1,793 research outputs found

    Modelação e Negociação de Flexibilidade em Comunidades de Energia Renovável

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    The progressive replacement of traditional generation resources with intermittent resources has reduced the available supply-side flexibility and increased the need to unlock flexibility on the demand-side. At the same time, the rising electricity consumption in residential buildings requires an analysis of the potential flexibility of the loads within them to contribute to the operation needs of electrical grids. Lastly, regulations governing self consumption have allowed end consumers to form energy communities based on local electricity markets. This is an additional incentive to define strategies for trading available flexibility at local level, in separate but simultaneously integrated structures within wholesale electricity markets. The proposed dissertation work focuses on studying the flexibility of energy production and consumption by prosumers within a Renewable Energy Community (REC). The objective is to investigate how residential flexibility can be determined, modeled, and aggregated for trading in a local market created for this purpose. The work to be developed will present a two-stage model that determines residential technical flexibility and establishes a local market only for its transaction. In the first stage, the optimal scheduling of domestic devices (flexible units or FUs) for each prosumer is determined, serving as a baseline for comparison, along with the technical limits of flexibility (maximum and minimum possible consumption profiles) for each FU. In the second stage, a market model is established only for flexibility exchanges. The technical flexibility determined in the first stage is offered to the Community Manager (CM) as flexibility offer, with an associated price. This entity acts as an aggregator and simultaneously as the operator of the local market. At this level, the Distribution System Operator (DSO) submits its flexibility requirements for the next day to the CM, who is responsible for executing the clearing process. The pricing of the flexibility offered by prosumers in the market is based on the base energy tariff they are subject to, which corresponds to the cost of their optimal scheduling obtained in the first stage, without considering this flexibility. Therefore, offering flexibility becomes an incentive to reduce prosumers energy costs or increase their utility, complementing their mere participation in energy markets. A case study based on a renewable energy community with a strong penetration of emerging technologies is used to validate and demonstrate the relevance of the proposed approach in terms of determining and activating residential FU flexibility. The obtained results show that participation in the local flexibility market leads to a reduction in prosumers energy costs, around 4.5%, in average. It can be an incentive for prosumers to join RECs that would not only have local energy trading structures but also mechanisms for negotiating and sharing flexibility. In addition, it was evidenced that the impact of electric vehicle chargers and battery energy storage systems on the total flexibility offered and accepted in the market is much greater than that the impact of other small loads studied. This not only constitutes an incentive for the study of the operational flexibility of these resources but also for investments in these emerging technologies.A substituição progressiva dos recursos de geração tradicionais por recursos intermitentes tem reduzido a flexibilidade disponível do lado da oferta e aumentado a necessidade de desbloqueá-la do lado da procura. Ao mesmo tempo, o aumento do consumo de eletricidade nos edifícios residenciais obriga a que seja analisada a flexibilidade potencial das cargas que o constituem, de modo a contribuir para as necessidades de operação das redes elétricas. Por último, a regulamentação do autoconsumo, tem permitido aos consumidores finais constituir comunidades energéticas baseadas em mercados locais de eletricidade. Isto torna ainda mais importante a definição de estratégias para comercializar a flexibilidade disponível a esse nível, em estruturas de mercado local separadas, mas simultaneamente integradas nos mercados grossistas de eletricidade. O trabalho proposto para dissertação assenta no estudo da flexibilidade da produção e consumo de energia por parte dos prosumidores de uma Comunidade de Energia Renovável. O objetivo é estudar como a flexibilidade residencial pode ser determinada, modelada e agregada de modo a ser transacionada num mercado local criado para esse fim. Assim, o trabalho a ser desenvolvido apresentará um modelo de dois estágios que determina a flexibilidade técnica residencial e cria um mercado local exclusivo para transaciona-la. Numa primeira fase, determina-se o escalonamento óptimo dos dispositivos domésticos (unidades flexíveis ou UF) de cada prosumidor, o que constitui uma baseline de comparação, bem como os limites técnicos de flexibilidade (perfis de consumo máximos e mínimos possíveis) de cada UF. Num segundo estágio, é estabelecido um modelo de mercado apenas para trocas de flexibilidade. A flexibilidade técnica determinada no primeiro estágio é disponibilizada ao Gestor de Comunidade (CM), enquanto oferta de flexibilidade, com um preço associado. Esta entidade desempenha as funções de agregador e simultaneamente de operador do mercado local. A este nível, o Operador do Sistema de Distribuição (ORD) submete os seus requisitos de flexibilidade, para o dia seguinte, ao CM, que é responsável pelo executar o clearing. A precificação da flexibilidade oferecida pelos prosumidores em mercado é feita com base no valor da tarifa base de energia a que estão sujeitos, que corresponde ao custo do seu escalonamento ótimo, obtido no primeiro estágio, que não considera essa mesma flexibilidade. Portanto, oferecer flexibilidade torna-se um incentivo para reduzir os custos energéticos dos prosumidores ou aumentar a sua utilidade, o que complementa a sua mera participação nos mercados de energia. Um caso de estudo baseado numa comunidade de energia com forte penetração de tecnologias emergentes é utilizado e valida a metodologia desenvolvida. Para além disso é evidenciada a relevância da abordagem proposta em termos de determinação e ativação da flexibilidade de UFs residenciais os impactos das mesmas no fecho de mercado. Os resultados evidenciam que participação no mercado local de flexibilidade induz uma redução dos custos energéticos dos prosumidores, na casa 4.5%, em média. O impacto dos carregadores de veículos elétricos e dos sistemas de armazenamento de energia em baterias na flexibilidade total oferecida e aceite em mercado é muito superior ao de outras pequenas cargas estudadas. Tudo isto pode vir a resultar num incentivo ao investimento nos recursos referidos, bem como à associação de prosumidores em comunidades de energia renovável, onde para além de estruturas locais de comercialização de energia, existam outras que permitam a negociação e partilha de flexibilidade

