56 research outputs found

    A hierarchy of randomness for graphs

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    AbstractIn this paper we formulate four families of problems with which we aim at distinguishing different levels of randomness.The first one is completely non-random, being the ordinary Ramsey–Turán problem and in the subsequent three problems we formulate some randomized variations of it. As we will show, these four levels form a hierarchy. In a continuation of this paper we shall prove some further theorems and discuss some further, related problems

    Connections Between Extremal Combinatorics, Probabilistic Methods, Ricci Curvature of Graphs, and Linear Algebra

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    This thesis studies some problems in extremal and probabilistic combinatorics, Ricci curvature of graphs, spectral hypergraph theory and the interplay between these areas. The first main focus of this thesis is to investigate several Ramsey-type problems on graphs, hypergraphs and sequences using probabilistic, combinatorial, algorithmic and spectral techniques: The size-Ramsey number Rˆ(G, r) is defined as the minimum number of edges in a hypergraph H such that every r-edge-coloring of H contains a monochromatic copy of G in H. We improved a result of Dudek, La Fleur, Mubayi and Rödl [ J. Graph Theory 2017 ] on the size-Ramsey number of tight paths and extended it to more colors. An edge-colored graph G is called rainbow if every edge of G receives a different color. The anti-Ramsey number of t edge-disjoint rainbow spanning trees, denoted by r(n, t), is defined as the maximum number of colors in an edge-coloring of Kn containing no t edge-disjoint rainbow spanning trees. Confirming a conjecture of Jahanbekam and West [J. Graph Theory 2016], we determine the anti-Ramsey number of t edge-disjoint rainbow spanning trees for all values of n and t. We study the extremal problems on Berge hypergraphs. Given a graph G = (V, E), a hypergraph H is called a Berge-G, denoted by BG, if there exists an injection i ∶ V (G) → V (H) and a bijection f ∶ E(G) → E(H) such that for every e = uv ∈ E(G), (i(u), i(v)) ⊆ f(e). We investigate the hypergraph Ramsey number of Berge cliques, the cover-Ramsey number of Berge hypergraphs, the cover-Turán desity of Berge hypergraphs as well as Hamiltonian Berge cycles in 3-uniform hypergraphs. The second part of the thesis uses the ‘geometry’ of graphs to derive concentration inequalities in probabilities spaces. We prove an Azuma-Hoeffding-type inequality in several classical models of random configurations, including the Erdős-Rényi random graph models G(n, p) and G(n,M), the random d-out(in)-regular directed graphs, and the space of random permutations. The main idea is using Ollivier’s work on the Ricci curvature of Markov chairs on metric spaces. We give a cleaner form of such concentration inequality in graphs. Namely, we show that for any Lipschitz function f on any graph (equipped with an ergodic random walk and thus an invariant distribution ν) with Ricci curvature at least κ \u3e 0, we have ν (∣f − Eνf∣ ≥ t) ≤ 2 exp (-t 2κ/7). The third part of this thesis studies a problem in spectral hypergraph theory, which is the interplay between graph theory and linear algebra. In particular, we study the maximum spectral radius of outerplanar 3-uniform hypergraphs. Given a hypergraph H, the shadow of H is a graph G with V (G) = V (H) and E(G) = {uv ∶ uv ∈ h for some h ∈ E(H)}. A 3-uniform hypergraph H is called outerplanar if its shadow is outerplanar and all faces except the outer face are triangles, and the edge set of H is the set of triangle faces of its shadow. We show that the outerplanar 3-uniform hypergraph on n vertices of maximum spectral radius is the unique hypergraph with shadow K1 + Pn−1

    On Undecided LP, Clustering and Active Learning

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    We study colored coverage and clustering problems. Here, we are given a colored point set, where the points are covered by k (unknown) clusters, which are monochromatic (i.e., all the points covered by the same cluster have the same color). The access to the colors of the points (or even the points themselves) is provided indirectly via various oracle queries (such as nearest neighbor, or separation queries). We show that one can correctly deduce the color of all the points (i.e., compute a monochromatic clustering of the points) using a polylogarithmic number of queries, if the number of clusters is a constant. We investigate several variants of this problem, including Undecided Linear Programming and covering of points by k monochromatic balls

