11,579 research outputs found

    Data-driven backward chaining

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    The C Language Integrated Production System (CLIPS) cannot effectively perform sound and complete logical inference in most real-world contexts. The problem facing CLIPS is its lack of goal generation. Without automatic goal generation and maintenance, forward chaining can only deduce all instances of a relationship. Backward chaining, which requires goal generation, allows deduction of only that subset of what is logically true which is also relevant to ongoing problem solving. Goal generation can be mimicked in simple cases using forward chaining. However, such mimicry requires manual coding of additional rules which can assert an inadequate goal representation for every condition in every rule that can have corresponding facts derived by backward chaining. In general, for N rules with an average of M conditions per rule the number of goal generation rules required is on the order of N*M. This is clearly intractable from a program maintenance perspective. We describe the support in Eclipse for backward chaining which it automatically asserts as it checks rule conditions. Important characteristics of this extension are that it does not assert goals which cannot match any rule conditions, that 2 equivalent goals are never asserted, and that goals persist as long as, but no longer than, they remain relevant

    Sistem Pakar Berbasis Aturan Dalam Bimbingan Penasehat Akademik Menggunakan Metode Forward Chaining

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    Academic adviser is a card charging process study plans for students who will take courses which will be taken for the next semester. Prior to the teaching and learning process (PBM) took place at the beginning of the semester, is a routine activity undertaken is the preparation course for students. The system design uses forward chaining inference, with the implementation of the system using MySQL database system and the PHP programming language. Forward Chaining is a method of inference enggine that match facts or statements starting from the left (first IF). In other words, reasoning from facts first started to test the truth of the hypothesis. This thesis build a rule-based expert system in preparation Card Study Plan (KRS) for students who will take courses in particular using forward chaining method. Aim to help students who do not know the card charging without direct study plan to meet his or her academic supervisor in making course

    Semantic Storage: Overview and Assessment

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    The Semantic Web has a great deal of momentum behind it. The promise of a ‘better web’, where information is given well defined meaning and computers are better able to work with it has captured the imagination of a significant number of people, particularly in academia. Language standards such as RDF and OWL have appeared with remarkable speed, and development continues apace. To back up this development, there is a requirement for ‘semantic databases’, where this data can be conveniently stored, operated upon, and retrieved. These already exist in the form of triple stores, but do not yet fulfil all the requirements that may be made of them, particularly in the area of performing inference using OWL. This paper analyses the current stores along with forthcoming technology, and finds that it is unlikely that a combination of speed, scalability, and complex inferencing will be practical in the immediate future. It concludes by suggesting alternative development routes

    Unification modulo a 2-sorted Equational theory for Cipher-Decipher Block Chaining

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    We investigate unification problems related to the Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode of encryption. We first model chaining in terms of a simple, convergent, rewrite system over a signature with two disjoint sorts: list and element. By interpreting a particular symbol of this signature suitably, the rewrite system can model several practical situations of interest. An inference procedure is presented for deciding the unification problem modulo this rewrite system. The procedure is modular in the following sense: any given problem is handled by a system of `list-inferences', and the set of equations thus derived between the element-terms of the problem is then handed over to any (`black-box') procedure which is complete for solving these element-equations. An example of application of this unification procedure is given, as attack detection on a Needham-Schroeder like protocol, employing the CBC encryption mode based on the associative-commutative (AC) operator XOR. The 2-sorted convergent rewrite system is then extended into one that fully captures a block chaining encryption-decryption mode at an abstract level, using no AC-symbols; and unification modulo this extended system is also shown to be decidable.Comment: 26 page

    An analysis of chaining in multi-label classification

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    The idea of classifier chains has recently been introduced as a promising technique for multi-label classification. However, despite being intuitively appealing and showing strong performance in empirical studies, still very little is known about the main principles underlying this type of method. In this paper, we provide a detailed probabilistic analysis of classifier chains from a risk minimization perspective, thereby helping to gain a better understanding of this approach. As a main result, we clarify that the original chaining method seeks to approximate the joint mode of the conditional distribution of label vectors in a greedy manner. As a result of a theoretical regret analysis, we conclude that this approach can perform quite poorly in terms of subset 0/1 loss. Therefore, we present an enhanced inference procedure for which the worst-case regret can be upper-bounded far more tightly. In addition, we show that a probabilistic variant of chaining, which can be utilized for any loss function, becomes tractable by using Monte Carlo sampling. Finally, we present experimental results confirming the validity of our theoretical findings

    Type-Directed Weaving of Aspects for Higher-order Functional Languages

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    Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) has been shown to be a useful model for software development. Special care must be taken when we try to adapt AOP to strongly typed functional languages which come with features like a type inference mechanism, polymorphic types, higher-order functions and type-scoped pointcuts. Our main contribution lies in a seamless integration of these two paradigms through a static weaving process which deals with around advices with type-scoped pointcuts in the presence of higher-order functions. We give a source-level type inference system for a higher-order, polymorphic language coupled with type-scoped pointcuts. The type system ensures that base programs are oblivious to the type of around advices. We present a type-directed translation scheme which resolves all advice applications at static time. The translation removes advice declarations from source programs and produces translated code which is typable in the Hindley-Milner system

    Horn Binary Serialization Analysis

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    A bit layout is a sequence of fields of certain bit lengths that specifies how to interpret a serial stream, e.g., the MP3 audio format. A layout with variable length fields needs to include meta-information to help the parser interpret unambiguously the rest of the stream; e.g. a field providing the length of a following variable length field. If no such information is available, then the layout is ambiguous. I present a linear-time algorithm to determine whether a layout is ambiguous or not by modelling the behaviour of a serial parser reading the stream as forward chaining reasoning on a collection of Horn clauses.Comment: In Proceedings HCVS2016, arXiv:1607.0403