9 research outputs found

    Integration of Gamification to Assist Literacy in Children with Special Educational Needs

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    Nowadays, the use of mobile applications is gaining popularity among people, spreading to different areas. Specifically, the use of mobile applications has boomed in the field of education, with the increasing variety of applications in the application stores (PlayStore, AppStore, etc) that address specific problems of stories becoming increasingly common in the market like: problems of reading, writing, mathematics and other topics. On the other hand, the special education is an area of attention to children with special educational needs such as attention deficit, intellectual disability, speech problems, among other problems. Specifically, children who have problems in literacy with special educational need, face a challenge during their learning process of reading and writing. Because of this, special education has begun to incorporate the use of technology through the use of mobile applications in the classroom. In this context, we believe that teaching strategies can be adapted to the development of competences, both specific and transversal, in special education students, while at the same time they can increase students motivation during their learning process. These elements are known as gamification techniques. There is a seies of gamification techniques that can be incorporated into the learning process in children with special educational needs. The present work exposes the gamification techniques incorporated in a playful way in mobile applications, as well as a methodological proposal for the integration of these techniques in special education enviroments, making a case study in conjunction with teachers and special education children. First section of the article consits of a brief introduction to the reader on the subject of the gamification techniques, in wich they are found and some examples of gamification techniques used. Section II exposes the problem that can be solved in this work, section III presents the methodology used for the preparation of this work, describing each of the stages by wich it is composed. Section IV presents the case study that was conducted in conjuntion with special education children and finally section V discusss the results and conclusions that wre obtained from the work done

    Gamifikasi untuk Meningkatkan Kesadaran Lingkungan pada Anak Usia Dini: Studi Kasus pada Game Simulasi Merawat Tanaman

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    Care inining environmental sustainability in the future, is essential to show care for the surrounding living environment. Early education on environmental protection can help cultivate a love of nature. We proposed in this research to develop a game-based technology that teaches love of the environment by helping people play with plants. The Game Development Life Cycle process (GDLC) is used, with an Alpha stage test of 83.33 and a Beta stage test from 77.93. The results of research show that these gamification techniques are accepted by the public, especially children of early age.    Kepedulian dalam menjaga kelestarian lingkungan di masa depan, sangat penting untuk menunjukkan kepedulian terhadap lingkungan hidup sekitar. Pendidikan awal tentang perlindungan lingkungan dapat membantu menumbuhkan rasa cinta terhadap alam. Kami mengusulkan dalam penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan sebuah teknologi berbasis game yang mengajarkan cinta lingkungan dengan membantu orang bermain dengan tanaman. Proses Game Development Life Cycle (GDLC) digunakan, dengan uji tahap Alpha sebesar 83,33 dan uji tahap Beta sebesar 77,93. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teknik gamifikasi ini diterima masyarakat, terutama anak-anak usia dini.   &nbsp

    Inclusive design requirement in designing accessibility for low cognitive users

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    In recent years, there has been extensive research on applying gamification in learning applications. However, there is little published information on the accessibility of gamification learning applications. Accessibility is essential for disabled users to access the application. There is a general lack of empirical research investigating the requirements of gamification applications for low cognitive users. Few studies have described the impact of limitations low cognitive users face with accessibility that distress their learning process. This study attempt to design learning gamification application for low cognitive user. Based on the requirement needs of low cognitive user, the application design was implemented and tested. Usability testing results showed positive feedback from implementing accessibility requirements in learning gamification applications

    Learn by distance: advice for choosing an effective and inclusive e- Learning platform

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    In this last eventful year, in order to deal with the health emergency, the logistic problems related to it and the imposition of "distance learning", digital e-Learning platforms and tools have been widely used both for teaching and for autonomous work. However, these technologies were often completely new to users and their parents, who had to quickly adapt to the situation by learning how to handle them, not always in the most efficient way. Moreover, many families were not technologically and economically prepared for this situation due to inadequate internet connection, equipment and related tools (Beaunoyer E. 2020, Van Lancker, W. 2020). In this complex scenario, children and adolescents with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) have suffered the most and the already existing gap with their schoolmates has widened further (Asbury, K. 2020). With the aim of both reducing this gap and improving the school inclusion and distance learning experience, we believe it is necessary to provide families and all those involved in learning environments useful information for choosing such platforms. In this work we have analysed some existing platforms in order to highlight and list the most suitable features for better learning that can somehow both fill the many gaps in distance learning and boost the experience of face-to-face teaching when the health emergency will be over. Features such as cooperative teaching, the availability of a wide variety of evaluation types (true/false, quiz, cloze test etc.), digital repositories and the possibility to set specific and guided learning paths and monitor learning trends should help teachers organize daily activities. Working in small groups, having more listening space, receiving effective feedbacks on progress from tutors and teachers, having materials organized with an appropriate search system based on semantic tagging by topic and subject and the presence of gamification principles (rewards, enhanced visuals and interactivity) should also be considered in the decision process. Furthermore, the selection process must pay proper attention to the characteristics of SEND's. Specifically, it is pivotal to stimulate as much as possible their meta-cognitive strategies and provide proper materials to strengthen existing competences and boost new compensatory strategies.  

