79 research outputs found


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    The characterization of digital databases is needed to make it easier for academics to identify scientific literature properly and efficiently. This literature review intends to provide characterizations and descriptions related to research trends, methods and coverage fields studied in research related to the scientific database of scientific literature from around 2007 to the present (January 2019). By applying the specified inclusion and exclusion criteria, 54 relevant studies were chosen to be studied further. The systematic literature review method was applied in this study to analyze and identify previous studies related to this topic. Based on the selected primary literature there is an increasing trend of studies related to the scientific database of scientific literature. In addition, we can see that there are four of the most influential and influential publication journals related to this topic, namely the Journal of Informetrics, Journal of Cleaner Production, Asian Social Science and Journal of Academic Librarianship which are characterized by high levels of productivity issues related to the topics studied and SJR values rank is in the range Q1. Most of the studies were conducted on Scopus digital database (41%), Web of Sciences (WoS) 38% and Google Scholar (GS) 13% and the rest spread in other publication journals. The results of this study also identified that Scopus is a scientific database which has the most varied coverage fields compared to other digital database scientific literature. WoS is a digital database of scientific literature that has proven to have a paper with a higher impact factor than others. GS has the predicate digital database with the largest collection level


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    Actions to be taken in Mexico towards education 4.0 and society 5.0

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    Education in Mexico has not evolved in the way it is taught and evaluated. In the historical moment that postmodernism enters, it has not been possible to adapt to Information and Communication Technologies(ICT), or rapid technological innovation, or changes and trends in the industry, to the sharing economy or the rise of distance races. In its analysis, an essential deficiency is detected in the current education models, and it is detected that educational freedom is nil or scarce, which has led to poor student performance, high youth unemployment, which cause severe social problems and the economy of the economy. The current government is working closely with the private sector to connect education and promote employment. It is necessary to grant public schools more autonomy, freedom and responsibility. This paper explains how to act so that Mexico can adapt education 4.0 with solid steps to reach society 5.0


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    This paper develops a bibliometric, empirical study about Lean in Vietnam and globally to identify the state of the art and the agenda for future research in Vietnam related to Lean approach. The results show that there is still room for improvement regarding Lean leadership, lean innovation, and lean in the supply chain.Bài viết phát triển nghiên cứu thực nghiệm định lượng ấn phẩm khoa học về quản trị tinh gọn (LEAN) ở Việt Nam và trên thế giới nhằm xác định tình trạng hiện tại và hướng nghiên cứu trong tương lai trong bối cảnh Việt Nam về LEAN. Kết quả cho thấy vẫn còn khoảng trống nghiên cứu liên quan đến lãnh đạo tinh gọn, đổi mới tinh gọn và tinh gọn trong chuỗi cung ứng


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    This study aims to determine the number of scientific publications on chicken bone processing as an anti-aging agent using bibliometric analysis, which can determine the researched areas to provide an overview of the latest research developments, trends, and future projections related to chicken bone waste processing as an anti-aging material on the skin. The study was conducted by using a qualitative literature review method through the Scopus web. The data obtained were 13 articles within the period of 2013-2023, and data analysis was performed using the VOSviewer application. The research results showed that the number of occurrences and total link strength is most arranged from the cluster with the keywords collagen, chicken feet, gelatine, SDS-page, FTR. Acid solubilized collagen. The overlay visualization results indicated that the most current keywords are FTIR. Acid solubilized collagen and SDS page. For the keywords gelatine, SDS-page, and black-bone chicken, they are still under-researched and can be used as a reference or idea for further research. This study is still limited to the database coverage with one source, namely the Scopus web, so it did not have comparative data


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    Reducing scrap and improving an air conditioning pipe production line

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    30th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM2021) -15-18 June 2021, Athens, GreeceThe automotive industry is considered one of the most demanding and competitive sectors in the global market. This increasingly implies having a stable and optimized production process, always with a view to continuous improvement. Therefore, it is very important to be aware of all the waste that is generated in all production and logistics operations and take action to reduce them. In this regard and considering the process of producing air conditioning pipes for the automotive industry, a high scrap value was detected mainly due to soldering process. Therefore, the entire production process is analyzed in order to identify the main causes behind the high scrap value. Several Lean and quality tools are used to reduce not only the amount of scrap but also to increase the line productivity. In order to face this challenge, after elaborating the action plan and corresponding implementation, the scrap value is reduced by 12% in general, and productivity increased by 29%, 55% and 22.5% in three different references produced by the same machine. Although this solution is a bit expensive, the corresponding payback is reduced, so it can easily be applied transversally to other similar machines allowing extremely interesting gains in the short term.Andresa Baptista acknowledges the financial support of CIDEM- Research Center of Mechanical Engineering, FCT –Portuguese Foundation for the Development of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher ducation, under the Project UID/EMS/0615/2019.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Bibliometric Analysis in Industry 4.0 and Advanced Manufacturing: What about the Sustainable Supply Chain?

