28 research outputs found

    High Dimensional Modulation and MIMO Techniques for Access Networks

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    Exploration of advanced modulation formats and multiplexing techniques for next generation optical access networks are of interest as promising solutions for delivering multiple services to end-users. This thesis addresses this from two different angles: high dimensionality carrierless amplitudephase (CAP) and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radio-over-fiber (RoF) systems. High dimensionality CAP modulation has been investigated in optical fiber systems. In this project we conducted the first experimental demonstration of 3 and 4 dimensional CAP with bit rates up to 10 Gb/s. These results indicate the potentiality of supporting multiple users with converged services. At the same time, orthogonal division multiple access (ODMA) systems for multiple possible dimensions of CAP modulation has been demonstrated for user and service allocation in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) optical access network. 2 x 2 MIMO RoF employing orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) with 5.6 GHz RoF signaling over all-vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSEL) WDM passive optical networks (PONs). We have employed polarization division multiplexing (PDM) to further increase the capacity per wavelength of the femto-cell network. Bit rate up to 1.59 Gbps with fiber-wireless transmission over 1 m air distance is demonstrated. The results presented in this thesis demonstrate the feasibility of high dimensionality CAP in increasing the number of dimensions and their potentially to be utilized for multiple service allocation to different users. MIMO multiplexing techniques with OFDM provides the scalability in increasing spectral effciency and bit rates for RoF systems. High dimensional CAP and MIMO multiplexing techniques are two promising solutions for supporting wired and hybrid wired-wireless access networks

    Minimizing information asymmetry interference using optimal channel assignment strategy in wireless mesh networks

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    Multi-radio multi-channel wireless mesh networks (MRMC-WMNs) in recent years are considered as the prioritized choice for users due to its low cost and reliability. MRMCWMNs is recently been deployed widely across the world but still these kinds of networks face interference problems among WMN links. One of the well-known interference issue is information asymmetry (IA). In case of information asymmetry interference the source mesh nodes of different mesh links cannot sense each other before transmitting data on the same frequency channel. This non-coordination leads to data collision and packet loss of data flow and hence degrades the network capacity. To maximize the MRMC-WMN capacity and minimize IA interference, various schemes for optimal channel assignment have been proposed already. In this research a novel and near-optimal channel assignment model called Information Asymmetry Minimization (IAM) model is proposed based on integer linear programming. The proposed IAM model optimally assigns orthogonal or non-overlapping channels from IEEE 802.11b technology to various MRMC-WMN links. Through extensive simulations we show that our proposed model gives 28.31% network aggregate network capacity improvement over the existing channel assignment model

    Analog Radio-over-Fiber for 5G/6G Millimeter-Wave Communications

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    Investigation of the impact of fibre impairments and SOA-based devices on 2D-WH/TS OCDMA codes