    Aplicações de gamificação na educação em matemática: um mapeamento sistemático

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    The teaching of mathematics presents a series of great challenges, which are in a great number and variety. These challenges follow students since childhood. There are authors who argue that the mathematical concepts learned in secondary education have a more operational or practical nature, and it can interfere in the ability to learn more abstract mathematical concepts, taught in higher education. Traditional and technicist education based only on the teacher's view where he acts in the way he learned that was passed on to him over time is now a thing of the past. With the widespread use of the internet, computers and information technologies we live in a globalized world where new technologies are presented to us every day. Students in this context, where classes are totally traditional, feel discouraged and seek other activities to develop and spend time. Gamification can be defined as a methodology that is being used as the mechanisms of games, aesthetics and thinking of the game to involve people, motivate action, promote learning and problem solving. This systematic mapping selected 45 recent papers related to the use of gamification in mathematical learning and presents future directions in this research area.O ensino de matemática apresenta uma série de desafios, que são de grande número e variedade. Esses desafios seguem os alunos em vários níveis de escolaridade. Existem autores que argumentam que os conceitos matemáticos aprendidos no ensino médio têm uma natureza mais operacional ou prática e podem interferir na capacidade de aprender conceitos matemáticos mais abstratos, ensinados no ensino superior. Com o amplo uso da Internet, computadores e tecnologias da informação, vivemos em um mundo globalizado, onde novas tecnologias são apresentadas a nós todos os dias. Os alunos nesse contexto, onde as aulas são totalmente tradicionais, se sentem desencorajados e buscam outras atividades para desenvolver e passar o tempo. A gamificação pode ser definida como uma metodologia que está sendo usada como mecanismo de jogos, estética e pensamento do jogo para envolver as pessoas, motivar a ação, promover o aprendizado e a solução de problemas. Esse mapeamento sistemático selecionou 45 artigos recentes relacionados ao uso da gamificação no aprendizado de matemática e apresenta orientações futuras nessa área de pesquisa

    Factores transformadores de la educación inclusiva mediante la gamificación

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    El mandato de los organismos internacionales en favor de la inclusión educativa y la abundanteproducción de literatura académica en torno a las virtudes pedagógicas de la gamificación constituyen evidencias que invitan a indagar sobre el tema. En este trabajo se analiza si la gamificación favorece entornos de aprendizaje inclusivos para alumnado que presenta necesidades específicas de apoyo educativo. La metodología adoptada en el trabajo de campo fue el estudio de caso en un centro valenciano, examinándose en los seis cursos de Educación Primaria 18 aulas con 519 estudiantes. En el procedimiento adoptado se triangulan instrumentos como son la observación, las entrevistas o los grupos de discusión a alumnado, profesorado y familias. Los resultados muestran que gamificar los entornos educativos promueven el aprendizaje compartido, estructuran el proceso de enseñanza y estimulan la implicación personal. Como conclusión se subraya la necesidad de fomentar la innovación metodológica del profesorado en beneficio de la inclusión

