24 research outputs found

    Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Braided River Morphology and Morphodynamics with Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry

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    PhDThe recent emergence of Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry (SfM) has created a cost-effective alternative to conventional laser scanning for the production of high-resolution topographic datasets. There has been an explosion of applications of SfM within the geomorphological community in recent years, however, the focus of these has largely been small-scale (102 – 103 m2), building on innovations in low altitude Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). This thesis examines the potential to extend the scope of SfM photogrammetry in order to quantify of landscape scale processes. This is examined through repeat surveys of a ~35 km2 reach of the Dart River, New Zealand. An initial SfM survey of this reach was conducted in April 2014, following a large landslide at the Slipstream debris fan. Validation of the resulting digital elevation models using Independent Control Point's (ICPs) suggested encouraging results, however benchmarking the survey against a long-range laser scanned surface indicated the presence of significant systematic errors associated with inaccurate estimation of the SfM bundle adjustment. Using a combination of scaled laboratory field experiments, this research aimed to develop and test photogrammetric data collection and modelling strategies to enhance modelling of 3D scene structure using limited constraints. A repeat survey in 2015 provided an opportunity to evaluate a new survey strategy, incorporating a convergent camera network and a priori measurement of camera pose. This resulted in halving of mean checkpoint residuals and a reduction in systematic error. The models produced for both 2014 and 2015 were compared using a DEM differencing (DoD) methodology to assess the applicability of wide-area SfM models for the analysis of geomorphic change detection. The systematic errors within the 2014 model confound reliable change detection, although strategies to correlate the two surveys and measure the residual change show promise. The future use of SfM over broad landscape scales has significant potential, however, this will require robust data collection and modelling strategies and improved error modelling to increase user confidence.This work has been supported by a Natural Environmental Research Council studentship (Grant number NE/L501797/

    UAVs for the Environmental Sciences

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    This book gives an overview of the usage of UAVs in environmental sciences covering technical basics, data acquisition with different sensors, data processing schemes and illustrating various examples of application

    Development of UAS-Based Construction Stormwater Inspections & Soil Loss Model

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    Erosion and sediment control practices on construction sites provide vital protection for the environment, minimizing the impact from sediment-laden runoff associated with construction activities. Federal, state, and local regulations require regular inspections of erosion and sediment control practices to ensure their performance is adequate. This study developed an innovative approach to stormwater inspections and design guidance by integrating tools and guidance into aerial stormwater inspection outcomes. Aerial inspections were integrated with photogrammetry, geospatial information systems, and deep learning-based object detection applications to assist in performing inspections and develop site plans, hydrologic analyses, practice detection, and soil loss modeling. Orthomosaic views were used for creating site plans and developing object detection data sources. Digital Surface Models (DSMs) were developed as datasets for evaluating the performance of the E&SC practices on site. These surface models were used for running hydrologic analyses and developing soil loss models. The use of DSMs improves stormwater inspections and design approaches since DSMs serve as datasets for evaluating design efficiency with the incorporation of aerial inspection outcomes. Trial inspections were performed at the U.S. highway 30 construction site in Tama County, Iowa. Preliminary results were prepared to demonstrate a comprehensive framework for aerial inspections in future studies. This research introduces aerial inspections as an effective method to streamline inspection procedures. This could be in the form of using fewer inspectors, providing better record keeping, having faster inspection procedures and developing efficient outcomes to evaluate the performance of practices. The study highlights the potential for this technology and developed approaches to be used in the construction industry

    Verbesserte Dokumentation des kulturellen Erbes mithilfe digitaler Photogrammetrie mit sichtbaren und thermischen Bildern von unbemannten Luftfahrzeugen (UAV)

