6 research outputs found

    Privacy preserving distributed optimization using homomorphic encryption

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    This paper studies how a system operator and a set of agents securely execute a distributed projected gradient-based algorithm. In particular, each participant holds a set of problem coefficients and/or states whose values are private to the data owner. The concerned problem raises two questions: how to securely compute given functions; and which functions should be computed in the first place. For the first question, by using the techniques of homomorphic encryption, we propose novel algorithms which can achieve secure multiparty computation with perfect correctness. For the second question, we identify a class of functions which can be securely computed. The correctness and computational efficiency of the proposed algorithms are verified by two case studies of power systems, one on a demand response problem and the other on an optimal power flow problem.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures, journa

    New Decomposition Technique for Decomposeing a Multilevel Secure Relation Into Single-Level Relations

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    Suppressing microdata to prevent classification based inference

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    The revolution of Internet together with the progression in computer technology makes it easy for institutions to collect unprecedented amount of personal data. This pervasive data collection rally coupled with the increasing necessity of sharing of it raised a lot of concerns about privacy. Widespread usage of data mining techniques, enabling institutions to extract previously unknown and strategically useful information from huge collections of data sets, and thus gain competitive advantages, has also contributed to the fears about privacy. One method to ensure privacy during disclosure is to selectively hide or generalize the confidential information. However, with data mining techniques it is now possible for an adversary to predict hidden or generalized confidential information using the rest of the disclosed data set. We concentrate on one such possible threat, classification, which is a data mining technique widely used for prediction purposes, and propose algorithms that modify a given microdata set either by inserting unknown values (i.e. deletion) or by generalizing the original values to prevent both probabilistic and decision tree classification based inference. To evaluate the proposed algorithms we experiment with real-life data sets. Results show that proposed algorithms successfully suppress microdata and prevent both probabilistic and decision tree classification based inference. The hybrid versions of the algorithms, which aim to suppress a confidential data value against both classification models, block the inference channels with substantially less side effects. Similarly, the enhanced versions of the algorithms, which aim to suppress multiple confidential data values, reduce the side effects by nearly 50%

    Mitigating Insider Threat in Relational Database Systems

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    The dissertation concentrates on addressing the factors and capabilities that enable insiders to violate systems security. It focuses on modeling the accumulative knowledge that insiders get throughout legal accesses, and it concentrates on analyzing the dependencies and constraints among data items and represents them using graph-based methods. The dissertation proposes new types of Knowledge Graphs (KGs) to represent insiders\u27 knowledgebases. Furthermore, it introduces the Neural Dependency and Inference Graph (NDIG) and Constraints and Dependencies Graph (CDG) to demonstrate the dependencies and constraints among data items. The dissertation discusses in detail how insiders use knowledgebases and dependencies and constraints to get unauthorized knowledge. It suggests new approaches to predict and prevent the aforementioned threat. The proposed models use KGs, NDIG and CDG in analyzing the threat status, and leverage the effect of updates on the lifetimes of data items in insiders\u27 knowledgebases to prevent the threat without affecting the availability of data items. Furthermore, the dissertation uses the aforementioned idea in ordering the operations of concurrent tasks such that write operations that update risky data items in knowledgebases are executed before the risky data items can be used in unauthorized inferences. In addition to unauthorized knowledge, the dissertation discusses how insiders can make unauthorized modifications in sensitive data items. It introduces new approaches to build Modification Graphs that demonstrate the authorized and unauthorized data items which insiders are able to update. To prevent this threat, the dissertation provides two methods, which are hiding sensitive dependencies and denying risky write requests. In addition to traditional RDBMS, the dissertation investigates insider threat in cloud relational database systems (cloud RDMS). It discusses the vulnerabilities in the cloud computing structure that may enable insiders to launch attacks. To prevent such threats, the dissertation suggests three models and addresses the advantages and limitations of each one. To prove the correctness and the effectiveness of the proposed approaches, the dissertation uses well stated algorithms, theorems, proofs and simulations. The simulations have been executed according to various parameters that represent the different conditions and environments of executing tasks

    Controle de acesso em bancos de dados geograficos

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    Orientador : Claudia Maria Bauzer MedeirosDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: O problema de controle de acesso em bancos de dados consiste em determinar quando (e se) usuários ou aplicações podem acessar os dados armazenados, e que tipo de acesso é permitido. A maioria das soluções existentes está voltada a dados relacionais para aplicações comerciais. O objetivo desta dissertação é estudar este problema para bancos de dados geográficos, onde as restrições impostas ao acesso são acrescidas de fatores inerentes à localização no espaço. As principais contribuições desta pesquisa são: (a) levantamento de requisitos para controle de acesso em bancos de dados geográficos; (b) definição de um modelo de autorização baseado em caracterização espacial; (c) discussão detalhada dos aspectos de implementação deste modelo; (d) proposta de adaptação e aplicação do mecanismo para uma aplicação real na área de gerenciamento de aplicações de telefonia, o Sistema SAGREAbstractMestradoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã


