12 research outputs found

    Internetinių GIS interaktyvumo didinimo būdai

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    The essential feature of Internet GIS is the interactivity between the users and the spatial data. Interactive GIS can offer interactive maps rather than static map images on the Web. Users can work with the maps interactively by performing conventionalGIS functions such as zoom, pan, search, etc. However, the interactivity of many InternetGIS is quite limited so far. In this paper, we propose to use AJAX to improve the interactivity of Internet GIS. AJAX design patterns that can be used to this aim are described in the paper. We present the architecture of the Internet GIS with AJAX-based user interface and integration with GIS web services.Darbe apžvelgtos technologijos, skirtos interaktyvių internete veikiančių GIS kūrimui. Išnagrinėta AJAX internetinių programų kūrimo paradigma, leidžianti pasiekti aukštesnį internetinių programų interaktyvumo lygį. Apžvelgti tipiniai AJAX projektavimo šablonai, kuriuos galima panaudoti, kuriant internete veikiančias GIS. Pateikta AJAX grindžiama internetinės GIS architektūra

    Improving the efficiency of Market Information Analysis Systems using GIS, Polygon and Spatial Databases

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    An organization's future developments are influenced by its managements' decisions. This can only happen by strengthening research and development strategies. Market monitoring and analyzing systems are designed to provide an organized flow of information to enable and support the marketing activities of an organization. In recent years the development of Market Information Analysis Systems (MIASs) to monitor and control the market has been significantly increased. However, the concept of such systems is not new and has been around for many years. Early systems were paper-based but, with the advancement of computing and information technology these systems have become more electronic and (semi) automated in nature. This paper presents a MIAS for Samsung Company in Iran which uses Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Polygon, and Spatial Databases as a component to improve the efficiency of market information analysis and monitoring systems. It also reviews the technical capabilities of GIS, Polygon, and Spatial Databases and shows how these capabilities align with accepted elements of MIAS. © 2013 IEEE

    Enriching the Digital Library Experience: Innovations With Named Entity Recognition and Geographic Information System Technologies

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    Digital libraries are seeking innovative ways to share their resources and enhance user experience. To this end, numerous openly available technologies can be exploited. For this project, NER technology was applied to a subset of the Documenting the American South (DocSouth) digital collections. Personal and location names were hand-annotated to achieve a gold standard, and GATE, a text engineering tool, was run under two conditions: a defaults baseline and a test run that included gazetteers built from DocSouth's Colonial and State Records collection. Overall, GATE performance is promising, and numerous strategies for improvement are discussed. Next, derived location annotations were georeferenced and stored in a geodatabase through automated processes, and a prototype for a web-based map search was developed using the Google Maps API. This project showcases innovations with automated NER coupled with GIS technologies, and strongly supports further investment in applying these techniques across DocSouth and other digital libraries

    A Data-driven, High-performance and Intelligent CyberInfrastructure to Advance Spatial Sciences

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    abstract: In the field of Geographic Information Science (GIScience), we have witnessed the unprecedented data deluge brought about by the rapid advancement of high-resolution data observing technologies. For example, with the advancement of Earth Observation (EO) technologies, a massive amount of EO data including remote sensing data and other sensor observation data about earthquake, climate, ocean, hydrology, volcano, glacier, etc., are being collected on a daily basis by a wide range of organizations. In addition to the observation data, human-generated data including microblogs, photos, consumption records, evaluations, unstructured webpages and other Volunteered Geographical Information (VGI) are incessantly generated and shared on the Internet. Meanwhile, the emerging cyberinfrastructure rapidly increases our capacity for handling such massive data with regard to data collection and management, data integration and interoperability, data transmission and visualization, high-performance computing, etc. Cyberinfrastructure (CI) consists of computing systems, data storage systems, advanced instruments and data repositories, visualization environments, and people, all linked together by software and high-performance networks to improve research productivity and enable breakthroughs that are not otherwise possible. The Geospatial CI (GCI, or CyberGIS), as the synthesis of CI and GIScience has inherent advantages in enabling computationally intensive spatial analysis and modeling (SAM) and collaborative geospatial problem solving and decision making. This dissertation is dedicated to addressing several critical issues and improving the performance of existing methodologies and systems in the field of CyberGIS. My dissertation will include three parts: The first part is focused on developing methodologies to help public researchers find appropriate open geo-spatial datasets from millions of records provided by thousands of organizations scattered around the world efficiently and effectively. Machine learning and semantic search methods will be utilized in this research. The second part develops an interoperable and replicable geoprocessing service by synthesizing the high-performance computing (HPC) environment, the core spatial statistic/analysis algorithms from the widely adopted open source python package – Python Spatial Analysis Library (PySAL), and rich datasets acquired from the first research. The third part is dedicated to studying optimization strategies for feature data transmission and visualization. This study is intended for solving the performance issue in large feature data transmission through the Internet and visualization on the client (browser) side. Taken together, the three parts constitute an endeavor towards the methodological improvement and implementation practice of the data-driven, high-performance and intelligent CI to advance spatial sciences.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Geography 201