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    In seeking efficient last-mile solutions for high-capacity, optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) emerges as a promising alternative high-speed optical network that can securely support a multitude of simultaneous users without requiring extensive equipment. This multiplexing technique has recently been the subject of comprehensive research, highlighting its potential for facilitating high-bandwidth multi-access networking. When contrasted with techniques such as wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) and optical time division multiplexing (OTDM), OCDMA offers a more effective and equitable split of available fibre bandwidth among the users. This thesis presents my research focused on the incoherent OCDMA under the influence of optical fibre impairments that uses picosecond multiwavelength pulses to form two-dimensional wavelength hopping time-spreading (2D-WH/TS) incoherent OCDMA codes. In particular, self-phase modulation, temperature induced fibre dispersion, chromatic dispersion, as well as the impact of semiconductor optical amplifier SOA devices deployment on 2D-WH/TS OCDMA code integrity were investigated. These aspects were investigated using a 17-km long bidirectional fibre link between Strathclyde and Glasgow University. In particular, I investigated the impact of temporal skewing among OCDMA code carriers and the importance of selecting small range of wavelengths as code carriers where wide range manifest high dependency on wavelength. This wavelength dependency is exploited furthermore to measure the induced temperature dispersion coefficient accurately and economically. I have conducted experiments to characterise the impact of SOA-device on 2D OCDMA code carries which is evaluated under different bias conditions. This evaluation addressed the potential challenges and ramifications of the gain recovery time of SOA and its wavelength dependency with respect to gain ratio and self-phase modulation (SPM). The OCDMA code was built using multiplexers and delay lines to create a 2D OCDMA code to allow studying the impact of deploying a SOA under different conditions on each wavelength. The concept described above is then extended to the investigation of the SOA鈥檚 impact on a 2D-WH/TS OCDMA prime code under high bias current/gain conditions. The overall performance of two different 2D-WH/TS OCDMA systems deploying the SOA was also calculated. I have also investigated the possibility of manipulating chirp in 2D-WH/TS incoherent OCDMA to counteract the self-phase modulation-induced red shift by using single mode fibre and lithium crystals. I have investigated the performance of the picosecond code based optical signal when subjected to temperature variations similar to that experience by most buried fibre systems. I have proposed and demonstrated a novel technique, which I examined analytically and experimentally, that utilises a SOA at the transmitter to create a new code with a new wavelength hopping and spreading time sequences to achieve a unique physical improved secure incoherent OCDMA communication method. A novel fully automated tuneable compensation testbed is also proposed of an autonomous dispersion management in a WH/TS incoherent OCDMA system. The system proposed manipulates the chirp of OCDMA code carriers to limit chromatic dispersion detrimental effect on transmission systems.In seeking efficient last-mile solutions for high-capacity, optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) emerges as a promising alternative high-speed optical network that can securely support a multitude of simultaneous users without requiring extensive equipment. This multiplexing technique has recently been the subject of comprehensive research, highlighting its potential for facilitating high-bandwidth multi-access networking. When contrasted with techniques such as wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) and optical time division multiplexing (OTDM), OCDMA offers a more effective and equitable split of available fibre bandwidth among the users. This thesis presents my research focused on the incoherent OCDMA under the influence of optical fibre impairments that uses picosecond multiwavelength pulses to form two-dimensional wavelength hopping time-spreading (2D-WH/TS) incoherent OCDMA codes. In particular, self-phase modulation, temperature induced fibre dispersion, chromatic dispersion, as well as the impact of semiconductor optical amplifier SOA devices deployment on 2D-WH/TS OCDMA code integrity were investigated. These aspects were investigated using a 17-km long bidirectional fibre link between Strathclyde and Glasgow University. In particular, I investigated the impact of temporal skewing among OCDMA code carriers and the importance of selecting small range of wavelengths as code carriers where wide range manifest high dependency on wavelength. This wavelength dependency is exploited furthermore to measure the induced temperature dispersion coefficient accurately and economically. I have conducted experiments to characterise the impact of SOA-device on 2D OCDMA code carries which is evaluated under different bias conditions. This evaluation addressed the potential challenges and ramifications of the gain recovery time of SOA and its wavelength dependency with respect to gain ratio and self-phase modulation (SPM). The OCDMA code was built using multiplexers and delay lines to create a 2D OCDMA code to allow studying the impact of deploying a SOA under different conditions on each wavelength. The concept described above is then extended to the investigation of the SOA鈥檚 impact on a 2D-WH/TS OCDMA prime code under high bias current/gain conditions. The overall performance of two different 2D-WH/TS OCDMA systems deploying the SOA was also calculated. I have also investigated the possibility of manipulating chirp in 2D-WH/TS incoherent OCDMA to counteract the self-phase modulation-induced red shift by using single mode fibre and lithium crystals. I have investigated the performance of the picosecond code based optical signal when subjected to temperature variations similar to that experience by most buried fibre systems. I have proposed and demonstrated a novel technique, which I examined analytically and experimentally, that utilises a SOA at the transmitter to create a new code with a new wavelength hopping and spreading time sequences to achieve a unique physical improved secure incoherent OCDMA communication method. A novel fully automated tuneable compensation testbed is also proposed of an autonomous dispersion management in a WH/TS incoherent OCDMA system. The system proposed manipulates the chirp of OCDMA code carriers to limit chromatic dispersion detrimental effect on transmission systems

    Photonics Based Techniques for Millimeter-Wave Generation, Transmission, and Multiplexing

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    Millimeter-waves have found wide application in various fields. In this research, MMW generation, transmitting and receiving, multiplexing techniques are investigated. Three ways of MMW generation based on photonics are discussed. By modeling these three techniques and applying different situations of transmission links up to 100 km and fixed bit rate of 2.5 Gb/s, different results were found and compared to each other. Also, the effect of chromatic dispersion is discussed in addition to the phase conjugation way of dispersion compensation. Dispersion compensation based on phase conjugation was also simulated and applied to OSSB millimeter-wave generator in order to transmit the generated signals through 100 km of fiber and data rate of 10 Gb/s without dispersion effect

