1,860,134 research outputs found

    Frequency analysis of river water quality using integrated urban wastewater models

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    Copyright © IWA Publishing 2012.The definitive peer-reviewed and edited version of this article is published in Water Science and Technology Volume 65 Issue 12, pp. 2112–2117 (2012), DOI: 10.2166/wst.2012.127 and is available at www.iwapublishing.com.In recent years integrated models have been developed to simulate the entire urban wastewater system, including urban drainage systems, wastewater treatment plants, and receiving waterbodies. This paper uses such an integrated urban wastewater model to analyze the frequency of receiving water quality in an urban wastewater system with the aim of assessing the overall system performance during rainfall events. The receiving water quality is represented by two indicators: event mean dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration and event mean ammonium concentration. The compliance probability of the water quality indicators satisfying a specific threshold is used to represent the system performance, and is derived using the rainfall events from a series of 10 years' rainfall data. A strong correlation between the depth of each rainfall event and the associated volume of combined sewer overflow (CSO) discharges is revealed for the case study catchment, while there is a low correlation between the intensity/duration of the rainfall event and the volume of the CSO discharges. The frequency analysis results obtained suggest that the event mean DO and ammonium concentrations have very different characteristics in terms of compliance probabilities at two discharging points for CSO and wastewater treatment plant effluent, respectively. In general, the simulation results provide an understanding of the performance of the integrated urban wastewater system and can provide useful information to support water quality management

    Системи збору, збереження та відображення інформації про навколишнє середовище

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    Дипломна робота присвячена розробці системи для збору, збереження та відображення інформації про стан навколишнього середовища. Метою роботи є аналіз існуючих систем моніторингу інформації, та на основі поставлених вимог до них створення власної системи. У роботі проведено детальний аналіз по вибору компонентної бази та програмного забезпечення системи. Клієнтська частина системи була розроблена на основі контролера Arduino UNO. Серверна частина системи була реалізована у вигляді веб-сервісу. Загальний обсяг роботи: 65 сторінок, 16 ілюстрацій, 1 таблиця, 13 посилань , 5 додатків.The thesis is devoted to the development of a system for collecting, storing and displaying information on the state of the environment. The purpose of the work is to analyze existing information monitoring systems and, based on the requirements set for them, to create their own system. In this work, a detailed analysis was carried out on the choice of component base and software system. The client part of the system was developed on the basis of the Arduino UNO controller. The server part of the system was implemented as a web service. Total volume of work: 65 pages, 16 illustrations, 1 table, 13 references, 5 annexes

    Spatial Mapping of Traffic Noise Levels in Urban Areas

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    This paper combines field data with an analytical approach to spatially map noise levels due to traffic movements at relatively high traffic volume signalized intersections utilizing the potential of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Noise data were collected using a discrete mapping technique at 29 signalized intersections, as well as between intersections, and at their respective neighborhood areas in Amman, capital of Jordan. Data were collected in three different highly congested traffic peak periods: 7:30 a.m.-9:00 a.m., 1:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m., and 9:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. A portable precision sound level meter capable of measuring noise levels from 34 to 134 decibels (dB) was used during the data collection process. The highest recorded noise level at some signals was 80 dB, while the lowest was 34 dB. In fact, some signalized intersections showed higher noise levels than the acceptable or the standard ones, i.e., 65 dB for daytime and 55 dB for nighttime in residential areas at city center. Two-dimensional (2D) vector and raster maps of noise levels, at different time periods for signals' areas and neighborhoods, were spatially displayed. Results showed that the developed GIS maps could be useful for city planning and other environmental management applications for the purpose of: 1) temporal monitoring and queries of noise level changes as a function of time, 2) spatial queries to find the highest noise disturbance location and its time of the day, 3) development of an online noise information system, 4) using noise level based spatial maps as indicators of variation in land prices, and 5) forecasting and current assessment of the acoustic climate of urban areas

