766,793 research outputs found

    Integration of Knowledge Management and E- Learning Technologies in Academic Institutions

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    This work investigates the integration of e-Learning systems and knowledge management technology to improve, capture, organize and deliver large amounts of knowledge. First, a model is proposed for the phases of knowledge management. The model is then enhanced with concepts and technology from e-Learning. The model is then used to illustrate real world scenarios that add increasing amounts of knowledge management to an e-Learning environment. The system, AMID promises high interactivity, efficiency and effectiveness of integration of knowledge management and e-learning. In addition, the developed system will enhance technical learning process

    Analysis of Knowledge Management and E-Learning Integration Models

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    AbstractThe development of knowledge management (KM) and e-learning (EL) naturally brings both disciplines closer and encourages integration. There are several models that offer possible ways of such integration. With the goal to develop practically applicable integration solution for specific organization, existing integration models are analysed in this paper. The main criterion for analysis is application of integration model in the enterprise. Model analysis shows several different theoretical approaches for integration that are tied to specific goals and needs of organization. The more general approach is to base integration on common ground, which is identified as learning


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    The advent of e-learning has made unlimited source of knowledge available to us all. Recent research reveals great interest to introduce Knowledge Management (KM) ideas to e-Learning systems. It is argued that KM can facilitate an eLearning system. The joint studies of KM and eLearning point out the same fundamental goal: facilitating organizational learning. Researchers try to analyze the similarity of the goals, methods of assessment, and some knowledge sharing processes both in KM and eLearning. An eLearning system within KM is traditionally analyzed as a knowledge resource repository, where the KM methods can be implemented to increase the effectiveness of knowledge dissemination. Researchers have designed many models for integrating knowledge management into e-learning system. Some are practically implemented while some are not practically implemented. Despite these various models, researchers are still working for more interactive, efficiency and effective model that can be used to quickly identify the most relevant information (knowledge) and distribute it to meet specific needs. This work investigates the integration of e-Learning systems and Knowledge Management technology to improve, capture, organize and deliver large amounts of knowledge. First, a model is proposed for the phases of knowledge management. The model is then enhanced with concepts and technology from e-Learning. The model is then used to illustrate real world scenarios that add increasing amounts of knowledge management to an e-Learning environment. The system, AMID promises high interactivity, efficiency and effectiveness of integration of knowledge management and e-learning. In addition, the developed system will enhance technical learning process

    Modelling a layer for real-time management of interactions in web based distance learning

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    In the last few years, the University of Aveiro, Portugal, has been offering several distance learning courses over the Web, using e-learning platforms. Experience showed that different editions of a same course, using the same contents and structure, and having similar target learners, had different success rates. What would be the reason for that? A hypothesis was considered: The level of success could be directly related with the remote follow-up of the learners’ participation in the courses; the best results usually occur when the follow-up is closer. The existing e-learning platforms offer and the standardization works being developed by organizations and consortiums like IMS (IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc), ADL SCORM (Advanced Distributed Learning Sherable Content Object Reference Model), IEEE LTSC LOM (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Learning Technologies Standard Committee Learning Object Metadata), ARIADNE (ARIADNE Foundation for the European Knowledge Pool), AICC CMI (Aviation Industry CBT Committee Computer Managed Instruction), etc, don’t cover the course monitorization concerns mentioned. Those projects were focused on aspects like contents and its delivery in the context of the execution of the courses’ activities. This is even true in the SCORM project that doesn’t include any reference to the management of the e-learning processes. Recently, in the context of the IMS Global Consortium, a new project designated IMS LD (Learning Design) is under development, providing a framework for the description of learning units under a three level model. In the most recently defined level, the C level, some functionalities related to notifications were proposed, expressing similar concerns to the ones that triggered our research. However, the extent at which IMS LD takes the functionalities is, from our point of view, not complete. This article describes a proposal of a reference model and functionalities towards a specification of a layer for real-time management of user interactions on LMSs, and its possible integration with the ADL SCORM standard proposal. The paper includes a discussion of the management metadata model for the LMS sub-system and how the integration of the management module under SCORM may be achieved