    Integrating AJAX Approach into GIS Visualization Web Services

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    As the Web platform continues to mature, we see an increasing number of amazing technologies that take Geographic Information Systems (GIS) visualization applications to new levels of power and usability. By integrating new powerful technologies into GIS systems, we get higher performance results with additional functionalities. The most recent development capturing the attention of the browser based application developers is AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML). In this paper we present a generic and performance efficient framework for integrating AJAX models into the browser based GIS Visualization Web Services systems. 1

    Design and implementation of a WebLabs Framework based on ajax and design patterns

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    Orientador: Dalton Soares ArantesDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um framework genérico e extensível para integração de WebLabs e outros Serviços via Web. Esta integração visa promover uma colaboração acadêmica em diferentes áreas da ciência, oferecendo aos desenvolvedores uma infra-estrutura básica de serviços, tais como uma comunicação cliente/servidor, serviços de persistência e facilidades para o desenvolvimento de interfaces de usuários. Infra-estruturas como esta viabilizam o compartilhamento de experimentos reais e remotos, explorando o novo paradigma de WebLab. O framework proposto é baseado em uma arquitetura modular e utiliza o conceito de plugins pré-instalados. Esta abordagem é bastante flexível, permitindo aos administradores do framework adicionar, remover ou atualizar seus serviços WebLabs sem a necessidade de recompilar o núcleo da plataforma ou de interromper os serviços. Isso garante um maior compartilhamento de código e facilidade de manutenção. O framework foi implementado utilizando metodologias do estado-da-arte, incluindo técnicas de programação avançadas como os Padrões de Projeto e o paradigma AjaxAbstract: The objective of this work is to present a generic and extensible Framework for WebLab integration. Such integration aims at fostering academic collaboration in different areas of science, since it offers a basic service infrastructure to developers, such as client/server communication, persistency service and facilities for the development of user-friendly interfaces. An infrastructure such as this one is of great importance for scientists to share virtual and real remote experiments through the web. The proposed Framework is based on a modular architecture that uses the concept of preinstalled plugins. This approach is quite flexible, since it allows the Framework administrator to add, remove or upgrade the WebLab services without recompilation of the platform kernel or disruption of services. This guarantees a better code-sharing and an easier Framework maintenance. The Framework was implemented using state-of-the-art methodology and other advanced programming techniques, such as Design Patterns and AjaxMestradoTelecomunicações e TelemáticaMestre em Engenharia Elétric

    Digital tools in media studies: analysis and research. An overview

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    Digital tools are increasingly used in media studies, opening up new perspectives for research and analysis, while creating new problems at the same time. In this volume, international media scholars and computer scientists present their projects, varying from powerful film-historical databases to automatic video analysis software, discussing their application of digital tools and reporting on their results. This book is the first publication of its kind and a helpful guide to both media scholars and computer scientists who intend to use digital tools in their research, providing information on applications, standards, and problems

    Digital Tools in Media Studies

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    Digital tools are increasingly used in media studies, opening up new perspectives for research and analysis, while creating new problems at the same time. In this volume, international media scholars and computer scientists present their projects, varying from powerful film-historical databases to automatic video analysis software, discussing their application of digital tools and reporting on their results. This book is the first publication of its kind and a helpful guide to both media scholars and computer scientists who intend to use digital tools in their research, providing information on applications, standards, and problems