42 research outputs found

    Discord Application: Turning a Voice Chat Application for Gamers into a Virtual Listening Class

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    Education 4.0 brings its various impact in many fields, without excluding in teaching area. The fast growth of innovations used in teaching pushes teachers to inevitably bring technologies to their classrooms. Technology is a bridge in education 4.0. By using technology appropriately in teaching process, students can have their own personal learning and achieve learning goals in such not-boring ways. In listening class, boredom is an avoidable moment. Having monotonous activities in listening class will affect students’ attitudes and response about their learning process. Introducing a new innovation to teach listening for second semester students of a university, this study tries to explore the use of discord application in their listening classes. Discord application is used to turn a conventional listening class into a virtual listening class, a monotonous listening class into an attractive listening class, and a face-to-face listening class into online-distance listening class. The finding shows that applying discord application in their listening classes can change the students’ attitude while having the listening classes. Being more active, interactive, motivated, and creative are shown by the students in the listening classes when discord application is turned on

    Design and Implementation of a GPS Guidance System for Agricultural Tractors Using Augmented Reality Technology

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    Current commercial tractor guidance systems present to the driver information to perform agricultural tasks in the best way. This information generally includes a treated zones map referenced to the tractor’s position. Unlike actual guidance systems where the tractor driver must mentally associate treated zone maps and the plot layout, this paper presents a guidance system that using Augmented Reality (AR) technology, allows the tractor driver to see the real plot though eye monitor glasses with the treated zones in a different color. The paper includes a description of the system hardware and software, a real test done with image captures seen by the tractor driver, and a discussion predicting that the historical evolution of guidance systems could involve the use of AR technology in the agricultural guidance and monitoring systems

    Effectiveness of Construction Safety Hazards Identification in Virtual Reality Learning Environment

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    Occupational Safety and Health Act (1994) and efforts taken to ensure the safety of workers in the construction industry. Despite these, accident rates are still alarming. One of the reasons is due to the weak pedagogy, lack of technology integration, and hazardous learning environment that lead towards low learning performance and practicing safety procedures. This study aims to discover the effectiveness of virtual reality simulation learning environment. Results show that there is a significant difference in trainee's achievements in a traditional construction site visit and virtual construction environment. To conclude, virtual reality learning environment offers effective learning platforms for millennials.Keywords: safety hazards; occupational safety and health; virtual reality;eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2019. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA CE-Bs by E-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open-access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer-review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia.DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/e-bpj.v4i12.180

    A Review of virtual reality and motion capture in martial arts training

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    Advances in computer technology of today’s three-dimensional graphics coupled with the emergence of a variety of powerful devices have provided many benefits to training applications utilizing Virtual Reality and Motion Capture technologies. The use of these technologies offers a unique experience to the user by offering superior immersive representation as well as realistic motion training system. This paper discusses on Virtual Reality and Motion Capture technologies. It also reviews some of the related studies pertaining to the used of Virtual Reality and Motion Capture technologies in martial arts training. Based on this review, it can be concluded that the use of Virtual Reality and Motion Capture technologies in martial arts training offers many benefits and advantages. Therefore, the combination of these technologies has been proposed as the best approach for self directed martial arts training

    Gamification and cooperative learning to improve the acquisition of Engineering Projects Competences