    Towards flexibility trading at TSO-DSO-customer levels : a review

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    The serious problem of climate change has led the energy sector to modify its generation resources from fuel-based power plants to environmentally friendly renewable resources. However, these green resources are highly intermittent due to weather dependency and they produce increased risks of stability issues in power systems. The deployment of different flexible resources can help the system to become more resilient and secure against uncertainties caused by renewables. Flexible resources can be located at different levels in power systems like, for example, at the transmission-level (TSO), distribution-level (DSO) and customer-level. Each of these levels may have different structures of flexibility trading as well. This paper conducts a comprehensive review from the recent research related to flexible resources at various system levels in smart grids and assesses the trading structures of these resources. Finally, it analyzes the application of a newly emerged ICT technology, blockchain, in the context of flexibility trading.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Towards Flexibility Trading at TSO-DSO-Customer Levels: A Review

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    The serious problem of climate change has led the energy sector to modify its generation resources from fuel-based power plants to environmentally friendly renewable resources. However, these green resources are highly intermittent due to weather dependency and they produce increased risks of stability issues in power systems. The deployment of different flexible resources can help the system to become more resilient and secure against uncertainties caused by renewables. Flexible resources can be located at different levels in power systems like, for example, at the transmission-level (TSO), distribution-level (DSO) and customer-level. Each of these levels may have different structures of flexibility trading as well. This paper conducts a comprehensive review from the recent research related to flexible resources at various system levels in smart grids and assesses the trading structures of these resources. Finally, it analyzes the application of a newly emerged ICT technology, blockchain, in the context of flexibility trading

    Management of local citizen energy communities and bilateral contracting in multi-agent electricity markets

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    ABSTRACT: Over the last few decades, the electricity sector has experienced several changes, resulting in different electricity markets (EMs) models and paradigms. In particular, liberalization has led to the establishment of a wholesale market for electricity generation and a retail market for electricity retailing. In competitive EMs, customers can do the following: freely choose their electricity suppliers; invest in variable renewable energy such as solar photovoltaic; become prosumers; or form local alliances such as Citizen Energy Communities (CECs). Trading of electricity can be done in spot and derivatives markets, or by bilateral contracts. This article focuses on CECs. Specifically, it presents how agent-based local consumers can form alliances as CECs, manage their resources, and trade on EMs. It also presents a review of how agent-based systems can model and support the formation and interaction of alliances in the electricity sector. The CEC can trade electricity directly with sellers through private bilateral agreements. During the negotiation of private bilateral contracts, the CEC receives the prices and volumes of their members and according to its negotiation strategy, tries to satisfy the electricity demands of all members and reduce their costs for electricity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The role of intelligent systems in the development of peer-to-peer systems for energetic distribution management

