701 research outputs found

    Analyzing users’ behaviour to identify their privacy concerns

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    The majority of studies examining privacy concerns of Internet users are based on surveys. Many problems have, however, been identified with using surveys to measure people’s privacy concerns. Based on our experience from our previous studies, in this paper we discuss how ethnographic interviews and observation techniques could be used to analyze users’ behaviour in terms of how they share personal information and multimedia content with others, and utilize this to identify issues related to their privacy concerns more comprehensively than it is otherwise possible with conventional surveys

    Exploring Social Media through Formal Concept Analysis- Study of tweets on �Swacchata Hi Seva� Campaign

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    Social media is proving a great factor and platform for getting the in time response on a particular topic. The digital social media interaction is increasing with the advent of time. In the given work a way is suggested to make use of analysis tools to understand the interactions and precious. Formal Concept Analysis is used to by means of Conexplorer. A response to a social statement on twitter is observed and analysed using Conexplorer

    Vol. 30, No. 05 (February 6, 2006)

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    Online information revelation and privacy on internet-based social network of Facebook : A case of UUM postgraduate students

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the online information revelation and privacy on internet based social network of Facebook of UUM postgraduate students. It was hypothesized that there is significant relationship between four factors which are concern for internet privacy, concern about unwanted audiences, personal network size and frequency of Facebook use. The surver were used for gathers the data from respondents for this study that were consisted of 306, as refers to UUM postgraduate students that study at UUM Kuala Lumpur campus. There were 52.9% female and 47.1 % male ranging from 20-40 years old. The data was collected and analyzed using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), descriptive and regression analysis. EFA used to identify which factors that influence the online information revelation. While descriptive analysis test was used to examine students privacy protection strategies. Finally the regression analysis test is to investigate the asociation between independent variables and dependent variables. The finding indicated that frequency of facebook use have the highest mean compared to others factors. It shows that frequency of facebook use was the most affected factors to the online onformation revelation and internet privacy of UUM postgraduate students. Moreover others factors show that positively association with information revelation. Lastly the student have their own privacy strategies to protect themselves. The most often practiced by the students are the use of private email messages, exclusion of personal information and altering default privacy settin

    Исследование влияния ИКТ на самоорганизацию и саморазвитие личности

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    Інформаційно-комунікаційні технології (ІКТ) настільки глибоко увійшли майже в усі сфери буття особистості, що спричиняють значний вплив на її розвиток. У статті представлено теоретичний аналіз проблеми впливу ІКТ на користувачів та можливостей вивчення переваг і недоліків впливу ІКТ на самоорганізацію та саморозвиток особистості. Обґрунтовується актуальність дослідження проблем переведення у знання інформації, що розповсюджується через ІКТ, розробки комп’ютерних навчальних програм, а також збереження психічного та фізичного здоров’я користувачів ІКТ. Наведено текст розробленого авторкою опитувальника «Застосування інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій у навчальному процесі для самоорганізації та саморозвитку особистості».Penetration of ICT into all spheres of personality's existence has a considerable influence on his/her development. In article the theoretical analysis of a problem of influence of ICT on users and possibilities of studying of advantages and shortages of ICT influence on self-organizing and self-development of personality is presented. The urgency of research of such problems as transformation of ICT information into the real knowledge, creation of training programs for E-teaching, and also preservations of mental and physical health of ICT users is proved. The text of the questionnaire «The Use of Information-Communicative Technologies for Self-Organizing and Self-Development of Personality in Educational Process» developed by the author is applied.Информационно-коммуникационные технологии (ИКТ) настолько глубоко вошли почти во все сферы бытия личности, что осуществляют значительное влияние на ее развитие. В статье представлен теоретический анализ проблемы влияния ИКТ на пользователей и возможности изучения преимуществ и недостатков влияния ИКТ на самоорганизацию и саморазвитие личности. Обосновывается актуальность исследования проблем перевода в знания информации, распространяемой через ИКТ, разработки компьютерных учебных программ, а также сохранения психического и физического здоровья пользователей ИКТ. Приведен текст разработанного автором опросника «Применение информационно-коммуникационных технологий в учебном процессе для самоорганизации и саморазвития личности»

    Potential Threats of Information Disclosure in Social Media: a Systematic Literature Review

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    Along with the growth of social media, a variety of potential threats to users is also increasing. These kinds of threats often occur because the users accidentally or unknowingly disclose their information or identity on social media. Threats resulted from the disclosure of information are needed to be known so that the users can understand the risks that arise and take precautions. This research was aimed to summarize the potential threats arising from the information disclosure in social media. The research method used was a systematic literature review to explore and summarize the literatures that discuss the specific topic. The research results show that the potential threats are mostly social threats and identity theft

    An empirical analysis of SNS users and their privacy and security awareness of risks associated with sharing SNS profiles (online identities)

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    Social networking sites (SNS) like MySpace, Facebook and LinkedIn now have hundreds of millions of users. In this paper a quantitative approach was used to analyse primary data collected about SNS users. Our findings show that SNS users are dominated by younger adults, higher education levels and higher income levels. SNSs are more likely to be used for maintaining existing friendships as opposed to establishing new friendships and for building business networks. SNS users either have poor levels of privacy and security awareness or high levels of complacency in relation to SNS profile sharing and sharing their identity online

    Facebook’s Ugly Sisters: Anonymity and Abuse on Formspring and Ask.fm

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    New question and answer websites Ask.fm and Formspring have brought highly specific and personal abuse to a new level amongst young people by providing easy anonymity to users within a circle of offline friendship groups culled from Facebook. Relatively unknown due to their unattractiveness to adults, these sites are growing rapidly and have already been associated with at least eight suicides amongst teenagers. Media educators at school level encouraging self-awareness of social media use need to be aware of this new trend. At higher levels, these sites provide a fascinating current case-study of online disinhibition, and fit into ethical and legal debates on the responsibilities of platform providers, and of individuals as media producers. This paper is based on an anonymous online survey of 302 13- to 16-year-olds at a British state girls’ school. Results showed abuse levels were significantly higher than on Facebook or Twitter. The girls felt using the Q&A sites with their real names felt more real than when asking questions anonymously, but receiving anonymous abuse felt significantly more real than either. Opinions as to the acceptability of “sending hate” were mixed, with some users feeling victims had no right to complain if they had entered the forum. Copyright Auteur Publishing Ltd