2,879 research outputs found

    A framework for flexible and reconfigurable vision inspection systems

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    Reconfiguration activities remain a significant challenge for automated Vision Inspection Systems (VIS), which are characterized by hardware rigidity and time-consuming software programming tasks. This work contributes to overcoming the current gap in VIS reconfigurability by proposing a novel framework based on the design of Flexible Vision Inspection Systems (FVIS), enabling a Reconfiguration Support System (RSS). FVIS is achieved using reprogrammable hardware components that allow for easy setup based on software commands. The RSS facilitates offline software programming by extracting parameters from real images, Computer-Aided Design (CAD) data, and rendered images using Automatic Feature Recognition (AFR). The RSS offers a user-friendly interface that guides non-expert users through the reconfiguration process for new part types, eliminating the need for low-level coding. The proposed framework has been practically validated during a 4-year collaboration with a global leading automotive half shaft manufacturer. A fully automated FVIS and the related RSS have been designed following the proposed framework and are currently implemented in 7 plants of GKN global automotive supplier, checking 60 defect types on thousands of parts per day, covering more than 200 individual part types and 12 part families

    Integrating Engineering Data Systems for NASA Spaceflight Projects

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    NASA has a large range of custom-built and commercial data systems to support spaceflight programs. Some of the systems are re-used by many programs and projects over time. Management and systems engineering processes require integration of data across many of these systems, a difficult problem given the widely diverse nature of system interfaces and data models. This paper describes an ongoing project to use a central data model with a web services architecture to support the integration and access of linked data across engineering functions for multiple NASA programs. The work involves the implementation of a web service-based middleware system called Data Aggregator to bring together data from a variety of systems to support space exploration. Data Aggregator includes a central data model registry for storing and managing links between the data in disparate systems. Initially developed for NASA's Constellation Program needs, Data Aggregator is currently being repurposed to support the International Space Station Program and new NASA projects with processes that involve significant aggregating and linking of data. This change in user needs led to development of a more streamlined data model registry for Data Aggregator in order to simplify adding new project application data as well as standardization of the Data Aggregator query syntax to facilitate cross-application querying by client applications. This paper documents the approach from a set of stand-alone engineering systems from which data are manually retrieved and integrated, to a web of engineering data systems from which the latest data are automatically retrieved and more quickly and accurately integrated. This paper includes the lessons learned through these efforts, including the design and development of a service-oriented architecture and the evolution of the data model registry approaches as the effort continues to evolve and adapt to support multiple NASA programs and priorities

    AI EDAM special issue: advances in implemented shape grammars: solutions and applications

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    This paper introduces the special issue “Advances in Implemented Shape Grammars: Solutions and Applications” and frames the topic of computer implementations of shape grammars, both with a theoretical and an applied focus. This special issue focuses on the current state of the art regarding computer implementations of shape grammars and brings a discussion about how those systems can evolve in the coming years so that they can be used in real life design scenarios. This paper presents a brief state of the art of shape grammars implementation and an overview of the papers included in the current special issue categorized under technical design, interpreters and interface design, and uses cases. The paper ends with a comprehensive outlook into the future of shape grammars implementations.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio


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    This paper presents advantages of using open architecture for the real-time control of robot manipulators, parallel kinematics machine tools and other multi-axis machining systems. In order to increase their competitiveness, companies need to follow the global economy requirements. The constant incorporation of new technologies into existing controllers and reduction in the development time and costs are the main objectives. An open architecture control (OAC) concept appears as a solution to deal with these requirements. This article explains the rationale for the development of OAC systems, presents the major international activities which propose various approaches to OACs and a series of controllers that have been developed using this design philosophy at the Lola Institute


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    Due to its complexity, the evolution of cities is something that is difficult to predict and planning new developments for cities is therefore a difficult task. This complexity can be identified on two levels: on a micro level, it emerges from the multiple relations between the many components and actors in cities, whereas on a macro level it stems from the geographical, social and economic relations between cities. However, many of these relations can be measured. The design of plans for cities can only be improved if designers are able to address measurements of some of the relationships between the components of cities during the design process. These measurements are called urban indicators. By calculating such measurements, designers can grasp the meaning of the changes being proposed, not just as simple alternative layouts, but also in terms of the changes in indicators adding a qualitative perception. This thesis presents a method and a set of tools to generate alternative solutions for an urban context. The method proposes the use of a combined set of design patterns encoding typical design moves used by urban designers. The combination of patterns generates different layouts which can be adjusted by manipulating several parameters in relation to updated urban indicators. The patterns were developed from observation of typical urban design procedures, first encoded as discursive grammars and later translated into parametric design patterns. The CItyMaker method and tools allows the designer to compose a design solution from a set of programmatic premises and fine-tune it by pulling parameters whilst checking the changes in urban indicators. These tools improve the designer’s awareness of the consequences of their design moves