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    There is always need for reliable and accurate data for documentation of cultural heritage including archaeological areas. The development in 3D data acquisition has let some technologies use for getting a complete documentation. Close range photogrammetry and terrestrial laser scanning are among the most common used techniques which help to get 3D data acquisition, with high level of detail, accuracy and effective results. However, these techniques are not always the most suitable ones for large archaeological areas, yet aerial images may help to provide a general overview of the area which is fundamental for interpretation and documentation of archaeological sites. Because of the limitations in aerial photogrammetry, UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) has become an optimal solution for archaeological areas documentation with its potentials in the context of costs and abilities. To cover large areas at different altitudes, to be able to fly at different altitudes, under different weather conditions, to acquire image with high resolution are among the main advantages of this technology which make it usable and preferable for archaeological documentation. Since UAVs have been rapidly improving in sophistication and reliability, its possibilities aid in archaeological research have recently generated much interest, particularly for documenting sites, monuments and excavations. In this case study several aerial surveys will be conducted with a UAV mounted thermal camera on an archaeological area. After acquiring aerial images, they will be processed for producing both color and thermal-imagery in related software. Next step will be the alignment of the images in order to build an accurate and georeferenced 3D and mesh model of surveyed area. Then colored and thermal orthophoto mosaics as well as digital surface model (DSM) will be obtained for the documentation. The datasets of thermal images and color images will be collected and compared in order to detect archaeological remains on and under the ground.Es besteht immer Bedarf an zuverlässigen und genauen Daten für die Dokumentation des kulturellen Erbes, einschließlich archäologischer Gebiete. Die technischen Entwicklungen in der 3D-Datenerfassung haben erst die vollständige Dokumentation ermöglicht. Nahbereichsphotogrammetrie und terrestrisches Laserscanning gehören zu den am häufigsten verwendeten Techniken, die 3D-Datenerfassung mit hohem Detaillierungsgrad, Genauigkeit und effektive Ergebnissen ermöglichen. Diese Techniken sind jedoch nicht immer die am besten geeigneten für große archäologische Gebiete, dennoch können Luftbilder helfen, einen allgemeinen Überblick über das Gebiet zu geben, was für die Interpretation und Dokumentation archäologischer Stätten von grundlegender Bedeutung ist. Aufgrund der Einschränkungen in der Luftbildvermessung sind UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) zu einer optimalen Lösung für die archäologische Geländedokumentation mit ihren Potenzialen im Kontext von Kosten und Fähigkeiten geworden. Hauptvorteile dieser Technologie sind u.a. große Gebiete in verschiedenen Höhen abzudecken und unter verschiedenen Wetterbedingungen fliegen zu können, Bilder mit hoher Auflösung aufzunehmen, die dann auch für die archäologische Dokumentation nutzbar und damit auch anderen Verfahren vorzuziehen sind. Da sich die UAVs in Bezug auf Entwicklungsgrad und Zuverlässigkeit rasant verbessert haben, haben ihre Möglichkeiten zur Unterstützung der archäologischen Forschung in jüngster Zeit großes Interesse geweckt, insbesondere bei der Dokumentation von Stätten, Denkmälern und Ausgrabungen. In dieser Fallstudie werden mehrere Kampagnen von Luftaufnahmen mit einer UAV-Wärmebildkamera auf einem archäologischen Gebiet durchgeführt. Nach der Bildaufufnahme die Farb- und Wärmebilder in einer entsprechenden Software verarbeitet. Der nächste Schritt wird die Verknüpfung der Bilder sein, um ein genaues und georeferenziertes 3D- und Netzmodell des vermessenden Bereichs zu erstellen. Anschließend werden farbige und thermische Orthophoto-Mosaike sowie digitale Oberflächenmodelle (DSM) für die Dokumentation abgeleitet. Die Datensätze von Wärme- und Farbbildern werden gesammelt und verglichen, um archäologische Überreste auf und unter dem Boden zu erkennen