    Time and frequency offsets in all optical OFDM systems

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    Ultra-high-speed data transmission (terabit-per-second per channel) is urgently required in optical communication systems to fulfill the emerging demands of 3D multimedia applications, cloud computing, and bandwidth-hungry applications. In one way by using singlecarrier optical communication systems for the data transmission rates 1 Tb/s, we need the high baud rate and/or the high-order modulation formats (i.e. 512-QAM, 1024-QAM). Another way is to group the data carrying subcarriers without a guard bands (tightly spaced) to form a superchannel which gives increase in channel capacity. In a superchannel, the requirements of high-order modulation formats and high baud rates are relaxed. In an alloptical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (AO-OFDM) system, the subcarriers are orthogonal and closely packed which gives more suitability to form superchannel. This thesis focuses on the time and frequency offsets in AO-OFDM systems. A theoretical model to investigate the performance of on-off-keying (OOK) modulated AO-OFDM system is developed for analytical simulation. The analytical (statistical) model considers the random characteristics of time and frequency offsets in adjacent subcarriers as well as the common noise sources such as shot and thermal noises to calculate the interference variances for evaluating the BER performance. The effects of time and frequency offsets on the BER performance of AO-OFDM system is evaluated with the number of optical subcarriers (NSC), receiver bandwidth (BWRX), and cyclic prefix (CP) We further develop an analytical model to evaluate the performance of AO-OFDM system with advanced modulation format (M-QAM) in the presence of time and frequency offsets, and the performance is compared with numerical simulations of other emulation setups (oddand- even subcarriers and decorrelated systems). The performance is investigated with NSC, BWRX, and CP in AO-OFDM system. A delay-line interferometer based all-optical method to reduce the effects of time and frequency offsets is proposed and evaluated. Finally, performance of demultiplexed subcarriers from an optical discrete Fourier transform (O-DFT) in AO-OFDM system in the presence of chromatic dispersion and limited modulation bandwidth is evaluated. The fiber Bragg grating (FBG) based passive device is proposed to reduce the interference and the results are compared with existing method using sampling gates. The proposed method using FBG for interference reduction provides a cost-effective design of AO-OFDM system

    Converged wireline and wireless signal distribution in optical fiber access networks

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    Design of communication systems based on broadband sources for fiber and free space optical links

