155 research outputs found

    Instagram: The Real Stranger Danger

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    A stranger, in simple terms, is best defined as a person with whom one has no personal acquaintance. Society constantly warns children from a young age to not accept candy from, get in a car with, and most importantly talk to strangers. Even after growing up, adults are still warned against going places alone, meeting people online, and putting their trust in people they have never met. The underlying message is this: strangers equal danger. Despite these frequent warnings, social media has found a way to glamorize strangers and make it socially acceptable to interact with them. Disguised under the pretense of becoming more cultured, adolescents and young adults are increasingly willing to connect and interact with strangers through social media. On the social networking site, Instagram, these strangers appear attractive, captivating, and flawless. They attract the attention of others because their lives allude to something better, something other users viewing their profile will then strive to attain. Although the people that Instragram users follow may not seem as threatening as a stereotypical stranger, they still pose an entirely new danger to their followers; a danger whose magnitude has yet to be evaluated


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    Abstract Instagram is a popular social media recently and most of its users are young people including students. Students are interested in using Instagram because it has interesting features such as photos and videos that can add to their insight, this also includes Islamic teachings. Many students become followers of the da’wah accounts that th ey access every day. This study aims to determine the influence of da’wah Instagram accounts on religious behavior among students of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting at the Islamic State University of North Sumatra. The research method used is a quantitative method. The result shows that there is no significant effect of the da’wah Instagram accounts on religious behavio

    The Relationship among Social Media, Interpersonal Relationships, and Self-Conscious Emotions

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    This study examined the relationship among social media, interpersonal relationships, and self-conscious emotions. Participants responded to surveys that were distributed on Facebook and through email. The participants varied in age, gender, and ethnicity. Each participant responded to a four-part online survey. The survey contained the following scales: TOSCA (assesses the self-conscious emotions of shame and guilt-proneness), Social Media Use (measures the usage of social media of the individual), and Dispositional Authenticity and Relationship Authenticity (measures interpersonal relationship). These three variables were analyzed quantitatively and compared to find significant negative correlations

    Impact of Instagram Usage Intensity on Self-Esteem among Preclinical Medical Students

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    Background: Instagram is one of the social media that is growing rapidly in Indonesia. However, the impact of Instagram usage intensity, especially on the users’ emotional well-being, is still unclear. This study aimed to explore the impact of the intensity of using Instagram on the self-esteem among preclinical medical students in Jakarta.Methods: This study was an observational analytic study with a cross-sectional approach in preclinical medical students in Jakarta, Indonesia, conducted from January 2020 to January 2021. Sampling was performed by stratified random sampling followed by simple random sampling. Instagram usage intensity and self-esteem were measured using the Instagram Intensity Scale Questionnaire (IISQ) and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES). Data were analyzed using the Chi-Square test.Results: Of the108 students, 45.4% had used Instagram above the usage intensity average (average 3.01), of whom 30.6% had low self-esteem (15 out of 49). There was a significant relationship between Instagram usage intensity and self-esteem (p=0.031).Conclusion: Instagram usage intensity has an impact on the self-esteem of preclinical medical students. Further studies are needed to explore this issue, as to see other contributing factors and a larger population with different characteristics.

    A review on the relationship between social media usage, social media depressive symptoms among university students

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    University students were found to have high depressive symptoms, and one of the contributing factors may be social media usage. Multiple studies have found mixed results regarding the relationship between social media usage and depressive symptoms. Some studies found a significant negative relationship between social media usage and depressive symptoms, while several others found an indirect significant relationship or no relationship between these two variables. The difference may be due to other factors such as individuals sharing their positive and negative experiences on social media. Sharing positive experience was found to reduce negative affect (e.g. depression) while sharing negative experience was found to increase negative affect. Therefore, this literature review aims to review these topics, specifically, (1) the relationship between social media usage and depressive symptoms, (2) the relationship between social sharing and depressive symptoms, and (3) to integrate a possible explanation related to the relationship between social media usage, social sharing, and depressive symptoms

    A review on the relationship between social media usage, social media sharing, and depressive symptoms among university students

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    University students were found to have high depressive symptoms, and one of the contributing factors may be social media usage. Multiple studies have found mixed results regarding the relationship between social media usage and depressive symptoms. Some studies found a significant negative relationship between social media usage and depressive symptoms, while several others found an indirect significant relationship or no relationship between these two variables. The difference may be due to other factors such as individuals sharing their positive and negative experiences on social media. Sharing positive experience was found to reduce negative affect (e.g. depression) while sharing negative experience was found to increase negative affect. Therefore, this literature review aims to review these topics, specifically, (1) the relationship between social media usage and depressive symptoms, (2) the relationship between social sharing and depressive symptoms, and (3) to integrate a possible explanation related to the relationship between social media usage, social sharing, and depressive symptoms

