408 research outputs found

    Recognition of Harmonic Sounds in Polyphonic Audio using a Missing Feature Approach: Extended Report

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    A method based on local spectral features and missing feature techniques is proposed for the recognition of harmonic sounds in mixture signals. A mask estimation algorithm is proposed for identifying spectral regions that contain reliable information for each sound source and then bounded marginalization is employed to treat the feature vector elements that are determined as unreliable. The proposed method is tested on musical instrument sounds due to the extensive availability of data but it can be applied on other sounds (i.e. animal sounds, environmental sounds), whenever these are harmonic. In simulations the proposed method clearly outperformed a baseline method for mixture signals

    Multiple-F0 estimation of piano sounds exploiting spectral structure and temporal evolution

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    This paper proposes a system for multiple fundamental frequency estimation of piano sounds using pitch candidate selection rules which employ spectral structure and temporal evolution. As a time-frequency representation, the Resonator Time-Frequency Image of the input signal is employed, a noise suppression model is used, and a spectral whitening procedure is performed. In addition, a spectral flux-based onset detector is employed in order to select the steady-state region of the produced sound. In the multiple-F0 estimation stage, tuning and inharmonicity parameters are extracted and a pitch salience function is proposed. Pitch presence tests are performed utilizing information from the spectral structure of pitch candidates, aiming to suppress errors occurring at multiples and sub-multiples of the true pitches. A novel feature for the estimation of harmonically related pitches is proposed, based on the common amplitude modulation assumption. Experiments are performed on the MAPS database using 8784 piano samples of classical, jazz, and random chords with polyphony levels between 1 and 6. The proposed system is computationally inexpensive, being able to perform multiple-F0 estimation experiments in realtime. Experimental results indicate that the proposed system outperforms state-of-the-art approaches for the aforementioned task in a statistically significant manner. Index Terms: multiple-F0 estimation, resonator timefrequency image, common amplitude modulatio

    Joint Multi-Pitch Detection Using Harmonic Envelope Estimation for Polyphonic Music Transcription

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    In this paper, a method for automatic transcription of music signals based on joint multiple-F0 estimation is proposed. As a time-frequency representation, the constant-Q resonator time-frequency image is employed, while a novel noise suppression technique based on pink noise assumption is applied in a preprocessing step. In the multiple-F0 estimation stage, the optimal tuning and inharmonicity parameters are computed and a salience function is proposed in order to select pitch candidates. For each pitch candidate combination, an overlapping partial treatment procedure is used, which is based on a novel spectral envelope estimation procedure for the log-frequency domain, in order to compute the harmonic envelope of candidate pitches. In order to select the optimal pitch combination for each time frame, a score function is proposed which combines spectral and temporal characteristics of the candidate pitches and also aims to suppress harmonic errors. For postprocessing, hidden Markov models (HMMs) and conditional random fields (CRFs) trained on MIDI data are employed, in order to boost transcription accuracy. The system was trained on isolated piano sounds from the MAPS database and was tested on classic and jazz recordings from the RWC database, as well as on recordings from a Disklavier piano. A comparison with several state-of-the-art systems is provided using a variety of error metrics, where encouraging results are indicated

    Automatic music transcription: challenges and future directions

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    Automatic music transcription is considered by many to be a key enabling technology in music signal processing. However, the performance of transcription systems is still significantly below that of a human expert, and accuracies reported in recent years seem to have reached a limit, although the field is still very active. In this paper we analyse limitations of current methods and identify promising directions for future research. Current transcription methods use general purpose models which are unable to capture the rich diversity found in music signals. One way to overcome the limited performance of transcription systems is to tailor algorithms to specific use-cases. Semi-automatic approaches are another way of achieving a more reliable transcription. Also, the wealth of musical scores and corresponding audio data now available are a rich potential source of training data, via forced alignment of audio to scores, but large scale utilisation of such data has yet to be attempted. Other promising approaches include the integration of information from multiple algorithms and different musical aspects

    Towards the automated analysis of simple polyphonic music : a knowledge-based approach

