11 research outputs found

    A Simpler Undecidability Proof for System F Inhabitation

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    The Complexity of Principal Inhabitation

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    It is shown that in the simply typed lambda-calculus the following decision problem of principal inhabitation is Pspace-complete: Given a simple type tau, is there a lambda-term N in beta-normal form such that tau is the principal type of N? While a Ben-Yelles style algorithm was presented by Broda and Damas in 1999 to count normal principal inhabitants (thereby answering a question posed by Hindley), it does not induce a polynomial space upper bound for principal inhabitation. Further, the standard construction of the polynomial space lower bound for simple type inhabitation does not carry over immediately. We present a polynomial space bounded decision procedure based on a characterization of principal inhabitation using path derivation systems over subformulae of the input type, which does not require candidate inhabitants to be constructed explicitly. The lower bound is shown by reducing a restriction of simple type inhabitation to principal inhabitation

    A Unifying Framework for Type Inhabitation

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    In this paper we define a framework to address different kinds of problems related to type inhabitation, such as type checking, the emptiness problem, generation of inhabitants and counting, in a uniform way. Our framework uses an alternative representation for types, called the pre-grammar of the type, on which different methods for these problems are based. Furthermore, we define a scheme for a decision algorithm that, for particular instantiations of the parameters, can be used to show different inhabitation related problems to be in PSPACE

    Pregrammars and Intersection Types

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    A representation of intersection types in terms of pregrammars is presented. Pregrammar based rewriting relations, corresponding respectively to type checking and inhabitation are defined and the latter is used to implement a Wajsberg/Ben-Yelles style alternating semi-decision algorithm for inhabitation. The usefulness of the framework is illustrated by revisiting and partially extending standard inhabitation related results for intersection types, as well as establishing new ones. It is shown how the notion of bounded multiset dimension emerges naturally and the relation between the two settings is clarified. A meaningful rank independent superset of the set of rank 2 types is identified for which EXPSPACE-completeness for inhabitation as well as for counting is proved. Finally, a standard result on negatively non-duplicated simple types is extended to intersection types

    Orthologic with Axioms

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    We study the proof theory and algorithms for orthologic, a logical system based on ortholattices, which have shown practical relevance in simplification and normalization of verification conditions. Ortholattices weaken Boolean algebras while having polynomial-time equivalence checking that is sound with respect to Boolean algebra semantics. We generalize ortholattice reasoning and obtain an algorithm for proving a larger class of classically valid formulas. As the key result, we analyze a proof system for orthologic augmented with axioms. An important feature of the system is that it limits the number of formulas in a sequent to at most two, which makes the extension with axioms non-trivial. We show a generalized form of cut elimination for this system, which implies a sub-formula property. From there we derive a cubic-time algorithm for provability from axioms, or equivalently, for validity in finitely presented ortholattices. We further show that propositional resolution of width 5 proves all formulas provable in orthologic with axioms. We show that orthologic system subsumes resolution of width 2 and arbitrarily wide unit resolution and is complete for reasoning about generalizations of propositional Horn clauses. Moving beyond ground axioms, we introduce effectively propositional orthologic, presenting its semantics as well as a sound and complete proof system. Our proof system implies the decidability of effectively propositional orthologic, as well as its fixed-parameter tractability for a bounded maximal number of variables in each axiom. As a special case, we obtain a generalization of Datalog with negation and disjunction

    To Type or Not to Type: Quantifying Detectable Bugs in JavaScript

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    JavaScript is growing explosively and is now used in large mature projects even outside the web domain. JavaScript is also a dynamically typed language for which static type systems, notably Facebook's Flow and Microsoft's TypeScript, have been written. What benefits do these static type systems provide? Leveraging JavaScript project histories, we select a fixed bug and check out the code just prior to the fix. We manually add type annotations to the buggy code and test whether Flow and TypeScript report an error on the buggy code, thereby possibly prompting a developer to fix the bug before its public release. We then report the proportion of bugs on which these type systems reported an error. Evaluating static type systems against public bugs, which have survived testing and review, is conservative: it understates their effectiveness at detecting bugs during private development, not to mention their other benefits such as facilitating code search/completion and serving as documentation. Despite this uneven playing field, our central finding is that both static type systems find an important percentage of public bugs: both Flow 0.30 and TypeScript 2.0 successfully detect 15%!

    Complete Completion using Types and Weights

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    Developing modern software typically involves composing functionality from existing libraries. This task is difficult because libraries may expose many methods to the developer. To help developers in such scenarios, we present a technique that synthesizes and suggests valid expressions of a given type at a given program point. As the basis of our technique we use type inhabitation for lambda calculus terms in long normal form. We introduce a succinct representation for type judgements that merges types into equivalence classes to reduce the search space, then reconstructs any desired number of solutions on demand. Furthermore, we introduce a method to rank solutions based on weights derived from a corpus of code. We implemented the algorithm and deployed it as a plugin for the Eclipse IDE for Scala. We show that the techniques we incorporated greatly increase the effectiveness of the approach. Our evaluation benchmarks are code examples from programming practice; we make them available for future comparisons

    Pedagogical lambda-cube: the λ² case

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    38 pagesIn pedagogical formal systems one needs to systematically give examples of hypotheses made. This main characteristic is not the only one needed, and a formal definition of pedagogical sub-systems of the Calculus of Constructions (CC) has already been stated. Here we give such a pedagogical sub-system of CC corresponding to the second-order pedagogical λ-calculus of Colson and Michel. It thus illustrates the appropriateness of the formal definition, and opens the study to stronger systems of the λ-cube, for which CC is the most expressive representative. In addition we study the type-checking problem for the formalisms of those pedagogical calculi of second-order

    Interactive Code Generation

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    This thesis presents two approaches to code generation (synthesis) along with a discussion of other related and influential works, their ideas and relations to these approaches. The common goal of these approaches is to efficiently and effectively assist developers in software development by synthesizing code for them and save their efforts. The two presented approaches differ in the nature of the synthesis problem they try to solve. They are targeted to be useful in different scenarios, apply different set of techniques and can even be complementary. The first approach to code synthesis relies on typing information of a program to define and drive the synthesis process. The main requirement imposes that synthesized solutions have the desired type. This can aid developers in many scenarios of modern software development which typically involves composing functionality from existing libraries which expose a rich API. Our observation is that the developer usually does not know the right combination for composing API calls but knows the type of the desired expression. With the basis being the well-known type inhabitation problem we introduce a succinct representation for type judgements that significantly speed up the search for type inhabitants. Our method finds multiple solutions and ranks them before offering them to the developer. We implemented this approach as a plugin for the Eclipse IDE for Scala. From the evaluation we concluded that this approach goes beyond available related techniques and can be very useful in practical software development. In the second approach, synthesis of code is driven by explicit specification of code in terms of (formal) specification. The goal is to allow the developer to specify a program, by giving formal description of its behavior, rather than writing the code - the actual implementation is synthesized automatically. The practical value of such synthesis is immediately clear since this problem is generally hard. The approach solves this problem by combining existing tools for code generation, verification and testing within the synthesis process, and applies techniques for speeding it up. Interesting modifications to the synthesis driven by types were made to allow synthesizing expressions lazily, on demand, by searching for solutions in an incremental fashion. Results of the evaluation on several examples show that the implementation can be effective and useful in practice, while the approach still offers a lot of room for improvements