    Instagram and Mental Health of Institut Agama Islam Negeri Students in Kendari

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kesehatan mental para siswa yang menggunakan Instagram di Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kendari sebagai Pendidikan Tinggi Islam terbesar di Sulawesi Tenggara. Para peneliti mewawancarai 50 siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa yang menggunakan Instagram dengan intensitas tinggi memiliki kesehatan mental negatif. Itu dibuktikan dengan persepsi mereka yang tidak akurat terhadap representasi diri mereka. Mereka menilai dan merasakan keberadaan mereka berdasarkan berapa banyak pengikut mengetik "cinta" di posting mereka. Bahkan, mereka akan merasa sangat terganggu, tidak bahagia dan marah jika ada yang mengkritik jabatan mereka dan ketika pengikut mereka mulai berkurang. Mereka juga akan sering menunggu berapa banyak orang yang akan menanggapi posting baru mereka. Mereka serius membuat cerita Instagram mereka sebagai sarana untuk mewakili diri mereka sendiri kepada orang lain seperti yang diinginkan. Kegiatan penggunaan Instagram perlu diajarkan dengan baik agar tidak memiliki dampak negatif pada siswa, terutama untuk kesehatan mental mereka

    Short video social media use and subjective wellbeing among young adults in rural China: The mediating roles of upward social comparison and online social capital

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    This paper aims to describe how videos affect human behavior, especially teenagers and other major human beings. Given the large number of young adults who use short video social media (e.g., TikTok, Douyin, and Kuaishou) in rural China, understanding how the use of such platforms affects their subjective wellbeing is crucial. This study examines the mediating roles of online social capital and upward social comparison in the relationships between short video social media use (intensity, active vs. passive use) and subjective wellbeing using data gathered from a web-based survey of 412 young adults living in rural China. Structural equation modeling demonstrated that active short video use is associated with a greater level of online social capital, which in turn is related positively to subjective wellbeing. Passive short video use is negatively associated with online social capital. Active short video use is also associated with a greater level of upward social comparison, whereas passive short video use is negatively associated with upward social comparison. Nevertheless, the relationship between upward social comparison and subjective wellbeing is not statistically significant. Use intensity was associated with neither online social capital nor upward social comparison. The findings extend the understanding of the psychologically powerful nature of short video social media platforms and their effects on subjective wellbeing among Chinese rural young adults

    Understanding Consumer Interaction on Instagram: The Role of Satisfaction, Hedonism, and Content Characteristics

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    The increasing relevance of Instagram and its growing adoption among top brands suggest an effort to better understand consumers'' behaviors within this context. The purpose of this study is to examine the role of perceived hedonism and satisfaction in determining consumers'' intentions to interact and their actual interaction behaviors (the number of likes, by tapping a heart icon, and comments) in a brand''s official Instagram account. Also, we investigate the effect of consumer perceptions about the characteristics of the content generated in the account (perceived originality, quantity, and quality) on their perceived hedonism and satisfaction. Data were collected in two stages from 808 members of a fashion brand''s official Instagram account. First, participants answered an online questionnaire to evaluate their perceptions, satisfaction, and interaction intentions. Second, 1 month later, we measure the number of likes and comments done by each participant in the brand''s official Instagram account during that month. Using partial least squares to analyze the data, perceived hedonism is found to affect both satisfaction and the intention to interact in Instagram, which in turn influences actual behavior. Besides, perceived originality is the most relevant content characteristic to develop perceived hedonism. These findings offer managers a general vision of consumers'' behaviors on Instagram, highlighting the importance of hedonism to create a satisfactory experience

    Physical Self-Esteem in Teenagers that Use Personal Photos as an Avatar in Their Social Net Profiles

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    The article features the physical self-esteem in teenagers who use different types of avatars in social networks. The empirical data were collected by using questionnaire methods, which involved the modified Dembo-Rubinstein scale, A. G. Cherkashina’s methodology for studying self-attitude to the image of one’s physical self, and a questionnaire of social net experience. The study involved 78 teenagers aged 15–18, including 35 girls and 43 boys. The obtained data were subjected to the Mann-Whitney test and a multivariate MANOVA analysis. The physical self-esteem appeared to correlate with the type of avatar. Teenagers who used their personal photo rated their external characteristics higher and found external attractiveness very important. The girls who used their own photo as an avatar image demonstrated a smaller discrepancy between the current self-assessment of external attractiveness and ideas about their ideal image. The girls who chose non-human images as their avatars had significant discrepancies between the Real Me and the Ideal Me. For the boys who used non-human avatars, the significance of anatomical characteristics was lower, while the discrepancy between the Real Me and the Ideal Me was less obvious than in the same group of girls. The research indicated the diagnostic possibilities of using teenagers’ avatars to study their physical self-esteem
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