3,580 research outputs found

    Multi-label Ferns for Efficient Recognition of Musical Instruments in Recordings

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    In this paper we introduce multi-label ferns, and apply this technique for automatic classification of musical instruments in audio recordings. We compare the performance of our proposed method to a set of binary random ferns, using jazz recordings as input data. Our main result is obtaining much faster classification and higher F-score. We also achieve substantial reduction of the model size

    Robust and efficient approach to feature selection with machine learning

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    Most statistical analyses or modelling studies must deal with the discrepancy between the measured aspects of analysed phenomenona and their true nature. Hence, they are often preceded by a step of altering the data representation into somehow optimal for the following methods.This thesis deals with feature selection, a narrow yet important subset of representation altering methodologies.Feature selection is applied to an information system, i.e., data existing in a tabular form, as a group of objects characterised by values of some set of attributes (also called features or variables), and is defined as a process of finding a strict subset of them which fulfills some criterion.There are two essential classes of feature selection methods: minimal optimal, which aim to find the smallest subset of features that optimise accuracy of certain modelling methods, and all relevant, which aim to find the entire set of features potentially usable for modelling. The first class is mostly used in practice, as it adheres to a well known optimisation problem and has a direct connection to the final model performance. However, I argue that there exists a wide and significant class of applications in which only all relevant approaches may yield usable results, while minimal optimal methods are not only ineffective but even can lead to wrong conclusions.Moreover, all relevant class substantially overlaps with the set of actual research problems in which feature selection is an important result on its own, sometimes even more important than the finally resulting black-box model. In particular this applies to the p>>n problems, i.e., those for which the number of attributes is large and substantially exceeds the number of objects; for instance, such data is produced by high-throughput biological experiments which currently serve as the most powerful tool of molecular biology and a fundament of the arising individualised medicine.In the main part of the thesis I present Boruta, a heuristic, all relevant feature selection method. It is based on the concept of shadows, by-design random attributes incorporated into the information system as a reference for the relevance of original features in the context of whole structure of the analysed data. The variable importance on its own is assessed using the Random Forest method, a popular ensemble classifier.As the performance of the Boruta method turns out insatisfactory for some important applications, the following chapters of the thesis are devoted to Random Ferns, an ensemble classifier with the structure similar to Random Forest, but of a substantially higher computational efficiency. In the thesis, I propose a substantial generalisation of this method, capable of training on generic data and calculating feature importance scores.Finally, I assess both the Boruta method and its Random Ferns-based derivative on a series of p>>n problems of a biological origin. In particular, I focus on the stability of feature selection; I propose a novel methodology based on bootstrap and self-consistency. The results I obtain empirically confirm the validity of aforementioned effects characteristic to minimal optimal selection, as well as the efficiency of proposed heuristics for all relevant selection.The thesis is completed with a study of the applicability of Random Ferns in musical information retrieval, showing the usefulness of this method in other contexts and proposing its generalisation for multi-label classification problems.W większości zagadnień statystycznego modelowania istnieje problem niedostosowania zebranych danych do natury badanego zjawiska; co za tym idzie, analiza danych jest zazwyczaj poprzedzona zmianą ich surowej formy w optymalną dla dalej stosowanych metod.W rozprawie zajmuję się selekcją cech, jedną z klas zabiegów zmiany formy danych. Dotyczy ona systemów informacyjnych, czyli danych dających się przedstawić w formie tabelarycznej jako zbiór obiektów opisanych przez wartości zbioru atrybutów (nazywanych też cechami), oraz jest zdefiniowana jako proces wydzielenia w jakimś sensie optymalnego podzbioru atrybutów.Wyróżnia się dwie zasadnicze grupy metod selekcji cech: poszukujących możliwie małego podzbioru cech zapewniającego możliwie dobrą dokładność jakiejś metody modelowania (minimal optimal) oraz poszukujących podzbioru wszystkich cech, które niosą istotną informację i przez to są potencjalnie użyteczne dla jakiejś metody modelowania (all relevant). Tradycyjnie stosuje się prawie wyłącznie metody minimal optimal, sprowadzają się one bowiem w prosty sposób do znanego problemu optymalizacji i mają bezpośredni związek z efektywnością finalnego modelu. W rozprawie argumentuję jednak, że istnieje szeroka i istotna klasa problemów, w których tylko metody all relevant pozwalają uzyskać użyteczne wyniki, a metody minimal optimal są nie tylko nieefektywne ale często prowadzą do mylnych wniosków. Co więcej, wspomniana klasa pokrywa się też w dużej mierze ze zbiorem faktycznych problemów w których selekcja cech jest sama w sobie użytecznym wynikiem, nierzadko ważniejszym nawet od uzyskanego modelu. W szczególności chodzi tu o zbiory klasy p>>n, to jest takie w których liczba atrybutów w~systemie informacyjnym jest duża i znacząco przekracza liczbę obiektów; dane takie powszechnie występują chociażby w wysokoprzepustowych badaniach biologicznych, będących obecnie najpotężniejszym narzędziem analitycznym biologii molekularnej jak i fundamentem rodzącej się zindywidualizowanej medycyny.W zasadniczej części rozprawy prezentuję metodę Boruta, heurystyczną metodę selekcji zmiennych. Jest ona oparta o koncepcję rozszerzania systemu informacyjnego o cienie, z definicji nieistotne atrybuty wytworzone z oryginalnych cech przez losową permutację wartości, które są wykorzystywane jako odniesienie dla oceny istotności oryginalnych atrybutów w kontekście pełnej struktury analizowanych danych. Do oceny ważności cech metoda wykorzystuje algorytm lasu losowego (Random Forest), popularny klasyfikator zespołowy.Ponieważ wydajność obliczeniowa metody Boruta może być niewystarczająca dla pewnych istotnych zastosowań, w dalszej części rozprawy zajmuję się algorytmem paproci losowych, klasyfikatorem zespołowym zbliżonym strukturą do algorytmu lasu losowego, lecz oferującym znacząco lepszą wydajność obliczeniową. Proponuję uogólnienie tej metody, zdolne do treningu na generycznych systemach informacyjnych oraz do obliczania miary ważności atrybutów.Zarówno metodę Boruta jak i jej modyfikację wykorzystującą paprocie losowe poddaję w rozprawie wyczerpującej analizie na szeregu zbiorów klasy p>>n pochodzenia biologicznego. W szczególności rozważam tu stabilność selekcji; w tym celu formułuję nową metodę oceny opartą o podejście resamplingowe i samozgodność wyników. Wyniki przeprowadzonych eksperymentów potwierdzają empirycznie zasadność wspomnianych wcześniej problemów związanych z selekcją minimal optimal, jak również zasadność przyjętych heurystyk dla selekcji all relevant.Rozprawę dopełnia studium stosowalności algorytmu paproci losowych w problemie rozpoznawania instrumentów muzycznych w nagraniach, ilustrujące przydatność tej metody w innych kontekstach i proponujące jej uogólnienie na klasyfikację wieloetykietową