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    Due to its complexity, the evolution of cities is something that is difficult to predict and planning new developments for cities is therefore a difficult task. This complexity can be identified on two levels: on a micro level, it emerges from the multiple relations between the many components and actors in cities, whereas on a macro level it stems from the geographical, social and economic relations between cities. However, many of these relations can be measured. The design of plans for cities can only be improved if designers are able to address measurements of some of the relationships between the components of cities during the design process. These measurements are called urban indicators. By calculating such measurements, designers can grasp the meaning of the changes being proposed, not just as simple alternative layouts, but also in terms of the changes in indicators adding a qualitative perception. This thesis presents a method and a set of tools to generate alternative solutions for an urban context. The method proposes the use of a combined set of design patterns encoding typical design moves used by urban designers. The combination of patterns generates different layouts which can be adjusted by manipulating several parameters in relation to updated urban indicators. The patterns were developed from observation of typical urban design procedures, first encoded as discursive grammars and later translated into parametric design patterns. The CItyMaker method and tools allows the designer to compose a design solution from a set of programmatic premises and fine-tune it by pulling parameters whilst checking the changes in urban indicators. These tools improve the designer’s awareness of the consequences of their design moves


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    El proyecto de investigación propuesto se enmarca dentro del área de diseño de producto con aplicaciones de modelado sólido CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing). Concretamente, se pretende hacer un estudio de las herramientas de anotación asociativas disponibles en las aplicaciones comerciales de modelado CAD con el fin de analizar su uso, viabilidad, eficiencia y efectos en la modificación y reutilización de modelos digitales 3D, así como en la gestión y comunicación del conocimiento técnico vinculado al diseño. La idea principal de esta investigación doctoral es establecer un método para representar y evaluar el conocimiento implícito de los ingenieros de diseño acerca de un modelo digital, así como la integración dinámica de dicho conocimiento en el propio modelo CAD, a través de anotaciones, con el objetivo de poder almacenar y comunicar eficientemente la mayor cantidad de información útil acerca del modelo, y reducir el tiempo y esfuerzo requeridos para su alteración y/o reutilización.Dorribo Camba, J. (2014). ANNOTATION MECHANISMS TO MANAGE DESIGN KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLEX PARAMETRIC MODELS AND THEIR EFFECTS ON ALTERATION AND REUSABILITY [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/45997TESI

    NET remote workstation

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    A Contribution to Conveying Quality Criteria in Mechanical CAD Models and Assemblies through Rubrics and Comprehensive Design Intent Quantification

