28 research outputs found

    Extensible FlexRay communication controller for FPGA-based automotive systems

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    Modern vehicles incorporate an increasing number of distributed compute nodes, resulting in the need for faster and more reliable in-vehicle networks. Time-triggered protocols such as FlexRay have been gaining ground as the standard for high-speed reliable communications in the automotive industry, marking a shift away from the event-triggered medium access used in controller area networks (CANs). These new standards enable the higher levels of determinism and reliability demanded from next-generation safety-critical applications. Advanced applications can benefit from tight coupling of the embedded computing units with the communication interface, thereby providing functionality beyond the FlexRay standard. Such an approach is highly suited to implementation on reconfigurable architectures. This paper describes a field-programmable gate array (FPGA)-based communication controller (CC) that features configurable extensions to provide functionality that is unavailable with standard implementations or off-the-shelf devices. It is implemented and verified on a Xilinx Spartan 6 FPGA, integrated with both a logic-based hardware ECU and a fully fledged processor-based electronic control unit (ECU). Results show that the platform-centric implementation generates a highly efficient core in terms of power, performance, and resource utilization. We demonstrate that the flexible extensions help enable advanced applications that integrate features such as fault tolerance, timeliness, and security, with practical case studies. This tight integration between the controller, computational functions, and flexible extensions on the controller enables enhancements that open the door for exciting applications in future vehicles

    Reachability analysis of fault-tolerant protocols

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    Due to the increasing requirements imposed on fault-tolerant protocols, their complexity is steadily growing. Thus verification of the functionality of the fault-tolerance mechanisms is also more difficult to accomplish. In this thesis a model-based approach towards efficiently finding ``loopholes'' in the fault-tolerance properties of large protocols is provided. The contributions comprise thinning out the state space without missing behavior with respect to the validation goal through a partial ordering strategy based on single fault regions. Two algorithms for (partial) analysis are designed, implemented and evaluated: the H-RAFT algorithm is based on SDL elements constituting each transition and requires no user-knowledge. The Close-to-Failure algorithm on the other hand is purely based on user-provided information. Combination of the two algorithms is also investigated. All contributions exploit the fault-tolerant nature of the protocols. In order to compare the performances of the novel techniques to well-known algorithms, a tool has been developed to allow for easy integration of different algorithms. All contributions are thoroughly investigated through experiments summing up to several CPU-month. The results show unambiguously the advantages of the developed methods and algorithms.Durch die zunehmenden Anforderungen an fehlertolerante Protokolle steigt auch deren Komplexität zusehends. Dadurch ist es deutlich schwieriger die Funktionalität der Fehlertoleranzmechanismen zu überprüfen. In dieser Arbeit wird ein modellbasierter Ansatz vorgestellt, dessen Ziel es ist ``Lücken'' in den Fehlertoleranzeigenschaften effizient zu finden. Dazu wird ein Algorithmus entwickelt, der eine partiellen Ordnung erzeugt und es somit erlaubt den Zustandsraum zu verkleinern ohne Verhalten bezüglich der zu prüfenden Eigenschaften zu verlieren. Weiterhin werden zwei Algorithmen zur (partiellen) Analyse entworfen, implementiert und bewertet: Der H-RAFT Algorithmus basiert auf den SDL-Elementen der jeweiligen Transitionen und erfordert keinerlei weiteres Domänen-Wissen des Benutzers. Der Close-to-Failure Algorithmus hingegen ist nur von Benutzerinformationen abhängig. Kombinationen der beiden Ansätze werden ebenfalls untersucht. Für alle vorgestellten Methoden und Algorithmen wird ausgenutzt, dass es sich um fehlertolerante Protokolle handelt. Um die neuen Ansätze mit weitverbreiteten Algorithmen vergleichen zu können wird ein Werkzeug entwickelt, welches eine einfache Integration von Algorithmen ermöglicht. Die vorgestellten Techniken werden ausführlich in Experimenten mit einem Gesamtaufwand von etlichen CPU-Monaten untersucht. Die Ergebnisse dieser Experimentreihen zeigen eindeutig die Vorteile der entwickelten Algorithmen und Methoden

    Getting the point : obtaining and understanding fixpoints in model checking

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    Formal verification of automotive embedded UML designs

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    Software applications are increasingly dominating safety critical domains. Safety critical domains are domains where the failure of any application could impact human lives. Software application safety has been overlooked for quite some time but more focus and attention is currently directed to this area due to the exponential growth of software embedded applications. Software systems have continuously faced challenges in managing complexity associated with functional growth, flexibility of systems so that they can be easily modified, scalability of solutions across several product lines, quality and reliability of systems, and finally the ability to detect defects early in design phases. AUTOSAR was established to develop open standards to address these challenges. ISO-26262, automotive functional safety standard, aims to ensure functional safety of automotive systems by providing requirements and processes to govern software lifecycle to ensure safety. Each functional system needs to be classified in terms of safety goals, risks and Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL: A, B, C and D) with ASIL D denoting the most stringent safety level. As risk of the system increases, ASIL level increases and the standard mandates more stringent methods to ensure safety. ISO-26262 mandates that ASILs C and D classified systems utilize walkthrough, semi-formal verification, inspection, control flow analysis, data flow analysis, static code analysis and semantic code analysis techniques to verify software unit design and implementation. Ensuring software specification compliance via formal methods has remained an academic endeavor for quite some time. Several factors discourage formal methods adoption in the industry. One major factor is the complexity of using formal methods. Software specification compliance in automotive remains in the bulk heavily dependent on traceability matrix, human based reviews, and testing activities conducted on either actual production software level or simulation level. ISO26262 automotive safety standard recommends, although not strongly, using formal notations in automotive systems that exhibit high risk in case of failure yet the industry still heavily relies on semi-formal notations such as UML. The use of semi-formal notations makes specification compliance still heavily dependent on manual processes and testing efforts. In this research, we propose a framework where UML finite state machines are compiled into formal notations, specification requirements are mapped into formal model theorems and SAT/SMT solvers are utilized to validate implementation compliance to specification. The framework will allow semi-formal verification of AUTOSAR UML designs via an automated formal framework backbone. This semi-formal verification framework will allow automotive software to comply with ISO-26262 ASIL C and D unit design and implementation formal verification guideline. Semi-formal UML finite state machines are automatically compiled into formal notations based on Symbolic Analysis Laboratory formal notation. Requirements are captured in the UML design and compiled automatically into theorems. Model Checkers are run against the compiled formal model and theorems to detect counterexamples that violate the requirements in the UML model. Semi-formal verification of the design allows us to uncover issues that were previously detected in testing and production stages. The methodology is applied on several automotive systems to show how the framework automates the verification of UML based designs, the de-facto standard for automotive systems design, based on an implicit formal methodology while hiding the cons that discouraged the industry from using it. Additionally, the framework automates ISO-26262 system design verification guideline which would otherwise be verified via human error prone approaches