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    PhDMusic understanding is a process closely related to the knowledge and experience of the listener. The amount of knowledge required is relative to the complexity of the task in hand. This dissertation is concerned with the problem of automatically decomposing musical signals into a score-like representation. It proposes that, as with humans, an automatic system requires knowledge about the signal and its expected behaviour to correctly analyse music. The proposed system uses the blackboard architecture to combine the use of knowledge with data provided by the bottom-up processing of the signal's information. Methods are proposed for the estimation of pitches, onset times and durations of notes in simple polyphonic music. A method for onset detection is presented. It provides an alternative to conventional energy-based algorithms by using phase information. Statistical analysis is used to create a detection function that evaluates the expected behaviour of the signal regarding onsets. Two methods for multi-pitch estimation are introduced. The first concentrates on the grouping of harmonic information in the frequency-domain. Its performance and limitations emphasise the case for the use of high-level knowledge. This knowledge, in the form of the individual waveforms of a single instrument, is used in the second proposed approach. The method is based on a time-domain linear additive model and it presents an alternative to common frequency-domain approaches. Results are presented and discussed for all methods, showing that, if reliably generated, the use of knowledge can significantly improve the quality of the analysis.Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) in the UK National Science Foundation (N.S.F.) in the United states. Fundacion Gran Mariscal Ayacucho in Venezuela

    Lauluyhtyeen intonaation automaattinen määritys

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    The objective of this study is a specific music signal processing task, primarily intended to help vocal ensemble singers practice their intonation. In this case intonation is defined as deviations of pitch in relation to the note written in the score which are small, less than a semitone. These can be either intentional or unintentional. Practicing intonation is typically challenging without an external ear. The algorithm developed in this thesis combined with the presented application concept can act as the external ear, providing real-time information on intonation to support practicing. The method can be applied to the analysis of recorded material as well. The music signal generated by a vocal ensemble is polyphonic. It contains multiple simultaneous tones with partly or completely overlapping harmonic partials. We need to be able to estimate the fundamental frequency of each tone, which then indicates the pitch of each singer. Our experiments show, that the fundamental frequency estimation method based on the Fourier analysis developed in this thesis can be applied to the automatic analysis of vocal ensembles. A sufficient frequency resolution can be achieved without compromising the time resolution too much by using an adequately sized window. The accuracy and robustness can be further increased by taking advantage of solitary partials. The greatest challenge turned out to be the estimation of tones in octave and unison relationships. These intervals are fairly common in tonal music. This question requires further investigation or another type of approach.Tässä työssä tutkitaan erityistä musiikkisignaalin analysointitehtävää, jonka tarkoi- tuksena on auttaa lauluyhtyelaulajia intonaation harjoittelussa. Intonaatiolla tar- koitetaan tässä yhteydessä pieniä, alle puolen sävelaskeleen säveltasoeroja nuottiin kirjoitettuun sävelkorkeuteen nähden, jotka voivat olla joko tarkoituksenmukaisia tai tahattomia. Intonaation harjoittelu on tyypillisesti haastavaa ilman ulkopuolista korvaa. Työssä kehitetty algoritmi yhdessä esitellyn sovelluskonseptin kanssa voi toimia harjoittelutilanteessa ulkopuolisena korvana tarjoten reaaliaikaista tietoa intonaatiosta harjoittelun tueksi. Vaihtoehtoisesti menetelmää voidaan hyödyntää harjoitusäänitteiden analysointiin jälkikäteen. Lauluyhtyeen tuottama musiikki- signaali on polyfoninen. Se sisältää useita päällekkäisiä säveliä, joiden osasävelet menevät toistensa kanssa osittain tai kokonaan päällekkäin. Tästä signaalista on pystyttävä tunnistamaan kunkin sävelen perustaajuus, joka puolestaan kertoo lau- lajan laulaman sävelkorkeuden. Kokeellisten tulosten perusteella työssä kehitettyä Fourier-muunnokseen perustuvaa taajuusanalyysiä voidaan soveltaa lauluyhtyeen intonaation automaattiseen määritykseen, kun nuottiin kirjoitettua sointua hyödyn- netään analyysin lähtötietona. Sopivankokoista näyteikkunaa käyttämällä päästiin riittävään taajuusresoluutioon aikaresoluution säilyessä kohtuullisena. Yksinäisiä osasäveliä hyödyntämällä voidaan edelleen parantaa tarkkuutta ja toimintavar- muutta. Suurimmaksi haasteeksi osoittautui oktaavi- ja priimisuhteissa olevien intervallien luotettava määritys. Näitä intervallisuhteita esiintyy tonaalisessa musii- kissa erityisen paljon. Tämä kysymys vaatii vielä lisätutkimusta tai uudenlaista lähestymistapaa

    Polyphonic music information retrieval based on multi-label cascade classification system