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    Esta investigación examinó el uso de rúbricas de ensamblaje, describiendo su evolución a partir de rúbricas de piezas, y estudió cómo afectan a la autoevaluación de los estudiantes. También se valoró la evaluación de los estudiantes por los instructores, encontrando que, mientras que las rúbricas de ensamblaje fueron parcialmente comprendidas y utilizadas de manera eficiente por los estudiantes, éstas fueron usadas con más éxito por los instructores. En esta investigación se han abordado estrategias diseñadas para mejorar la comunicación de la intención de diseño en modelos CAD, acrecentando así su calidad, con directrices dirigidas a evaluar su eficiencia. Es evidente que se necesitan métricas dirigidas hacia la instrucción de la intención de diseño, ya que la intención de diseño transferida a través de modelos CAD puede realizarse en tres etapas con criterios contradictorios que deben ser equilibrados para llegar a la mejor estrategia de modelado. La investigación ha incluido el desarrollo de un método de validación que demuestra que las rúbricas son dispositivos útiles para garantizar una comunicación consistente de la intención de diseño, y son fundamentales no sólo para evaluar, sino también para comunicar las expectativas del instructor. En esta investigación se examinó cómo definir claramente las cualidades de la intención de diseño para permitir una más fácil evaluación de un ensamblaje CAD. Para todas las dimensiones de la rúbrica, se encontró más concordancia y correlación entre instructores que entre instructores y estudiantes. Existe una correlación moderada/fuerte entre los instructores para las dimensiones de la validez, completitud, concisión y claridad, mientras que existe una ligera correlación para las dimensiones de consistencia e intención del diseño. En segundo lugar, las rúbricas también pueden ser descritas como estáticas o dinámicas. Las rúbricas estáticas, existen sólo en papel, no proporcionan retroalimentación inmediata al educando. Las rúbricas dinámicas realizan cálculos que proporcionan observaciones de evaluación inmediatas al usuario. Además, pueden adaptarse a situaciones específicas dependiendo de la capacidad del usuario. Las rúbricas electrónicas son ideales para rúbricas dinámicas, y permiten el uso y desarrollo de rúbricas adaptativas y adaptables, como se describe a continuación. En tercer lugar, las rúbricas deben ser adaptables lo que debería hacerlas fácilmente comprensibles y fáciles de usar, y adaptativas. Las rúbricas de evaluación se usan cuando un experto determina el progreso pedagógico de un educando, mientras que las rúbricas formativas son empleadas por los propios estudiantes, para trazar su progreso e identificar las deficiencias escolares para las que necesitan apoyo. Las rúbricas se deben refinar y mejorar de forma continuada, en un proceso iterativo y colaborativo, hasta que se alcance un acuerdo satisfactorio, tanto entre evaluadores como entre evaluadores y alumnos. Por ello, se desarrollaron mapas de aserciones que ilustran el modo en que la estrategia de expansión-contracción adapta las rúbricas al progreso del aprendiz de CAD, a la vez que ayudan a comprender las diferentes dimensiones de la rúbrica. Basándose en los experimentos con las rúbricas de ensamblajes, es evidente que las pequeñas diferencias entre los instructores sugieren que la rúbrica de ensamblajes propuesta es lo suficientemente sofisticada como para proporcionar una evaluación acumulativa imparcial del desempeño del alumno. En consecuencia, se puede afirmar con confianza que los evaluadores pueden usarse indistintamente sin sacrificar la precisión. Sin embargo, la rúbrica de ensamblaje posee una eficacia finita para producir una autoevaluación formativa de las habilidades de ensamblaje CAD para nuevos alumnos.This research examined the use of assembly rubrics, described how they evolved from parts rubrics, and studied how they affect student self-evaluation. Instructor assessment of students was also evaluated, finding that while the assembly rubrics were partially understood and effectively used by the students, they were more successfully utilized by the instructors. Strategies designed to improve design intent communication in CAD models, in order to enhance their quality, with guidelines targeted to evaluate efficiency, have been addressed with this research. It is apparent that metrics directed toward the instruction of design intent are needed, since design intent transferred through CAD models can be performed at three stages with competing tradeoffs that must be balanced to arrive at the best modeling strategy. Research included the development of a validation approach that reflects that rubrics are valuable devices to expedite consistent design intent communication, and are vital not only for evaluation, but also for the communication of instructor expectations. This research examined how to clearly define qualities of design intent to enable easier CAD assembly assessment. It has been found that there is more inter-rater agreement and correlation between instructors than between instructors and students, for all rubric dimensions. There is strong to moderate correlation between instructors for the dimensions of validity, completeness, conciseness, and clarity, while slight correlation exists for the dimensions of consistency and design intent. Secondly, rubrics can also be described as being either static or dynamic. Static rubrics, existing in paper form only, do not provide immediate feedback to the learner. Dynamic rubrics perform calculations that