4 research outputs found

    Information literacy in the education system: research overview

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    Informacijska pismenost je u današnje vrijeme mnogo više od samog pristupa informaciji i pretraživanja po Webu, ona također mora uključivati i kritičko promišljanje. U radu se donosi pregled relevantnih istraživanja o informacijskoj pismenosti u obrazovnom sustavu. Uz sama istraživanja također se navode primjeri dobre prakse podučavanja informacijske pismenosti. Cilj rada je prikazati istraživanja koja se bave inplementacijom koncepta informacijske pismenosti u nastavne programe i procese unutar obrazovnih ustanova Prvi dio rada pojašnjava pojam informacijske pismenosti te donosi teorijske okvire koncepta kroz relevantne modele koji su usko povezani s obrazovanjem. Drugi dio rada se odnosi na pregled domaćih i stranih istraživanja kroz tri razine obrazovanja. Primarna, sekundarna i akademska razina pokazuju različite potrebe i načine podučavanja informacijske pismenosti. Osim samih učenika i studenata, pregled istraživanja je obuhvatio možda i najvažnije sudionike tog procesa a to su knjižničari. Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na izvjestan nedostatak vještina i znanja o pravilnom postavljanju upita pretraživanja, prepoznavanju točnih od netočnih informacija, interpretiranje rezultata, te u skladu s etikom njihovo predstavljanje. Dosadašnja iskustva govore o pojedinačnim aktivnostima održavanja izbornih kolegija, modula unutar obveznih kolegija, radionica, različitih programa i projekata. Knjižničari u suradnji s nastavnicima trebaju kreirati modele informacijskog opismenjavanja te postati važna karika u informacijskom opismenjavanjuInformation literacy today is much more than just accessing information and searching the Web, it must also involve critical reflection. The paper provides an overview of relevant research on information literacy in the education system. The research itself also provides examples of good information literacy teaching practices. The aim of this paper is to present the research that deals with the implementation of the concept of information literacy in curricula and processes within educational institutions. The second part deals with the overview of domestic and foreign research through three levels of education. The primary, secondary and academic levels show different needs and ways of teaching information literacy. In addition to the students themselves, the survey review covered perhaps the most important participants in the process, namely librarians. The results indicate a certain lack of skills and knowledge on how to correctly place search queries, identify true from false information, interpret the results, and present them in accordance with ethics. Past experience speaks about individual elective courses, modules within compulsory courses, workshops, various programs and projects. Librarians, in collaboration with teachers, should create models of information literacy and become an important link in information literacy

    Critical information literacy: A political trend that is increasingly necessary

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    We are living in a reality in which the practices of access and use of digital information are saturated with disinformation, fake news, and hate speech that are met with no serious repercussions at either the political or the social level. Critical information literacy, as a movement of information activism with theoretical and practical components, is shown to be an opportunity to contribute to the construction of an informed and ethical society. We present an overview of critical information literacy from its origins, focusing on the educational field and professional practice