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    Public search interests related to COVID-19: Insights from Google Search Trends in Bangladesh

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    PURPOSE: Public response monitoring is critical to reducing COVID-19 infections and developing effective public health strategies. This study explored Google search trends to understand public responses to COVID-19 concerns in Bangladesh. METHODS & MATERIALS: We used country-level Google search trends data to examine the association between Google search terms related to COVID-19 deaths, face masks, and COVID-19 vaccines and the actual and one-week lagged actual COVID-19 death counts from February 2, 2020, to December 19, 2020, in Bangladesh. RESULTS: Search terms related to COVID-19 deaths, face masks, and COVID-19 vaccines increased and peaked during March and April, but then began declining gradually after June 2020. The mean relative search volume for face masks (35 points) was higher than for death information (8 points) and vaccines (16 points) throughout the study period, and searching for masks peaked (100 points) during the third week of March. Search interests for death information and face masks were negatively correlated with the actual and one-week lagged actual COVID-19 death counts. CONCLUSION: In response to declining trends in COVID-19-related google search terms, policymakers should strengthen ongoing risk communication and preventive information dissemination programs to control and prevent COVID-19 cases and deaths


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    Since 1974, Luminant Mining Company, LLC (Luminant) has planted over 38.7 million trees on its reclaimed lignite surface mine operations in Texas. For decades, the use of improved reclamation techniques on Luminant’s mined lands have resulted in over 31,160 ha reclaimed to forests, wildlife habitat, and pastures with productivity levels similar to those found on unmined lands. The development of new reclamation methodologies offers opportunities to further improve productivity of planted trees at Luminant’s Martin Lake Oak Hill Mine in east Texas. The conventional haulback or ‘truck shovel’ reclamation method uses haul trucks for the selective transport and placement of oxidized overburden to serve as the reforestation growth medium. Transport and placement of overburden can also be accomplished using scraper pans. Operating scraper pans is more cost effective than the truck shovel method; thus, there is a desire to institute scraper pans as the primary method of reclamation. However, given a lack of information, there are concerns of the effects of scraper pans on mine soil compaction and vegetative establishment. To address the potential compacting effects of scraper pans, four soil tillage treatments replicated five times were implemented at the Oak Hill Mine in August 2015 using a randomized complete block design: 1) No Tillage (control); 2) Disking (30-35 cm depth); 3) Single-Ripping (90 cm depth)/Disking (30-35 cm depth); and, 4) Cross-Ripping (90 cm depth)/Disking (30-35 cm depth). Soil physical and chemical properties were investigated at 0-30, 30-60, and 60-90 cm depth intervals. After one growing season, vegetative response was measured for an herbaceous winter cover crop in May 2016 and for loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) tree seedlings in October 2016. Aboveground biomass production of the winter cover crop was highest on the ripped treatments. The untilled control resulted in the lowest herbaceous establishment and growth. Loblolly pine tree seedling survival across all treatments exceeded the standard for mined lands in this region. Highest survival occurred on the tilled plots (\u3e 90%) compared to the control (85%) (p \u3c 0.10). Cross-ripping was superior in terms of lowering soil bulk density (1.36 Mg m-3) and soil strength (2,220 kPa), and increasing tree seedling relative volume index growth (32 cm3) (p \u3c 0.10). Above and belowground biomass of loblolly pine seedlings showed significant treatment effects (p \u3c 0.10) and followed similar trends to seedling volume growth. In summary, disking alone improved herbaceous cover and pine seedling survival, while cross-ripping coupled with disking provided the most favorable responses in mine soil physical properties and vegetative growth

    Characterization of wash-off from urban impervious surfaces and SuDS design criteria for source control under semi-arid conditions

