286 research outputs found

    High Fidelity Model of Ball Screws to Support Model-based Health Monitoring

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    The 15th Aerospace Mechanisms Symposium

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    Technological areas covered include: aerospace propulsion; aerodynamic devices; crew safety; space vehicle control; spacecraft deployment, positioning, and pointing; deployable antennas/reflectors; and large space structures. Devices for payload deployment, payload retention, and crew extravehicular activities on the space shuttle orbiter are also described

    Antenna pattern shaping, sensing, and steering study Final report

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    Design of steerable satellite antenna with beam pattern sensing syste

    An investigation of gear meshing behaviour of planetary gear systems for improved fault diagnosis

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    This research has presented gear dynamic models and associated simulations to improve gear fault detection. These models include the use of finite element and lumped parameter methods for both fixed axis and planetary gear systems. The findings in this research provide an improved understanding of the gear fault mechanism and advance the gear fault detection capability of the whole drive train system. It also suggests further effective ways of monitoring the whole gear train system

    Mechanical Engineering

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    The book substantially offers the latest progresses about the important topics of the "Mechanical Engineering" to readers. It includes twenty-eight excellent studies prepared using state-of-art methodologies by professional researchers from different countries. The sections in the book comprise of the following titles: power transmission system, manufacturing processes and system analysis, thermo-fluid systems, simulations and computer applications, and new approaches in mechanical engineering education and organization systems

    Spatial and Temporal Investigation of Real World Crosswind Effects on Transient Aerodynamic Drag Losses in Heavy Duty Truck Trailers in the US

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    Decreasing truck fuel usage and climate change gas production is of national and global importance. This study focuses on large, heavy-duty on-road tractor trailer combinations because of their impact in terms of fuel consumption levels, emissions, and their dominance in freight transportation in the United States, which offers substantial potential to improve efficiency of the transportation sector and reduce emissions. The US Department of Energy completed a study of this topic in 2009, and the EPA and NHTSA are both engaged in regulating truck efficiency. The Energy Information Administration (EIA) reported that more than 50 percent of the total diesel consumed was for transportation and this percentage will increase. With about 65 percent of the total engine-out energy consumed by a typical heavy-duty tractor trailer being spent on overcoming aerodynamic drag at highway speeds (55mph in the USA), improvements to aerodynamic performance offers a substantial avenue for reduction in fuel usage and emissions. Besides being directly related to fuel consumption, emissions, maximum speed and acceleration, aerodynamic phenomena also influence the stability characteristics of road vehicles, and their response to crosswinds. Crosswinds from any directions will affect the drag losses and will cause a significant change in pressure distribution along the truck body. The main objective of this research is to provide a better understanding of the influence of crosswinds on the aerodynamic performance of heavy-duty tractor trailers in the United States.;A model to calculate on-road crosswinds for any temporal and spatial conditions from time-varying weather data, vehicle position and road data was developed. This transient model combined with drag data obtained from experimental, steady-state wind tunnel testing and numerical simulations for various tractor trailer configurations, the transient nature of coefficient of drag due to on-road crosswind conditions (from the model) was analyzed. Variations in yaw angle of up to 17 degrees were observed in some cases where the average yaw angle was recorded at only 3 degrees. Relationships between wind speed, yaw angle, drag and overall truck efficiency were clearly established. The research statistically measured the interaction between aerodynamic add-on devices, on-road crosswinds, and drag reduction efficiency. A region-based and time-based analysis was conducted to provide a better understanding of the aerodynamic performance of a baseline tractor-trailer configuration and aerodynamic add on devices. In several cases, the coefficient of drag varied as much as 60% on the routes analyzed and reductions in aerodynamic drag force up to 25% could realized by using the appropriate aerodynamic configurations. The application of these results will improve the estimation accuracy in fuel, emissions prediction models by allowing temporally and spatially disaggregated data input parameters. Finally, the study presented the different methods in which coefficient of drag is estimated and how these differences could play a role in misleading information about the aerodynamic characteristics of a tractor trailer