provide immediate evaluative observations to the user. Besides, they can be independently adapted to specific situations depending on the capability of the user. Electronic rubrics are ideally suited for dynamic rubrics, and permit the use and development of both adaptable and adaptive rubrics, as described next. Thirdly, rubrics need to be adaptable which should make them easily understood and user-friendly, and adaptive (rubric can change itself, depending on the usage pattern). Evaluative rubrics are used when an expert determines the pedagogical progress of a learner, while formative rubrics are employed by the learners themselves, in order to chart their progress and identify scholastic deficiencies that are in need of remediation. Rubrics must be continually refined and improved, in an iterative, collaborative process, until satisfactory agreement is attained, both between raters, but also between raters and learners. Thus, assertions maps were developed, illustrating how the expand-contract strategy adapts the rubrics to CAD trainee progress, while assisting the understanding of the different rubric dimensions. Based on the assembly rubric experiments, it is apparent that the small differences between instructors suggests that the proposed assemblies rubric is sufficiently sophisticated to furnish an unbiased accumulative assessment of student performance. Accordingly, it can be confidently stated that raters can be used interchangeably without sacrificing accuracy. However, the assembly rubric possesses finite efficacy to produce formative self-evaluation of CAD assembly skills for new learners.Aquesta investigació examinà l'ús de rúbriques de acoblament, descrivint la seua evolució a partir de rúbriques de peces, i estudià cóm afecten a la autoavaluació dels estudiants. També es va valorar la avaluació dels estudiants per els instructors, trobant que, mentre que les rúbriques de acoblament van ser parcialment compreses i fetes servir de manera eficient per els estudiants, van ser usades amb mes èxit per els instructors. En aquesta investigació s'han abordat estrategues dissenyades per a millorar la comunicació de la intenció de disseny en models CAD, creixentat així la seua qualitat, amb directrius dirigides a avaluar la seua eficiència. Es evident que es necessiten mètriques dirigides cap a la instrucció de la intenció de disseny, ja que la intenció de disseny transferida a través de models CAD pot realitzar-se en tres etapes amb criteris contradictoris que deuen ser equilibrats per a arribar a la millor estratègia de modelatge. La investigació ha inclòs el desenvolupament de un mètode de validació que demostra que las rúbriques son dispositius útils per a garantir una comunicació consistent de la intenció de disseny, i son fonamentals no només per a avaluar, però també per a comunicar les expectatives de l'instructor. En aquesta investigació s'examinà com definir clarament les qualitats de la intenció de disseny per a permetre una mes fàcil avaluació de un acoblament CAD. Per a totes les dimensions de la rúbrica, es va trobar mes concordança i correlació entre instructors que no pas entre instructors i estudiants. Existeix una correlació moderada/fort entre els instructors per a les dimensions de la validesa, completesa, concisió i claredat, mentre que existeix una lleugera correlació per a les dimensions de consistència i intenció del disseny. En segon lloc, les rúbriques també poden ser descrites com estàtiques o dinàmiques. Les rúbriques estàtiques, existeixen sòls en paper, no proporcionen retroalimentació immediata a l'educand. Les rúbriques dinàmiques realitzen càlculs que proporcionen observacions de avaluació immediates al usuari. A mes, poden adaptar-se a situacions específiques dependent de la capacitat de l'usuari. Les rúbriques electròniques son ideals per a rúbriques dinàmiques, i permeten l'ús i desenvolupament de rúbriques adaptatives i adaptables, como es descriu a continuació. En tercer lloc, les rúbriques deuen ser adaptables, el que deuria ferles fàcilment comprensibles i fàcils d'usar, i adaptatives. Les rúbriques d'avaluació se usen quant un expert determina el progrés pedagògic de un educand, mentre que les rúbriques formatives son fetes servir per els propis estudiants, per a traçar el seu progrés i identificar les deficiències escolars para a les que necessiten suport. Les rúbriques es deuen refinar i millorar de forma continuada, en un procés iteratiu i col·laboratori, fins que se arriba a un acord satisfactori, tant entre avaluadors como entre avaluadors i alumnes. Por això, es desenvoluparen mapes de assercions que il·lustren el mode en que la estratègia de expansió-contracció adapta les rúbriques al progres del aprenent de CAD, a la vegada que ajuden a comprendre les diferents dimensions de la rúbrica. Basant-se en els experiments amb les rúbriques de acoblaments, es evident que les xicotetes diferencies entre els instructors suggereixen que la rúbrica de acoblaments proposta es lo suficientment sofisticada com per a proporcionar una avaluació acumulativa imparcial del acompliment de l'alumne. En conseqüència, es pot afirmar amb confiança que els avaluadors poden usar-se indistintament sense sacrificar la precisió. No obstant, la rúbrica de acoblaments posseeix una eficàcia finita per a produir una autoavaluació formativa de les habilitats de acoblament CAD per a nous alumnes.Otey, JM. (2017). A Contribution to Conveying Quality Criteria in Mechanical CAD Models and Assemblies through Rubrics and Comprehensive Design Intent Quantification [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/94627TESI