253 research outputs found

    Development of antenna arrays for terrestrial and satellite applications: Feasibility study of different solutions to monitoring the atmospheric pollution, determination of electromagnetic fields in urban scenario and calculation of their dosimetry in small animals

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    The present work can be summarized as it follows: First of all, it will be held theoretical and numerical studies to improve the performance of antenna arrays by focusing on the isophoric case. Then, different antenna designs are shown and discussed, in order to be integrated within the urban environment. Some of these designs are experimentally tested. On the other hand, a study on the characterization of the electromagnetic fields through urban areas based on an equivalent planar circuit model is highlighted. Moreover and lastly, the influence of the electromagnetic fields in small animals is discussed by using two methods for the SAR level determination

    A computer-aided conceptual ship design system incorporating expert knowledge

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    PhD ThesisIn today's highly competitive shipbuilding market the emphasis is on the production of acceptable design proposals within a very short timescale. A computer-aided conceptual ship design system, which utifises the latest developments in workstation technology, has been developed. It is intended to help reduce the technical and commercial risks associated with the process of tendering for newbuilding contracts. The system as a whole, uses fundamental modeffing techniques to enable areas such as dimensions generation, huilform development, layout design, powering estimation, mass estimation, motions prediction, work content estimation and cost estimation to be considered at a much greater level of detail at the concept design stage than was previously possible. This thesis describes the specification and development of those parts of the overall design system concerned with the generation of vessel dimensions and huliform and layout design. In order to improve the flexibility of the system, a so-called expert system approach has been adopted to provide the mechanism for the control of the design methodology. For this purpose, a unique expert system shell named INCODES (INtelligent COncept DEsign System) was specified and developed. The development of this shell is described in some detail. The application of the INCODES shell to the control of the logic involved in the development of design proposals for containerships is discussed, and the knowledge base developed for the generation of these design proposals is described. The knowledge base is shown to incorporate fundamental procedures for the generation of vessel dimensions and for huliform and layout design, as well as a comprehensive suite of analysis routines to assist in the verification of the design proposals. The knowledge base is also considered to be unique in its treatment of the investigation of the loading arrangements of containership design proposals. The flexibility of the procedures developed is demonstrated by their application to the generation and examination of containership design proposals which possess a range of physical and operational characteristics.British Shipbuilders Limited, Marine Design Consultants Limited

    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching ICTMT 12

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    Innovation, inclusion, sharing and diversity are some of the words that briefly and suitably characterize the ICTMT series of biennial international conferences – the International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching. Being the twelfth of a series which began in Birmingham, UK, in 1993, under the influential enterprise of Professor Bert Waits from Ohio State University, this conference was held in Portugal for the first time. The 12th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching was hosted by the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Algarve, in the city of Faro, from 24 to 27 June 2015, and was guided by the original spirit of its foundation. The integration of digital technologies in mathematics education across school levels and countries, from primary to tertiary education, together with the understanding of the phenomena involved in the teaching and learning of mathematics in technological environments have always been driving forces in the transformation of pedagogical practices. The possibility of joining at an international conference a wide diversity of participants, including school mathematics teachers, lecturers, mathematicians, mathematics educators and researchers, software designers, and curriculum developers, is one facet that makes this conference rather unique. At the same time, it seeks to foster the sharing of ideas, experiences, projects and studies while providing opportunities to try-out and assess tools or didactical proposals during times of hands-on work. The ICTMT 12 had this same ambition, when embracing and welcoming just over 120 delegates who actively and enthusiastically contributed to a very packed program of scientific proposals and sessions on various topics

    Ein Ansatz zur Geschäftsmodellierung in der frühen Schiffsentwurfsphase

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    This dissertation presents an enterprise modeling approach to support the efficiency and dynamic nature of the ship early design phase. The modeling approach is based on the principle concept of the integration between data and process. This concept is applied by taking into consideration the specifications of the early design stage. Therefore, an information model as well as a process model for the ship in the early design stage are developed. Thereby, predefined activity as well as configuration concepts are applied to represent the early design process and support its integrated nature