    De los videojuegos a la gamificación como estrategia metodológica inclusiva

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    Uno de los retos del sistema educativo es asegurar la participación y el aprendizaje de todo el alumnado. Pues las clases son cada vez más heterogéneas y están conformadas por niños y niñas de intereses y capacidades diversas. Esta situación ha obligado a la comunidad educativa a evolucionar y buscar nuevas formas de enseñar y aprender más activas, motivadoras y cooperativas. Una de las estrategias metodológicas que está implantándose actualmente en la educación con resultados positivos es la gamificación. Ya que aplica las mecánicas propias de los videojuegos que atraen e interesan a la población infantil y juvenil y las traslada a entornos formales como las aulas. En esta investigación se analiza el uso de la gamificación como estrategia metodológica en educación inclusiva, para valorar su eficacia a la hora de mejorar la educación que recibe el alumnado que presenta alguna necesidad específica de apoyo educativo en Educación Primaria. Con ese fin, empleando metodología de corte cualitativo se lleva a cabo un estudio de caso en 18 aulas de Educación Primaria de un centro educativo de la Comunidad Valenciana (España). Los resultados indican que hay ciertos elementos que facilitan la inclusión de este alumnado en las aulas de primaria como son la estructuración del proceso de aprendizaje, el feedback formativo y continuo o la personalización de los objetivos. One of the challenges for the education of the future is to ensure the participation and learning of an increasingly heterogeneous student body, with very diverse interests and abilities. This situation has forced the educational community to evolve and look for new ways to teach and learn more active, motivating and cooperative. One of the methodological strategies currently being implemented in education with positive results is gamification. It applies the mechanics of video games that attract and interest the child and youth population and moves them to formal environments such as classrooms. Specifically, this research analyzes the use of gamification as a methodological strategy focused on inclusive education, to assess its effectiveness in improving the education received by students with specific educational support needs in primary education. To this end, using a qualitative methodology, a case study was carried out in 18 Primary Education classrooms of an educational center in the Valencian Community (Spain). The results indicate that there are certain elements that facilitate the inclusion of these students in primary classrooms, such as the structuring of the learning process, the formative and continuous feedback or the personalization of the objectives

    Okuma Yazma Öğrenme Sürecinde Zorlanan Öğrencilerin Özelliklerinin ve Süreçte Yaşadıkları Zorlukların Belirlenmesi: Bir Karma Yöntem Araştırması

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    The aim of this study is to determine the characteristics of students with difficulties in the literacy learning process and to identify the difficulties they experience during that process. The mixed method was applied in the study and the data were gathered through questionnaires and interviews from class teachers employed in central Bursa. A total of 1068 teachers completed the questionnaire and interviews were conducted with 48 teachers. It was determined that students had greater difficulties at the syllable formation stage; that a large section of students acquired literacy skills in second grade and that another section could not acquire these skills at primary school; that very few of the students had received preschool education and that their ages were below those of their peers; that generally, parents did not support the students; that students had difficulty in learning certain sounds and that they confused some sounds; and that they had more difficulties with open syllables, with words in which consonant clusters occur together and with applying sentence rules. At the end of the study, it is recommended that the acquisition of literacy skills be enabled by providing training via support courses for students, and that technology-supported materials be made available to serve teachers and students.Bu araştırmada okuma yazma öğrenme sürecinde zorlanan öğrencilerin özelliklerinin ve süreçte yaşadıkları zorlukların belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada karma yöntem uygulanmış olup veriler anket ve görüşme aracılığıyla Bursa merkezde çalışan sınıf öğretmenlerinden toplanmıştır. Anketi toplam 1068 öğretmen tamamlamış ve 48 öğretmen ile görüşme yapılmıştır. Öğrencilerin hece oluşturma döneminde daha çok zorlandığı; öğrencilerin büyük bir kısmının ikinci sınıfta okuma yazma becerisini kazandıkları ve bir kısmının ilkokulda bu beceriyi kazanamadığı; öğrencilerin çok azının okul öncesi eğitim aldığı ve yaşlarının akranlarına göre daha küçük olduğu; genelde velilerin öğrencilere destek olmadığı; öğrencilerin bazı sesleri öğrenmede zorlandığı ve bazı sesleri karıştırdıkları; daha çok açık hecede, sessiz harflerin yan yana geldiği kelimelerde ve cümle kurallarını uygulamada zorlandıkları belirlenmiştir. Araştırma sonunda öğrencilere destekleme kursları mahiyetinde eğitim verilerek okuma yazma becerisini kazanmalarının sağlanması, teknoloji destekli materyallerin öğretmen ve öğrencilerin hizmetine sunulması önerilmiştir

    La gamificación como estrategia metodológica para la inclusión en Educación Primaria