    Factors for Effective E-learning Integration in Higher Education in Sub-Sahara Africa

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    This article discusses factors that contribute to effective e-learning integration in higher education in the context of Sub-Sahara Africa. It  involved retrieving articles using key words such as e-learning, perceptions, knowledge, skills, implementation, facilities, access, support, learning management system and higher education from major educational search engines. Results have revealed firstly that, first there are as many conceptions of the concept of e-learning as there are types of technologies that can support it to improve delivery of higher education. Secondly, several factors contribute to effective integration of e-learning in higher education in Sub-Sahara Africa. These include (i) institutional factors (ii) instructors and students’ factors and (iii) support factors. Based on the results, it is argued therefore that higher learning institutions must make efforts towards addressing these factors for successful integration of e-learning.Keywords: E-learning, higher education, information and communication technologies and Sub-Sahara Afric

    Integrating descriptions of knowledge management learning activities into large ontological structures: A case study

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    Ontologies have been recognized as a fundamental infrastructure for advanced approaches to Knowledge Management (KM) automation, and the conceptual foundations for them have been discussed in some previous reports. Nonetheless, such conceptual structures should be properly integrated into existing ontological bases, for the practical purpose of providing the required support for the development of intelligent applications. Such applications should ideally integrate KM concepts into a framework of commonsense knowledge with clear computational semantics. In this paper, such an integration work is illustrated through a concrete case study, using the large OpenCyc knowledge base. Concretely, the main elements of the Holsapple & Joshi KM ontology and some existing work on e-learning ontologies are explicitly linked to OpenCyc definitions, providing a framework for the development of functionalities that use the built-in reasoning services of OpenCyc in KM ctivities. The integration can be used as the point of departure for the engineering of KM-oriented systems that account for a shared understanding of the discipline and rely on public semantics provided by one of the largest open knowledge bases available

    Organization and Usage of Learning Objects within Personal Computers

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    Research report of the ProLearn Network of Excellence (IST 507310), Deliverable 7.6To promote the integration of Desktop related Knowledge Management and Technology Enhanced Learning this deliverable aims at increasing the awareness of Desktop research within the Professional Learning community and at familiarizing the e-Learning researchers with the state-of-the-art in the relevant areas of Personal Information Management (PIM), as well as with the currently on-going activities and some of the regular PIM publication venues

    New e-Learning system architecture based on knowledge engineering technology

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    The paper focuses on the field of research on next generational e-Learning facility, in which knowledge-enhanced systems are the most important candidates. In the paper, a reference architecture based on the technologies of knowledge engineering is proposed, which has following three intrinsic characteristics, first, education ontologies are used to facilitate the integration of static learning resource and dynamic learning resource, second, based on semantic-enriched relationships between Learning Objects (LOs), it provides more advanced features for sharing, reusing and repurposing of LOs, third, with the concept of knowledge object, which is extended from LO, an implementing mechanism for knowledge extraction and knowledge evolution in e-Learning facilities is provided. With this reference architecture, a prototype system called FekLoma (Flexible Extensive Knowledge Learning Object Management Architecture) has been realized, and testing on it is carrying out

    Conceptual Model of Knowledge Management and Social Media to Support Learning Process in Higher Education Institution

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    Nowadays social media has tremendously transformed organizational business process of institution. Higher Education as a place with the majority generation Y, that advances to use technology should realize these situations. With this social media platform, institution may facilitate the knowledge transfer process, then to support collaborative learning from e-learning to social learning. Referring to this phenomenon, this research will design the integration of concepts of knowledge management and social media as a framework to identify the significant components and its relationship to support each other. In this research, we use a systematic literature review from journal and text book to construct this collaboration model. The outcome of this study is collaboration model of knowledge management and social media to support learning process in higher education institution
