11 research outputs found

    Efficient execution in an automated reasoning environment

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    We describe a method that permits the user of a mechanized mathematical logic to write elegant logical definitions while allowing sound and efficient execution. In particular, the features supporting this method allow the user to install, in a logically sound way, alternative executable counterparts for logically defined functions. These alternatives are often much more efficient than the logically equivalent terms they replace. These features have been implemented in the ACL2 theorem prover, and we discuss several applications of the features in ACL2.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2004–0388

    Thirty-seven years of relational Hoare logic: remarks on its principles and history

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    Relational Hoare logics extend the applicability of modular, deductive verification to encompass important 2-run properties including dependency requirements such as confidentiality and program relations such as equivalence or similarity between program versions. A considerable number of recent works introduce different relational Hoare logics without yet converging on a core set of proof rules. This paper looks backwards to little known early work. This brings to light some principles that clarify and organize the rules as well as suggesting a new rule and a new notion of completeness.Comment: A version appears in proceedings of ISOLA 2020. Version2: fix typos, minor clarifications, add a citation. Version3: copy edits, add citations on completeness. Version 4: minor corrections. Version 5: restore missing precond in loop rul

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationEmbedded systems are often deployed in a variety of mission-critical fields, such as car control systems, the artificial pace maker, and the Mars rover. There is usually significant monetary value or human safety associated with such systems. It is thus desirable to prove that they work as intended or at least do not behave in a harmful way. There has been considerable effort to prove the correctness of embedded systems. However, most of this effort is based on the assumption that embedded systems do not have any peripheral devices and interrupt handling. This is too idealistic because embedded systems typically depend on some peripheral devices to provide their functionality, and in most cases these peripheral devices interact with the processor core through interrupts so that the system can support multiple devices in a real time fashion. My research, which focuses on constrained embedded systems, provides a framework for verifying realistic device driver software at the machine code level. The research has two parts. In the first part of my research, I created an abstract device model that can be plugged into an existing formal semantics for an instruction set architecture. Then I instantiated the abstract model with a model for the serial port for a real embedded processor, and plugged it into the ARM6 instruction set architecture (ISA) model from the University of Cambridge, and verified full correctness of a polling-based open source driver for the serial port. In the second part, I expanded the abstract device model and the serial port model to support interrupts, modified the latest ARMv7 model from the University of Cambridge to be compatible with the abstract device model, and extended the Hoare logic from the University of Cambridge to support hardware interrupt handling. Using this extended tool chain, I verified full correctness of an interrupt-driven open source driver for the serial port. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first full correctness verification of an interrupt-driven device driver. It is also the first time a device driver with inherent timing constraints has been fully verified. Besides the proof of full correctness for realistic serial port drivers, this research produced an abstract device model, a formal specification of the circular bu er at assembly level, a formal specification for the serial port, a formal ARM system-on-chip (SoC) model which can be extended by plugging in device models, and the inference rules to reason about interrupt-driven programs

    A program logic for resources

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    AbstractWe introduce a reasoning infrastructure for proving statements about resource consumption in a fragment of the Java Virtual Machine Language (JVML). The infrastructure is based on a small hierarchy of program logics, with increasing levels of abstraction: at the top there is a type system for a high-level language that encodes resource consumption. The infrastructure is designed to be used in a proof-carrying code (PCC) scenario, where mobile programs can be equipped with formal evidence that they have predictable resource behaviour.This article focuses on the core logic in our infrastructure, a VDM-style program logic for partial correctness, which can make statements about resource consumption alongside functional behaviour. We establish some important results for this logic, including soundness and completeness with respect to a resource-aware operational semantics for the JVML. We also present a second logic built on top of the core logic, which is used to express termination; it too is shown to be sound and complete. We then outline how high-level language type systems may be connected to these logics.The entire infrastructure has been formalized in Isabelle/HOL, both to enhance the confidence in our meta-theoretical results, and to provide a prototype implementation for PCC. We give examples to show the usefulness of this approach, including proofs of resource bounds on code resulting from compiling high-level functional programs