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    Una de las necesidades fundamentales de la educación actual es proporcionar un aprendizaje inclusivo y adaptado al alumnado que presenta Necesidades Específicas de Apoyo Educativo (NEAE). En este propósito, ocupa un papel muy importante la estrategia metodológica que se emplea en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Ya que cada vez son más notables las carencias de modelos educativos que buscan enseñar los mismos contenidos, de la misma manera, pero a alumnado muy diverso. Por este motivo, en esta investigación se va analizar una estrategia metodológica relativamente novedosa, la gamificación, que se define como el uso de mecánicas, estéticas y elementos propios del diseño de juegos con el objetivo de motivar a las personas y promover su aprendizaje (Kapp, 2012), y que se caracteriza, entre otras cosas, por ser activa, estructurada o cooperativa. Rasgos que inicialmente apuntan a que puede favorecer una educación personalizada e inclusiva, que facilite un aprendizaje de calidad para un alumnado cada vez más heterogéneo. Para conocer si la estrategia metodológica de la gamificación puede favorecer entornos educativos inclusivos en la etapa de Educación Primaria, se ha empleado una metodología cualitativa. Concretamente se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de caso, en el que se ha analizado la implementación de la gamificación en 18 aulas de la etapa de Educación Primaria de un centro educativo de la Comunidad Valenciana. Para recoger toda la información se han combinado diferentes instrumentos cualitativos con la finalidad de completar el proceso de triangulación metodológica que, como lo define Benadives y Gómez-Restrepo (2005), ofrece la posibilidad de conocer una realidad desde distintos puntos de vista, incrementando la validez y consistencia de los datos. En concreto se han empleado los grupos de discusión y entrevistas a personas relacionadas y relevantes en nuestra investigación (profesorado, familias y alumnado); la observación directa de situaciones significativas para la investigación y de las diferentes situaciones de aprendizaje gamificadas; o la recopilación documental de documentos administrativos, del centro y elaborados por el alumnado. Posteriormente, la información se ha sintetizado, clasificado y analizado a través de un sistema de matrices de doble entrada (Miles & Huberman, 2004) y el programa informático Atlas.ti en la versión 8.4.22. Los resultados más relevantes apuntan que los documentos organizativos y administrativos del centro deben convertirse en herramientas para la inclusión por la función que ejercen en la regulación del tratamiento a la diversidad. También que la motivación del alumnado es fundamental para el aprendizaje, para lo que se deben promover procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje que atiendan a sus diferentes ritmos y modos de aprender, y fomenten un rol activo del alumno o alumna. Y por último, se observa que la gamificación favorece la educación inclusiva porque propicia una enseñanza multimodal que tiene en cuenta todos los espacios digitales y del centro; estructurada para facilitar la autonomía y seguridad del alumnado; comprensiva, ya que proporciona una retroalimentación continua y formativa; o, por último, compartida concibiendo la escuela como una institución social y cultural que fomenta la interacción y conocimiento de los demás.One of the fundamental needs of today's education is to provide inclusive and adapted learning for students with Specific Educational Support Needs. In this purpose, the methodological strategy used in the teaching and learning process plays a very important role. The lack of educational models that seek to teach the same content, in the same way, but to very diverse students, is increasingly remarkable. For this reason, this research will analyze a relatively new methodological strategy, gamification, which is defined as the use of mechanics, aesthetics and elements of game design with the aim of motivating people and promoting their learning (Kapp, 2012), and which is characterized, among other things, by being active, structured or cooperative. Features that initially suggest that it can favor a personalized and inclusive education that facilitates quality learning for an increasingly heterogeneous student. To determine whether the methodological strategy of gamification can promote inclusive educational environments in Primary Education, a qualitative methodology has been used. Specifically, a case study has been carried out, in which the implementation of gamification has been analyzed in 18 classrooms of the Primary Education of an educational center in the Valencian Community. In order to collect all the information, different qualitative instruments have been combined with the aim of completing the process of methodological triangulation which, as defined by Benadives and Gómez-Restrepo (2005), offers the possibility of knowing a reality from different points of view, increasing the validity and consistency of the information. Specifically, we have used discussion groups and interviews with people related and relevant to our research (teachers, families and students); direct observation of significant situations to research and of different gamified learning situations; or the documentary collection of administrative documents, from the educative center and prepared by the students. Subsequently, the information has been synthesized, classified and analyzed through a system of double entry matrices (Miles & Huberman, 2004) and the computer program Atlas.ti in version 8.4.22. The most relevant results suggest that the organizational and administrative documents of the education center should become tools for inclusion because of the role they play in regulating the treatment of diversity. Also that the motivation of students is essential for learning, which should promote teaching and learning processes that address their different rhythms and ways of learning, and encourage an active role of the student. And finally, it should be noted that gamification favours inclusive education because it fosters multimodal teaching that takes into account all digital and school spaces; structured to facilitate the autonomy and security of the students; comprehensive, since it provides a continuous and formative feedback; or, finally, shared by conceiving the school as a social and cultural institution that promotes the interaction and knowledge of others