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    Recognition and separation of sounds played by various instruments is very useful in labeling audio files with semantic information. This is a non-trivial task requiring sound analysis, but the results can aid automatic indexing and browsing music data when searching for melodies played by user specified instruments. Melody match based on pitch detection technology has drawn much attention and a lot of MIR systems have been developed to fulfill this task. However, musical instrument recognition remains an unsolved problem in the domain. Numerous approaches on acoustic feature extraction have already been proposed for timbre recognition. Unfortunately, none of those monophonic timbre estimation algorithms can be successfully applied to polyphonic sounds, which are the more usual cases in the real music world. This has stimulated the research on multi-labeled instrument classification and new features development for content-based automatic music information retrieval. The original audio signals are the large volume of unstructured sequential values, which are not suitable for traditional data mining algorithms; while the acoustical features are sometime not sufficient for instrument recognition in polyphonic sounds because they are higher-level representatives of raw signal lacking details of original information. In order to capture the patterns which evolve on the time scale, new temporal features are introduced to supply more temporal information for the timbre recognition. We will introduce the multi-labeled classification system to estimate multiple timbre information from the polyphonic sound by classification based on acoustic features and short-term power spectrum matching. In order to achieve higher estimation rate, we introduced the hierarchically structured cascade classification system under the inspiration of the human perceptual process. This cascade classification system makes a first estimate on the higher level decision attribute, which stands for the musical instrument family. Then, the further estimation is done within that specific family range. Experiments showed better performance of a hierarchical system than the traditional flat classification method which directly estimates the instrument without higher level of family information analysis. Traditional hierarchical structures were constructed in human semantics, which are meaningful from human perspective but not appropriate for the cascade system. We introduce the new hierarchical instrument schema according to the clustering results of the acoustic features. This new schema better describes the similarity among different instruments or among different playing techniques of the same instrument. The classification results show the higher accuracy of cascade system with the new schema compared to the traditional schemas. The query answering system is built based on the cascade classifier

    Automatic transcription of polyphonic music exploiting temporal evolution

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    PhDAutomatic music transcription is the process of converting an audio recording into a symbolic representation using musical notation. It has numerous applications in music information retrieval, computational musicology, and the creation of interactive systems. Even for expert musicians, transcribing polyphonic pieces of music is not a trivial task, and while the problem of automatic pitch estimation for monophonic signals is considered to be solved, the creation of an automated system able to transcribe polyphonic music without setting restrictions on the degree of polyphony and the instrument type still remains open. In this thesis, research on automatic transcription is performed by explicitly incorporating information on the temporal evolution of sounds. First efforts address the problem by focusing on signal processing techniques and by proposing audio features utilising temporal characteristics. Techniques for note onset and offset detection are also utilised for improving transcription performance. Subsequent approaches propose transcription models based on shift-invariant probabilistic latent component analysis (SI-PLCA), modeling the temporal evolution of notes in a multiple-instrument case and supporting frequency modulations in produced notes. Datasets and annotations for transcription research have also been created during this work. Proposed systems have been privately as well as publicly evaluated within the Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange (MIREX) framework. Proposed systems have been shown to outperform several state-of-the-art transcription approaches. Developed techniques have also been employed for other tasks related to music technology, such as for key modulation detection, temperament estimation, and automatic piano tutoring. Finally, proposed music transcription models have also been utilized in a wider context, namely for modeling acoustic scenes

    The Temperament Police: The Truth, the Ground Truth, and Nothing but the Truth

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    The tuning system of a keyboard instrument is chosen so that frequently used musical intervals sound as consonant as possible. Temperament refers to the compromise arising from the fact that not all intervals can be maximally consonant simultaneously. Recent work showed that it is possible to estimate temperament from audio recordings with no prior knowledge of the musical score, using a conservative (high precision, low recall) automatic transcription algorithm followed by frequency estimation using quadratic interpolation and bias correction from the log magnitude spectrum. In this paper we develop a harpsichord-specific transcription system to analyse over 500 recordings of solo harpsichord music for which the temperament is specified on the CD sleeve notes. We compare the measured temperaments with the annotations and discuss the differences between temperament as a theoretical construct and as a practical issue for professional performers and tuners. The implications are that ground truth is not always scientific truth, and that content-based analysis has an important role in the study of historical performance practice. 1

    Analysis and resynthesis of polyphonic music

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    This thesis examines applications of Digital Signal Processing to the analysis, transformation, and resynthesis of musical audio. First I give an overview of the human perception of music. I then examine in detail the requirements for a system that can analyse, transcribe, process, and resynthesise monaural polyphonic music. I then describe and compare the possible hardware and software platforms. After this I describe a prototype hybrid system that attempts to carry out these tasks using a method based on additive synthesis. Next I present results from its application to a variety of musical examples, and critically assess its performance and limitations. I then address these issues in the design of a second system based on Gabor wavelets. I conclude by summarising the research and outlining suggestions for future developments