115 research outputs found

    Depth-Map Image Compression Based on Region and Contour Modeling

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    In this thesis, the problem of depth-map image compression is treated. The compilation of articles included in the thesis provides methodological contributions in the fields of lossless and lossy compression of depth-map images.The first group of methods addresses the lossless compression problem. The introduced methods are using the approach of representing the depth-map image in terms of regions and contours. In the depth-map image, a segmentation defines the regions, by grouping pixels having similar properties, and separates them using (region) contours. The depth-map image is encoded by the contours and the auxiliary information needed to reconstruct the depth values in each region.One way of encoding the contours is to describe them using two matrices of horizontal and vertical contour edges. The matrices are encoded using template context coding where each context tree is optimally pruned. In certain contexts, the contour edges are found deterministically using only the currently available information. Another way of encoding the contours is to describe them as a sequence of contour segments. Each such segment is defined by an anchor (starting) point and a string of contour edges, equivalent to a string of chain-code symbols. Here we propose efficient ways to select and encode the anchor points and to generate contour segments by using a contour crossing point analysis and by imposing rules that help in minimizing the number of anchor points.The regions are reconstructed at the decoder using predictive coding or the piecewise constant model representation. In the first approach, the large constant regions are found and one depth value is encoded for each such region. For the rest of the image, suitable regions are generated by constraining the local variation of the depth level from one pixel to another. The nonlinear predictors selected specifically for each region are combining the results of several linear predictors, each fitting optimally a subset of pixels belonging to the local neighborhood. In the second approach, the depth value of a given region is encoded using the depth values of the neighboring regions already encoded. The natural smoothness of the depth variation and the mutual exclusiveness of the values in neighboring regions are exploited to efficiently predict and encode the current region's depth value.The second group of methods is studying the lossy compression problem. In a first contribution, different segmentations are generated by varying the threshold for the depth local variability. A lossy depth-map image is obtained for each segmentation and is encoded based on predictive coding, quantization and context tree coding. In another contribution, the lossy versions of one image are created either by successively merging the constant regions of the original image, or by iteratively splitting the regions of a template image using horizontal or vertical line segments. Merging and splitting decisions are greedily taken, according to the best slope towards the next point in the rate-distortion curve. An entropy coding algorithm is used to encode each image.We propose also a progressive coding method for coding the sequence of lossy versions of a depth-map image. The bitstream is encoded so that any lossy version of the original image is generated, starting from a very low resolution up to lossless reconstruction. The partitions of the lossy versions into regions are assumed to be nested so that a higher resolution image is obtained by splitting some regions of a lower resolution image. A current image in the sequence is encoded using the a priori information from a previously encoded image: the anchor points are encoded relative to the already encoded contour points; the depth information of the newly resulting regions is recovered using the depth value of the parent region.As a final contribution, the dissertation includes a study of the parameterization of planar models. The quantized heights at three-pixel locations are used to compute the optimal plane for each region. The three-pixel locations are selected so that the distortion due to the approximation of the plane over the region is minimized. The planar model and the piecewise constant model are competing in the merging process, where the two regions to be merged are those ensuring the optimal slope in the rate-distortion curve

    Depth-based Multi-View 3D Video Coding

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    Computer Vision for Timber Harvesting

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    Space-variant picture coding

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    PhDSpace-variant picture coding techniques exploit the strong spatial non-uniformity of the human visual system in order to increase coding efficiency in terms of perceived quality per bit. This thesis extends space-variant coding research in two directions. The first of these directions is in foveated coding. Past foveated coding research has been dominated by the single-viewer, gaze-contingent scenario. However, for research into the multi-viewer and probability-based scenarios, this thesis presents a missing piece: an algorithm for computing an additive multi-viewer sensitivity function based on an established eye resolution model, and, from this, a blur map that is optimal in the sense of discarding frequencies in least-noticeable- rst order. Furthermore, for the application of a blur map, a novel algorithm is presented for the efficient computation of high-accuracy smoothly space-variant Gaussian blurring, using a specialised filter bank which approximates perfect space-variant Gaussian blurring to arbitrarily high accuracy and at greatly reduced cost compared to the brute force approach of employing a separate low-pass filter at each image location. The second direction is that of artifi cially increasing the depth-of- field of an image, an idea borrowed from photography with the advantage of allowing an image to be reduced in bitrate while retaining or increasing overall aesthetic quality. Two synthetic depth of field algorithms are presented herein, with the desirable properties of aiming to mimic occlusion eff ects as occur in natural blurring, and of handling any number of blurring and occlusion levels with the same level of computational complexity. The merits of this coding approach have been investigated by subjective experiments to compare it with single-viewer foveated image coding. The results found the depth-based preblurring to generally be significantly preferable to the same level of foveation blurring

