106 research outputs found

    The Interplay of “Big Five ” Personality Factors and Metaphorical Schemas: A Pilot Study with 20 Lung Transplant Recipients

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    The Qualitative Report Volume 12 Number 3 September 2007 397-413 http://www.nova.edu/ssss/QR/QR12-3/goetzmann.pdf The Interplay of “Big Five ” Personality Factors and Metaphorical Schemas: A Pilot Study with 20 Lung Transplant Recipients Lutz Goetzmann University Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland Karin S. Moser Roehampton University, London Esther Vetsch, Erhard Grieder, Richard Klaghofer, Rahel Naef, Erich W. Russi, Annette Boehler, and Claus Buddeberg University Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland The aim of the present study was to investigate the interplay between personality factors and metaphorical schemas. The “Big Five” personality factors of 20 patients after lung transplantation were examined with the NEO-FFI. Patients were questioned about their social network , and self- and body-image. The interviews were assessed with metaphor analysis. Significant positive correlations were found between “extraversion” and metaphors for acoustics, play/sport and economy, furthermore between “openness to experience” and metaphors for acoustics, container, battle, illness. A positive correlation was also found between “openness to experience” and metaphor frequency. Significant negative correlations were found between “conscientiousness” and metaphors for illness. The results indicate that personality factors may correspond with certain implicit metaphorical schemas

    Integrated Display and Environmental Awareness System - System Architecture Definition

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    The Integrated Display and Environmental Awareness System (IDEAS) is an interdisciplinary team project focusing on the development of a wearable computer and Head Mounted Display (HMD) based on Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) components for the specific application and needs of NASA technicians, engineers and astronauts. Wearable computers are on the verge of utilization trials in daily life as well as industrial environments. The first civil and COTS wearable head mounted display systems were introduced just a few years ago and they probed not only technology readiness in terms of performance, endurance, miniaturization, operability and usefulness but also maturity of practice in perspective of a socio-technical context. Although the main technical hurdles such as mass and power were addressed as improvements on the technical side, the usefulness, practicality and social acceptance were often noted on the side of a broad variety of humans' operations. In other words, although the technology made a giant leap, its use and efficiency still looks for the sweet spot. The first IDEAS project started in January 2015 and was concluded in January 2017. The project identified current COTS systems' capability at minimum cost and maximum applicability and brought about important strategic concepts that will serve further IDEAS-like system development

    A Socio-Cognitive Approach to Knowledge Construction through Blended Learning

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    This paper results from an educational research project that was undertaken by the School of Architecture, at the University of Liverpool funded by the Higher Education Academy in UK. The research explored technology driven shifts in architectural design studio education, identified their cognitive effects on design learning and developed an innovative blended learning approach that was implemented at a masters level digital design studio. The contribution of the research and the proposed approach to the existing knowledge and practice are twofold. Firstly, it offers a new pedagogical framework which integrates social, technical and cognitive dimensions of knowledge construction. And secondly, it offers a unique operational model through the integration of both mediational and instrumental use of digital media. The proposed model provides a useful basis for the effective mobilization of next generation learning technologies which can effectively respond to the learning challenges specific to architectural design knowledge and its means of creation

    Anticipatory models of human movements and dynamics: the roadmap of the AnDy project

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    International audienceFuture robots will need more and more anticipation capabilities, to properly react to human actions and provide efficient collaboration. To achieve this goal, we need new technologies that not only estimate the motion of the humans, but that fully describe the whole-body dynamics of the interaction and that can also predict its outcome. These hardware and software technologies are the goal of the European project AnDy. In this paper, we describe the roadmap of AnDy, which leverages existing technologies to endow robots with the ability to control physical collaboration through intentional interaction. To achieve this goal, AnDy relies on three technological and scientific breakthroughs. First, AnDy will innovate the way of measuring human whole-body motions by developing the wearable AnDySuit, which tracks motions and records forces. Second, AnDy will develop the AnDyModel, which combines ergonomic models with cognitive predictive models of human dynamic behavior in collaborative tasks, learned from data acquired with the AnDySuit. Third, AnDy will propose AnDyControl, an innovative technology for assisting humans through pre-dictive physical control, based on AnDyModel. By measuring and modeling human whole-body dynamics, AnDy will provide robots with a new level of awareness about human intentions and ergonomy. By incorporating this awareness on-line in the robot's controllers, AnDy paves the way for novel applications of physical human-robot collaboration in manufacturing, health-care, and assisted living