    Using electronic health records to support clinical trials: a report on stakeholder engagement for EHR4CR

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    Background. The conduct of clinical trials is increasingly challenging due to greater complexity and governance requirements as well as difficulties with recruitment and retention. Electronic Health Records for Clinical Research (EHR4CR) aims at improving the conduct of trials by using existing routinely collected data, but little is known about stakeholder views on data availability, information governance, and acceptable working practices. Methods. Senior figures in healthcare organisations across Europe were provided with a description of the project and structured interviews were subsequently conducted to elicit their views. Results. 37 structured interviewees in Germany, UK, Switzerland, and France indicated strong support for the proposed EHR4CR platform. All interviewees reported that using the platform for assessing feasibility would enhance the conduct of clinical trials and the majority also felt it would reduce workloads. Interviewees felt the platform could enhance trial recruitment and adverse event reporting but also felt it could raise either ethical or information governance concerns in their country. Conclusions. There was clear support for EHR4CR and a belief that it could reduce workloads and improve the conduct and quality of trials. However data security, privacy, and information governance issues would need to be carefully managed in the development of the platform

    Social and Managerial Aspects of Using Digital Health Technologies

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    The development of the health sector around the world is linked to digital technologies, because there is a need to optimize the processes of medical care for the population. Every year there is an increase in this market by a quarter. The use of digital technologies helps to improve health care. The management and organization system implements unified effective systems using the technological capabilities of digitalization in the health care sector. The relevance of the study is related to the need to change the outdated health management system with access to a modern level of technical and administrative support for medical services.The actual tool of digital medicine is cooperative forms of network interaction. We are exploring the further development of digital medicine in the short term, what opportunities can be presented and what results can be obtained by residents. Network communications play an important role in uniting professional medical communities. More than 65% of people between the ages of 21 and 35 have become participants in network technologies, and their number is constantly increasing. Administrative and management staffs are most active in discussions (43%) on the Internet and all respondents have an idea about telemedicine. Patients have the opportunity to get advice by contacting doctors online. The next stage in the development of information technologies is associated with increasing the speed and volume of transmitted data, which will help to predict critical conditions that threaten the patient’s health as quickly as possible. Now there is a discussion about the possibility of not just consulting, but also making diagnoses when patients contact the doctor, discussing in which cases a personal meeting with the doctor is necessary and under what conditions it is enough to provide maximum information about the state of health for diagnosis. Keywords: digital healthcare, digital technologies, adaptation, medical specialist

    Building fault detection data to aid diagnostic algorithm creation and performance testing.

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    It is estimated that approximately 4-5% of national energy consumption can be saved through corrections to existing commercial building controls infrastructure and resulting improvements to efficiency. Correspondingly, automated fault detection and diagnostics (FDD) algorithms are designed to identify the presence of operational faults and their root causes. A diversity of techniques is used for FDD spanning physical models, black box, and rule-based approaches. A persistent challenge has been the lack of common datasets and test methods to benchmark their performance accuracy. This article presents a first of its kind public dataset with ground-truth data on the presence and absence of building faults. This dataset spans a range of seasons and operational conditions and encompasses multiple building system types. It contains information on fault severity, as well as data points reflective of the measurements in building control systems that FDD algorithms typically have access to. The data were created using simulation models as well as experimental test facilities, and will be expanded over time

    Digital Signature Security in Data Communication

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    Authenticity of access in very information are very important in the current era of Internet-based technology, there are many ways to secure information from irresponsible parties with various security attacks, some of technique can use for defend attack from irresponsible parties are using steganography, cryptography or also use digital signatures. Digital signatures could be one of solution where the authenticity of the message will be verified to prove that the received message is the original message without any change, Ong-Schnorr-Shamir is the algorithm are used in this research and the experiment are perform on the digital signature scheme and the hidden channel scheme.Comment: 6 pages, Paper presented at the International Conference on Education and Technology (ICEduTech2017), Novotel Hotel, Balikpapan, Indonesi