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    Data sharing and dissemination play a key role in our information society. Not only do they prove to be advantageous to the involved parties, but they can also be fruitful to the society at large (e.g., new treatments for rare diseases can be discovered based on real clinical trials shared by hospitals and pharmaceutical companies). The advancements in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) make the process of releasing a data collection simpler than ever. The availability of novel computing paradigms, such as data outsourcing and cloud computing, make scalable, reliable and fast infrastructures a dream come true at reasonable costs. As a natural consequence of this scenario, data owners often rely on external storage servers for releasing their data collections, thus delegating the burden of data storage and management to the service provider. Unfortunately, the price to be paid when releasing a collection of data is in terms of unprecedented privacy risks. Data collections often include sensitive information, not intended for disclosure, that should be properly protected. The problem of protecting privacy in data release has been under the attention of the research and development communities for a long time. However, the richness of released data, the large number of available sources, and the emerging outsourcing/cloud scenarios raise novel problems, not addressed by traditional approaches, which need enhanced solutions. In this thesis, we define a comprehensive approach for protecting sensitive information when large collections of data are publicly or selectively released by their owners. In a nutshell, this requires protecting data explicitly included in the release, as well as protecting information not explicitly released but that could be exposed by the release, and ensuring that access to released data be allowed only to authorized parties according to the data owners\u2019 policies. More specifically, these three aspects translate to three requirements, addressed by this thesis, which can be summarized as follows. The first requirement is the protection of data explicitly included in a release. While intuitive, this requirement is complicated by the fact that privacy-enhancing techniques should not prevent recipients from performing legitimate analysis on the released data but, on the contrary, should ensure sufficient visibility over non sensitive information. We therefore propose a solution, based on a novel formulation of the fragmentation approach, that vertically fragments a data collection so to satisfy requirements for both information protection and visibility, and we complement it with an effective means for enriching the utility of the released data. The second requirement is the protection of data not explicitly included in a release. As a matter of fact, even a collection of non sensitive data might enable recipients to infer (possibly sensitive) information not explicitly disclosed but that somehow depends on the released information (e.g., the release of the treatment with which a patient is being cared can leak information about her disease). To address this requirement, starting from a real case study, we propose a solution for counteracting the inference of sensitive information that can be drawn observing peculiar value distributions in the released data collection. The third requirement is access control enforcement. Available solutions fall short for a variety of reasons. Traditional access control mechanisms are based on a reference monitor and do not fit outsourcing/cloud scenarios, since neither the data owner is willing, nor the cloud storage server is trusted, to enforce the access control policy. Recent solutions for access control enforcement in outsourcing scenarios assume outsourced data to be read-only and cannot easily manage (dynamic) write authorizations. We therefore propose an approach for efficiently supporting grant and revoke of write authorizations, building upon the selective encryption approach, and we also define a subscription-based authorization policy, to fit real-world scenarios where users pay for a service and access the resources made available during their subscriptions. The main contributions of this thesis can therefore be summarized as follows. With respect to the protection of data explicitly included in a release, our original results are: i) a novel modeling of the fragmentation problem; ii) an efficient technique for computing a fragmentation, based on reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (OBDDs) to formulate the conditions that a fragmentation must satisfy; iii) the computation of a minimal fragmentation not fragmenting data more than necessary, with the definition of both an exact and an heuristic algorithms, which provides faster computational time while well approximating the exact solutions; and iv) the definition of loose associations, a sanitized form of the sensitive associations broken by fragmentation that can be safely released, specifically extended to operate on arbitrary fragmentations. With respect to the protection of data not explicitly included in a release, our original results are: i) the definition of a novel and unresolved inference scenario, raised from a real case study where data items are incrementally released upon request; ii) the definition of several metrics to assess the inference exposure due to a data release, based upon the concepts of mutual information, Kullback-Leibler distance between distributions, Pearson\u2019s cumulative statistic, and Dixon\u2019s coefficient; and iii) the identification of a safe release with respect to the considered inference channel and the definition of the controls to be enforced to guarantee that no sensitive information be leaked releasing non sensitive data items. With respect to access control enforcement, our original results are: i) the management of dynamic write authorizations, by defining a solution based on selective encryption for efficiently and effectively supporting grant and revoke of write authorizations; ii) the definition of an effective technique to guarantee data integrity, so to allow the data owner and the users to verify that modifications to a resource have been produced only by authorized users; and iii) the modeling and enforcement of a subscription-based authorization policy, to support scenarios where both the set of users and the set of resources change frequently over time, and users\u2019 authorizations are based on their subscriptions