    Extremal/Saturation Numbers for Guessing Numbers of Undirected Graphs

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    Hat guessing games—logic puzzles where a group of players must try to guess the color of their own hat—have been a fun party game for decades but have become of academic interest to mathematicians and computer scientists in the past 20 years. In 2006, Søren Riis, a computer scientist, introduced a new variant of the hat guessing game as well as an associated graph invariant, the guessing number, that has applications to network coding and circuit complexity. In this thesis, to better understand the nature of the guessing number of undirected graphs we apply the concept of saturation to guessing numbers and investigate the extremal and saturation numbers of guessing numbers. We define and determine the extremal number in terms of edges for the guessing number by using the previously established bound of the guessing number by the chromatic number of the complement. We also use the concept of graph entropy, also developed by Søren Riis, to find a constant bound on the saturation number of the guessing number

    Coloring Kk-free intersection graphs of geometric objects in the plane

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    AbstractThe intersection graph of a collection C of sets is the graph on the vertex set C, in which C1,C2∈C are joined by an edge if and only if C1∩C2≠0̸. Erdős conjectured that the chromatic number of triangle-free intersection graphs of n segments in the plane is bounded from above by a constant. Here we show that it is bounded by a polylogarithmic function of n, which is the first nontrivial bound for this problem. More generally, we prove that for any t and k, the chromatic number of every Kk-free intersection graph of n curves in the plane, every pair of which have at most t points in common, is at most (ctlognlogk)clogk, where c is an absolute constant and ct only depends on t. We establish analogous results for intersection graphs of convex sets, x-monotone curves, semialgebraic sets of constant description complexity, and sets that can be obtained as the union of a bounded number of sets homeomorphic to a disk.Using a mix of results on partially ordered sets and planar separators, for large k we improve the best known upper bound on the number of edges of a k-quasi-planar topological graph with n vertices, that is, a graph drawn in the plane with curvilinear edges, no k of which are pairwise crossing. As another application, we show that for every ε>0 and for every positive integer t, there exist δ>0 and a positive integer n0 such that every topological graph with n≥n0 vertices, at least n1+ε edges, and no pair of edges intersecting in more than t points, has at least nδ pairwise intersecting edges

    On Ramsey Theory and Slow Bootstrap Percolation

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    This dissertation concerns two sets of problems in extremal combinatorics. The major part, Chapters 1 to 4, is about Ramsey-type problems for cycles. The shorter second part, Chapter 5, is about a problem in bootstrap percolation. Next, we describe each topic more precisely. Given three graphs G, L1 and L2, we say that G arrows (L1, L2) and write G → (L1, L2), if for every edge-coloring of G by two colors, say 1 and 2, there exists a color i whose color class contains Li as a subgraph. The classical problem in Ramsey theory is the case where G, L1 and L2 are complete graphs; in this case the question is how large the order of G must be (in terms of the orders of L1 andL2) to guarantee that G → (L1, L2). Recently there has been much interest in the case where L1 and L2 are cycles and G is a graph whose minimum degree is large. In the past decade, numerous results have been proved about those problems. We will continue this work and prove two conjectures that have been left open. Our main weapon is Szemeredi\u27s Regularity Lemma.Our second topic is about a rather unusual aspect of the fast expanding theory of bootstrap percolation. Bootstrap percolation on a graph G with parameter r is a cellular automaton modeling the spread of an infection: starting with a set A0, cointained in V(G), of initially infected vertices, define a nested sequence of sets, A0 ⊆ A1 ⊆. . . ⊆ V(G), by the update rule that At+1, the set of vertices infected at time t + 1, is obtained from At by adding to it all vertices with at least r neighbors in At. The initial set A0 percolates if At = V(G) for some t. The minimal such t is the time it takes for A0 to percolate. We prove results about the maximum percolation time on the two-dimensional grid with parameter r = 2
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