516 research outputs found

    Influence of the start-up system in the diagnosis of faults in the rotor of induction motors using the Discrete Wavelet Transform

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    [EN] In previous articles, both the procedure and the advantages of the use of advanced mathematical tools,(as for example the Discrete Wavelet Transforms (DWT) and the continuous wavelet transforms (CWT)), for the time-frequency analysis of current signals captured in the stator during transients of starting and stopping have been deeply justified. The purpose of this analysis is the detection of rotor asymmetries as well as of possible eccentricities in induction motors. This article aims to analyze, from a qualitative point of view, the influence of the starting system on the results of the diagnosis method based on the analysis of the start-up current by using the DWT. Likewise, emphasis made on the impact and influence in the Wavelet Analysis (either through DWT or CWT) of harmonics introduced by the network, the motor itself and the possible fluctuations in the load torque. The results demonstrate the validity of the method, which presents a great robustness, regardless of the starting method or operating conditions. The theoretical conclusions were supported by actual measurements obtained in laboratory motors.Corral Hernandez, JA.; Antonino Daviu, JA. (2016). Influence of the start-up system in the diagnosis of faults in the rotor of induction motors using the Discrete Wavelet Transform. Procedia Computer Science. 83:807-815. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2016.04.170S8078158

    Wavelet-Based Analysis of MCSA for Fault Detection in Electrical Machine

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    Early detection of irregularity in electrical machines is important because of their diversity of use in different fields. A proper fault detection scheme helps to stop the propagation of failure or limits its escalation to severe degrees, and thus it prevents unscheduled downtimes that cause loss of production and financial income. Among different modes of failures that may occur in the electrical machines, the rotor-related faults are around 20%. Successful detection of any failure in electrical machines is achieved by using a suitable condition monitoring followed by accurate signal processing techniques to extract the fault features. This article aims to present the extraction of features appearing in current signals using wavelet analysis when there is a rotor fault of eccentricity and broken rotor bar. In this respect, a brief explanation on rotor failures and different methods of condition monitoring with the purpose of rotor fault detection is provided. Then, motor current signature analysis, the fault-related features appeared in the current spectrum and wavelet transform analyses of the signal to extract these features are explained. Finally, two case studies involving the wavelet analysis of the current signal for the detection of rotor eccentricity and broken rotor bar are presented

    Development of an induction motor condition monitoring test rig And fault detection strategies

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    Includes bibliographical references.This thesis sets out to develop an induction motor condition monitoring test rig to experimentally simulate the common faults associated with induction motors and to develop strategies for detecting these faults that employ signal processing techniques. Literature on basic concepts of induction motors and inverter drives, the phenomena of common faults associated with induction motors, the condition monitoring systems were intensively reviewed

    Transformada wavelet para análisis del motor de inducción: revisión

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    This study makes a revision of the most recent investigations that have implemented the wavelet transform by analyzing the electrical and mechanical variables of the induction motors. The investigations can be grouped into three main topics: diagnosis and detection of faults, control and detection systems and the classification of electromagnetic disturbances.Este trabajo realiza una revisión de las investigaciones más recientes que han implementado la transformada wavelet analizando las variables eléctricas y mecánicas de los motores de inducción. Las investigaciones se pueden agrupar en tres temas principales: diagnóstico y detección de fallas; sistemas de control y detección y la clasificación de perturbaciones electromagnéticas

    A review of intelligent methods for condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of stator and rotor faults of induction machines

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    Nowadays, induction motor (IM) is extensively used in industry, including mechanical and electrical applications. However, three main types of IM faults have been discussed in the literature, bearing, stator, and rotor. Importantly, stator and rotor faults represent approximately 50%. Traditional condition monitoring (CM) and fault diagnosis (FD) methods require a high processing cost and much experience knowledge. To tackle this challenge, artificial intelligent (AI) based CM and FD techniques are extensively developed. However, there have been many review research papers for intelligent CM and FD machine learning methods of rolling elements bearings of IM in the literature. Whereas there is a lack in the literature, and there are not many review papers for both stator and rotor intelligent CM and FD. Thus, the proposed study's main contribution is in reviewing the CM and FD of IM, especially for the stator and the rotor, based on AI methods. The paper also provides discussions on the main challenges and possible future works

