2,776,345 research outputs found

    Data quality management and evolution of information systems

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    Information systems have been rapidly evolving from monolithic/ transactional to network/service based systems. The issue of data quality is becoming increasingly important, since information in new information systems is ubiquitous, diverse, uncontrolled. In the paper we examine data quality from the point of view of dimensions and methodologies proposed for data quality measurement and improvement. Dimensions and methodologies are examined in their relationship with the different types of data, from structured to unstructured, the evolution of information systems, and the diverse application areas.The past and the future of information systems: 1976-2006 and beyondRed de Universidades con Carreras en InformĂĄtica (RedUNCI

    Data Accuracy and Completeness of Monthly Midwifery Returns Indicators of Ejisu Juaben Health Directorate of Ghana

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    The broad range of activities contained in the provision of Primary Health Care (PHC) places a burden on providers to make optimal use of limited resources to achieve maximal health benefit to the population served. All too often, ad hoc decisions and personal preferences guide PHC resource allocations, making accountability for results impossible. Problems constraining Routine Health Information System (RHIS) performance in low-income countries include: poor data quality; limited use of available information; weaknesses in how data are analyzed and poor RHIS management practices. This study sought to investigate these constraints. A non-experimental before and after study involving bassline assessment of data accuracy and completeness, application of innovative strategies such as mentoring and coaching of Health Information Officers in data quality improvement process. Coincidentally, the intervention improved both data accuracy and completeness performance significantly among the participating facilities. The outstanding performance may be attributed to management's new orientation and growing interest towards quality data. Engaging frontline staff in data quality improvement work and provision of regular feedback leads to improvement in data accuracy and completeness. This has implications for decision-making and resource allocation, especially in low-income countries, where the routine health information management system relies heavily on paper work

    Information Extraction, Data Integration, and Uncertain Data Management: The State of The Art

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    Information Extraction, data Integration, and uncertain data management are different areas of research that got vast focus in the last two decades. Many researches tackled those areas of research individually. However, information extraction systems should have integrated with data integration methods to make use of the extracted information. Handling uncertainty in extraction and integration process is an important issue to enhance the quality of the data in such integrated systems. This article presents the state of the art of the mentioned areas of research and shows the common grounds and how to integrate information extraction and data integration under uncertainty management cover


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    Data quality has been shown to be a major determinant of the value of systems that utilize input data feeds and transform them into valuable information under a variety of business contexts. For this study, we have chosen a financial risk management context to investigate the relationship between data quality and value of risk management forecasting systems. Three attributes of data quality, frequency, response time, and accuracy, along with the cost of data are considered. Joint impacts of attributes are also considered. It is shown that an increase in report frequency results in an increase in the utility of a risk management forecasting system, but this increase is limited by the responsiveness of the hedging scheme. Frequency is shown to improve the utility of the forecasting systems in two ways: First, an increase in frequency pushes the predicted states closer to the actual states and second, an increase in frequency causes the reliability of the forecasting model to increase. A delay in response time of reports is predicted to have a greater impact on utility for high frequency reports than for low frequency reports. Finally, data inaccuracies are recommended to be the first concern of a portfolio manager before an attempt is made to increase the reporting frequency.Information Systems Working Papers Serie

    Health information systems

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    Healthcare is an information intensive industry in which quality and timely information is a critical resource. There are a wide range of information systems in health that perform different functions but all are involved in the management of data and information. This chapter provides an overview of Health Information Systems and their use in supporting healthcare


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    The system of academic activities in higher education institutions is a program created to enable students and academic activities to communicate with each other. The mainpurpose of the existence of this system is to provide guidance and mentoring to students in their academic direction. Web-based system has been used as a medium for students to obtain information specifically related to academic course of study and learning. The use of the web-based system is to facilitate the process of selecting courses for planning of studies. The aims of this research are to design and implement quality management system based on International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in higher education or university with android and to know the respondents’ reaction regarding the new design quality management system based on ISO in higher education or university with android. The tools that used in this research are hardware and sofware. In this research use quality management system based on ISO 9001 (quality control) and the process of managing the data in the application of Android telephone celuler will use to implement the system to achieve the result of the research. The sample is 15 students of Information System Department students in Diponegoro University. The method analysis use in this research is descriptive analysis. The result of this study is the develop of information systems used in the higher education or university to know the quality management system based on ISO using Android. The information system to know the quality management system based on ISO using Android telephon celluler is very useful and easy to aplicated. New findings/significance that the design of this information system can help to aplicatedquality management system based on ISO using Android. Keywords: ISO, educational system, academic advisor

    Adequacy, suitability, effectiveness and efficiency of quality management systems: How to perceive and assess them?

