10 research outputs found

    Organization based multiagent architecture for distributed environments

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    [EN]Distributed environments represent a complex field in which applied solutions should be flexible and include significant adaptation capabilities. These environments are related to problems where multiple users and devices may interact, and where simple and local solutions could possibly generate good results, but may not be effective with regards to use and interaction. There are many techniques that can be employed to face this kind of problems, from CORBA to multi-agent systems, passing by web-services and SOA, among others. All those methodologies have their advantages and disadvantages that are properly analyzed in this documents, to finally explain the new architecture presented as a solution for distributed environment problems. The new architecture for solving complex solutions in distributed environments presented here is called OBaMADE: Organization Based Multiagent Architecture for Distributed Environments. It is a multiagent architecture based on the organizations of agents paradigm, where the agents in the architecture are structured into organizations to improve their organizational capabilities. The reasoning power of the architecture is based on the Case-Based Reasoning methology, being implemented in a internal organization that uses agents to create services to solve the external request made by the users. The OBaMADE architecture has been successfully applied to two different case studies where its prediction capabilities have been properly checked. Those case studies have showed optimistic results and, being complex systems, have demonstrated the abstraction and generalizations capabilities of the architecture. Nevertheless OBaMADE is intended to be able to solve much other kind of problems in distributed environments scenarios. It should be applied to other varieties of situations and to other knowledge fields to fully develop its potencial.[ES]Los entornos distribuidos representan un campo de conocimiento complejo en el que las soluciones a aplicar deben ser flexibles y deben contar con gran capacidad de adaptación. Este tipo de entornos está normalmente relacionado con problemas donde varios usuarios y dispositivos entran en juego. Para solucionar dichos problemas, pueden utilizarse sistemas locales que, aunque ofrezcan buenos resultados en términos de calidad de los mismos, no son tan efectivos en cuanto a la interacción y posibilidades de uso. Existen múltiples técnicas que pueden ser empleadas para resolver este tipo de problemas, desde CORBA a sistemas multiagente, pasando por servicios web y SOA, entre otros. Todas estas mitologías tienen sus ventajas e inconvenientes, que se analizan en este documento, para explicar, finalmente, la nueva arquitectura presentada como una solución para los problemas generados en entornos distribuidos. La nueva arquitectura aquí se llama OBaMADE, que es el acrónimo del inglés Organization Based Multiagent Architecture for Distributed Environments (Arquitectura Multiagente Basada en Organizaciones para Entornos Distribuidos). Se trata de una arquitectura multiagente basasa en el paradigma de las organizaciones de agente, donde los agentes que forman parte de la arquitectura se estructuran en organizaciones para mejorar sus capacidades organizativas. La capacidad de razonamiento de la arquitectura está basada en la metodología de razonamiento basado en casos, que se ha implementado en una de las organizaciones internas de la arquitectura por medio de agentes que crean servicios que responden a las solicitudes externas de los usuarios. La arquitectura OBaMADE se ha aplicado de forma exitosa a dos casos de estudio diferentes, en los que se han demostrado sus capacidades predictivas. Aplicando OBaMADE a estos casos de estudio se han obtenido resultados esperanzadores y, al ser sistemas complejos, se han demostrado las capacidades tanto de abstracción como de generalización de la arquitectura presentada. Sin embargo, esta arquitectura está diseñada para poder ser aplicada a más tipo de problemas de entornos distribuidos. Debe ser aplicada a más variadas situaciones y a otros campos de conocimiento para desarrollar completamente el potencial de esta arquitectura

    Self-adaptive multi-agent systems for aided decision-making : an application to maritime surveillance

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    L'activité maritime s'est fortement développée ces dernières années et sert de support à de nombreuses activités illicites. Il est devenu nécessaire que les organismes impliqués dans la surveillance maritime disposent de systèmes efficaces pour les aider à identifier ces activités illicites. Les Systèmes de Surveillance Maritime doivent observer de manière efficace un espace maritime large, à identifier des anomalies de comportement des navires évoluant dans l'espace en question, et à déclencher des alertes documentées si ces anomalies amènent à penser que les navires ont un comportement suspect. Nous proposons un modèle générique de système multi-agents, que nous appelons MAS4AT, capable de remplir deux des différents rôles d'un système de surveillance : la représentation numérique des comportements des entités surveillées et des mécanismes d'apprentissage pour une meilleure efficacité. MAS4AT est intégré au système I2C.The maritime activity has widely grow in the last few years and is the witness of several illegal activities. It has become necessary that the organizations involved in the maritime surveillance possess efficient systems to help them in their identification. The maritime surveillance systems must observe a wide maritime area, identify the anomalies in the behaviours of the monitored ships et trigger alerts when these anomalies leads to a suspicious behavior. We propose a generic agent model, called MAS4AT, able to fulfil two main roles of a surveillance system: the numerical representation of the behaviours of the monitored entities and learning mechanisms for a better efficiency. MAS4AT is integrated in the system I2C