    Modelling and detection of faults in axial-flux permanent magnet machines

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    The development of various topologies and configurations of axial-flux permanent magnet machine has spurred its use for electromechanical energy conversion in several applications. As it becomes increasingly deployed, effective condition monitoring built on reliable and accurate fault detection techniques is needed to ensure its engineering integrity. Unlike induction machine which has been rigorously investigated for faults, axial-flux permanent magnet machine has not. Thus in this thesis, axial-flux permanent magnet machine is investigated under faulty conditions. Common faults associated with it namely; static eccentricity and interturn short circuit are modelled, and detection techniques are established. The modelling forms a basis for; developing a platform for precise fault replication on a developed experimental test-rig, predicting and analysing fault signatures using both finite element analysis and experimental analysis. In the detection, the motor current signature analysis, vibration analysis and electrical impedance spectroscopy are applied. Attention is paid to fault-feature extraction and fault discrimination. Using both frequency and time-frequency techniques, features are tracked in the line current under steady-state and transient conditions respectively. Results obtained provide rich information on the pattern of fault harmonics. Parametric spectral estimation is also explored as an alternative to the Fourier transform in the steady-state analysis of faulty conditions. It is found to be as effective as the Fourier transform and more amenable to short signal-measurement duration. Vibration analysis is applied in the detection of eccentricities; its efficacy in fault detection is hinged on proper determination of vibratory frequencies and quantification of corresponding tones. This is achieved using analytical formulations and signal processing techniques. Furthermore, the developed fault model is used to assess the influence of cogging torque minimization techniques and rotor topologies in axial-flux permanent magnet machine on current signal in the presence of static eccentricity. The double-sided topology is found to be tolerant to the presence of static eccentricity unlike the single-sided topology due to the opposing effect of the resulting asymmetrical properties of the airgap. The cogging torque minimization techniques do not impair on the established fault detection technique in the single-sided topology. By applying electrical broadband impedance spectroscopy, interturn faults are diagnosed; a high frequency winding model is developed to analyse the impedance-frequency response obtained

    Transient-Based Rotor Cage Assessment in Induction Motors Operating With Soft Starters

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    [EN] The reliable assessment of the rotor condition in induction motors is a matter of increasing concern in the industry. Although rotor damages are more likely in line-started motors operating under high inertias, some cases of broken rotor bars in motors supplied via soft starters have been also reported in the industry. Motor current signature analysis (MCSA) is the most widely spread approach to diagnose such failures. However, its serious drawbacks in many real industrial applications have encouraged investigation on alternative methods enhancing the reliability of the diagnosis. This paper extends a recently introduced diagnosis methodology relying on the startup current analysis to the case of soft-starter-operated motors. The approach has proven to provide very satisfactory results, even in cases where the classical MCSA does not lead to correct diagnosis conclusions. However, its extension to operation under soft starters was still a pending issue. The experimental results shown in this paper ratify the validity of the proposed diagnosis approach in soft-starteroperated induction motors.This work was supported by the Spanish “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad” (MINECO) in the framework of the “Proyectos I+D del Subprograma de Generación de Conocimiento, Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia” under Grant DPI2014-52842-PCorral Hernández, JÁ.; Antonino-Daviu, J.; Pons Llinares, J.; Climente Alarcón, V.; Francés-Galiana, V. (2015). Transient-Based Rotor Cage Assessment in Induction Motors Operating With Soft Starters. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. 51(5):3734-3742. https://doi.org/10.1109/TIA.2015.2427271S3734374251

    Diagnosis of electric induction machines in non-stationary regimes working in randomly changing conditions