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    Purpose: The paper brings set of original information related to the ISO 9001: 2015 standard's requirements focused on assessment and review of quality management systems adequacy, suitability and effectiveness. Methodology/Approach: Brainstorming, field research, seminars, comparative literature analysis, interviews and design review were used. Findings: According to the ISO 9001: 2015 the quality management systems adequacy, suitability and effectiveness must be assessed and reviewed, in spite of the terms adequacy and suitability are not defined at the ISO 9000: 2015 standard at all. Also literature review has discovered serious absentation in this area of interest. Additionally: the most of organizations managers (including quality professionals) do not understand these features of the modern quality management systems. Research Limitation/implication: Special research activities focused on perception and practical using the quality management systems adequacy, suitability and effectiveness assessment and review was performed on sample of 172 Czech organizations (with 30 % response rate). A hypotheses described by Fig. 1 below cannot be confirmed as relevant data are unobtainable from Czech organizations at present. Originality/Value of paper: The paper brings original set of information, regarding to definitions of terms as well as development of the quality management systems adequacy, suitability and effectiveness assessment and review at different types of organizations.Web of Science202523

    NHEP Data Management Plan

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    A goal of the New Hampshire Estuaries Project (NHEP) and its monitoring program is to promote a cooperative effort by all agencies and organizations who participate in monitoring activities, in order to maximize the usefulness of current monitoring efforts and available data. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to effectively manage the large volume of existing information as well as new information that will be developed through the NHEP monitoring program. Data and information about NH’s estuaries now exists in multiple formats within a variety of organizations. Existing monitoring programs are designed to meet the missions of the various implementing organizations. The organizations use different procedures and protocols for data collection, analysis, storage, and reporting. Coordination of data management among organizations is currently limited. This Data Management Plan contains protocols for data reporting to the NHEP to facilitate data integration. Different protocols will be applied to different types of data (e.g., chemical, geospatial, and biological). The protocols will be considered contract requirements for NHEP monitoring programs and recommended guidelines for other partners. This plan also includes protocols for conducting quality assurance tests on water quality data to ensure the integrity of the NHEP indicators

    Maintenance Knowledge Management with Fusion of CMMS and CM

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    Abstract- Maintenance can be considered as an information, knowledge processing and management system. The management of knowledge resources in maintenance is a relatively new issue compared to Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) and Condition Monitoring (CM) approaches and systems. Information Communication technologies (ICT) systems including CMMS, CM and enterprise administrative systems amongst others are effective in supplying data and in some cases information. In order to be effective the availability of high-quality knowledge, skills and expertise are needed for effective analysis and decision-making based on the supplied information and data. Information and data are not by themselves enough, knowledge, experience and skills are the key factors when maximizing the usability of the collected data and information. Thus, effective knowledge management (KM) is growing in importance, especially in advanced processes and management of advanced and expensive assets. Therefore efforts to successfully integrate maintenance knowledge management processes with accurate information from CMMSs and CM systems will be vital due to the increasing complexities of the overall systems. Low maintenance effectiveness costs money and resources since normal and stable production cannot be upheld and maintained over time, lowered maintenance effectiveness can have a substantial impact on the organizations ability to obtain stable flows of income and control costs in the overall process. Ineffective maintenance is often dependent on faulty decisions, mistakes due to lack of experience and lack of functional systems for effective information exchange [10]. Thus, access to knowledge, experience and skills resources in combination with functional collaboration structures can be regarded as vital components for a high maintenance effectiveness solution. Maintenance effectiveness depends in part on the quality, timeliness, accuracy and completeness of information related to machine degradation state, based on which decisions are made. Maintenance effectiveness, to a large extent, also depends on the quality of the knowledge of the managers and maintenance operators and the effectiveness of the internal & external collaborative environments. With emergence of intelligent sensors to measure and monitor the health state of the component and gradual implementation of ICT) in organizations, the conceptualization and implementation of E-Maintenance is turning into a reality. Unfortunately, even though knowledge management aspects are important in maintenance, the integration of KM aspects has still to find its place in E-Maintenance and in the overall information flows of larger-scale maintenance solutions. Nowadays, two main systems are implemented in most maintenance departments: Firstly, Computer Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS), the core of traditional maintenance record-keeping practices that often facilitate the usage of textual descriptions of faults and actions performed on an asset. Secondly, condition monitoring systems (CMS). Recently developed (CMS) are capable of directly monitoring asset components parameters; however, attempts to link observed CMMS events to CM sensor measurements have been limited in their approach and scalability. In this article we present one approach for addressing this challenge. We argue that understanding the requirements and constraints in conjunction - from maintenance, knowledge management and ICT perspectives - is necessary. We identify the issues that need be addressed for achieving successful integration of such disparate data types and processes (also integrating knowledge management into the “data types” and processes)
