19 research outputs found

    In silico approach towards H5N1 virus protein and transcriptomics-based medication

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    H5N1 influenza A virus is a serious threat to human population. With a considerable mortality rate, strategies for coping with the infection are being developed. Our research group and some others investigated the potential therapeutic and preventive measures for tackling H5N1 infections. Protein based and transcriptomics analyses are getting more important in this field. The trends towards the integration of both protein-based and transcriptomics for H5N1 analysis are indeed feasible.Keywords: H5N1, protein-based, transcriptomics, siRNA, hemagglutinin (HA), matrix1 (M1), non-structural 1 (NS1), neuraminidase (NA), and matrix2 (M2)African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(21), pp. 3110-311

    Using micro- and macro-level network metrics unveils top communicative gene modules in psoriasis

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    Background: Psoriasis is a multifactorial chronic inflammatory disorder of the skin with significant morbidity, characterized by hyper proliferation of the epidermis. Even though psoriasis etiology is not fully understood, it is believed to be multifactorial with numerous key components. Methods: In order to cast light on the complex molecular interactions in psoriasis vulgaris at both protein-protein interactions and transcriptomics levels, we analyzed a set of microarray gene expression analysis consisting of 170 paired lesional and non-lesional samples. Afterwards, a network analysis was conducted on protein-protein interaction network of differentially expressed genes based on micro- and macro-level network metrics at a systemic level standpoint. Results: We found 17 top communicative genes, all of which experimentally proven to be pivotal in psoriasis were identified in two modules, namely, cell cycle and immune system. Intra- and inter-gene interaction subnetworks from the top communicative genes might provide further insight into the corresponding characteristic mechanisms. Conclusions: Potential gene combinations for therapeutic/diagnostics purposes were identified. Moreover, our proposed pipeline could be of interest to a broader range of biological network analysis studies

    Integrative Network Biology: Graph Prototyping for Co-Expression Cancer Networks

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    Network-based analysis has been proven useful in biologically-oriented areas, e.g., to explore the dynamics and complexity of biological networks. Investigating a set of networks allows deriving general knowledge about the underlying topological and functional properties. The integrative analysis of networks typically combines networks from different studies that investigate the same or similar research questions. In order to perform an integrative analysis it is often necessary to compare the properties of matching edges across the data set. This identification of common edges is often burdensome and computational intensive. Here, we present an approach that is different from inferring a new network based on common features. Instead, we select one network as a graph prototype, which then represents a set of comparable network objects, as it has the least average distance to all other networks in the same set. We demonstrate the usefulness of the graph prototyping approach on a set of prostate cancer networks and a set of corresponding benign networks. We further show that the distances within the cancer group and the benign group are statistically different depending on the utilized distance measure

    Multi-omics approach identifies PI3 as a biomarker for disease severity and hyper-keratinization in psoriasis

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    BACKGROUND: Psoriasis is an immune-mediated inflammatory skin disease. Psoriasis severity evaluation is important for clinicians in the assessment of disease severity and subsequent clinical decision making. However, no objective biomarker is available for accurately evaluating disease severity in psoriasis. OBJECTIVE: To define and compare biomarkers of disease severity and progression in psoriatic skin. METHODS: We performed proteome profiling to study the proteins circulating in the serum from patients with psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis, and transcriptome sequencing to investigate the gene expression in skin from the same cohort. We then used machine learning approaches to evaluate different biomarker candidates across several independent cohorts. In order to reveal the cell-type specificity of different biomarkers, we also analyzed a single-cell dataset of skin samples. In-situ staining was applied for the validation of biomarker expression. RESULTS: We identified that the peptidase inhibitor 3 (PI3) was significantly correlated with the corresponding local skin gene expression, and was associated with disease severity. We applied machine learning methods to confirm that PI3 was an effective psoriasis classifier, Finally, we validated PI3 as psoriasis biomarker using in-situ staining and public datasets. Single-cell data and in-situ staining indicated that PI3 was specifically highly expressed in keratinocytes from psoriatic lesions. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that PI3 may be a psoriasis-specific biomarker for disease severity and hyper-keratinization