    Jewish Studies in the Digital Age

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    The digitisation boom of the last two decades, and the rapid advancement of digital tools to analyse data in myriad ways, have opened up new avenues for humanities research. This volume discusses how the so-called digital turn has affected the field of Jewish Studies, explores the current state of the art and probes how digital developments can be harnessed to address the specific questions, challenges and problems in the field

    Jewish Studies in the Digital Age

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    The digitisation boom of the last two decades, and the rapid advancement of digital tools to analyse data in myriad ways, have opened up new avenues for humanities research. This volume discusses how the so-called digital turn has affected the field of Jewish Studies, explores the current state of the art and probes how digital developments can be harnessed to address the specific questions, challenges and problems in the field

    Proceedings of the Eighth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CliC-it 2021

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    The eighth edition of the Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2021) was held at Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca from 26th to 28th January 2022. After the edition of 2020, which was held in fully virtual mode due to the health emergency related to Covid-19, CLiC-it 2021 represented the first moment for the Italian research community of Computational Linguistics to meet in person after more than one year of full/partial lockdown

    24th Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics (NoDaLiDa)

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    Intraguild predation among generalist predators in winter wheat

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    Modern annual arable crops are susceptible to outbreaks of pests due mainly to the uniform habitats that agricultural fields represent. Cereals are particularly prone to infestations of aphids, which may damage the crop directly through herbivory, or indirectly by acting as vectors of disease. These insects, however, have a large range of invertebrate natural enemies, which under certain circumstances, can maintain infestations below economically damaging levels. Greater habitat complexity at landscape and farm scale usually leads to more diverse assemblages of natural enemies at the field scale, but such diversity less often translates to a higher risk for pests. When higher natural enemy diversity is associated with lower levels of pest control, intraguild predation (IGP) is often cited as one of the primary antagonsitic mechanisms. IGP occurs where predators not only compete for the same resource, but also partake in a trophic interaction with one another. Controlled experiments suggest that the niche proximity of predators relative to each other and their shared prey may help predict the outcome of multiple- predator interactions. The primary aim of this thesis was to assess levels of IGP amongst generalist invertebrate predators and to elucidate their spatial patterns, in fields of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum), an important cereal crop in North-West Europe. The chief objective was to establish the regulatory abilities of these predators in the control of aphids. Post-mortem gut content analysis using PCR was used to establish the intensity of IGP by two polyphagous predators, the carabid beetles Pterostichus melanrius and P. madidus, on a number of insectivorous linyphiid spiders and their shared aphid prey. Each of the spiders tested was found to suffer IGP. Predation rates were adjusted using data from controlled feeding trials and resampled using Monte Carlo models to test the hypothesis that predation was density-dependent. In one experiment, the web-occupying linyphiid Tenuiphantes tenuis was consumed by up to a third of P. melanarius. Predation rates by carabids on the linyphiid Bathyphantes gracilis were consistently lower than expected. B. gracilis also relies principally on its web to capture prey, but builds these webs significantly higher in the wheat stem than T. tenuis. Preferences for intraguild prey species more likely to hunt aphids on the ground, the tetragnathid spider Pachygnatha degeeri, and the linyphiids Erigone spp. (E. atra and E. dentipalpis, were less consistent than those species more dependent on their webs to hunt aphids and other prey. While many factors may contribute to the outcomes of multi-predator interactions, these findings broadly supported the hypothesis that niche proximity of intraguild predators is positively related to levels of disruption due to intraguild interactions

    Compreensão do compartilhamento do conhecimento em atividades intensivas em conhecimento em organizações de diagnóstico por imagem

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, 2017.O compartilhamento do conhecimento é considerado um fenômeno complexo e reconhecido como o processo mais importante na espiral de conversão do conhecimento. Assim, o objetivo desta tese é compreender o compartilhamento do conhecimento em atividades intensivas em conhecimento em organizações de diagnóstico por imagem. Para tanto, realizaram-se três estudos em organizações de radiodiagnóstico com 43 radiologistas (22 novatos e 21 especialistas). As formas de investigação foram: observações, entrevistas e confirmações dos resultados. Identificados os melhores ambientes e práticas, foi possível entender as particularidades existentes nos motivadores, inibidores e aceleradores. Os resultados revelam que uma cultura de cooperação e união favorece as interações entre os profissionais que, por sua vez, desenvolvem a perícia de modo mais rápido exatamente por compartilharem de maneira intensa os conhecimentos.Abstract : The sharing of knowledge is considered a complex phenomenon and recognized as the most important process in the knowledge conversion spiral. Thus, the aim of this thesis is to understand the sharing of knowledge in knowledge intensive activities in diagnostic imaging organizations. For that, three studies were carried out in radiodiagnostic organizations with 43 radiologists (22 newcomers and 21 specialists). The forms of investigation were: observations, interviews and confirmations of the results. Identifying the best environments and practices, it was possible to understand the particularities of motivators, inhibitors and accelerators. The results show that a culture of cooperation and unity favors interactions between professionals who, in turn, develop expertise faster by sharing knowledge intensively