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    [ES] Las comunicaciones 贸pticas inal谩mbricas (OWC) constituyen una tecnolog铆a muy prometedora para el desarrollo de futuras comunicaciones inal谩mbricas. De hecho, ha despertado un inter茅s creciente entre los investigadores y varias empresas de todo el mundo trabajan actualmente en el desarrollo de redes inal谩mbricas de muy alta velocidad. Las comunidades cient铆fica e industrial consideran la OWC como una tecnolog铆a complementaria en sus diversas formas: comunicaciones 贸pticas en el espacio libre (FSO), comunicaciones de luz visible (VLC) o fidelidad de la luz (Li-Fi). El espectro 贸ptico ha sido considerado durante muchos a帽os como una gran oportunidad para las comunicaciones inal谩mbricas, especialmente debido a la saturaci贸n del espectro de radiofrecuencia (RF). Esta disertaci贸n trata del uso de fuentes de banda ancha en sistemas de transmisi贸n de luz visible (VLC), as铆 como en sistemas de transmisi贸n en el espectro infrarrojo por fibra 贸ptica. En el trabajo de investigaci贸n realizado se pueden distinguir tres partes: En la primera parte, se considera el estudio y la simulaci贸n de componentes de Diodos Emisores de Luz (LED) con el software WIEN2k centr谩ndose en las propiedades 贸pticas y el茅ctricas de los elementos II-VI. La segunda parte trata del dise帽o, la implementaci贸n y las pruebas de diferentes prototipos de comunicaci贸n VLC para la transmisi贸n anal贸gica y digital en modo simplex y semid煤plex. Hemos demostrado un sistema OWC empleando una fuente de banda ancha (LED) para la transmisi贸n no s贸lo de datos, sino tambi茅n para la transmisi贸n inal谩mbrica de energ铆a. Adem谩s, se aborda el problema de la sincronizaci贸n y la detecci贸n del nivel "1" o "0" de un bit en los sistemas de comunicaci贸n inal谩mbrica 贸ptica implementados que surge como consecuencia de la atenuaci贸n de la luz a lo largo de la distancia y al problema de la p茅rdida de l铆nea de visi贸n (NLOS) entre el emisor y el receptor. Para hacer frente a este problema, se ha proporcionado un protocolo de comunicaci贸n que garantiza la transmisi贸n fiable de datos digitales con un algoritmo de detecci贸n de nivel de bits adaptativo y se ha demostrado su eficacia mediante la transmisi贸n de textos e im谩genes. Adem谩s, esta tesis aporta una soluci贸n para la implementaci贸n de transmisores multiplexados en redes con divisi贸n de longitud de onda (WDM) para formatos de modulaci贸n con multiplexaci贸n por divisi贸n de frecuencia ortogonal (OFDM) basados en el uso de fuentes de banda ancha en el espectro infrarrojo para redes de fibra bidireccionales centralizadas. A pesar de las limitaciones impuestas por la dispersi贸n crom谩tica en el uso de este tipo de fuentes 贸pticas, la inclusi贸n de ciertas estructuras antes de la detecci贸n permite la transmisi贸n de se帽ales OFDM en enlaces 贸pticos. En este trabajo se ha demostrado experimentalmente la reutilizaci贸n de portadoras, la asignaci贸n din谩mica de ancho de banda y la transmisi贸n de se帽ales OFDM multibanda mediante el uso de fuentes 贸pticas de banda ancha en redes WDM. Los principales resultados obtenidos en cada parte de esta tesis doctoral muestran los procedimientos de estudio, la eficacia de las soluciones propuestas y las limitaciones encontradas.[CA] Les comunicacions 貌ptiques sense fils (OWC) constitueixen una tecnologia molt prometedora per al desenvolupament de futures comunicacions sense fils. De fet, ha despertat un inter茅s creixent entre els investigadors i diverses empreses de tot el m贸n treballen actualment en el desenvolupament de xarxes sense fils de molt alta velocitat. Les comunitats cient铆fica i industrial consideren la OWC com una tecnologia complement脿ria en les seues diverses formes: comunicacions 貌ptiques en l'espai lliure (FSO), comunicacions de llum visible (VLC) o fidelitat de la llum (Li-Fi). L'espectre 貌ptic ha sigut considerat durant molts anys com una gran oportunitat per a les comunicacions sense fils, especialment a causa de la saturaci贸 de l'espectre de radiofreq眉猫ncia (RF). Aquesta dissertaci贸 tracta de l'煤s de fonts de banda ampla en sistemes de transmissi贸 de llum visible (VLC), aix铆 com en sistemes de transmissi贸 en l'espectre infraroig per fibra 貌ptica. En el treball de recerca realitzat es poden distingir tres parts: 驴 En la primera part, es considera l'estudi i la simulaci贸 de components de D铆odes Emissors de Llum (LED) amb el software WIEN2k centrant-se en les propietats 貌ptiques i el猫ctriques dels elements II-VI. 驴 La segona part tracta del disseny, la implementaci贸 i les proves de diferents prototips de comunicaci贸 VLC per a la transmissi贸 anal貌gica i digital de manera simplex i semid煤plex. Hem demostrat un sistema OWC emprant una font de banda ampla (LED) per a la transmissi贸 no sols de dades, sin贸 tamb茅 per a la transmissi贸 sense fil d'energia. A m茅s, s'aborda el problema de la sincronitzaci贸 i la detecci贸 del nivell "1" o "0" d'un bit en els sistemes de comunicaci贸 sense fil 貌ptica implementats, que sorgeix a conseq眉猫ncia de l'atenuaci贸 de la llum al llarg de la dist脿ncia i al problema de la p猫rdua de l铆nia de visi贸 (NLOS) entre l'emissor i el receptor. Per a fer front a aquest problema, s'ha proporcionat un protocol de comunicaci贸 que garanteix la transmissi贸 fiable de dades digitals amb un algorisme de detecci贸 de nivell de bits adaptatiu i s'ha demostrat la seua efic脿cia mitjan莽ant la transmissi贸 de textos i imatges. 