    Translating Clojure to ACL2 for Verification

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    Software spends a significant portion of its life-cycle in the maintenance phase and over 20\% of the maintenance effort is fixing defects. Formal methods, including verification, can reduce the number of defects in software and lower corrective maintenance, but their industrial adoption has been underwhelming. A significant barrier to adoption is the overhead of converting imperative programming languages, which are common in industry, into the declarative programming languages that are used by formal methods tools. In comparison, the verification of software written in declarative programming languages is much easier because the conversion into a formal methods tool is easier. The growing popularity of declarative programming --- evident from the rise of multi-paradigm languages such as Javascript, Ruby, and Scala --- affords us the opportunity to verify the correctness of software more easily. Clojure is a declarative language released in 2007 that compiles to bytecode that executes on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Despite being a newer, declarative programming language, several companies have already used it to develop commercial products. Clojure shares a Lisp syntax with ACL2, an interactive theorem prover that is used to verify the correctness of software. Since both languages are based on Lisp, code written in either Clojure or ACL2 is easily converted to the other. Therefore, Clojure can conceivably be verified by ACL2 with limited overhead assuming that the underlying behavior of Clojure code matches that of ACL2. ACL2 has been previously used to reason about Java programs through the use of formal models of the JVM. Since Clojure compiles to JVM bytecode, a similar approach is taken in this dissertation to verify the underlying implementation of Clojure. The research presented in this dissertation advances techniques to verify Clojure code in ACL2. Clojure and ACL2 are declarative, but they are specifically functional programming languages so the research focuses on two important concepts in functional programming and verification: arbitrary-precision numbers ("bignums") and lists. For bignums, the correctness of a model of addition is verified that addresses issues that arise from the unique representation of bignums in Clojure. Lists, in Clojure, are implemented as a type of sequence. This dissertation demonstrates an abstraction that equates Clojure sequences to ACL2 lists. In support of the research, an existing ACL2 model of the JVM is modified to address specific aspects of compiled Clojure code and the new model is used to verify the correctness of core Clojure functions with respect to corresponding ACL2 functions. The results support the ideas that ACL2 can be used to reason about Clojure code and that formal methods can be integrated more easily in industrial software development when the implementation corresponds semantically to the verification model

    An integrated approach to high integrity software verification.

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    Computer software is developed through software engineering. At its most precise, software engineering involves mathematical rigour as formal methods. High integrity software is associated with safety critical and security critical applications, where failure would bring significant costs. The development of high integrity software is subject to stringent standards, prescribing best practises to increase quality. Typically, these standards will strongly encourage or enforce the application of formal methods. The application of formal methods can entail a significant amount of mathematical reasoning. Thus, the development of automated techniques is an active area of research. The trend is to deliver increased automation through two complementary approaches. Firstly, lightweight formal methods are adopted, sacrificing expressive power, breadth of coverage, or both in favour of tractability. Secondly, integrated solutions are sought, exploiting the strengths of different technologies to increase automation. The objective of this thesis is to support the production of high integrity software by automating an aspect of formal methods. To develop tractable techniques we focus on the niche activity of verifying exception freedom. To increase effectiveness, we integrate the complementary technologies of proof planning and program analysis. Our approach is investigated by enhancing the SPARK Approach, as developed by Altran Praxis Limited. Our approach is implemented and evaluated as the SPADEase system. The key contributions of the thesis are summarised below: • Configurable and Sound - Present a configurable and justifiably sound approach to software verification. • Cooperative Integration - Demonstrate that more targeted and effective automation can be achieved through the cooperative integration of distinct technologies. • Proof Discovery - Present proof plans that support the verification of exception freedom. • Invariant Discovery - Present invariant discovery heuristics that support the verification of exception freedom. • Implementation as SPADEase - Implement our approach as SPADEase. • Industrial Evaluation - Evaluate SPADEase against both textbook and industrial subprograms