    Roles of polymorphisms and expression of genes coding for chemokines CX3C ligand 1 and CXC ligand 16 and their receptors in the development and progression of multiple sclerosis in Serbia

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    Multipla skleroza je hroniĉna inflamatorna, autoimunska, demijelinizaciona i neurodegenerativna bolest centralnog nervnog sistema (CNS-a). Hemokini i njihovi receptori predstavljaju znaĉajne medijatore inflamacije koji uĉestvuju u patogenezi odreĊenih hroniĉnih inflamatornih i autoimunskih bolesti meĊu kojima je i multipla skleroza. Ciljni hemokini u ovoj studiji, CX3C ligand 1 (CX3CL1) i CXC ligand 16 (CXCL16), specifiĉni su po tome što postoje u dve forme - kao transmembranski adhezivni molekuli i kao solubilni hemoatraktanti koji nastaju nakon proteolitiĉkog seĉenja vanćelijskih hemokinskih domena njihovih transmembranskih formi. U toku inflamatornog odgovora, na membrani endotelnih vaskularnih ćelija eksprimirani su CX3CL1 i CXCL16, a na membrani leukocita receptori za CX3CL1 (CX3CR1) i CXCL16 (CXCR6), te ovi hemokini i njihovi receptori posreduju u prodiranju leukocita iz krvi u tkivo zahvaćeno inflamacijom, podsticanjem hemotaksije i adhezije leukocita za aktivirani endotel krvnog suda. Ova studija obuhvata genetsko-epidemiološku analizu polimorfizama zamena pojedinaĉnih nukleotida u kodirajućim regionima gena, koje rezultuju zamenama aminokiselina. To su polimorfizmi V249I i T280M u genu za CX3CR1, i I123T i A181V u genu za CXCL16. U prethodnim studijama je pokazano da ovi genski polimorfizmi menjaju funkcionalna svojstva CX3CR1 i CXCL16, kao i da su asocirani sa patogenezom odreĊenih hroniĉnih inflamatornih bolesti. Uzimajući to u obzir, ova studija je imala za cilj da po prvi put ispita asocijaciju navedenih polimorfizama u genima za CX3CR1 i CXCL16 sa nastankom i progresijom multiple skleroze. Primenom alel-specifiĉne PCR metode i PIRA PCR-RFLP metode detektovani su genotipovi polimorfizama V249I i T280M u genu za CX3CR1, kod zdravih kontrola i pacijenata sa multiplom sklerozom. UtvrĊeno je da haplotip I249T280 u genu za CX3CR1 ima znaĉajno veću uĉestalost kod pacijenata sa relapsno-remitentnom (RR) formom, u odnosu na pacijente sa sekundarno-progresivnom (SP) formom multiple skleroze, što znaĉi da ovaj haplotip ima protektivni efekat na progresiju RR u SP formu bolesti...Multiple sclerosis is a chronic inflammatory, autoimmune, demyelinating and neurodegenerative disease of the central nervous system (CNS). Chemokines and their receptors are important mediators of inflammation, which are involved in pathogenesis of certain chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases including multiple sclerosis. Chemokines of interest in this study, CX3C ligand 1 (CX3CL1) and CXC ligand 16 (CXCL16), are specific in that they can exist either as transmembrane adhesion molecules or soluble chemoattractants being generated by proteolytic cleavage of their transmembrane forms’ extracellular domains. During the inflammatory response, CX3CL1 and CXCL16 are expressed on the surface of vascular endothelium, while the leukocytes produce membrane receptors for CX3CL1 (CX3CR1) and CXCL16 (CXCR6). Therefore, these chemokines and their receptors mediate the infiltration of leukocytes from blood into the inflamed tissue areas, by stimulation of both chemotaxis and adhesion of leukocytes to the activated endothelium of blood vessels. This study is based on genetic epidemiological analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms, which are located in the coding regions of genes and result in amino acids’ substitutions. These are V249I and T280M substitutions in the gene coding for CX3CR1, and I123T and A181V substitutions in the gene coding for CXCL16. In previous studies these polymorphisms have been associated with the functional properties of CX3CR1 and CXCL16 as well as the pathogenesis of certain chronic inflammatory diseases. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the association of the polymorphisms in CX3CR1 and CXCL16 genes with the development and progression of multiple sclerosis. Using the allele-specific PCR and PIRA PCR-RFLP methods, genotypes of CX3CR1 V249I and T280M polymorphisms were detected in healthy controls and patients with multiple sclerosis. Following statistical analysis showed significantly higher frequency of CX3CR1 I249T280 haplotype in patients with relapsingremitting (RR) form, compared to patients with secondary-progressive (SP) form of multiple sclerosis, so this haplotype had a protective effect on progression of RR to SP form of the disease..