    The Relationship of Women\u27s Dress to the Social, Economic, and Political Conditions in Knoxville, Tennessee Between the Years 1895 to 1910

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between women\u27s dress and the economic, political, and social conditions in Knoxville, Tennessee between the years 1895 to 1910. It was hypothesized that through an investigation of these cultural factors a relationship could be established between dress and social class. Data were obtained from a variety of sources. Historical background information was drawn primarily from books dealing with state and local history. In securing data relating to women\u27s dress in Knoxville, three types of resources were employed: local newspapers, personal interviews, and costumes from the Ellen M. McClung Green Historic Costume Collection. Supporting information relating to social stratification, dress and social class, and fashion trends of the period under study was also collected. A relationship between dress and social class was evidenced. Several differences between attitudes and opinions expressed by middle class respondents and those expressed by upper class respondents were apparent. A considerable difference existed in the interest in fashion expressed by the middle and upper class respondents. A notable difference also existed between the attitudes of the middle class and those of the upper class toward clothing as a status symbol. Reports from respondents indicated a marked difference existed in the means.of acquiring clothing between the middle and upper classes. Although specific styles were not investigated, a difference was also revealed in the characteristic dress of the middle and upper class--that is, the degree to which silk was used and corsets were worn

    Old Meets New: Media in Education – Proceedings of the 61st International Council for Educational Media and the XIII International Symposium on Computers in Education (ICEM&SIIE'2011) Joint Conference

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    A conferência ICEM&SIIE'2011 foi organizada pela Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal) – membro do European Consortium of Innovative Universities – e pretendeu reunir investigadores, professores e outros profissionais, a nível nacional e internacional, em torno de um tema aglutinador que pretendeu despoletar e colocar a tónica da discussão na dualidade ―old/new‖, ou seja, os participantes foram convidados a discutir: - os media na educação em ambas as perspetivas, mais tradicionais ou modernas, com incidência numas ou noutras ou, ainda, numa perspetiva comparativa; - a conjugação, adaptação e adoção dos media consoante os contextos e objetivos de utilização; - o que os media implicam em termos de tecnologia, barreiras profissionais e /ou sociais; - a relação custo-benefício da utilização dos media em contexto de aprendizagem; - os media em função dos diversos contextos educativos e dos perfis de aprendizagem dos alunos. Para a conferência foram selecionados 76 artigos organizados em 15 sessões paralelas, 13 posters e 9 workshops. A conferência caracterizou-se pelo caráter internacional dos contributos, reunindo 38 artigos em português, 32 em língua inglesa e 6 em espanhol. Estas atas encontram-se organizadas de acordo com o programa da conferência. Em primeiro lugar incluem-se os artigos (full paper e short paper) por sessão, seguem-se os posters e, finalmente, o resumo relativo aos workshops.The ICEM&SIIE'2011 conference was organised by the University of Aveiro (Portugal) – a member of the European Consortium of Innovative Universities – and aimed at gathering researchers, teachers and other professionals, at national and international level, around a focal topic that might trigger and centre the discussion on the ―old/new‖ duality of media in education. Participants were invited to discuss: - old and new media in education, in isolation or comparatively; - how old and new media in education can be combined, adopted and adapted; - what old and new media in education imply in terms of technological, professional and social barriers; - what cost-benefit relationships old and new media in education entail; - how to compare old and new media in education given their particular educational contexts and the students' learning profiles. 76 papers were selected and organised in 15 paralel sessions, 13 posters and 9 workshops. The conference is characterized by the international character of contributions, gathering 38 papers in Portuguese, 32 in English and 6 in Spanish. These procedings are organised according to the programme of the conference. First we find the full and short papers, per session, then posters and finally the abstracts for the workshops