驴 A m茅s, aquesta tesi aporta una soluci贸 per a la implementaci贸 de transmissors multiplexats en xarxes amb divisi贸 de longitud d'ona (WDM) per a formats de modulaci贸 amb multiplexaci贸 per divisi贸 de freq眉猫ncia ortogonal (OFDM) basats en l'煤s de fonts de banda ampla en l'espectre infraroig per a xarxes de fibra bidireccionals centralitzades. Malgrat les limitacions imposades per la dispersi贸 crom脿tica en l'煤s d'aquest tipus de fonts 貌ptiques, la inclusi贸 d'unes certes estructures abans de la detecci贸 permet la transmissi贸 de senyals OFDM en enlla莽os 貌ptics. En aquest treball s'ha demostrat experimentalment la reutilitzaci贸 de portadores, l'assignaci贸 din脿mica d'amplada de banda i la transmissi贸 de senyals OFDM multibanda mitjan莽ant l'煤s de fonts 貌ptiques de banda ampla en xarxes WDM. Els principals resultats obtinguts en cada part d'aquesta tesi doctoral mostren els procediments d'estudi, l'efic脿cia de les solucions proposades i les limitacions trobades.[EN] Optical wireless communication (OWC) is a very promising technology for future wireless communications developments. It has attracted increasing interest from researchers and several companies around the world are currently working on the development of very high-speed wireless networks. The scientific and industrial communities believe that OWC will be a complementary technology in its various forms: Free Space Optical communications (FSO), Visible Light Communications (VLC), Light Fidelity (Li-Fi). In fact, the optical spectrum has been considered for many years as a great opportunity for wireless communications especially due to the saturation of the radio frequency (RF) spectrum. This dissertation deals with the use of broadband sources in visible light transmission systems (VLC) as well as fiber optic systems. To carry out the research, three parts can be distinguished: In the first part, we consider the study and simulation of Light Emitting Diode (LED) components with the WIEN2k software by focusing on the optical and electrical properties of elements II-VI. The second part deals with the design, implementation and testing of different VLC communication prototypes for analog and digital transmission in simplex and half-duplex mode. We have demonstrated that an OWC system using a broadband source (i.e. an LED) can be used not only for data transmission, but also for wireless power transmission. Moreover, the synchronization problem and the detection of level "1" or "0" of a bit often arise in the optical wireless communication systems. This is a result of the attenuation nature of the light over the distance and the problem of Non Line-Of-Sight (NLOS) between the emitter and the receiver. To deal with this problem, a communication protocol ensuring reliable digital data transmission with an adaptive bit level detection algorithm has been provided and its effectiveness has been demonstrated by the transmission of texts and images. In addition, this thesis provides a solution for the implementation of wavelength division multiplexed - orthogonal frequency division multiplexed (WDM-OFDM) transmitters based on the use of broadband sources in the infrared spectrum for centralized bidirectional fiber networks. Despite the chromatic dispersion that avoids the use of this type of optical sources, the inclusion of certain structures before detection allows the transmission of OFDM signals in optical links. Carrier reuse, dynamic bandwidth allocation and multiband OFDM signals transmission will be experimentally demonstrated by using optical broadband sources in WDM networks. The main results obtained during this thesis work demonstrate the study procedures, for each part, the effectiveness of the proposed solutions as well as the constraints encountered.Sekkiou, I. (2021). Design of communication systems based on broadband sources for fiber and free space optical links [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172542TESI

    Optics for AI and AI for Optics

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    Artificial intelligence is deeply involved in our daily lives via reinforcing the digital transformation of modern economies and infrastructure. It relies on powerful computing clusters, which face bottlenecks of power consumption for both data transmission and intensive computing. Meanwhile, optics (especially optical communications, which underpin today鈥檚 telecommunications) is penetrating short-reach connections down to the chip level, thus meeting with AI technology and creating numerous opportunities. This book is about the marriage of optics and AI and how each part can benefit from the other. Optics facilitates on-chip neural networks based on fast optical computing and energy-efficient interconnects and communications. On the other hand, AI enables efficient tools to address the challenges of today鈥檚 optical communication networks, which behave in an increasingly complex manner. The book collects contributions from pioneering researchers from both academy and industry to discuss the challenges and solutions in each of the respective fields