12 research outputs found

    A generative model for latent position graphs

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    Recently, there has been an explosion of research into machine learning methods applied to graph data. Most work is focused on performing either node classification or graph classification; however, there is much to be gained by learning instead a generative model for the underlying random graph distribution. We present a novel neural network-based approach to learning generative models for random graphs. The features used for training are graphlets, subgraph counts of small order, and the loss function is based on a moment estimator for these features. Random graphs are realized by feeding random noise into the network and applying a kernel to the output; in this way, our model is a generalization of the ubiquitous Random Dot Product Graph. Networks produced this way are demonstrated to be able to imitate data from chemistry, medicine, and social networks. The created graphs are similar enough to the target data to be able to fool discriminator neural networks otherwise capable of separating classes of random graphs. This method is inexpensive, accurate, and is readily applied to data-poor problems

    Previsão e análise da estrutura e dinâmica de redes biológicas

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    Increasing knowledge about the biological processes that govern the dynamics of living organisms has fostered a better understanding of the origin of many diseases as well as the identification of potential therapeutic targets. Biological systems can be modeled through biological networks, allowing to apply and explore methods of graph theory in their investigation and characterization. This work had as main motivation the inference of patterns and rules that underlie the organization of biological networks. Through the integration of different types of data, such as gene expression, interaction between proteins and other biomedical concepts, computational methods have been developed so that they can be used to predict and study diseases. The first contribution, was the characterization a subsystem of the human protein interactome through the topological properties of the networks that model it. As a second contribution, an unsupervised method using biological criteria and network topology was used to improve the understanding of the genetic mechanisms and risk factors of a disease through co-expression networks. As a third contribution, a methodology was developed to remove noise (denoise) in protein networks, to obtain more accurate models, using the network topology. As a fourth contribution, a supervised methodology was proposed to model the protein interactome dynamics, using exclusively the topology of protein interactions networks that are part of the dynamic model of the system. The proposed methodologies contribute to the creation of more precise, static and dynamic biological models through the identification and use of topological patterns of protein interaction networks, which can be used to predict and study diseases.O conhecimento crescente sobre os processos biológicos que regem a dinâmica dos organismos vivos tem potenciado uma melhor compreensão da origem de muitas doenças, assim como a identificação de potenciais alvos terapêuticos. Os sistemas biológicos podem ser modelados através de redes biológicas, permitindo aplicar e explorar métodos da teoria de grafos na sua investigação e caracterização. Este trabalho teve como principal motivação a inferência de padrões e de regras que estão subjacentes à organização de redes biológicas. Através da integração de diferentes tipos de dados, como a expressão de genes, interação entre proteínas e outros conceitos biomédicos, foram desenvolvidos métodos computacionais, para que possam ser usados na previsão e no estudo de doenças. Como primeira contribuição, foi proposto um método de caracterização de um subsistema do interactoma de proteínas humano através das propriedades topológicas das redes que o modelam. Como segunda contribuição, foi utilizado um método não supervisionado que utiliza critérios biológicos e topologia de redes para, através de redes de co-expressão, melhorar a compreensão dos mecanismos genéticos e dos fatores de risco de uma doença. Como terceira contribuição, foi desenvolvida uma metodologia para remover ruído (denoise) em redes de proteínas, para obter modelos mais precisos, utilizando a topologia das redes. Como quarta contribuição, propôs-se uma metodologia supervisionada para modelar a dinâmica do interactoma de proteínas, usando exclusivamente a topologia das redes de interação de proteínas que fazem parte do modelo dinâmico do sistema. As metodologias propostas contribuem para a criação de modelos biológicos, estáticos e dinâmicos, mais precisos, através da identificação e uso de padrões topológicos das redes de interação de proteínas, que podem ser usados na previsão e no estudo doenças.Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Informátic

    Automatic Object-Oriented, Spectral-Spatial Feature Extraction Driven by Tobler’s First Law of Geography for Very High Resolution Aerial Imagery Classification

