66,038 research outputs found

    Multi-Modal Financial Time-Series Retrieval Through Latent Space Projections

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    Financial firms commonly process and store billions of time-series data, generated continuously and at a high frequency. To support efficient data storage and retrieval, specialized time-series databases and systems have emerged. These databases support indexing and querying of time-series by a constrained Structured Query Language(SQL)-like format to enable queries like "Stocks with monthly price returns greater than 5%", and expressed in rigid formats. However, such queries do not capture the intrinsic complexity of high dimensional time-series data, which can often be better described by images or language (e.g., "A stock in low volatility regime"). Moreover, the required storage, computational time, and retrieval complexity to search in the time-series space are often non-trivial. In this paper, we propose and demonstrate a framework to store multi-modal data for financial time-series in a lower-dimensional latent space using deep encoders, such that the latent space projections capture not only the time series trends but also other desirable information or properties of the financial time-series data (such as price volatility). Moreover, our approach allows user-friendly query interfaces, enabling natural language text or sketches of time-series, for which we have developed intuitive interfaces. We demonstrate the advantages of our method in terms of computational efficiency and accuracy on real historical data as well as synthetic data, and highlight the utility of latent-space projections in the storage and retrieval of financial time-series data with intuitive query modalities.Comment: Accepted to ICAIF 202

    An evaluation of the role of sentiment in second screen microblog search tasks

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    The recent prominence of the real-time web is proving both challenging and disruptive for information retrieval and web data mining research. User-generated content on the real-time web is perhaps best epitomised by content on microblogging platforms, such as Twitter. Given the substantial quantity of microblog posts that may be relevant to a user's query at a point in time, automated methods are required to sift through this information. Sentiment analysis offers a promising direction for modelling microblog content. We build and evaluate a sentiment-based filtering system using real-time user studies. We find a significant role played by sentiment in the search scenarios, observing detrimental effects in filtering out certain sentiment types. We make a series of observations regarding associations between document-level sentiment and user feedback, including associations with user profile attributes, and users' prior topic sentiment

    An Efficient Content-based Time Series Retrieval System

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    A Content-based Time Series Retrieval (CTSR) system is an information retrieval system for users to interact with time series emerged from multiple domains, such as finance, healthcare, and manufacturing. For example, users seeking to learn more about the source of a time series can submit the time series as a query to the CTSR system and retrieve a list of relevant time series with associated metadata. By analyzing the retrieved metadata, users can gather more information about the source of the time series. Because the CTSR system is required to work with time series data from diverse domains, it needs a high-capacity model to effectively measure the similarity between different time series. On top of that, the model within the CTSR system has to compute the similarity scores in an efficient manner as the users interact with the system in real-time. In this paper, we propose an effective and efficient CTSR model that outperforms alternative models, while still providing reasonable inference runtimes. To demonstrate the capability of the proposed method in solving business problems, we compare it against alternative models using our in-house transaction data. Our findings reveal that the proposed model is the most suitable solution compared to others for our transaction data problem

    Interactive Pattern Search in Time Series (2004)

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    The need for pattern discovery in long time series data led researchers to develop algorithms for similarity search. Most of the literature about time series focuses on algorithms that index time series and bring the data into the main storage, thus providing fast information retrieval on large time series. This paper reviews the state of the art in visualizing time series, and focuses on techniques that enable users to interactively query time series. Then it presents TimeSearcher 2, a tool that enables users to explore multidimensional data using coordinated tables and graphs with overview+detail, filter the time series data to reduce the scope of the search, select an existing pattern to find similar occurrences, and interactively adjust similarity parameters to narrow the result set. This tool is an extension of previous work, TimeSearcher 1, which uses graphical timeboxes to interactively query time series data