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    El presente proyecto plantea una combinación de las novedosas metodologías docentes: gamificación y aprendizaje cooperativo con el objetivo principal de mejorar la adquisición de competencias en Ingeniería de Proyectos. Todo ello se ha llevado a cabo mediante la elaboración de una práctica audiovisual en formato podcast sin interrupción para su difusión on-line, basada en el temario de cada una de las asignaturas involucradas: Restauración Hidrológico-Forestal (Grado de Ingeniería Forestal) y Proyectos (Grado de Física). El impacto favorable del empleo de esta metodología se ha podido observar tras el análisis de los resultados obtenidos, ya que la mejora en la percepción de las competencias evaluadas fue notable. Además, el presente proyecto puede servir de base para la implementación de experiencias similares en otras asignaturas de los profesores y departamentos implicados.The present project proposes a combination of the new teaching methodologies: gamification and cooperative learning, being the main goal the improvement in the acquisition of competences in Projects Engineering. All this has been carried out through the development of an audiovisual practice in podcast format without interruption for on-line dissemination, based on the topics of each of the subjects involved: Hydrological-Forest Restoration (Forest Engineering Degree) and Projects (Degree in Physics). The favourable impact of the use of this methodology has been observed after the analysis of the results obtained, since the improvement in the perception of the evaluated competences was remarkable. In addition, the present project can serve as the basis for the implementation of similar experiences in other subjects of the professors and departments involved

    Uso del aula virtual para enseñar a estudiantes con necesidades especiales en aulas inclusivas durante y después de la COVID-19: perspectivas de los docentes

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    Encouraging and continuing inclusive learning environments is important to allow all students to be able to fully participate, engage, and learn. The online learning environment obliges educators to think creatively about how to achieve this goal. The aim was to investigate using virtual classroom for teaching special needs students in inclusive classrooms during and beyond Covid-19 from the perspectives of their teachers. Teachers of special education from integration schools in the middle stage in Makkah were targeted. A 15-item survey instrument was developed particularly for this research study . Quantitative research is carried out with the aim to investigate using virtual classroom(VC) for teaching special needs students in inclusive classrooms during and beyond Covid-19 from the perspectives of their teachers. A survey method was used. Data were collected through a structured self-administered questionnaire, which was based on the technology acceptance model(TAM). Pearson correlation(R) and mul-tiple regression (MRA) were used to analyze data . Results indicated that the BI is positively affected by PU, PEOU. PU, PEOU yielded a coefficient of multiple regression (R) and a multiple correlation square. This shows that a total variance in BI is accounted for by PU, PEOU. In conclusion, the findings in this study contribute to the literature on TAM and its use in special education in particula

    Development of the Virtual Taekwondo Training Environment Prototype for Self-Directed Taekwondo Training

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    Taekwondo is a martial art that has been practised by over 50 million people all over the world, and this number is increasing which makes Taekwondo more popular.Normally, Taekwondo training is conducted in a hall or large open spaces in the presence of a trainer.However, this approach has some limitations in supporting self-directed training.Even though there are several supplementary materials for Taekwondo training, they have many limitations.This paper introduces Virtual Reality and Motion Capture technologies as an alternative to the existing Taekwondo training approaches.The main advantage of these technologies for self-directed training is that they are able to imitate the trainer’s movement and provide three-dimensional displays of body movements which can be viewed from any angles. This enables the trainees to understand and follow the movements without assistance from the real trainer. This paper presents the design and development of the Virtual Taekwondo Training prototype as supplementary material for self-directed Taekwondo training based on Virtual Reality and Motion Capture technologies.This prototype aims to provide a new approach to supplementary material that can provide trainees’ satisfaction while doing selfdirected Taekwondo training

    Development of the Virtual Taekwondo Training Environment Prototype for Self-Directed Taekwondo Training

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    Taekwondo is a martial art that has been practised by over 50 million people all over the world, and this number is increasing which makes Taekwondo more popular. Normally, Taekwondo training is conducted in a hall or large open spaces in the presence of a trainer. However, this approach has some limitations in supporting self-directed training. Even though there are several supplementary materials for Taekwondo training, they have many limitations. This paper introduces Virtual Reality and Motion Capture technologies as an alternative to the existing Taekwondo training approaches. The main advantage of these technologies for self-directed training is that they are able to imitate the trainer’s movement and provide three-dimensional displays of body movements which can be viewed from any angles. This enables the trainees to understand and follow the movements without assistance from the real trainer. This paper presents the design and development of the Virtual Taekwondo Training prototype as supplementary material for self-directed Taekwondo training based on Virtual Reality and Motion Capture technologies. This prototype aims to provide a new approach to supplementary material that can provide trainees’ satisfaction while doing selfdirected Taekwondo training