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    [EN] Knowledge about pollutant wash-off from urban impervious surfaces is a key feature for developing effective management strategies. Accordingly, further information is required about urban areas under semi-arid climate conditions at the sub-catchment scale. This is important for designing source control systems for pollution. In this study, a characterization of pollutant wash-off has been performed over sixteen months, at the sub-catchment scale for urban roads as impervious surfaces. The study was conducted in Valencia, Spain, a city with a Mediterranean climate. The results show high event mean concentrations for suspended solids (98 mg/l), organic matter (142 mgCOD/l, 25 mg BOD5/l), nutrients (3.7mgTN/l, 0.4 mg TP/l), and metals (0.23, 0.32, 0.62 and 0.17 mg/l for Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn, respectively). The results of the runoff characterization highlight the need to control this pollution at its source, separately from wastewater because of their different characteristics. The wash-off, defined in terms of mobilized mass (g/m(2)) fits well with both process-based and statistical models, with the runoff volume and rainfall depth being the main explanatory variables. Based on these results and using information collected from hydrographs and pollutographs, an approach for sizing sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS), focusing on water quality and quantity variables, has been proposed. By setting a concentration-based target (TSS discharged to receiving waters < 35 mg/l), the results indicate that for a SuDS type detention basin (DB), an off-line configuration performs better than an on-line configuration. The resulting design criterion, expressed as SuDS volume per unit catchment area, assuming a DB type SuDS, varies between 7 and 10 l/m(2).This research was funded through the SUPRIS-SUReS projects (Ref. BIA2015-65240-C2-1-R MINECO/ERDF, UE) and SUPRIS-SUPeI (Ref. BIA2015-65240-C2-2-R MINECO/ERDF, UE), financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and by the project IMBORNAL (Ref. SP20120732), financed by Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Andrés Doménech, I.; Hernández Crespo, C.; Martín Monerris, M.; Andrés-Valeri, VC. (2018). Characterization of wash-off from urban impervious surfaces and SuDS design criteria for source control under semi-arid conditions. The Science of The Total Environment. 612:1320-1328. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.09.011S1320132861

    Monitoring system LesEGAIS for timber trade in Russia : Yedinaya gosudarstvennaya avtomatizirovannaya informatsionnaya sistema uchyota drevesiny i sdelok s ney – LesEGAIS

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    Illegal logging is a recognized problem in the Russian forest sector. Experts have estimated that the volume of illegal logging amounts to 10–35 per cent of total logging volume, while official reports claim that the share is less than a per cent. In 2013, the Russian Forest Act was amended and an electronic timber trade monitoring system, “Yedinaya gosudarstvennaya avtomatizirovannaya informatsionnaya sistema uchyota drevesiny i sdelok s ney” (LesEGAIS), was established. The goal was to entirely eliminate illegal timber from the Russian market. In addition, new requirements for measuring and transporting timber were laid down. Sawn timber was added to the list of monitored goods in 2017. In accordance with the new requirements specified in the Forest Act, all timber has to be measured before transporting it away from the forest. Valuable hardwood that is exported abroad has to be labelled by the piece, and a mandatory cargo record book has to be kept for timber transports. All timber trade has to be reported by filling out a timber trade notification in the LesEGAIS system. Also the actual delivery volumes are entered there. LesEGAIS system includes information on companies who perform logging and timber trade in Russia. Authorities enter information on logging rights, such as forest lease agreements and stumpage sale agreements, in the system. Companies fill out forest use declarations and reports, which are then approved by authorities in the system. In addition, the companies enter information on their timber trade and valuable hardwood export in LesEGAIS. When users are logged in to LesEGAIS, they can view all of the agreements, reports and notifications entered by their company. The section that is open to all users includes information on logging rights and approved felled volumes, timber trade agreements and labelled hardwood units. The data available in the system can be used to verify logging rights and ownership rights. The system does not include cargo record books of timber transports or information on timber storages, so currently, it cannot be used for monitoring individual lots of timber. The aim is to adopt tighter control on timber trade monitoring over the next few years. Plans are in place to complement the LesEGAIS system with electronic cargo record books for timber transports and with timber storage registers. Additional plans include monitoring the movements of timber trucks and forest machines via a satellite tracking system.201

    Identification of the spatio-temporal and fluvial-pluvial sources of flood inundation in the Lower Mekong Basin