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    (This article belongs to the Special Issue Recent Trends in UAV Remote Sensing)Aerial image classification has become popular and has attracted extensive research efforts in recent decades. The main challenge lies in its very high spatial resolution but relatively insufficient spectral information. To this end, spatial-spectral feature extraction is a popular strategy for classification. However, parameter determination for that feature extraction is usually time-consuming and depends excessively on experience. In this paper, an automatic spatial feature extraction approach based on image raster and segmental vector data cross-analysis is proposed for the classification of very high spatial resolution (VHSR) aerial imagery. First, multi-resolution segmentation is used to generate strongly homogeneous image objects and extract corresponding vectors. Then, to automatically explore the region of a ground target, two rules, which are derived from Tobler’s First Law of Geography (TFL) and a topological relationship of vector data, are integrated to constrain the extension of a region around a central object. Third, the shape and size of the extended region are described. A final classification map is achieved through a supervised classifier using shape, size, and spectral features. Experiments on three real aerial images of VHSR (0.1 to 0.32 m) are done to evaluate effectiveness and robustness of the proposed approach. Comparisons to state-of-the-art methods demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method in VHSR image classification.Peer Reviewe

    Graph Kernels

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    As new graph structured data is constantly being generated, learning and data mining on graphs have become a challenge in application areas such as molecular biology, telecommunications, chemoinformatics, and social network analysis. The central algorithmic problem in these areas, measuring similarity of graphs, has therefore received extensive attention in the recent past. Unfortunately, existing approaches are slow, lacking in expressivity, or hard to parameterize. Graph kernels have recently been proposed as a theoretically sound and promising approach to the problem of graph comparison. Their attractivity stems from the fact that by defining a kernel on graphs, a whole family of data mining and machine learning algorithms becomes applicable to graphs. These kernels on graphs must respect both the information represented by the topology and the node and edge labels of the graphs, while being efficient to compute. Existing methods fall woefully short; they miss out on important topological information, are plagued by runtime issues, and do not scale to large graphs. Hence the primary goal of this thesis is to make learning and data mining with graph kernels feasible. In the first half of this thesis, we review and analyze the shortcomings of state-of-the-art graph kernels. We then propose solutions to overcome these weaknesses. As highlights of our research, we - speed up the classic random walk graph kernel from O(n^6) to O(n^3), where n is the number of nodes in the larger graph, and by a factor of up to 1,000 in CPU runtime, by extending concepts from Linear Algebra to Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces, - define novel graph kernels based on shortest paths that avoid tottering and outperform random walk kernels in accuracy, - define novel graph kernels that estimate the frequency of small subgraphs within a large graph and that work on large graphs hitherto not handled by existing graph kernels. In the second half of this thesis, we present algorithmic solutions to two novel problems in graph mining. First, we define a two-sample test on graphs. Given two sets of graphs, or a pair of graphs, this test lets us decide whether these graphs are likely to originate from the same underlying distribution. To solve this so-called two-sample-problem, we define the first kernel-based two-sample test. Combined with graph kernels, this results in the first two-sample test on graphs described in the literature. Second, we propose a principled approach to supervised feature selection on graphs. As in feature selection on vectors, feature selection on graphs aims at finding features that are correlated with the class membership of a graph. Towards this goal, we first define a family of supervised feature selection algorithms based on kernels and the Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion. We then show how to extend this principle of feature selection to graphs, and how to combine it with gSpan, the state-of-the-art method for frequent subgraph mining. On several benchmark datasets, our novel procedure manages to select a small subset of dozens of informative features among thousands and millions of subgraphs detected by gSpan. In classification experiments, the features selected by our method outperform those chosen by other feature selectors in terms of classification accuracy. Along the way, we also solve several problems that can be deemed contributions in their own right: - We define a unifying framework for describing both variants of random walk graph kernels proposed in the literature. - We present the first theoretical connection between graph kernels and molecular descriptors from chemoinformatics. - We show how to determine sample sizes for estimating the frequency of certain subgraphs within a large graph with a given precision and confidence, which promises to be a key to the solution of important problems in data mining and bioinformatics. Three branches of computer science immediately benefit from our findings: data mining, machine learning, and bioinformatics. For data mining, our efficient graph kernels allow us to bring to bear the large family of kernel methods to mining problems on real-world graph data. For machine learning, we open the door to extend strong theoretical results on learning on graphs into useful practical applications. For bioinformatics, we make a number of principled kernel methods and efficient kernel functions available for biological network comparison, and structural comparisons of proteins. Apart from these three areas, other fields may also benefit from our findings, as our algorithms are general in nature and not restricted to a particular type of application

