematic manner the coupling between the airframe and the propulsion subsystems typical of such enhanced maneuverability aircraft. Application of the methodology to a short take-off vertical landing (STOVL) aircraft in the landing approach to hover transition flight phase is presented with brief description of the various steps in the IFPC design methodology. The details of the individual steps have been described in previous publications and the objective of this paper is to focus on how the components of the control system designed at each step integrate into the overall IFPC system. The full nonlinear IFPC system was evaluated extensively in nonreal-time simulations as well as piloted simulations. Results from the nonreal-time evaluations are presented in this paper. Lessons learned from this application study are summarized in terms of areas of potential improvements in the STOVL IFPC design as well as identification of technology development areas to enhance the applicability of the proposed design methodology

    Intelligent energy management in hybrid electric vehicles

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    The modelling and simulation approach is employed to develop an intelligent energy management system for hybrid electric vehicles. The aim is to optimize fuel consumption and reduce emissions. An analysis of the role of drivetrain, energy management control strategy and the associated impacts on the fuel consumption with combined wind/drag, slope, rolling, and accessories loads are included.<br /

    A classification of techniques for the compensation of time delayed processes. Part 2: Structurally optimised controllers

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    Following on from Part 1, Part 2 of the paper considers the use of structurally optimised controllers to compensate time delayed processes
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