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    Intelligent Systems are one of today’s greatest strengths, while environmental sustainability is one of today’s biggest challenges. This study aims to integrate the most recent innovations in intelligent technologies with the development of smart energy grids and Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems for energetic distribution. Specifically, it investigates the complex relations between these concepts, while analysing how developments in each field both influence and are influenced by each other. To do so, this study answers three research questions. The first one regards the implementation of Intelligent Systems, the second concerns the development of Smart Grids, while the third is concerned with the possibility of building P2P Systems. To provide relevant conclusions, an extensive literature review regarding all subjects was carried, along with a statistical analysis of three online surveys. The obtained results show that there are significant influences and connections between the development of intelligent technologies and the implementation of smart grids and P2P Systems, thus supporting several hypotheses formulated for this study. On this basis, conclusions are drawn concerning the high value of each topic in separate, and the even higher value of the topics when integrated.Sistemas Inteligentes são um dos maiores benefícios dos dias de hoje, enquanto a sustentabilidade ambiental é um dos maiores desafios. Este estudo pretende integrar as mais recentes inovações em tecnologias inteligentes com o desenvolvimento de redes de energia inteligentes (Smart Grids) e sistemas Peer-to-Peer (P2P) para distribuição energética. Especificamente, investiga as relações complexas entre estes conceitos, enquanto analisa como desenvolvimentos em cada área influenciam e são influenciados pelas outras. Para isso, este estudo responde a três questões de pesquisa. A primeira relaciona-se com a implementação de Sistemas Inteligentes, a segunda com o desenvolvimento de Redes Inteligentes, e a terceira está relacionada com a possibilidade de construir Sistemas P2P. Para obter conclusões relevantes, foi feita uma extensa revisão de literatura relativa a todos os temas, assim como uma análise estatística de três questionários online. Os resultados obtidos mostram que existem influências e conexões significativas entre o desenvolvimento de tecnologias inteligentes e a implementação de Smart Grids e Sistemas P2P, suportando assim múltiplas hipóteses formuladas para este estudo. Com esta base, são retiradas conclusões que confirmam o elevado valor de cada tópico em separado, e o ainda maior valor dos tópicos quando integrados

    Development of an Energy Management System Control Algorithm for a Remote Community Microgrid System

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    Rural communities are often unable to access electrical energy as they are located away from the national grid. Renewable energy sources (RESs) make it possible to provide electrical energy to these isolated areas. Sustainable generation is possible at a local level and is not dependent on connection to a national power grid

    Performance analysis of blockchain-based smart grid with Ethereum and Hyperledger implementations

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    Abstract. Smart grids lay the foundation for future communities. Smart homes, smart buildings, smart streets, and smart offices are built when intelligent devices piles on intelligent devices. To reach the maximum capacity, they all must be supported by an intelligent power supply. For optimal and real-time electricity consumption, monitoring and trading, blockchain possess number of potential benefits in its application to electricity infrastructure. A comprehensive system architecture of blockchain-based smart grid is proposed and peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading is implemented between Distribution System Operators (DSO), Local energy providers and Consumers. This thesis presents a virtual smart grid equipped with smart contracts capable of virtual activities like market payment function and the comparison and the performance of the blockchain-based smart grid by using Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric-based implementations. The challenges faced during the implementation of blockchain protocols are discussed and evaluation in the light of finding sustainable solutions to develop secure and reliable smart grid operations, is the major objective of the thesis

    Incorporating Semantic Knowledge into Dynamic Data Processing for Smart Power Grids

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    Abstract. Semantic Web allows us to model and query time-invariant or slowly evolving knowledge using ontologies. Emerging applications in Cyber Physical Systems such as Smart Power Grids that require contin-uous information monitoring and integration present novel opportunities and challenges for Semantic Web technologies. Semantic Web is promis-ing to model diverse Smart Grid domain knowledge for enhanced situa-tion awareness and response by multi-disciplinary participants. However, current technology does pose a performance overhead for dynamic anal-ysis of sensor measurements. In this paper, we combine semantic web and complex event processing for stream based semantic querying. We illustrate its adoption in the USC Campus Micro-Grid for detecting and enacting dynamic response strategies to peak power situations by di-verse user roles. We also describe the semantic ontology and event query model that supports this. Further, we introduce and evaluate caching techniques to improve the response time for semantic event queries to meet our application needs and enable sustainable energy management

    State-of-the-art integration of decentralized energy management systems into the German smart meter gateway infrastructure

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    The German Smart Meter Gateway (SMGW) infrastructure enables digital access to metering data and distributed energy resources by external parties. There are, however, various restrictions in order to guarantee the privacy of consumers, and strong security requirements. Furthermore, in the current state of development, there are still several challenges to overcome in order to implement demand side management (DSM) measures. In this paper, we present a prototype enabling DSM measures within the SMGW infrastructure, using the smart grid traffic light concept. The prototype implements an automated decentralized energy management system (EMS) that optimally controls an electric vehicle charging station. In the development of this prototype, we did not only evaluate five of the seven available SMGW devices, but also push the limits of the infrastructure itself. The experiments demonstrated the successful implementation of the intended DSM measure by the EMS. Even though there are technical guidelines standardizing the functionality of SMGWs, our evaluation shows that there are substantial differences between the individual SMGW devices