9 research outputs found

    Az okosturizmus szerepe az okosvárosok életében a KViHotel példáján keresztül = The Role of Smart Tourism in Smart City Life Through the Example of Kvihotel

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    Sokat hallhattunk arról, hogy az informatika a gazdasági változás alapvető mozgatórugója. Az 1990-es évek óta bonyolult elképzelések születtek arra vonatkozóan, hogyan is tudják valóra váltani az internet fejlődésének ígéreteit. Ezen fejleményekkel párhuzamosan megjelent számos szakirodalom, amely az informatika szerepét taglalta az utazásban és az idegenforgalomban. Vizsgálatunk a szakirodalom áttekintése után a KVi hotel példáján keresztül mutatja be az első hazai okos szálloda kezdő lépéseit és fejlődését. In our days we can hear about the importance of informatics in the economy. Since 1990 completected theories have been borning about the development of Internet. Paralelly with these processes appeared some literature about the increasing role of informatict in tourism. The study gives a review of scientific literature and shows the first steps and the development of the first smart hotel

    Az okosturizmus szerepe az okosvárosok életében a KViHotel példáján keresztül

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    Sokat hallhattunk arról, hogy az informatika a gazdasági változás alapvető mozgatórugója. Az 1990-es évek óta bonyolult elképzelések születtek arra vonatkozóan, hogyan is tudják valóra váltani az internet fejlődésének ígéreteit. Ezen fejleményekkel párhuzamosan megjelent számos szakirodalom, amely az informatika szerepét taglalta az utazásban és az idegenforgalomban. Vizsgálatunk a szakirodalom áttekintése után a KVi hotel példáján keresztül mutatja be az első hazai okos szálloda kezdő lépéseit és fejlődését. ----- In our days we can hear about the importance of informatics in the economy. Since 1990 completected theories have been borning about the development of Internet. Paralelly with these processes appeared some literature about the increasing role of informatict in tourism. The study gives a review of scientific literature and shows the first steps and the development of the first smart hotel

    Barriere e Facilitatori nella Maturità dei Processi per la Promozione sul Web delle Destinazioni Turistiche Italiane

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    Despite the growing importance of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the tourism domain, the opportunities offered by the web to promote tourist destinations seem to be not yet fully exploited by destination marketing organizations. This study seeks to extend the eTourism Communication Maturity Model (eTcoMM), which is based on stage models of online communication in tourism. The model focuses on identifying processes involved in tourism web marketing activities, from awareness by tourism boards to implementation. The study aims to contribute to the definition of maturity in online promotion by Italian tourism boards, identifying and discussing factors that aid and limit the transition, from awareness to implementation of strategic web marketing.Nonostante la crescente importanza delle Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) nel mondo del turismo, le opportunità offerte dal web per la promozione del territorio sembrano non essere ancora adeguatamente sfruttate da parte degli enti turistici. Il contesto teorico di questo studio è dato dal modello eTcoMM – eTourism Communication Maturity Model (Marchiori et al, 2012), basato sugli stages models applicati in ambito di comunicazione online e dedicato all’identificazione dei processi di evoluzione dalla consapevolezza all’implementazione di attività di web marketing da parte di enti turistici. Lo studio qui presentato sulle destinazioni turistiche italiane, si propone di estendere tale modello, contribuendo alla definizione della maturità nella promozione online del territorio degli enti turistici italiani, individuando in particolare quali siano gli elementi che possono limitare il passaggio dalla consapevolezza all’implementazione strategica delle attività di web marketing e quelli che, al contrario, ne spingono con successo il passaggio evolutivo

    The effect of innovation on hotel market value

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    The purpose of this article is to analyze the effect of hotel innovations on firm value. Specifically, this study fills a research gap in the previous literature by examining this effect through market value and by distinguishing the potentially different impacts of distinct innovation types: product, process, organization and marketing. This research contributes to consolidating the empirical evidence of hotel innovation and performance by analyzing whether distinct types of innovation lead to different levels of results. The findings show that innovations are perceived to have a positive impact on the future sales of the company: in a four-day period (0,+3), there is an increase in stock exchange returns of 1.53%. In terms of innovation types, process and marketing innovations are found to have a higher positive effect on hotel market value than product and organization innovations; which is explained by potential cost differences among innovations

    Innovation in the web marketing programs of American convention and visitor bureaus

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    It is generally acknowledged that innovation is an important source for competitive advantage among tourism destinations. The goal of this study was to identify and assess the nature of innovation by American convention and visitors bureaus. In particular, this study examined the extent, timeliness, and continuity of innovation in Web marketing efforts and the perceived contribution of this investment to the overall success of the bureau\u27s Web marketing program. The findings indicate that American convention and visitor bureaus have invested substantially in their websites and continue redesigning them as new technology and Web marketing trends emerge. However, it appears that there is a substantial gap between bureau investments in innovative website features and related activities and their perceived contribution to overall Web marketing success

    Digitalne marketing aktivnosti turističkih organizacija Srbije

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    Digital Media\u27s Transformative Role in Education: Beyond Potential to Essential

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    Achieving effective learning via digital media continues to be a major concern in contemporary education. The daily use of all forms of digital media is part of our lives and therefore becomes a key component of education. Educators must consider the process of digital media curriculum as a learning model and form of experience adapted to education. This means the significance is on how to learn as well as what to learn. This study demonstrated how the implementation of digital media curriculum via the Scratch game-making project contributed to middle school students\u27 interaction with the entire educational process. The goal was to rethink the role of digital media in transforming schooling. Based on classroom observation and interviews with the teachers and students from four middle schools in Denver, Colorado, the qualitative method of educational criticism and connoisseurship was employed to examine the use of digital media and the interaction between teaching and learning. Several themes emerged: (a) The production of digital media influenced students\u27 behavior and educators\u27 attitudes towards formal and informal learning; (b) digital citizenship is a substantial lesson in the course of digital learning and an understanding of the digital framework of society; (c) new literacy is critical, because ever-changing equipment supporting the digital experience provides dynamic and contrasting ways of connecting with society; (d) the reward of learning is by doing versus being told, and deeper learning is attained by students\u27 interacting with their own work; and (e) digital media programs, such as making video games for learning, provide students skills in communication, theoretical, aesthetic, creativity, and technical knowledge necessary for becoming successful digital citizens. The research revealed students\u27 enjoyment and effort in this new form of learning experience, which enhanced their critical thinking, problem solving, and creativity under teachers\u27 well-planned guidance. The challenge for educators is to constantly review and design educational approaches supporting students towards using the tools meaningfully and within a defined learning experience, continuing to help students become active participants and authors of their own identity and creativity. Educators need to find the best usage of digital media technology, providing students every advantage towards reaching an informed global perspective