    Travolution is a built-in road safety system for passenger cars

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    Об’єктом дослідження є процеси, що відбуваються в активній електропневматичній підвісці електромобіля для зменшення наслідків ДТП у разі бокового зіткнення. Метою дослідження є підвищення пасивної безпеки електромобіля за рахунок дослідження та розробки системи безпеки від бокового удару. Метод дослідження – дослідження та розробка електричних систем і комплексів електромобілів. Предметом дослідження є система безпеки електромобіля від бічного зіткнення. У магістерській роботі вирішується актуальна проблема підвищення пасивної безпеки електромобіля за рахунок дослідження та розробки системи захисту від бічного зіткнення. The object of research is the processes taking place in the active electropneumatic suspension of an electric car to reduce the consequences of an accident in the event of a side collision. The purpose of the research is to increase the passive safety of the electric vehicle account of the research and development of the side impact safety system. Research method – research and development of electrical systems and complexes of electric vehicles. The subject of the study is the safety system of an electric car against side impact collision. The master's thesis solves an actual problem related to increasing the passive safety of an electric vehicle due to research and development of a side collision safety system..INTRODUCTION 7 1 RESEARCH OF VEHICLE SECURITY SYSTEMS 9 1.1 CAR SECURITY SYSTEMS 9 1.2 ACTIVE SAFETY SYSTEMS 11 1.3 SAFETY PASSIVE SYSTEM 16 2 RESEARCH OF ELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS OF ELECTRIC VEHICLES 19 2.1 TESLA MODEL S ELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS 19 2.2 TESLA MODEL S POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM. 24 2.3 ACTIVE PNEUMATIC SUSPENSION. 33 2.4 ELECTRONIC STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM. 34 2.1 ELECTRIC POWER STEERING. 35 2.2 ELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS OF AUDI E-TRONE 36 2.3 AUDI E-TRONE AIRBAGS 37 2.4 AUDI E-TRONE SHOCK SENSOR. 38 3 DEVELOPMENT OF AN ELECTRIC VEHICLE SAFETY SYSTEM AGAINST A SIDE COLLISION 40 3.1 PRINCIPLES OF BUILDING A MACHINE VISION SECURITY SYSTEM 40 3.2 MACHINE VISION BASED ON THE USE OF VIDEO CAMERAS. 41 3.3 MACHINE VISION BASED ON THE USE OF LASERS. 45 3.4 CONSTRUCTION OF THE SAFETY SYSTEM OF AN ELECTRIC VEHICLE AGAINST A SIDE COLLISION 52 4 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND EMERGENCY SAFETY 59 4.1 EFFECTS OF ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION ON THE HUMAN BODY 59 4.2 TYPES OF HAZARDS 62 4.3 ROAD TRANSPORT SAFETY 65 4.4 CONCLUSIONS 65 CONCLUSIONS 67 REFERENCES 68 APPENDI