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    Identification of the sources of the spatio-temporal information of flooding is important for flood control and understanding the water dynamic. Flood disasters are generally caused by two main sources: fluvial and pluvial flooding. However, there is a gap in information and challenge of such particular information in the Mekong River Basin (MRB) known as the largest river basin in Southeast Asia. This paper aims to analyze the spatio-temporal hydrograph separations of flooding and to determine the fluvial and pluvial sources of inundation water in the Lower Mekong Basin (LMB) by using a distributed rainfall–runoff–inundation (RRI) model and time–space accounting scheme (T–SAS) method. This study focuses on the two major flood events in 2000 and 2011, whose characteristics were different. The one in 2000 was long in terms of flood duration and it was the historically largest annual total flood water with twice the peak times in July and September. The 2011 flood had the highest flooded water during the peak time; however, its annual total flood water was less than the one in 2000. The results of spatio-temporal sources of flooding indicated that during the flow peak time in 2000 and 2011, the flow at Kratie was mainly contributed by 30-day (67%) and 100-day (98%) precipitation from the upstream. The drainage area of the MRB in China, northern Lao PDR, southern Lao PDR and eastern Thailand, and Cambodia and Vietnam contributed to peak flood at Kratie by 13%, 27%, 33%, and 27% for the 2000 flood and 12%, 33%, 38%, and 16% for the 2011 flood. The source of inundated water in the LMB was derived from upstream flow (fluvial source) of 35–36% and local rainfall (pluvial source) of 64–65%. Even though flood events in 2000 and 2011 had different characteristics, the sources of flood inundation in the LMB for both events were majorly from the local rainfall rather than the upstream flow. The large annual flood volume and long during of flooding in 2000 caused severe total economic damages up to 517 million USintheLMBcountries(Cambodia,LaoPDR,Thailand,andVietnam),whilethehighpeakinundatedwaterin2011withshorterflooddurationcauseddamagesof493millionUS in the LMB countries (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, and Vietnam), while the high peak inundated water in 2011 with shorter flood duration caused damages of 493 million US

    Normal tissue complication models for clinically relevant acute esophagitis (>= grade 2) in patients treated with dose differentiated accelerated radiotherapy (DART-bid)

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    Background: One of the primary dose-limiting toxicities during thoracic irradiation is acute esophagitis (AE). The aim of this study is to investigate dosimetric and clinical predictors for AE grade >= 2 in patients treated with accelerated radiotherapy for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Patients and methods: 66 NSCLC patients were included in the present analysis: 4 stage II, 44 stage IIIA and 18 stage IIIB. All patients received induction chemotherapy followed by dose differentiated accelerated radiotherapy (DART-bid). Depending on size (mean of three perpendicular diameters) tumors were binned in four dose groups: 6 cm 90 Gy. Patients were treated in 3D target splitting technique. In order to estimate the normal tissue complication probability (NTCP),two Lyman models and the cutoff-logistic regression model were fitted to the data with AE >= grade 2 as statistical endpoint. Inter-model comparison was performed with the corrected Akaike information criterion (AIC(c)),which calculates the model's quality of fit (likelihood value) in relation to its complexity (i.e. number of variables in the model) corrected by the number of patients in the dataset. Toxicity was documented prospectively according to RTOG. Results: The median follow up was 686 days (range 84-2921 days), 23/66 patients (35 %) experienced AE >= grade 2. The actuarial local control rates were 72.6 % and 59.4 % at 2 and 3 years, regional control was 91 % at both time points. The Lyman-MED model (D50 = 32.8 Gy, m = 0.48) and the cutoff dose model (D-c = 38 Gy) provide the most efficient fit to the current dataset. On multivariate analysis V38 (volume of the esophagus that receives 38 Gy or above, 95 %-CI 28.2-57.3) was the most significant predictor of AE >= grade 2 (HR = 1.05, CI 1.01-1.09, p = 0.007). Conclusion: Following high-dose accelerated radiotherapy the rate of AE >= grade 2 is slightly lower than reported for concomitant radio-chemotherapy with the additional benefit of markedly increased loco-regional tumor control. In the current patient cohort the most significant predictor of AE was found to be V38. A second clinically useful parameter in treatment planning may be MED (mean esophageal dose)