    Learning with Graphs using Kernels from Propagated Information

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    Traditional machine learning approaches are designed to learn from independent vector-valued data points. The assumption that instances are independent, however, is not always true. On the contrary, there are numerous domains where data points are cross-linked, for example social networks, where persons are linked by friendship relations. These relations among data points make traditional machine learning diffcult and often insuffcient. Furthermore, data points themselves can have complex structure, for example molecules or proteins constructed from various bindings of different atoms. Networked and structured data are naturally represented by graphs, and for learning we aimto exploit their structure to improve upon non-graph-based methods. However, graphs encountered in real-world applications often come with rich additional information. This naturally implies many challenges for representation and learning: node information is likely to be incomplete leading to partially labeled graphs, information can be aggregated from multiple sources and can therefore be uncertain, or additional information on nodes and edges can be derived from complex sensor measurements, thus being naturally continuous. Although learning with graphs is an active research area, learning with structured data, substantially modeling structural similarities of graphs, mostly assumes fully labeled graphs of reasonable sizes with discrete and certain node and edge information, and learning with networked data, naturally dealing with missing information and huge graphs, mostly assumes homophily and forgets about structural similarity. To close these gaps, we present a novel paradigm for learning with graphs, that exploits the intermediate results of iterative information propagation schemes on graphs. Originally developed for within-network relational and semi-supervised learning, these propagation schemes have two desirable properties: they capture structural information and they can naturally adapt to the aforementioned issues of real-world graph data. Additionally, information propagation can be efficiently realized by random walks leading to fast, flexible, and scalable feature and kernel computations. Further, by considering intermediate random walk distributions, we can model structural similarity for learning with structured and networked data. We develop several approaches based on this paradigm. In particular, we introduce propagation kernels for learning on the graph level and coinciding walk kernels and Markov logic sets for learning on the node level. Finally, we present two application domains where kernels from propagated information successfully tackle real-world problems

