10 research outputs found

    The generation of hierarchic structures via robust 3D topology optimisation

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    Commonly used building structures often show a hierarchic layout of structural elements. It can be questioned whether such a layout originates from practical considerations, e.g. related to its construction, or that it is (relatively) optimal from a structural point of view. This paper investigates this question by using topology optimisation in an attempt to generate hierarchical structures. As an arbitrarily standard design case, the principle of a traditional timber floor that spans in one direction is used. The optimisation problem is first solved using classical sensitivity and density filtering. This leads indeed to solutions with a hierarchic layout, but they are practically unusable as the floor boarding is absent. A Heaviside projection is therefore considered next, but this does not solve the problem. Finally, a robust approach is followed, and this does result in a design similar to floor boarding supported by timber joists. The robust approach is then followed to study a floor with an opening, two floors that span in two directions, and an eight-level concrete building. It can be concluded that a hierarchic layout of structural elements likely originates from being optimal from a structural point of view. Also clear is that this conclusion cannot be obtained by means of standard topology optimisation based on sensitivity or density filtering (as often found in commercial finite element codes); robust 3D optimisation is required to obtain a usable, constructible (or in the future: 3D printable) structural design, with a crisp black-and-white density distribution

    Automatic code compliance with multi-dimensional data fitting in a BIM context

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    BIM-based tools can contribute to addressing some of the challenges faced by structural engineering practitioners. A BIM-based framework for the development of components that deliver Automatic Code Compliance (ACC) is presented. The structural design problems that such components solve are categorised as simple, where ACC can be implemented directly, or complex, where more advanced approaches are needed. The mathematical process of Multi-Dimensional Data Fitting (MDDF) is introduced in order for the latter, enabling the compression of complex engineering calculations to a single equation that can be easily implemented into a BIM software engineering package. Proof-of-concept examples are given for both cases: offsite manufactured structural joists are utilised as a non-recursive example, implementing the results obtained in the manufacturer's literature; the axial capacity of metal fasteners in axially loaded timber-to-timber connections are utilised as an example of recursive problems. The MDDF analysis and the implementation in a BIM package of those problems are presented. Finally, the concept is generalised for non-structural aspects at a framework level, and the challenges, implications, and prospects of ACC in a BIM context are discussed

    El impacto de las viviendas informales en el desarrollo de la planificación urbana en San Juan de Lurigancho 2023

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    Las viviendas informales se originan por un problema social, siendo una respuesta inmediata a las necesidades de una población afectada económica y geográficamente. Por otro lado, la planificación urbana se define como la organización de una ciudad o comunidad con fin de un óptimo uso de suelo. El distrito de san juan de Lurigancho cuenta con una alta población, generada principalmente por migrantes, que según la historia se expandieron descontroladamente, inicialmente tomando la parte plana del distrito y después las laderas. Esto ocasionó que los planes establecidos con fin de satisfacer las necesidades de los ciudadanos no se cumplan con su totalidad, ya que uno de los impedimentos fue la toma de terrenos no aptos para el vivir, ya que presenta un alto riesgo de derrumbes o sismos. El aumento de población y la falta de ingresos económicos generó que las viviendas informales sean elaboradas en dichas zonas dificultando el desarrollo de los planes. Por ello en el presente trabajo, se tiene como Objetivo general el mostrar el impacto que genera las viviendas informales en el desarrollo de la planificación urbana en el distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho 2023 concientizando la importancia de una preocupación tanto social como distrital