    Filling the sensor gap: applying UAS technology to land-use research

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    Collecting data at ground level typically yields the most detailed information on a subject, however it is limited by the spatial extent that can be covered within a specific timeframe. Remote sensing from an aerial platform increases this spatial extent and the deployment of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) can provide this ability directly to researchers at an affordable cost and at data resolutions that are very applicable for site specific surveys. Further to this, developments in photogrammetry software allow the creation of orthorectified spectral and structural data that can that can be classified via pixel or object-based analysis methods and applied to a wide variety of different land-use research areas. In this study a sensor package was created consisting of two off the shelf digital cameras, one un-modified and the other modified to be sensitive to near infra-red wavelengths of light. A multi-rotor aerial platform utilising an open source autopilot was assembled to enable data collection and a processing pipeline was devised to transform RAW camera imagery into georeferenced and orthorectified data, using computer vision software following the structure from motion (SfM) approach. This remote sensing tool was applied to a variety of land-use research study sites in central Scotland and Northern England with two main areas focused on. (1) The use of spectral and structural data for the detection of disease within a potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) crop revealed that UAS could be an effective tool for mapping the distribution of diseased plants. (2) Comparisons between aerial data and traditional manual assessments of a trial crop of potatoes revealed that the earliest stages of plant emergence could not be detected but later plant counts, and ground cover estimates correlated well, indicating that UAS could be an effective trials monitoring tool, giving extra structural data and potentially a more representative measure of canopy ground cover compared to traditional manual techniques. This study also showed results from experimental applications investigating the mapping of invasive non-native species and ways of enabling upscaling of greenhouse gas emissions from different land use types. Therefore, this study demonstrates that UAS equipped with basic imaging technology can be of use to a variety of land-use research areas and look set to become an invaluable remote sensing tool, which will improve further with the addition of calibrated multi-spectral sensor payloads, high precision global navigation satellite systems and relaxation in regulations governing their use

    Estudio del uso de drones en el flujo de trabajo BIM (Building Information Modeling)

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    Máster Univ. en Gestión e Innovac.Tecnológica en la Construcción Por la UllMáster Universitario en Gestión e Innovación Tecnológica en la ConstrucciónEl desarrollo del presente trabajo pretende dar una visión sobre el uso de los drones dentro de la construcción, exactamente en su aplicación dentro del flujo de trabajo BIM (Building Information Modeling). Para ello, se introduce al lector en antecedentes históricos y conceptuales exponiendo, posteriormente, la normativa que recae sobre dichas aeronaves. De este modo conoceremos las limitaciones dentro del espacio aéreo. También, se estudian y analizan distintas soluciones que puedan ser de utilidad para abordar los retos de este trabajo. Para ello, se realizan varios estudios del caso llevando a cabo dos levantamientos fotogramétricos. Cada uno de ellos con distintas condiciones de trabajo para realizar una evaluación más completa sobre el estudio. Se ha realizado el levantamiento del Elevador de Aguas de Gordejuela situado en las isla de Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Islas Canarias) mediante la información obtenida con un dron. Con ello, conoceremos los parámetros necesarios para planificar un vuelo, obtener información útil, cómo recibirla y gestionarla en un programa BIM. Sin embargo, previamente se realiza un vuelo de familiarización del dron utilizado realizando el levantamiento fotogramétrico del Sanatorio de Abades situado en la Leprosería de Arico. En resumen, el objetivo del trabajo es que el presente documento sirva como guía práctica sobre el uso de drones en la obtención de información que pueda trasladarse en BIM y analizar, si cabe, las posibles aplicaciones futuras de aeronaves pilotadas remotamente en dicha metodología.The development of the dissertation pretends to give a vision about the use of drones within the construction, mainly in the application within the BIM (Building Information Modeling) workflow. For this reason, the reader is introduced in historical and conceptual records exposing, after all, the regulations that fall on said aircraft. In this way we will know the limitations within the airspace. Also, the different applications that may have within the building and which of them are useful, in terms of information, in BIM methodology are mentioned. For this reason, it has been done the survey of the Gordejuela Water’s Elevator located on the island of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Canary Islands) through the information obtained with a RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft System). With this, we will know the fundamental parameters to plan a flight, obtain useful information, how to receive it and manage it in a BIM software. However, previously we will do a familiarization flight of the drone doing the photogrammetric survey of the Abades’ Sanatorium located in the Arico’s Leprosarium. In summary, the objective of the work is that this document serves as a practical guide about the use of drones in obtaining information that can be transferred in BIM and analyse the possible future applications on the use of remotely piloted aircraft in said methodology