    Using Search Term Positions for Determining Document Relevance

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    The technological advancements in computer networks and the substantial reduction of their production costs have caused a massive explosion of digitally stored information. In particular, textual information is becoming increasingly available in electronic form. Finding text documents dealing with a certain topic is not a simple task. Users need tools to sift through non-relevant information and retrieve only pieces of information relevant to their needs. The traditional methods of information retrieval (IR) based on search term frequency have somehow reached their limitations, and novel ranking methods based on hyperlink information are not applicable to unlinked documents. The retrieval of documents based on the positions of search terms in a document has the potential of yielding improvements, because other terms in the environment where a search term appears (i.e. the neighborhood) are considered. That is to say, the grammatical type, position and frequency of other words help to clarify and specify the meaning of a given search term. However, the required additional analysis task makes position-based methods slower than methods based on term frequency and requires more storage to save the positions of terms. These drawbacks directly affect the performance of the most user critical phase of the retrieval process, namely query evaluation time, which explains the scarce use of positional information in contemporary retrieval systems. This thesis explores the possibility of extending traditional information retrieval systems with positional information in an efficient manner that permits us to optimize the retrieval performance by handling term positions at query evaluation time. To achieve this task, several abstract representation of term positions to efficiently store and operate on term positional data are investigated. In the Gauss model, descriptive statistics methods are used to estimate term positional information, because they minimize outliers and irregularities in the data. The Fourier model is based on Fourier series to represent positional information. In the Hilbert model, functional analysis methods are used to provide reliable term position estimations and simple mathematical operators to handle positional data. The proposed models are experimentally evaluated using standard resources of the IR research community (Text Retrieval Conference). All experiments demonstrate that the use of positional information can enhance the quality of search results. The suggested models outperform state-of-the-art retrieval utilities. The term position models open new possibilities to analyze and handle textual data. For instance, document clustering and compression of positional data based on these models could be interesting topics to be considered in future research

    Boolean versus ranked querying for biomedical systematic reviews

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    Background: The process of constructing a systematic review, a document that compiles the published evidence pertaining to a specified medical topic, is intensely time-consuming, often taking a team of researchers over a year, with the identification of relevant published research comprising a substantial portion of the effort. The standard paradigm for this information-seeking task is to use Boolean search; however, this leaves the user(s) the requirement of examining every returned result. Further, our experience is that effective Boolean queries for this specific task are extremely difficult to formulate and typically require multiple iterations of refinement before being finalized. Methods: We explore the effectiveness of using ranked retrieval as compared to Boolean querying for the purpose of constructing a systematic review. We conduct a series of experiments involving ranked retrieval, using queries defined methodologically, in an effort to understand the practicalities of incorporating ranked retrieval into the systematic search task. Results: Our results show that ranked retrieval by itself is not viable for this search task requiring high recall. However, we describe a refinement of the standard Boolean search process and show that ranking within a Boolean result set can improve the overall search performance by providing early indication of the quality of the results, thereby speeding up the iterative query-refinement process. Conclusions: Outcomes of experiments suggest that an interactive query-development process using a hybrid ranked and Boolean retrieval system has the potential for significant time-savings over the current search process in the systematic reviewing

    A quasi-current representation for information needs inspired by Two-State Vector Formalism

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    Recently, a number of quantum theory (QT)-based information retrieval (IR) models have been proposed for modeling session search task that users issue queries continuously in order to describe their evolving information needs (IN). However, the standard formalism of QT cannot provide a complete description for usersā€™ current IN in a sense that it does not take the ā€˜futureā€™ information into consideration. Therefore, to seek a more proper and complete representation for usersā€™ IN, we construct a representation of quasi-current IN inspired by an emerging Two-State Vector Formalism (TSVF). With the enlightenment of the completeness of TSVF, a ā€œtwo-state vectorā€ derived from the ā€˜futureā€™ (the current query) and the ā€˜historyā€™ (the previous query) is employed to describe usersā€™ quasi-current IN in a more complete way. Extensive experiments are conducted on the session tracks of TREC 2013 & 2014, and show that our model outperforms a series of compared IR models
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