    The Skipping Behavior of Users of Music Streaming Services and its Relation to Musical Structure

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    The behavior of users of music streaming services is investigated from the point of view of the temporal dimension of individual songs; specifically, the main object of the analysis is the point in time within a song at which users stop listening and start streaming another song ("skip"). The main contribution of this study is the ascertainment of a correlation between the distribution in time of skipping events and the musical structure of songs. It is also shown that such distribution is not only specific to the individual songs, but also independent of the cohort of users and, under stationary conditions, date of observation. Finally, user behavioral data is used to train a predictor of the musical structure of a song solely from its acoustic content; it is shown that the use of such data, available in large quantities to music streaming services, yields significant improvements in accuracy over the customary fashion of training this class of algorithms, in which only smaller amounts of hand-labeled data are available

    From heuristics-based to data-driven audio melody extraction

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    The identification of the melody from a music recording is a relatively easy task for humans, but very challenging for computational systems. This task is known as "audio melody extraction", more formally defined as the automatic estimation of the pitch sequence of the melody directly from the audio signal of a polyphonic music recording. This thesis investigates the benefits of exploiting knowledge automatically derived from data for audio melody extraction, by combining digital signal processing and machine learning methods. We extend the scope of melody extraction research by working with a varied dataset and multiple definitions of melody. We first present an overview of the state of the art, and perform an evaluation focused on a novel symphonic music dataset. We then propose melody extraction methods based on a source-filter model and pitch contour characterisation and evaluate them on a wide range of music genres. Finally, we explore novel timbre, tonal and spatial features for contour characterisation, and propose a method for estimating multiple melodic lines. The combination of supervised and unsupervised approaches leads to advancements on melody extraction and shows a promising path for future research and applications