    The effects of immersive multimedia learning with peer support on speaking skill among male and female students

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    This study investigated the effects of immersive multimedia language learning technique on performance in English in terms of oral production skills in reading and speaking that involved six measures, namely, pausing, phrasing, stress, intonation, rate, and integration without the mediation of the first language of the students amongst both males and females. A quasi-experimental design was employed for the study. Eighty first-year university students enrolled in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) course were selected for this study and the teaching treatment was followed for eight sessions with one session per week. Data were analysed using one-way ANOVA. The findings showed that following the immersive multimedia learning, male students in the immersive multimedia group with peer support performed significantly better in four of the six measures of reading skills, namely, phrasing, stress, intonation, and integration as compared to their counterparts in the non-peer supported groups and there were no significant differences for pausing and rate. On the other hand, female students in the immersive multimedia learning with peer support group performed significantly better in all six measures of oral production for reading and speaking than their counterparts in the groups without peer support.  These findings showed that the immersive multimedia technique with peer support reduced the use of code-switching strategies by the students and enabled them to develop oral production skills in English approaching the patterns of native speakers especially amongst the female students.

    Intensification of student’s cognitive activity while forming skills of English monologue speech (experience exchange)

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    Search of the ways to intensify students' cognitive activity is very important for modern system of higher education. Training foreign languages in particular English in higher educational non-linguistic institutions is, on the one hand, very vital in global society, on the other, complicated in the situation of shortage of academic hours. As the main purpose of learning foreign language is to be able to speak this language the major aim of the teachers is to form monologue speech skills. So they are looking for the means to do it and intensification of students' cognitive activity facilitates it as well. It is to exchange the experience of ways of increasing students' cognitive activity while forming skills of monologue speech at English classes in non-linguistic higher educational institutions. The problem of students' cognitive activity intensification is researched on the basis of forming skills of English monologue statement which is associated with professional oriented oral topics, which are common for teaching students of non-language higher educational institutions. The main characteristics of monologue speech such as contextual conditionally, one pointedness, preparedness, continuity, consistency, completeness and coherence of presentation of' thoughts are presented. The analysis of the features of monologue speech, which is based on professional oriented oral topics and so is vital for non-linguistic higher educational institutions, is fulfilled. It is made with the consideration of possibilities to intensify students' cognitive activity. These features include: relatively low level of problematic content of conversational topics; descriptive, character of statements; availability of printed text which represents the topic. On the bases of work with students of Law University at English lessons the experience of enhancing students' cognitive activity aimed teaching monologue skills associated with training oral topic is shown. So, well-known method of three stages of training monologues speech is presented through personally worked out system of exercises for students of Law University. Intensification of students' cognitive activity is to become the foundation for forming skills of monologue statement. Applying communicative assessments is one of the best ways to increase students' cognitive activity. Creative teacher may always improve existing methods of training get the results. The subsequent research of the problem of students' cognitive activity intensification having purpose to forming skills of foreign language monologue statement may be connected with using innovative technologies, partnership and others.Розглянуто проблему активізації пізнавальної діяльності студентів немовних ВНЗ на заняттях з іноземної мови під час формування навичок мовлення (монологічного висловлювання), зокрема при роботі з розмовною темою. Представлено основні характеристики досліджуваного феномену. Описано найбільш суттєві для вивчення іноземної мови риси монологічного висловлювання, що базується на матеріалі навчальних розмовних текстів, а саме: відносно низький рівень проблематичності, описовий характер висловлювання, доступність друкованої основи: Значну увагу приділено висвітленню досвіду пошуку шляхів активізації пізнавальної діяльності студентів юридичного вишу під навчання їх англійського монологічного мовлення