    The integration of large-scale public data and network analysis uncovers molecular characteristics of psoriasis

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    In recent years, a growing interest in the characterization of the molecular basis of psoriasis has been observed. However, despite the availability of a large amount of molecular data, many pathogenic mechanisms of psoriasis are still poorly understood. In this study, we performed an integrated analysis of 23 public transcriptomic datasets encompassing both lesional and uninvolved skin samples from psoriasis patients. We defined comprehensive gene co-expression network models of psoriatic lesions and uninvolved skin. Moreover, we curated and exploited a wide range of functional information from multiple public sources in order to systematically annotate the inferred networks. The integrated analysis of transcriptomics data and co-expression networks highlighted genes that are frequently dysregulated and show aberrant patterns of connectivity in the psoriatic lesion compared with the unaffected skin. Our approach allowed us to also identify plausible, previously unknown, actors in the expression of the psoriasis phenotype. Finally, we characterized communities of co-expressed genes associated with relevant molecular functions and expression signatures of specific immune cell types associated with the psoriasis lesion. Overall, integrating experimental driven results with curated functional information from public repositories represents an efficient approach to empower knowledge generation about psoriasis and may be applicable to other complex diseases.Peer reviewe

    Gender-Specific Cytokine Pathways, Targets, and Biomarkers for the Switch from Health to Adenoma and Colorectal Cancer

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    Studies focusing on gender have shown that differences exist in how the immune system responds to disease and therapy. Understanding how gender influences immunological mechanisms in health and disease and identifying gender-specific biomarkers could lead to specifically tailored treatment and ultimately improve therapeutic success rates. T helper1 (Th1) and Th2 cytokines (Th1/Th2) have pivotal roles in the homeostasis of Th1 and Th2 cell network functions in the immune response but sex steroids affect Th1/Th2 production in different ways and a natural sexual dimorphism in the immune response has been shown. In order to investigate these differences further, we developed Th-cytokine data-driven models of the immune response and evaluated healthy subject peripheral blood samples. Independent cohorts of colorectal cancer and adenoma patients were also studied for comparison purposes. Our results show that the interferon (IFN)γ production pathway for immune response homeostasis is specific to men whilst the interleukin- (IL-) 6 production pathway for immune response homeostasis is specific to women. The IL-10 pathway for restoring immune system resting homeostasis was common to both but was controlled by the respective gender-specific pathways. These gender pathways could well be used as targets and biomarkers in translational research into developing new clinical strategies

    Comprehensive Proteomic Analysis Reveals Intermediate Stage of Non-Lesional Psoriatic Skin and Points out the Importance of Proteins Outside this Trend

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    To better understand the pathomechanism of psoriasis, a comparative proteomic analysis was performed with non-lesional and lesional skin from psoriasis patients and skin from healthy individuals. Strikingly, 79.9% of the proteins that were diferentially expressed in lesional and healthy skin exhibited expression levels in non-lesional skin that were within twofold of the levels observed in healthy and lesional skin, suggesting that non-lesional skin represents an intermediate stage. Proteins outside this trend were categorized into three groups: I. proteins in non-lesional skin exhibiting expression similar to lesional skin, which might be predisposing factors (i.e., CSE1L, GART, MYO18A and UGDH); II. proteins that were diferentially expressed in non-lesional and lesional skin but not in healthy and lesional skin, which might be non-lesional characteristic alteration (i.e., CHCHD6, CHMP5, FLOT2, ITGA7, LEMD2, NOP56, PLVAP and RRAS); and III. proteins with contrasting diferential expression in non-lesional and lesional skin compared to healthy skin, which might contribute to maintaining the non-lesional state (i.e., ITGA7, ITGA8, PLVAP, PSAPL1, SMARCA5 and XP32). Finally, proteins diferentially expressed in lesions may indicate increased sensitivity to stimuli, peripheral nervous system alterations, furthermore MYBBP1A and PRKDC were identifed as potential regulators of key pathomechanisms, including stress and immune response, proliferation and diferentiation