    Machine Annotation of Traditional Irish Dance Music

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    The work presented in this thesis is validated in experiments using 130 realworld field recordings of traditional music from sessions, classes, concerts and commercial recordings. Test audio includes solo and ensemble playing on a variety of instruments recorded in real-world settings such as noisy public sessions. Results are reported using standard measures from the field of information retrieval (IR) including accuracy, error, precision and recall and the system is compared to alternative approaches for CBMIR common in the literature

    Comparison for Improvements of Singing Voice Detection System Based on Vocal Separation

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    Singing voice detection is the task to identify the frames which contain the singer vocal or not. It has been one of the main components in music information retrieval (MIR), which can be applicable to melody extraction, artist recognition, and music discovery in popular music. Although there are several methods which have been proposed, a more robust and more complete system is desired to improve the detection performance. In this paper, our motivation is to provide an extensive comparison in different stages of singing voice detection. Based on the analysis a novel method was proposed to build a more efficiently singing voice detection system. In the proposed system, there are main three parts. The first is a pre-process of singing voice separation to extract the vocal without the music. The improvements of several singing voice separation methods were compared to decide the best one which is integrated to singing voice detection system. And the second is a deep neural network based classifier to identify the given frames. Different deep models for classification were also compared. The last one is a post-process to filter out the anomaly frame on the prediction result of the classifier. The median filter and Hidden Markov Model (HMM) based filter as the post process were compared. Through the step by step module extension, the different methods were compared and analyzed. Finally, classification performance on two public datasets indicates that the proposed approach which based on the Long-term Recurrent Convolutional Networks (LRCN) model is a promising alternative.Comment: 15 page

    Augmentation Methods on Monophonic Audio for Instrument Classification in Polyphonic Music

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    Instrument classification is one of the fields in Music Information Retrieval (MIR) that has attracted a lot of research interest. However, the majority of that is dealing with monophonic music, while efforts on polyphonic material mainly focus on predominant instrument recognition. In this paper, we propose an approach for instrument classification in polyphonic music from purely monophonic data, that involves performing data augmentation by mixing different audio segments. A variety of data augmentation techniques focusing on different sonic aspects, such as overlaying audio segments of the same genre, as well as pitch and tempo-based synchronization, are explored. We utilize Convolutional Neural Networks for the classification task, comparing shallow to deep network architectures. We further investigate the usage of a combination of the above classifiers, each trained on a single augmented dataset. An ensemble of VGG-like classifiers, trained on non-augmented, pitch-synchronized, tempo-synchronized and genre-similar excerpts, respectively, yields the best results, achieving slightly above 80% in terms of label ranking average precision (LRAP) in the IRMAS test set.ruments in over 2300 testing tracks

    Signal Processing Methods for Music Synchronization, Audio Matching, and Source Separation

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    The field of music information retrieval (MIR) aims at developing techniques and tools for organizing, understanding, and searching multimodal information in large music collections in a robust, efficient and intelligent manner. In this context, this thesis presents novel, content-based methods for music synchronization, audio matching, and source separation. In general, music synchronization denotes a procedure which, for a given position in one representation of a piece of music, determines the corresponding position within another representation. Here, the thesis presents three complementary synchronization approaches, which improve upon previous methods in terms of robustness, reliability, and accuracy. The first approach employs a late-fusion strategy based on multiple, conceptually different alignment techniques to identify those music passages that allow for reliable alignment results. The second approach is based on the idea of employing musical structure analysis methods in the context of synchronization to derive reliable synchronization results even in the presence of structural differences between the versions to be aligned. Finally, the third approach employs several complementary strategies for increasing the accuracy and time resolution of synchronization results. Given a short query audio clip, the goal of audio matching is to automatically retrieve all musically similar excerpts in different versions and arrangements of the same underlying piece of music. In this context, chroma-based audio features are a well-established tool as they possess a high degree of invariance to variations in timbre. This thesis describes a novel procedure for making chroma features even more robust to changes in timbre while keeping their discriminative power. Here, the idea is to identify and discard timbre-related information using techniques inspired by the well-known MFCC features, which are usually employed in speech processing. Given a monaural music recording, the goal of source separation is to extract musically meaningful sound sources corresponding, for example, to a melody, an instrument, or a drum track from the recording. To facilitate this complex task, one can exploit additional information provided by a musical score. Based on this idea, this thesis presents two novel, conceptually different approaches to source separation. Using score information provided by a given MIDI file, the first approach employs a parametric model to describe a given audio recording of a piece of music. The resulting model is then used to extract sound sources as specified by the score. As a computationally less demanding and easier to implement alternative, the second approach employs the additional score information to guide a decomposition based on non-negative matrix factorization (NMF)