    Distributed Real-time Systems - Deterministic Protocols for Wireless Networks and Model-Driven Development with SDL

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    In a networked system, the communication system is indispensable but often the weakest link w.r.t. performance and reliability. This, particularly, holds for wireless communication systems, where the error- and interference-prone medium and the character of network topologies implicate special challenges. However, there are many scenarios of wireless networks, in which a certain quality-of-service has to be provided despite these conditions. In this regard, distributed real-time systems, whose realization by wireless multi-hop networks becomes increasingly popular, are a particular challenge. For such systems, it is of crucial importance that communication protocols are deterministic and come with the required amount of efficiency and predictability, while additionally considering scarce hardware resources that are a major limiting factor of wireless sensor nodes. This, in turn, does not only place demands on the behavior of a protocol but also on its implementation, which has to comply with timing and resource constraints. The first part of this thesis presents a deterministic protocol for wireless multi-hop networks with time-critical behavior. The protocol is referred to as Arbitrating and Cooperative Transfer Protocol (ACTP), and is an instance of a binary countdown protocol. It enables the reliable transfer of bit sequences of adjustable length and deterministically resolves contest among nodes based on a flexible priority assignment, with constant delays, and within configurable arbitration radii. The protocol's key requirement is the collision-resistant encoding of bits, which is achieved by the incorporation of black bursts. Besides revisiting black bursts and proposing measures to optimize their detection, robustness, and implementation on wireless sensor nodes, the first part of this thesis presents the mode of operation and time behavior of ACTP. In addition, possible applications of ACTP are illustrated, presenting solutions to well-known problems of distributed systems like leader election and data dissemination. Furthermore, results of experimental evaluations with customary wireless transceivers are outlined to provide evidence of the protocol's implementability and benefits. In the second part of this thesis, the focus is shifted from concrete deterministic protocols to their model-driven development with the Specification and Description Language (SDL). Though SDL is well-established in the domain of telecommunication and distributed systems, the predictability of its implementations is often insufficient as previous projects have shown. To increase this predictability and to improve SDL's applicability to time-critical systems, real-time tasks, an approved concept in the design of real-time systems, are transferred to SDL and extended to cover node-spanning system tasks. In this regard, a priority-based execution and suspension model is introduced in SDL, which enables task-specific priority assignments in the SDL specification that are orthogonal to the static structure of SDL systems and control transition execution orders on design as well as on implementation level. Both the formal incorporation of real-time tasks into SDL and their implementation in a novel scheduling strategy are discussed in this context. By means of evaluations on wireless sensor nodes, evidence is provided that these extensions reduce worst-case execution times substantially, and improve the predictability of SDL implementations and the language's applicability to real-time systems

    Embedded System Design

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    A unique feature of this open access textbook is to provide a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental knowledge in embedded systems, with applications in cyber-physical systems and the Internet of things. It starts with an introduction to the field and a survey of specification models and languages for embedded and cyber-physical systems. It provides a brief overview of hardware devices used for such systems and presents the essentials of system software for embedded systems, including real-time operating systems. The author also discusses evaluation and validation techniques for embedded systems and provides an overview of techniques for mapping applications to execution platforms, including multi-core platforms. Embedded systems have to operate under tight constraints and, hence, the book also contains a selected set of optimization techniques, including software optimization techniques. The book closes with a brief survey on testing. This fourth edition has been updated and revised to reflect new trends and technologies, such as the importance of cyber-physical systems (CPS) and the Internet of things (IoT), the evolution of single-core processors to multi-core processors, and the increased importance of energy efficiency and thermal issues

    Modellbasierte Entwicklung und Optimierung flexibler zeitgesteuerter Architekturen im Fahrzeugserienbereich

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    Embedded System Design

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    A unique feature of this open access textbook is to provide a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental knowledge in embedded systems, with applications in cyber-physical systems and the Internet of things. It starts with an introduction to the field and a survey of specification models and languages for embedded and cyber-physical systems. It provides a brief overview of hardware devices used for such systems and presents the essentials of system software for embedded systems, including real-time operating systems. The author also discusses evaluation and validation techniques for embedded systems and provides an overview of techniques for mapping applications to execution platforms, including multi-core platforms. Embedded systems have to operate under tight constraints and, hence, the book also contains a selected set of optimization techniques, including software optimization techniques. The book closes with a brief survey on testing. This fourth edition has been updated and revised to reflect new trends and technologies, such as the importance of cyber-physical systems (CPS) and the Internet of things (IoT), the evolution of single-core processors to multi-core processors, and the increased importance of energy efficiency and thermal issues