    Graph Spectral Image Processing

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    Recent advent of graph signal processing (GSP) has spurred intensive studies of signals that live naturally on irregular data kernels described by graphs (e.g., social networks, wireless sensor networks). Though a digital image contains pixels that reside on a regularly sampled 2D grid, if one can design an appropriate underlying graph connecting pixels with weights that reflect the image structure, then one can interpret the image (or image patch) as a signal on a graph, and apply GSP tools for processing and analysis of the signal in graph spectral domain. In this article, we overview recent graph spectral techniques in GSP specifically for image / video processing. The topics covered include image compression, image restoration, image filtering and image segmentation

    Diseño, implementación y optimización del sistema de compresión de imágenes sobre el ordenador de a bordo del proyecto de nanosátelite Eye-Sat

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    Eye-Sat es un Proyecto de nano satélites, dirigido por el CNES (Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales) y desarrollado principalmente por estudiantes de varias escuelas de ingeniería del territorio francés. El objetivo de este pequeño telescopio no solo radica en la oportunidad de realizar la demostración de distintos dispositivos tecnológicos, sino que también tiene como misión la adquisición de fotografías en la bandas de color e infrarrojo de la vía Láctea, así como el estudio de la intensidad y polarización de la luz Zodiacal. Los requerimientos de la misión exigen el desarrollo de un algoritmo de compresión de imágenes sin pérdidas para las imágenes “Color Filter Array” CFA (Bayer) e infrarrojas adquiridas por el satélite. Como miembro de la comisión consultativa para los sistemas espaciales, CNES ha seleccionado el estándar CCSDS-123.0-B como algoritmo base para cumplir los requerimientos de la misión. A este algoritmo se le añadirán modificaciones o mejoras, adaptadas a las imágenes tipo, con el fin de mejorar las prestaciones de compresión y de complejidad. La implementación y la optimización del algoritmo será desarrollada sobre la plataforma Xilinx Zynq® All Programmable SoC, el cual incluye una FPGA y un Dual-core ARM® Cortex™-A9 processor with NEONTM DSP/FPU Engine

    Centralized and distributed semi-parametric compression of piecewise smooth functions

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    This thesis introduces novel wavelet-based semi-parametric centralized and distributed compression methods for a class of piecewise smooth functions. Our proposed compression schemes are based on a non-conventional transform coding structure with simple independent encoders and a complex joint decoder. Current centralized state-of-the-art compression schemes are based on the conventional structure where an encoder is relatively complex and nonlinear. In addition, the setting usually allows the encoder to observe the entire source. Recently, there has been an increasing need for compression schemes where the encoder is lower in complexity and, instead, the decoder has to handle more computationally intensive tasks. Furthermore, the setup may involve multiple encoders, where each one can only partially observe the source. Such scenario is often referred to as distributed source coding. In the first part, we focus on the dual situation of the centralized compression where the encoder is linear and the decoder is nonlinear. Our analysis is centered around a class of 1-D piecewise smooth functions. We show that, by incorporating parametric estimation into the decoding procedure, it is possible to achieve the same distortion- rate performance as that of a conventional wavelet-based compression scheme. We also present a new constructive approach to parametric estimation based on the sampling results of signals with finite rate of innovation. The second part of the thesis focuses on the distributed compression scenario, where each independent encoder partially observes the 1-D piecewise smooth function. We propose a new wavelet-based distributed compression scheme that uses parametric estimation to perform joint decoding. Our distortion-rate analysis shows that it is possible for the proposed scheme to achieve that same compression performance as that of a joint encoding scheme. Lastly, we apply the proposed theoretical framework in the context of distributed image and video compression. We start by considering a simplified model of the video signal and show that we can achieve distortion-rate performance close to that of a joint encoding scheme. We then present practical compression schemes for real world signals. Our simulations confirm the improvement in performance over classical schemes, both in terms of the PSNR and the visual quality