    Robotic Technology in Pediatric Neurorehabilitation. A Pilot Study of Human Factors in an Italian Pediatric Hospital

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    The introduction of robotic neurorehabilitation among the most recent technologies in pediatrics represents a new opportunity to treat pediatric patients. This study aims at evaluating the response of physiotherapists, patients and their parents to this new technology. The study considered the outcomes of technological innovation in physiotherapists (perception of the workload, satisfaction), as well as that in patients and their parents (quality of life, expectations, satisfaction) by comparing the answers to subjective questionnaires of those who made use of the new technology with those who used the traditional therapy. A total of 12 workers, 46 patients and 47 parents were enrolled in the study. Significant differences were recorded in the total workload score of physiotherapists who use the robotic technology compared with the traditional therapy (p < 0.001). Patients reported a higher quality of life and satisfaction after the use of the robotic neurorehabilitation therapy. The parents of patients undergoing the robotic therapy have moderately higher expectations and satisfaction than those undergoing the traditional therapy. In this pilot study, the robotic neurorehabilitation technique involved a significant increase in the patients' and parents' expectations. As it frequently happens in the introduction of new technologies, physiotherapists perceived a greater workload. Further studies are needed to verify the results achieved

    What Happened, and Why: Toward an Understanding of Human Error Based on Automated Analyses of Incident Reports

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    The objective of the Aviation System Monitoring and Modeling (ASMM) project of NASA s Aviation Safety and Security Program was to develop technologies that will enable proactive management of safety risk, which entails identifying the precursor events and conditions that foreshadow most accidents. This presents a particular challenge in the aviation system where people are key components and human error is frequently cited as a major contributing factor or cause of incidents and accidents. In the aviation "world", information about what happened can be extracted from quantitative data sources, but the experiential account of the incident reporter is the best available source of information about why an incident happened. This report describes a conceptual model and an approach to automated analyses of textual data sources for the subjective perspective of the reporter of the incident to aid in understanding why an incident occurred. It explores a first-generation process for routinely searching large databases of textual reports of aviation incident or accidents, and reliably analyzing them for causal factors of human behavior (the why of an incident). We have defined a generic structure of information that is postulated to be a sound basis for defining similarities between aviation incidents. Based on this structure, we have introduced the simplifying structure, which we call the Scenario as a pragmatic guide for identifying similarities of what happened based on the objective parameters that define the Context and the Outcome of a Scenario. We believe that it will be possible to design an automated analysis process guided by the structure of the Scenario that will aid aviation-safety experts to understand the systemic issues that are conducive to human error

    Robo-ethics design approach for cultural heritage: Case study - Robotics for museum purpose