    Mass customization for the design and production of flexible

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    Orientador: Maria Gabriela Caffarena CelaniDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e UrbanismoResumo: A necessidade de personalizar espaços varia de acordo com as demandas específicas dos usuários, principalmente nas camadas mais internas do edifício. No entanto, a inadequação do mobiliário padronizado a edificações com planta reduzida e rígida e as restrições ao acesso da maioria da população a projetos de layouts personalizados repercutem em conflitos de uso, especialmente nos locais mais cotidianos, como habitações e escritórios. Nos ambientes contemporâneos de trabalho, a frequência de mudanças das tecnologias e dos formatos de interação entre seus ocupantes acentuam a necessidade de flexibilidade espacial. Paralelamente, a crescente disponibilidade de equipamentos de fabricação digital e de projetos abertos em plataformas online tornam a personalização em série mais acessível. Nesse contexto, a incorporação de estratégias de projeto computacional por arquitetos e designers pode combinar processos agenciados pelos indivíduos à geração de soluções mais adequadas. Por outro lado, observa-se que os projetos criados com essa abordagem tendem a focar na diversidade inicial das soluções, desconsiderando modificações ao longo do ciclo de vida dos edifícios. Diante desse cenário, esta dissertação de mestrado tem como principal objetivo desenvolver um artefato para personalização em série voltado ao projeto e à produção de espaços flexíveis. Tem caráter qualitativo e prescritivo, seguindo a metodologia da Design Science Research. A pesquisa traz como principal produto o protótipo de um sistema integrado baseado em um procedimento de Christopher Alexander. O sistema possibilita a composição de layouts pelos usuários, com personalização dimensional e fabricação digital do mobiliário em escala reduzida, em espaços de trabalho e estudo. O artefato foi aplicado ao contexto de uma sala de estudos da Moradia Estudantil da Unicamp por meio de oficinas teórico-práticas com dois grupos distintos, um com pessoas sem conhecimento técnico em arquitetura e outro com arquitetos formados. A avaliação do sistema ocorreu pela análise das soluções elaboradas durante as oficinas e das respostas dos participantes a questionários. Os resultados demonstraram que a utilização de tipos diferentes de modularidade na personalização dimensional dos móveis, combinada à definição de intervalos de medidas, contribuiu para a personalização em série e para a flexibilidade das alternativas geradas. Além disso, verificou-se a emergência de composições e de características que superaram as limitações iniciais da interface digital empregada. Por fim, sintetiza-se o conceito de autofabricação em arquitetura, como um contraponto à autoconstrução, para a obtenção de espaços flexíveis e mais apropriados às necessidades individuais contemporâneasAbstract: The need to customize spaces varies according to changes in users' demands, especially in a building's inner layers. However, standardized furniture is often unsuitable for buildings with a reduced and rigid floor plan. Besides, restrictions on the access of the majority of the population to customized layout designs lead to conflicts of use, notably in the most everyday places, such as houses and offices. In contemporary work environments, technologies and occupants' interaction change frequently, which emphasizes the need for spatial flexibility. At the same time, the increasing availability of digital fabrication machinery and open source designs on online platforms make mass customization more accessible. In this context, computational design strategies adopted by architects and designers could enable the generation of more adequate solutions with user agency. On the other hand, solutions created with this approach tend to focus on an initial design diversity, disregarding changes over a building's life cycle. In this scenario, this master's thesis aims at developing an artifact for mass customization applied to the design and production of flexible spaces. It has a qualitative and prescriptive character, following the Design Science Research methodology. The main research product is a prototypical integrated system based on a procedure by Christopher Alexander. The system allows user-driven layout compositions, with furniture dimensional customization and digital fabrication in reduced scale, focused on work and study spaces. The artifact was applied to a study room at Unicamp's Student Housing through theoretical-practical workshops with two different groups: people without a background in architecture and trained architects. The system was evaluated through analysis of the solutions developed during the workshops and participants' responses to questionnaires. Results showed that the use of different modularity types in furniture dimensional customization, combined with the definition of measurement intervals, contributed both to mass customization and flexibility of generated alternatives. Furthermore, it provided the emergence of design compositions and characteristics that overcame the digital interface's initial limitations. Finally, the self-fabrication concept is synthetized, as a counterpoint to self-construction, as a strategy to obtain more flexible and contemporary-suited spacesMestradoArquitetura, Tecnologia e CidadeMestra em Arquitetura, Tecnologia e Cidade05-P-04795-2019CAPE

    EG-ICE 2021 Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering

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    The 28th EG-ICE International Workshop 2021 brings together international experts working at the interface between advanced computing and modern engineering challenges. Many engineering tasks require open-world resolutions to support multi-actor collaboration, coping with approximate models, providing effective engineer-computer interaction, search in multi-dimensional solution spaces, accommodating uncertainty, including specialist domain knowledge, performing sensor-data interpretation and dealing with incomplete knowledge. While results from computer science provide much initial support for resolution, adaptation is unavoidable and most importantly, feedback from addressing engineering challenges drives fundamental computer-science research. Competence and knowledge transfer goes both ways

    EG-ICE 2021 Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering

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    The 28th EG-ICE International Workshop 2021 brings together international experts working at the interface between advanced computing and modern engineering challenges. Many engineering tasks require open-world resolutions to support multi-actor collaboration, coping with approximate models, providing effective engineer-computer interaction, search in multi-dimensional solution spaces, accommodating uncertainty, including specialist domain knowledge, performing sensor-data interpretation and dealing with incomplete knowledge. While results from computer science provide much initial support for resolution, adaptation is unavoidable and most importantly, feedback from addressing engineering challenges drives fundamental computer-science research. Competence and knowledge transfer goes both ways

    Automated code compliance for structural timber design with building information modelling

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    This work set out to identify and overcome the barriers to specifying structural timber within the UK. In the first instance, a survey of practising structural engineers was conducted, and in combination with a review of the context via available literature, the objectives for the main body of the work were formulated. The solutions identified to address these barriers are in two forms: the first was to create code-compliant calculation tools for timber connections and the second approach presents a system for the automation of structural timber design as part of a Building Information Modelling (BIM) approach. The mathematical process of multi-dimensional data fitting is introduced in order to create automatic code compliance tools in BIM. This process is used to simplify the complex engineering calculations into a single equation that can be implemented into current BIM software engineering packages. BIM-based tools can contribute to addressing some of the challenges faced by structural engineering practitioners with respect to the design and detailing of timber structural systems, given the range of available timber products and enhanced levels of design complexities. From an industry perspective, it is envisaged that the work presented here can support structural engineers who want to incorporate timber in their projects but are finding the level of technical expertise required a significant barrier