    Valeur ajoutée d'un système d'information clinique aux soins intensifs

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    Depuis 30 ans au moins, les équipes médico-infirmières rêvent de systèmes informatiques pouvant intégrer la masse des données produites par et pour les patients. Il s'agit de trier, d'organiser et de resituer des informations de nature très variée d'une manière structurée et utilisable . L'informatisation des unités de soins intensifs (SI) du CHUV est un projet institutionnel "Hospices-CHUV", portant l'acronyme "SICASI", pour "système d'information clinique aux soins intensifs". Le projet concerne 41 lits de SI situés au niveau 05 du bâtiment hospitalier principal : ces lits sont répartis en trois unités, chirurgicale (17 lits), médicale (14 lits), et pédiatrique (10 lits). Le budget global dévolu à l'informatisation est de 2,5 millions de francs. Le projet a d'emblée été multidisciplinaire, englobant des médecins et des infirmiers des 3 unités, ainsi que des informaticiens. Il devrait aboutir à un changement fondamental de la manière de travailler en SI. [Extrait de l'introduction, p. 2]]]> Intensive Care Units ; Hospital Information Systems ; Medical Records Systems, Computerized ; Hospitals, University fre https://serval.unil.ch/resource/serval:BIB_C9A8235D6023.P001/REF.pdf http://nbn-resolving.org/urn/resolver.pl?urn=urn:nbn:ch:serval-BIB_C9A8235D60232 info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/urn/urn:nbn:ch:serval-BIB_C9A8235D60232 info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess Copying allowed only for non-profit organizations https://serval.unil.ch/disclaimer application/pdf oai:serval.unil.ch:BIB_C9A972CD5FE4 2022-05-07T01:26:59Z <oai_dc:dc xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:oai_dc="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd"> https://serval.unil.ch/notice/serval:BIB_C9A972CD5FE4 Postoperative 3D conformal radiation therapy with dose-volume histogram assessment in non small-cell lung cancer info:doi:10.1016/j.ijrobp.2007.07.1713 info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/doi/10.1016/j.ijrobp.2007.07.1713 Zouhair, A. Drausanu, D. Matzinger, O. Pehlivan, B. Khanfir, K. Ris, H.B. Stupp, R. Moeckli, R. Mirimanoff, R.O. Ozsahin, M. info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject inproceedings 2007 49th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, vol. 69, pp. S498-S499 info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/isbn/0360-3016 <![CDATA[Purpose/Objective(s): Despite many randomized trials, the indication of postoperative radiation therapy (PORT) in non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is controversial. Involved-field conformal (3D) RT has never been studied prospectively. In this study, we aim to assess the outcome of patients treated with involved-field 3D PORT with or without chemotherapy in locally advanced NSCLC. Materials/Methods: From 1990 to 2006, data from 75 consecutive patients treated with curative surgery and PORT for NSCLC were retrospectively analyzed. Male to female ratio was 57/18, and median age was 58 years (38-76). There were 5 patients with stage I, 22 with stage II, and 48 with stage III disease. Pneumonectomy or lobectomy was realized in 24 and 51 patients, respectively. Mediastinal lymphadenectomy was performed in all patients. PORT indications were positive margins and/or positive mediastinal lymph nodes. Cisplatin-based chemotherapy was given in 15 patients. All patients had 3D conformal planning. Median RT dose was 60 Gy using at least 6-MV photons in 6 weeks, and CTV included bronchial stump and only positive nodal areas. Dose-volume histograms (DVH) assessing the pulmonary volume receiving 20 Gy (V20 Gy) were used in all patients. Results: Compliance to PORT was 100%. In a median follow-up period of 55 months, 26 (35%) patients are alive without disease. Median overall survival time was 24 months, with survival rate of 35% at 5 years (Fig. 1). The 5-year locoregional control and distant disease-free rates were 80% and 57%, respectively. Patients treated with pneumonectomy and those treated with at least 60-Gy PORT had better outcome (Fig. 2). Grade 3 or more CTC v3.0 toxicity was observed only in 4 (5%) pts. No lethal toxicity was observed. Conclusions: We conclude that involved-field 3D conformal 60-Gy PORT tailored with DVH V20 Gy assessment improves locoregional control without increasing lethal toxicity. Prospective studies using the above-mentioned criteria are warranted