    End-to-end Learning for Mining Text and Network Data

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    A wealth of literature studies user behaviors in online communities, e.g., how users respond to information that are spreading over social networks. One way to study user responses is to analyze user-generated text, by identifying attitude towards target topics. Another way is to analyze the information diffusion networks over involved users. Conventional methods require manual encoding of world knowledge, which is ineffective in many cases. Therefore, to push research forward, we design end-to-end deep learning algorithms that learn high-level representations directly from data and optimize for particular tasks, relieving humans from hard coding features or rules, while achieving better performance. Specifically, I study attitude identification in the text mining domain, and important prediction tasks in the network domain. The key roles of text and networks in understanding user behaviors in online communities are not the only reason that we study them together. Compared with other types of data (e.g., image and speech), text and networks are both discrete and thus may share similar challenges and solutions. Attitude identification is conventionally decomposed into two separate subtasks: target detection that identifies whether a given target is mentioned in the text, and polarity classification that classifies the exact sentiment polarity. However, this decomposition fails to capture interactions between subtasks. To remedy the issue, we developed an end-to-end deep learning architecture, with the two subtasks interleaved by a memory network. Moreover, as the learned representations may share the same semantics for some targets, but vary for others, our model also incorporates the interactions among entities. For information networks, we aim to learn the representation of network structures in order to solve many valuable prediction tasks in the network community. An example of prediction tasks is network growth prediction, which assists decision makers in optimizing strategies. Instead of handcrafting features that could lead to severe loss of structural information, we propose to learn graph representations through a deep end-to-end prediction model. By finding "signatures" for graphs, we convert graphs into matrices, where convolutional neural networks could be applied. In additional to topology, information networks are often associated with different sources of information. We specifically consider the task of cascade prediction, where global context, text content on both nodes, and diffusion graphs play important roles for prediction. Conventional methods require manual specification of the interactions among different information sources, which is easy to miss key information. We present a novel, end-to-end deep learning architecture named DeepCas, which first represents a cascade graph as a set of cascade paths that are sampled through random walks. Such a representation not only allows incorporation of the global context, but also bounds the loss of structural information. After modeling the information of global context, we equip DeepCas with the ability to jointly model text and network in a unified framework. We present a gating mechanism to dynamically fuse the structural and textual representations of nodes based on their respective properties. To incorporate the text information associated with both diffusion items and nodes, attention mechanisms are employed over node text based on their interactions with item text.PHDInformationUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/140791/1/lichengz_1.pd

    On the power of message passing for learning on graph-structured data

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    This thesis proposes novel approaches for machine learning on irregularly structured input data such as graphs, point clouds and manifolds. Specifically, we are breaking up with the regularity restriction of conventional deep learning techniques, and propose solutions in designing, implementing and scaling up deep end-to-end representation learning on graph-structured data, known as Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). GNNs capture local graph structure and feature information by following a neural message passing scheme, in which node representations are recursively updated in a trainable and purely local fashion. In this thesis, we demonstrate the generality of message passing through a unified framework suitable for a wide range of operators and learning tasks. Specifically, we analyze the limitations and inherent weaknesses of GNNs and propose efficient solutions to overcome them, both theoretically and in practice, e.g., by conditioning messages via continuous B-spline kernels, by utilizing hierarchical message passing, or by leveraging positional encodings. In addition, we ensure that our proposed methods scale naturally to large input domains. In particular, we propose novel methods to fully eliminate the exponentially increasing dependency of nodes over layers inherent to message passing GNNs. Lastly, we introduce PyTorch Geometric, a deep learning library for implementing and working with graph-based neural network building blocks, built upon PyTorch

    Digital History and Hermeneutics

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    For doing history in the digital age, we need to investigate the “digital kitchen” as the place where the “raw” is transformed into the “cooked”. The novel field of digital hermeneutics provides a critical and reflexive frame for digital humanities research by acquiring digital literacy and skills. The Doctoral Training Unit "Digital History and Hermeneutics" is applying this new digital practice by reflecting on digital tools and methods

    AVATAR - Machine Learning Pipeline Evaluation Using Surrogate Model

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    © 2020, The Author(s). The evaluation of machine learning (ML) pipelines is essential during automatic ML pipeline composition and optimisation. The previous methods such as Bayesian-based and genetic-based optimisation, which are implemented in Auto-Weka, Auto-sklearn and TPOT, evaluate pipelines by executing them. Therefore, the pipeline composition and optimisation of these methods requires a tremendous amount of time that prevents them from exploring complex pipelines to find better predictive models. To further explore this research challenge, we have conducted experiments showing that many of the generated pipelines are invalid, and it is unnecessary to execute them to find out whether they are good pipelines. To address this issue, we propose a novel method to evaluate the validity of ML pipelines using a surrogate model (AVATAR). The AVATAR enables to accelerate automatic ML pipeline composition and optimisation by quickly ignoring invalid pipelines. Our experiments show that the AVATAR is more efficient in evaluating complex pipelines in comparison with the traditional evaluation approaches requiring their execution