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    During the last decade, different concepts, methodologies, and technologies have appeared, evolving industry toward what we know today as the fourth industrial evolution or Industry 4.0 (I4.0) and Advanced Manufacturing (AM). Based on both, Supply Chain (SC) is presented as the relevant process that sets the sustainability of manufacturing and, therefore, is defined as a key term in a sustainable approach to I4.0. However, there are no studies that analyze the evolution of science in the fields of I4.0 and AM together. In order to fill this gap, the aim of this research work is to analyze the tendencies of science research related to I4.0 and AM by conducting a bibliometric and network analysis and also to generate a new contribution through the analysis of scientific trends related to SC and Sustainable Supply Chain (SSC) within this scientific context, for the time span 2010–2019. The results show that the number of publications is growing exponentially and the most active countries are Germany and the U.S., with Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen University being the most productive organization and Tecnologico de Monterrey the most collaborative. The analysis of the scientific terms allows us to conclude that the research field is in a growth phase, generating up to almost 4500 new terms in 2019

    A bibliometric analysis of E-Democracy on government research

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    ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the development of research with the theme E-Democracy on Government in the last ten years from 2011 to 2020. The research method uses qualitative research with literature review or literature review. Data were collected by accessing journals on Scopus and obtaining 120 high-citation articles with ten years from 2010 to 2020. Data analysis used the Vosviewer and Nvivo 12 Plus applications. The results showed that 120 journals studied E-Democracy on Government from 2010 to 2020, with the most significant contributor being the United States. Government Information Quarterly is a popular journal with the most discussion on e-democracy. This study's limitation is that the articles reviewed were only obtained from the Scopus database, so they did not have comparable data. Consequently, future studies need to use a comparative analytical approach involving the Scopus database and the Web of Sciences (WoS). ABSTRAKAnalisis Bibliometrik E-Demokrasi pada Riset Pemerintah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perkembangan penelitian dengan tema E-Democracy on Government dalam kurun waktu sepuluh tahun terakhir dari tahun 2011 hingga 2020 .Metode penelitian menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan kajian pustaka atau literature review. Data dikumpulkan dengan mengakses jurnal di Scopus dan diperoleh 120 artikel bersitasi tinggi dengan rentang waktu 10 tahun dari 2010 hingga 2020. Analisis data menggunakan aplikasi Vosviewer dan Nvivo 12 Plus. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat 120 jurnal yang mengkaji E-Democracy on Government pada tahun 2010 hingga 2020 dengan negara penyumbang terbesar ialah United States. Government Information Quarterly menjadi jurnal yang populer dengan pembahasan e-demokrasi terbanyak. Keterbatasan dari penelitian ini adalah artikel yang direview hanya diperoleh dari database Scopus sehingga tidak memiliki data pembanding. Akibatnya, studi masa depan perlu menggunakan pendekatan analisis komparatif yang melibatkan database Scopus dan Web of Sciences (WoS

    Scientific Mapping of Industry 4.0 Research:A Bibliometric Analysis

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    The fourth industrial revolution is progressing very rapidly. This research aims to investigate the research patterns and trends of industry 4.0 research with a focus on manufacturing. This bibliometric analysis is performed on data of the past five years (2016 to 2020) retrieved from the Scopus database. This research is conducted on 1426 articles in which the top productive countries, authors, institutions, and most cited articles were investigated. Findings demonstrated that Italy, the United States, and China are the most active countries in terms of research publications. South China University of Technology (China) has been identified as the most productive institution.  Wan, J., Li, D., Rauch, E. were found to be the most productive authors. Industry 4.0 is primarily focused on the fields of engineering and computer science and sustainability is the most prolific journal. Co-occurrence analysis of keywords, co-authorship analysis of authors and countries were carried out along with bibliographic coupling of documents using VoS viewer which is the most common information visualisation software. This article summarises the growth of Industry 4.0 in the past five years and gives a short overview of the related works and applications of Industry 4.0.</p