    Relevance of viscous flow in accretionary wedges

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    The orogenic wedge model (Davis et al. 1983; Platt 1986) marks a conceptual breakthrough in understanding the growth and long-term evolution of accretionary wedges. The characteristic rheology of subduction-related accretionary wedges is thought to change from Coulomb to viscous when the wedge becomes thicker than ca. 15 km, a transition that may influence the stability and dynamics of these wedges. Platt (1986) proposed that viscous flow may trigger extensional faulting in the upper rear part of the wedge and Wallis et al. (1993) argued that viscous flow may cause vertical ductile thinning of the rear part of the wedge. Material fluxes control the geometric shape of an accretionary wedge (Brandon et al. 1998; Platt 1986). Frontal accretion and erosion both tend to drive the wedge into a subcritical condition as the taper angle of the wedge is progressively reduced. This leads to horizontal shortening across the wedge. If underplating is dominantly controlling the flow field in the wedge and frontal accretion or erosion at the rear of the wedge are small, the wedge is supercritically tapered and leading horizontal extension. Horizontal extension leads to a subhorizontal foliation and may eventually lead to normal faulting in the rear-part of the wedge. Despite the importance of these issues, there remains a paucity of detailed information about ductile deformation and how viscous flow influences the stability of subduction-related accretionary wedges. Strain measurements are an instrument to address whether viscous flow strongly influences the deformation in accretionary wedges. They provide direct information about the kinematics of ancient orogenic belts. Additionally, they allow understanding important tectonic processes in subduction wedges such as the pattern of flow within the wedge. We focus on deformation analysis on a suite of samples from the Otago wedge exposed in the South Island of New Zealand. The Otago accretionary wedge offers a unique opportunity to study the tectonic evolution of a typical subduction-related accretionary complex. Its across-strike length of ca. 600 km makes it one of the largest exposed ancient accretionary wedges on Earth. Pressure and temperature estimates indicate that our samples are representative of deformation conditions to depths as great as ca. 35 km. This is similar to maximum depths observed for subducting slabs beneath modern forearc highs. The deformation measurements show that the strain magnitude is generally small in the Otago wedge. The oct values, a measure of the distortion a sample experienced (independent from the strain geometry), range from 0.34– 3.87 for the Rf /? strains, 1.01–4.28 for XTG strains across the whole suite of the Otago rock pile, and 0.08–0.70 for the absolute strains obtained from low metamorphic grade rocks. The Otago samples are characterized by considerable volume strain that increases from the lower textural zones towards the high-grade interior of the wedge. Our strain results are inconsistent with the models which advocate supercritically tapering of accretionary wedges and that supercritical tapering eventually triggers normal faulting. Taking averages of our strain measurements, a residence time in the wedge of 35 Myr, burial depths of 30 km, coaxial deformation and a depth-dependent rate for ductile deformation, we calculate vertically-averaged strain rates. Because the principal strain axes of the tensor average are all inclined, the vertical averaging changes the principal stretches. The horizontal principal stretch parallel to the 160°-striking Otago wedge becomes 0.79, that for across strike 0.88 and for vertical strain 0.44. Averaged strain rates are −1.44−16 s−1 for parallel-strike horizontal strain, −6.2−17 s−1 for across-strike horizontal strain, and −8.02−16 s−1 for vertical strain. The strain rates are related to volume loss and to the efficiency with which dissolved chemicals are advected away. The rates are similar to the ones calculated by Bolhar & Ring (2001) and Ring & Richter (2004) for the Franciscan wedge. These strain rates are orders of magnitude smaller than the 1−14 s−1 strain rates assumed by Platt (1986). Thus, our data imply that the Otago wedge could not shorten horizontally fast, and hence could not have steepened up its surface slope. The fact that shortening was accompanied by volume loss has another important and interesting consequence. Even if a case was envisioned in which horizontal shortening was fast enough to steepen up the surface slope of the wedge, the volume loss would not necessarily change the wedge geometry into a supercritical configuration triggering normal faulting. As a consequence of the slow strain rates and the high volume loss, viscous flow probably was not fast enough to significantly influence the stability of the wedge and to form a supercritically tapered wedge.conferenc