    Selected topics in video coding and computer vision

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    Video applications ranging from multimedia communication to computer vision have been extensively studied in the past decades. However, the emergence of new applications continues to raise questions that are only partially answered by existing techniques. This thesis studies three selected topics related to video: intra prediction in block-based video coding, pedestrian detection and tracking in infrared imagery, and multi-view video alignment.;In the state-of-art video coding standard H.264/AVC, intra prediction is defined on the hierarchical quad-tree based block partitioning structure which fails to exploit the geometric constraint of edges. We propose a geometry-adaptive block partitioning structure and a new intra prediction algorithm named geometry-adaptive intra prediction (GAIP). A new texture prediction algorithm named geometry-adaptive intra displacement prediction (GAIDP) is also developed by extending the original intra displacement prediction (IDP) algorithm with the geometry-adaptive block partitions. Simulations on various test sequences demonstrate that intra coding performance of H.264/AVC can be significantly improved by incorporating the proposed geometry adaptive algorithms.;In recent years, due to the decreasing cost of thermal sensors, pedestrian detection and tracking in infrared imagery has become a topic of interest for night vision and all weather surveillance applications. We propose a novel approach for detecting and tracking pedestrians in infrared imagery based on a layered representation of infrared images. Pedestrians are detected from the foreground layer by a Principle Component Analysis (PCA) based scheme using the appearance cue. To facilitate the task of pedestrian tracking, we formulate the problem of shot segmentation and present a graph matching-based tracking algorithm. Simulations with both OSU Infrared Image Database and WVU Infrared Video Database are reported to demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of our algorithms.;Multi-view video alignment is a process to facilitate the fusion of non-synchronized multi-view video sequences for various applications including automatic video based surveillance and video metrology. In this thesis, we propose an accurate multi-view video alignment algorithm that iteratively aligns two sequences in space and time. To achieve an accurate sub-frame temporal alignment, we generalize the existing phase-correlation algorithm to 3-D case. We also present a novel method to obtain the ground-truth of the temporal alignment by using supplementary audio signals sampled at a much higher rate. The accuracy of our algorithm is verified by simulations using real-world sequences

    Contributions to Medical Image Segmentation and Signal Analysis Utilizing Model Selection Methods

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    This thesis presents contributions to model selection techniques, especially based on information theoretic criteria, with the goal of solving problems appearing in signal analysis and in medical image representation, segmentation, and compression.The field of medical image segmentation is wide and is quickly developing to make use of higher available computational power. This thesis concentrates on several applications that allow the utilization of parametric models for image and signal representation. One important application is cell nuclei segmentation from histological images. We model nuclei contours by ellipses and thus the complicated problem of separating overlapping nuclei can be rephrased as a model selection problem, where the number of nuclei, their shapes, and their locations define one segmentation. In this thesis, we present methods for model selection in this parametric setting, where the intuitive algorithms are combined with more principled ones, namely those based on the minimum description length (MDL) principle. The results of the introduced unsupervised segmentation algorithm are compared with human subject segmentations, and are also evaluated with the help of a pathology expert.Another considered medical image application is lossless compression. The objective has been to add the task of image segmentation to that of image compression such that the image regions can be transmitted separately, depending on the region of interest for diagnosis. The experiments performed on retinal color images show that our modeling, in which the MDL criterion selects the structure of the linear predictive models, outperforms publicly available image compressors such as the lossless version of JPEG 2000.For time series modeling, the thesis presents an algorithm which allows detection of changes in time series signals. The algorithm is based on one of the most recent implementations of the MDL principle, the sequentially normalized maximum likelihood (SNML) models.This thesis produces contributions in the form of new methods and algorithms, where the simplicity of information theoretic principles are combined with a rather complex and problem dependent modeling formulation, resulting in both heuristically motivated and principled algorithmic solutions

    Distributed Video Coding for Multiview and Video-plus-depth Coding

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