15,361 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of a Communicative Imla’ Textbook in Improving Short Course Student’ Arabic Spelling Skills

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    Arabic Camp is a short Arabic language course program held by the Center for Education and Training (pusdiklat), University of Darussalam Gontor. This program was carried out to enhance students' speaking skills. However, the program seemed to face obstacles when dealing with students’ spelling skills (imla'). Most students can speak good Arabic but struggle to write basic Arabic words according to its rules. Early studies suggested that the Center has yet to have well-established teaching material for Imla’. Hence, this article aimed to design and find its effectiveness in improving students' spelling skills. Research & Development (R&D) methodology and used five instruments were used to collect data such as observation, interviews, questionnaires, tests, and documents. In analyzing data, Paired Sample t-Test is used. The procedures started with the literature review, planning, designing, validating, and experiment. The results of this research were the teaching materials in the form of a textbook. This study also suggested that the textbook validity is in good grade with a percentage score of 84.65%, meaning that the designed materials can be used with some modification and correction. As for its effectiveness, the Sig. (2-tailed) result is (0,000) < (less than) (0,005). It means that the textbook effectively improves students' spelling skills. In conclusion, the current study underscores a collective push towards innovative teaching materials in enhancing language education

    Similarities and Differences in Correction Operations ―Quantitative and Qualitative Analyses based on a Learner Corpus―

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    Article信州大学人文科学論集 8(2): 81-99(2021)departmental bulletin pape

    Character Recognition

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    Character recognition is one of the pattern recognition technologies that are most widely used in practical applications. This book presents recent advances that are relevant to character recognition, from technical topics such as image processing, feature extraction or classification, to new applications including human-computer interfaces. The goal of this book is to provide a reference source for academic research and for professionals working in the character recognition field

    Developing a Model for Teaching Speaking Skill to Students with Hearing Impairment

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    This research aims to: (1) learn the quality of the existing model for teaching speaking to the students with hearing impairment at SLBB YRTRW Surakarta; and (2) propose a model for teaching speaking using adjusted role play. The research method used is Research and Development. Because it is an educational research, it is classified as Educational Research and Development. This research consists of two main stages namely exploration stage and development stage. The exploration stage includes the description of the existing model and the need analysis towards an ideal model. The development stage deals with the description of the prototype, the consultation to the experts from the related field to validate the prototype, the try out of the prototype, and the feasibility of the product. In order to get the data, the researcher conducted observation, interview, FGD, and distributed questionnaire as well. The results of the research show that there are still some weaknesses of the existing instructional model for teaching speaking to the students with hearing impairment, so it is necessary to design the prototype to overcome the weaknesses. The prototype is tried out until it becomes a feasible model which is feasible for the students to learn speaking, for the teacher to teach speaking, and for developing five indicators of speaking

    Early critical thinking in a Mandarin-speaking child : an exploratory case study

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    Critical thinking in children is a growing concern for early childhood educators; however, few studies have examined children’s critical thinking in an out‐of‐class context. This case study aimed toward filling this research gap by examining the critical thinking of a Mandarin‐speaking child aged 5 years and 8 months in an out‐of‐class context. The child’s natural utterances produced in free conversation and story‐readings have been audio‐ and video‐taped twice a week over two months. The recordings have been transcribed and analyzed according to the Delphi Report and ‘level of questions’ to examine the child’s critical thinking level. Findings revealed that the child demonstrated critical thinking, and two indicators, ‘spontaneous statements’ and ‘continuous questions,’ reflected children’s critical thinking level. It also found that these categories were reasonable and practical to identify young children’s critical thinking levels

    West Germany’s “Brownlow Committee”: The First Report

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    Dynamic assessment effect on speaking performance of Indonesian EFL learners

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    The research concerned the application of Dynamic Assessment (DA) in English Language Teaching (ELT) which based on Vygotsky’s theory, namely Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). The research was meant to investigate the effect of DA in improving teaching and learning speaking in Indonesia especially English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners in university. The research was conducted using a qualitative method by involving four Indonesian university learners in the first semester. The participants received the same treatments through pre-test and self-reflection, feedback and knowledge expansion, post-test and self-reflection, post-feedback, and semi-structured interviews. The instruments were used to analyze the learners’ non-fluency and mastery problem. The analysis showed that the learners’ speaking performance was improved after experiencing DA sessions. The results of the test and self-reflection showed significant improvement in their speaking. The finding showed some positive effects of DA on EFL learners’ speaking performance. In interviews, learners showed positive experiences and attitude toward DA since it served them a comfortable, structured, practical, and meaningful platform to recognize their speaking behavior, weaknesses, strength, and needs. Furthermore, it also helped them to get the objective feedbacks with less anxiety. The researchers conclude that DA can be applied as a primary alternative assessment in English speaking practices

    Student Response Toward Humor Based Instructional Media (Descriptive Study on Students of Grade II SMAN 1 Bontonompo)

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    nnovation on supporting the success of learning process is needed to be developed. One of innovation in the classroom is involving instructional media innovation. Humor-based instructional media is one of media that can make the learning process more fun. This study aims to determine student’s response toward humor-based instructional media in the learning process. This research is descriptive study with the entire population of students on grade XII SMAN 1 Bontonompo in school year 2016-2017, while the research sample was grade XII IPA 1 and XII IPA 6 with totally 52 students. The result of this study showed 100% (52 student) feel interested by the use of humor-based instructional media with the level of interst is in strong catagory (74.63%). This research outcome is indicating that humor-based instructional media can support in increasing of student’s interst in learning process

    Evaluación holística: ¿Evaluación de traducción efectiva o indulgente?

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    The present paper strives to provide a guide for translation teachers and trainers on how the evaluation process should take place in the course of the classroom setting. This paper also investigates the ways applying holistic assessment can be useful and effective. To this end, holistic assessment has been operated on the final exam drafts of translation students. A variety of text types to be rendered between English and Persian in both directions (L2 to L1 and vice versa) was covered in the exam. The test-takers consisted of 40 translation students from the Faculty of Foreign Languages at the University of Isfahan, Iran. With this hypothesis in hindsight that the holistic method improved the quality of students` translation drafts, and therefore could suitably be considered an effective method, the present research however went on to refute the credibility of such hypothesis. Accordingly, this study came to the conclusion that no strict connection on improving translation competence by using holistic assessment existed to analyze students’ drafts in Translation Studies (TS hereafter), particularly once the direction of translation is a matter of significance.El presente artículo tiene como objetivo guiar a profesores y docentes de traducción en cómo deben desarrollarse los procesos de evaluación en el aula. Este artículo investiga si la aplicación de la evaluación holística es útil y efectiva. Con este objetivo, la evaluación holística se aplicó en los ejercicios de traducción de los estudiantes incluidos en el examen final. Estos textos presentaban diferentes tipologías y debían traducirse en los idiomas inglés y persa en ambas direcciones (L2 a L1 y a la inversa). Cuarenta estudiantes de traducción realizaron este examen en la Facultad de Lenguas Extranjeras de la Universidad de Isfahán, Irán. La hipótesis del artículo se centraba en que el uso de la evaluación holística mejoraba la calidad de los ejercicios de traducción de los estudiantes y que podría considerarse un método adecuado y efectivo. No obstante, dicha hipótesis no pudo probarse. En consecuencia, este estudio llegó a la conclusión de que no existe una conexión estricta en cuanto a la mejora de la competencia traductora mediante el uso de la evaluación holística en los ejercicios de los estudiantes de estudios de traducción, especialmente si se tiene en cuenta la direccionalidad de la traducción como factor decisivo