32 research outputs found

    Smartphone Augmented Reality Applications for Tourism

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    Invisible, attentive and adaptive technologies that provide tourists with relevant services and information anytime and anywhere may no longer be a vision from the future. The new display paradigm, stemming from the synergy of new mobile devices, context-awareness and AR, has the potential to enhance tourists’ experiences and make them exceptional. However, effective and usable design is still in its infancy. In this publication we present an overview of current smartphone AR applications outlining tourism-related domain-specific design challenges. This study is part of an ongoing research project aiming at developing a better understanding of the design space for smartphone context-aware AR applications for tourists

    Limitações da realidade aumentada no setor de turismo

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    El desarrollo de la tecnología y la irrupción de las aplicaciones de Realidad Aumentada (ra) han transformado el proceso experiencial en el turismo. Se ha demostrado el gran potencial y las ventajas que esta ofrece al sector, especialmente tras la covid 19. El objetivo de este estudio es averiguar y profundizar en el conocimiento de las posibles limitaciones que aún presentan las aplicaciones de ra. Esta investigación analizó una plataforma de RA, Imageen Tarraco (Tarragona, España) a partir de una encuesta a usuarios, entrevistas a profundidad y un grupo focal. El análisis mostró el desconocimiento y los problemas técnicos como las grandes limitaciones de la aplicación. Categorizó las limitaciones por tipo de público, profundizó en los factores que favorecen o no su uso y las principales causas de estas limitaciones. El estudio proporciona recomendaciones útiles tanto para los creadores de plataformas de RA como para las organizaciones de gestión de destino (ogd) que las implementan

    Improving Situational Awareness in Military Operations using Augmented Reality

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    During military operations, the battlefields become fractured zones where the level of confusion, noise and ambiguity impact on achieving tactical objectives. Situational Awareness (SA) becomes a challenge because the unstable perception of the situation leads to a degraded understanding that disables the soldier in projecting the proper results. To meet this challenge various military projects have focused their efforts on designing integrated digital system to support decision-making for military personnel in unknown environments. This paper presents the state of art of military systems using Augmented Reality (AR) in the battlefield.Facultad de Informátic

    Through the Looking Glass: The Use of Lenses as an Interface Tool for Augmented Reality

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    Stephen N. Spencer The University of Washington Program Chairs Alan Chalmers Hock Soon Seah Publisher ACM Press New York, NY, US

    Augmented Reality Prototype for Visualising Large Sensors’ Datasets

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    This paper addressed the development of an augmented reality (AR) based scientific visualization system prototype that supports identification, localisation, and 3D visualisation of oil leakages sensors datasets. Sensors generates significant amount of multivariate datasets during normal and leak situations which made data exploration and visualisation daunting tasks. Therefore a model to manage such data and enhance computational support needed for effective explorations are developed in this paper. A challenge of this approach is to reduce the data inefficiency. This paper presented a model for computing information gain for each data attributes and determine a lead attribute.The computed lead attribute is then used for the development of an AR-based scientific visualization interface which automatically identifies, localises and visualizes all necessary data relevant to a particularly selected region of interest (ROI) on the network. Necessary architectural system supports and the interface requirements for such visualizations are also presented

    A Framework for Computational Design and Adaptation of Extended Reality User Interfaces

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    To facilitate high quality interaction during the regular use of computing systems, it is essential that the user interface (UI) deliver content and components in an appropriate manner. Although extended reality (XR) is emerging as a new computing platform, we still have a limited understanding of how best to design and present interactive content to users in such immersive environments. Adaptive UIs offer a promising approach for optimal presentation in XR as the user's environment, tasks, capabilities, and preferences vary under changing context. In this position paper, we present a design framework for adapting various characteristics of content presented in XR. We frame these as five considerations that need to be taken into account for adaptive XR UIs: What?, How Much?, Where?, How?, and When?. With this framework, we review literature on UI design and adaptation to reflect on approaches that have been adopted or developed in the past towards identifying current gaps and challenges, and opportunities for applying such approaches in XR. Using our framework, future work could identify and develop novel computational approaches for achieving successful adaptive user interfaces in such immersive environments.Comment: 5 pages, CHI 2023 Workshop on The Future of Computational Approaches for Understanding and Adapting User Interface

    View management for virtual and augmented reality

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