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    Tradicionalmente, la detección de faltas en máquinas eléctricas se basa en el uso de la Transformada Rápida de Fourier ya que la mayoría de las faltas pueden ser diagnosticadas con ella con seguridad si las máquinas operan en condiciones de régimen estacionario durante un intervalo de tiempo razonable. Sin embargo, para aplicaciones en las que las máquinas operan en condiciones de carga y velocidad fluctuantes (condiciones no estacionarias) como por ejemplo los aerogeneradores, el uso de la Transformada Rápida de Fourier debe ser reemplazado por otras técnicas. La presente tesis desarrolla una nueva metodología para el diagnóstico de máquinas de inducción de rotor de jaula y rotor bobinado operando en condiciones no estacionarias, basada en el análisis de las componentes de falta de las corrientes en el plano deslizamiento frecuencia. La técnica es aplicada al diagnóstico de asimetrías estatóricas, rotóricas y también para la falta de excentricidad mixta. El diagnóstico de las máquinas eléctricas en el dominio deslizamiento-frecuencia confiere un carácter universal a la metodología ya que puede diagnosticar máquinas eléctricas independientemente de sus características, del modo en el que la velocidad de la máquina varía y de su modo de funcionamiento (motor o generador). El desarrollo de la metodología conlleva las siguientes etapas: (i) Caracterización de las evoluciones de las componentes de falta de asimetría estatórica, rotórica y excentricidad mixta para las máquinas de inducción de rotores de jaula y bobinados en función de la velocidad (deslizamiento) y la frecuencia de alimentación de la red a la que está conectada la máquina. (ii) Debido a la importancia del procesado de la señal, se realiza una introducción a los conceptos básicos del procesado de señal antes de centrarse en las técnicas actuales de procesado de señal para el diagnóstico de máquinas eléctricas. (iii) La extracción de las componentes de falta se lleva a cabo a través de tres técnicas de filtrado diferentes: filtros basados en la Transformada Discreta Wavelet, en la Transformada Wavelet Packet y con una nueva técnica de filtrado propuesta en esta tesis, el Filtrado Espectral. Las dos primeras técnicas de filtrado extraen las componentes de falta en el dominio del tiempo mientras que la nueva técnica de filtrado realiza la extracción en el dominio de la frecuencia. (iv) La extracción de las componentes de falta, en algunos casos, conlleva el desplazamiento de la frecuencia de las componentes de falta. El desplazamiento de la frecuencia se realiza a través de dos técnicas: el Teorema del Desplazamiento de la Frecuencia y la Transformada Hilbert. (v) A diferencia de otras técnicas ya desarrolladas, la metodología propuesta no se basa exclusivamente en el cálculo de la energía de la componente de falta sino que también estudia la evolución de la frecuencia instantánea de ellas, calculándola a través de dos técnicas diferentes (la Transformada Hilbert y el operador Teager-Kaiser), frente al deslizamiento. La representación de la frecuencia instantánea frente al deslizamiento elimina la posibilidad de diagnósticos falsos positivos mejorando la precisión y la calidad del diagnóstico. Además, la representación de la frecuencia instantánea frente al deslizamiento permite realizar diagnósticos cualitativos que son rápidos y requieren bajos requisitos computacionales. (vi) Finalmente, debido a la importancia de la automatización de los procesos industriales y para evitar la posible divergencia presente en el diagnóstico cualitativo, tres parámetros objetivos de diagnóstico son desarrollados: el parámetro de la energía, el coeficiente de similitud y los parámetros de regresión. El parámetro de la energía cuantifica la severidad de la falta según su valor y es calculado en el dominio del tiempo y en el dominio de la frecuencia (consecuencia de la extracción de las componentes de falta en el dominio de la frecuencia). El coeficiente de similitud y los parámetros de regresión son parámetros objetivos que permiten descartar diagnósticos falsos positivos aumentando la robustez de la metodología propuesta. La metodología de diagnóstico propuesta se valida experimentalmente para las faltas de asimetría estatórica y rotórica y para el fallo de excentricidad mixta en máquinas de inducción de rotor de jaula y rotor bobinado alimentadas desde la red eléctrica y desde convertidores de frecuencia en condiciones no estacionarias estocásticas.Vedreño Santos, FJ. (2013). Diagnosis of electric induction machines in non-stationary regimes working in randomly changing conditions [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/34177TESI

    Fault Diagnosis in the Slip Frequency Plane of Induction Machines Working in Time-Varying Conditions

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    [EN] Motor current signature analysis (MCSA) is a fault diagnosis method for induction machines (IMs) that has attracted wide industrial interest in recent years. It is based on the detection of the characteristic fault signatures that arise in the current spectrum of a faulty induction machine. Unfortunately, the MCSA method in its basic formulation can only be applied in steady state functioning. Nevertheless, every day increases the importance of inductions machines in applications such as wind generation, electric vehicles, or automated processes in which the machine works most of time under transient conditions. For these cases, new diagnostic methodologies have been proposed, based on the use of advanced time-frequency transforms-as, for example, the continuous wavelet transform, the Wigner Ville distribution, or the analytic function based on the Hilbert transform-which enables to track the fault components evolution along time. All these transforms have high computational costs and, furthermore, generate as results complex spectrograms, which require to be interpreted for qualified technical staff. This paper introduces a new methodology for the diagnosis of faults of IM working in transient conditions, which, unlike the methods developed up to today, analyzes the current signal in the slip-instantaneous frequency plane (s-IF), instead of the time-frequency (t-f) plane. It is shown that, in the s-IF plane, the fault components follow patterns that that are simple and unique for each type of fault, and thus does not depend on the way in which load and speed vary during the transient functioning; this characteristic makes the diagnostic task easier and more reliable. This work introduces a general scheme for the IMs diagnostic under transient conditions, through the analysis of the stator current in the s-IF plane. Another contribution of this paper is the introduction of the specific s-IF patterns associated with three different types of faults (rotor asymmetry fault, mixed eccentricity fault, and single-point bearing defects) that are theoretically justified and experimentally tested. As the calculation of the IF of the fault component is a key issue of the proposed diagnostic method, this paper also includes a comparative analysis of three different mathematical tools for calculating the IF, which are compared not only theoretically but also experimentally, comparing their performance when are applied to the tested diagnostic signals.This work was supported by the Spanish "Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades (MCIU)", the "Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI)" and the "Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)" in the framework of the "Proyectos I+D+i -Retos Investigacion 2018", project reference RTI2018-102175-B-I00 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE).Puche-Panadero, R.; Martinez-Roman, J.; Sapena-Bano, A.; Burriel-Valencia, J.; Riera-Guasp, M. (2020). Fault Diagnosis in the Slip Frequency Plane of Induction Machines Working in Time-Varying Conditions. Sensors. 20(12):1-26. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20123398S126201