    Photogrammetry as a surveying thechnique apllied to heritage constructions recording - avantages and limitations

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Arquitetura, com a especialização em Arquitetura apresentada na Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre.A presente dissertação tem por objectivo investigar e evidenciar as vantagens da aplicação da fotogrametria, e possíveis integrações com outros métodos de levantamento, como seja o varrimento laser terrestre, posicionamento por GPS, entre outros, para realizar levantamentos de construções patrimoniais ou eruditas e a respectiva produção de documentação base para viabilizar intervenções de conservação, restauro ou reabilitação. A motivação para a investigação advém da aplicação flexível, versátil, simples, acessível, e baixo-custo da fotogrametria em projectos de levantamento pequenos ou extensos. Tenciona-se igualmente colmatar as desvantagens tradicionais da fotogrametria, nomeadamente a transição entre espaços interiores e exteriores, e registo de espaços estreitos, de difícil acesso, e de geometrias complexas, num único projecto de documentação. Pretende-se ultrapassar estas dificuldades através da utilização máxima das potencialidades da fotogrametria com o uso de imagens olho de peixe e apenas como último recurso utilizar instrumentos complementares. No caso de estudo principal, o Castelo do Convento de Cristo, demonstra-se a aplicação dos métodos investigados. Nos casos de estudo secundários abordam-se problemas parcelares, desde elementos decorativos até à totalidade do edificado: Convento dos Capuchos, em Sintra; Alcáçova e trecho de muralha do Castelo de Sesimbra; Igreja de Stº André, em Mafra; entre outros. Os casos auxiliaram na determinação de procedimentos a generalizar posteriormente. Por fim, propõem-se algoritmos que auxiliam na produção de documentação.ABSTRACT: The present dissertation aims to research and demonstrate the advantages of the application of photogrammetry, and its possible integrations with other methods, such as terrestrial laser scanning, GPS positioning, and among others, to perform surveys of heritage or erudite buildings and respective production of base documentation to enable interventions of conservation, restoration, or rehabilitation. The motivation for researching is due to the flexible, versatile, simple, affordable, and low-cost application of photogrammetry in small and extensive survey projects. It is also intended to overcome the traditional disadvantages of photogrammetry, such as the transition between interior and exterior spaces, and difficulty of recording narrow, hard-to-access, and complex geometric spaces, in a single project. It is intended to overcome such challenges by maximizing the potential uses of photogrammetry with the use of fisheye images and by using other survey instruments as a last resort. In the main case study, the Castle of the Convent of Christ, the application of the investigated methods is demonstrated. In the secondary case studies, partial problems are addressed, ranging from decorative elements to the entire building: Convento dos Capuchos, in Sintra; Citadel and section of a wall of the Castle of Sesimbra; Igreja de St André, in Mafra; among others; The case studies aided in determining general procedures. Finally, algorithms that accelerate the production of documentation are proposed.N/

    UAV or Drones for Remote Sensing Applications in GPS/GNSS Enabled and GPS/GNSS Denied Environments

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    The design of novel UAV systems and the use of UAV platforms integrated with robotic sensing and imaging techniques, as well as the development of processing workflows and the capacity of ultra-high temporal and spatial resolution data, have enabled a rapid uptake of UAVs and drones across several industries and application domains.This book provides a forum for high-quality peer-reviewed papers that broaden awareness and understanding of single- and multiple-UAV developments for remote sensing applications, and associated developments in sensor technology, data processing and communications, and UAV system design and sensing capabilities in GPS-enabled and, more broadly, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)-enabled and GPS/GNSS-denied environments.Contributions include:UAV-based photogrammetry, laser scanning, multispectral imaging, hyperspectral imaging, and thermal imaging;UAV sensor applications; spatial ecology; pest detection; reef; forestry; volcanology; precision agriculture wildlife species tracking; search and rescue; target tracking; atmosphere monitoring; chemical, biological, and natural disaster phenomena; fire prevention, flood prevention; volcanic monitoring; pollution monitoring; microclimates; and land use;Wildlife and target detection and recognition from UAV imagery using deep learning and machine learning techniques;UAV-based change detection