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    The thesis shows the study behind the design process and the realization of the robotic solution for museum purposes called Virgil. The research started with the literature review on museums management and the critic analysis of signi cant digital experiences in the museum eld. Then, it continues analyzing the museum and its relation with the territory and the cultural heritage. From this preliminary analysis stage, signi cant issue related to museum management analysis comes out: nowadays many museum areas are not accessible to visitors because of issues related to security or architectural barriers. Make explorable these areas is one of the important topics in the cultural debate related to the visiting experience. This rst stage gave the knowledge to develop the outlines which brought to the realization of an ef cient service design then realized following robot ethical design values. One of the pillars of the robot ethical design is the necessity to involve all the stakeholders in the early project phases, for this reason, the second stage of the research was the study of the empathic relations between museum and visitors. In this phase, facilitator factors of this relation are de ned and transformed into guidelines for the product system performances. To perform this stage, it has been necessary create a relation between all the stakeholders of the project, which are: Politecnico di Torino, Tim (Telecom Italia Mobile) JOL CRAB research laboratory and Terre dei Savoia which is the association in charge of the Racconiggi’s Castle, the context scenario of the research. The third stage of the research, provided the realization of a prototype of the robot, in this stage telepresence robot piloted the Museum Guide it is used to show, in real time, the inaccessible areas of the museum enriched with multimedia contents. This stage concludes with the nal test user, from the test session feedback analysis, many of people want to drive themselves the robot. To give an answer to user feedback an interactive game has been developed. The game is based both on the robot ability to be driven by the visitors and also on the capacity of the robot to be used as a platform for the digital telling. To be effective, the whole experience it has been designed and tested with the support of high school students, which are one of the categories less interested in the traditional museum visit. This experience wants to demonstrate that the conscious and ethical use of the robotic device is effectively competitive, in term of performances, with the other solutions of digital visit: because it allows a more interactive digital experience in addition to the satisfaction of the physical visit at the museum

    Designing flexible learning spaces for a positive impact: the cork castles system

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    La educación de los niños consiste en proporcionarles los conocimientos, las aptitudes y los valores que consideramos que necesitarán cuando crezcan y se conviertan en participantes activos del "mundo real". Esta tesis explora cómo el diseño puede utilizarse para crear un impacto positivo en los entornos de aprendizaje para que la experiencia de aprendizaje de los niños sea agradable y se adapte a las últimas necesidades pedagógicas. En primer lugar, se ha investigado el papel del diseño para generar un impacto positivo y crear espacios de aprendizaje y de diversión. La segunda parte de este Trabajo de Fin de Máster consiste en la propuesta creativa de Castellets de Suro, un sistema modular abierto de bloques de corcho que incita a los niños a crear sus propios espacios de aprendizaje. El resultado de este proyecto demuestra que Castellets de Suro tiene el potencial de facilitar la adaptación de los espacios de aprendizaje actuales a la pedagogía en constante evolución que requiere flexibilidad y contingencia, es una fuente de diversión, imaginación y creatividad para los niños y promueve la colaboración y la empatía. Por lo tanto, esta tesis es un ejemplo de cómo el diseño puede mejorar los entornos de aprendizaje existentes.Educating children is about providing them with the knowledge, skills and values that we consider they will need when they grow up and become active participants of the “real world”. This Thesis explores how design can be used to create a positive impact on learning environments to make the learning experience of children pleasant and adapted to the latest pedagogical needs. First, research on design’s role in creating a positive impact, learning spaces and playfulness has been conducted; followed by the design proposal of Castellets de Suro, a modular open-ended system of cork blocks that invites children to create their own learning spaces. The outcome of this project proves that Castellets de Suro (the cork castle system) has the potential to facilitate the adaptation of current learning spaces to the ever-evolving pedagogy that requires flexibility and contingency, is a source of fun, imagination and creativity for children and promotes collaboration and empathy. Therefore, this Thesis is an example of how design can improve existing learning environments

    Aerospace medicine and biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 349)

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    This bibliography lists 149 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA Scientific and Technical Information System during April, 1991. Subject coverage includes: aerospace medicine and psychology, life support systems and controlled environments, safety equipment, exobiology and extraterrestrial life, and flight crew behavior and performance

    Semantic discovery and reuse of business process patterns

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    Patterns currently play an important role in modern information systems (IS) development and their use has mainly been restricted to the design and implementation phases of the development lifecycle. Given the increasing significance of business modelling in IS development, patterns have the potential of providing a viable solution for promoting reusability of recurrent generalized models in the very early stages of development. As a statement of research-in-progress this paper focuses on business process patterns and proposes an initial methodological framework for the discovery and reuse of business process patterns within the IS development lifecycle. The framework borrows ideas from the domain engineering literature and proposes the use of semantics to drive both the discovery of patterns as well as their reuse